https://github.com/saki4510t/OpenCVwithUVC -《给USBCamera添加了OpenCV》
业余时间捣鼓了下Android 板子连接多个usb摄像头的方案,一开始使用系统的CameraV1的api,但是取到的摄像头数量一直不对(api: Camera.getNumberOfCameras()),然后又去网上查了方案(传送门:https://blog.csdn.net/xiangzhihong8/article/details/82877901)发现Android P之后原生就支持多摄像头,心里美滋滋,这么快就大结局了,但是果然天不遂人愿,于是改用CameraV2的api,但还是识别不到完整的摄像头列表。没查到具体原因,但是猜测是跟Android板子有关,虽然在软件上已经支持多摄像头,但还需要底层可能还是限制了最大连接数量。然后去应用市场下了一个usb摄像头app,发现是可以正常识别出所有的摄像头,遂反编译之,发现是使用了UVCCamera。这个开源库貌似已经很久没有维护,并且之前使用的经验来看也有不少bug(主要是兼容性方面),但是手头的硬件只有一个型号,并不需要做太多设备兼容性的适配,因此还是可以拿来一用。下面就分享一下UVCCamera的接入过程。
- public interface ICamera {
- List<String> getCameras();
- interface OnPhotoTake {
- void onPhotoTake(Bitmap reader,String path);
- }
- boolean open(String id);
- void close();
- void takePicture(OnPhotoTake onPhotoTake,String id);
- }
- public interface CameraViewInterface extends IAspectRatioView {
- interface Callback {
- void onSurfaceCreated(CameraViewInterface view, Surface surface);
- void onSurfaceChanged(CameraViewInterface view, Surface surface, int width, int height);
- void onSurfaceDestroy(CameraViewInterface view, Surface surface);
- }
- void onPause();
- void onResume();
- void setCallback(Callback callback);
- SurfaceTexture getSurfaceTexture();
- Surface getSurface();
- boolean hasSurface();
- void setVideoEncoder(final IVideoEncoder encoder);
- Bitmap captureStillImage(int width, int height);
- }

- public interface OnDeviceConnectListener {
- /**
- * called when device attached
- * @param device
- */
- public void onAttach(UsbDevice device);
- /**
- * called when device dettach(after onDisconnect)
- * @param device
- */
- public void onDettach(UsbDevice device);
- /**
- * called after device opend
- * @param device
- * @param ctrlBlock
- * @param createNew
- */
- public void onConnect(UsbDevice device, UsbControlBlock ctrlBlock, boolean createNew);
- /**
- * called when USB device removed or its power off (this callback is called after device closing)
- * @param device
- * @param ctrlBlock
- */
- public void onDisconnect(UsbDevice device, UsbControlBlock ctrlBlock);
- /**
- * called when canceled or could not get permission from user
- * @param device
- */
- public void onCancel(UsbDevice device);
- }

- public void requestPermission(int index) {
- List<UsbDevice> devList = getUsbDeviceList();
- if (devList == null || devList.size() == 0) {
- return;
- }
- int count = devList.size();
- if (index >= count)
- new IllegalArgumentException("index illegal,should be < devList.size()");
- if (mUSBMonitor != null) {
- mUSBMonitor.requestPermission(getUsbDeviceList().get(index));
- }
- }
- public int getUsbDeviceCount() {
- List<UsbDevice> devList = getUsbDeviceList();
- if (devList == null || devList.size() == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- return devList.size();
- }
- public List<UsbDevice> getUsbDeviceList() {
- List<DeviceFilter> deviceFilters = DeviceFilter
- .getDeviceFilters(mActivity.getApplicationContext(), R.xml.device_filter_uvc);
- if (mUSBMonitor == null || deviceFilters == null)
- return null;
- return mUSBMonitor.getDeviceList(deviceFilters.get(0));
- }

- public synchronized boolean requestPermission(final UsbDevice device) {
- // if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "requestPermission:device=" + device);
- boolean result = false;
- if (isRegistered()) {
- if (device != null) {
- if (mUsbManager.hasPermission(device)) {
- // call onConnect if app already has permission
- processConnect(device);
- } else {
- try {
- // パーミッションがなければ要求する
- mUsbManager.requestPermission(device, mPermissionIntent);
- } catch (final Exception e) {
- // Android5.1.xのGALAXY系でandroid.permission.sec.MDM_APP_MGMTという意味不明の例外生成するみたい
- Log.w(TAG, e);
- processCancel(device);
- result = true;
- }
- }
- } else {
- processCancel(device);
- result = true;
- }
- } else {
- processCancel(device);
- result = true;
- }
- return result;
- }

- private final void processConnect(final UsbDevice device) {
- if (destroyed) return;
- updatePermission(device, true);
- mAsyncHandler.post(new Runnable() {
- @Override
- public void run() {
- if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "processConnect:device=" + device);
- UsbControlBlock ctrlBlock;
- final boolean createNew;
- ctrlBlock = mCtrlBlocks.get(device);
- if (ctrlBlock == null) {
- ctrlBlock = new UsbControlBlock(USBMonitor.this, device);
- mCtrlBlocks.put(device, ctrlBlock);
- createNew = true;
- } else {
- createNew = false;
- }
- if (mOnDeviceConnectListener != null) {
- mOnDeviceConnectListener.onConnect(device, ctrlBlock, createNew);
- }
- }
- });
- }

在该方法中会创建一个UsbControlBlock对象,在该对象中会根据传入的UsbDevice维护一个UsbDeviceConnection,这个类是被用来对USB设备做收发数据以及控制命令的(This class is used for sending and receiving data and control messages to a USB device.)然后就会回调到我们之前定义的OnDeviceConnectListener接口的onConnect方法。之后在onConnect中就会真正开启摄像头预览。
我们先来看onConnect中调用的openCamera(USBMonitor.UsbControlBlock ctrlBlock),它实际就是通过Handler来执行消息的发送与处理:
- private void openCamera(USBMonitor.UsbControlBlock ctrlBlock) {
- if (mCameraHandler != null) {
- mCameraHandler.open(ctrlBlock);
- }
- }
- public void open(final USBMonitor.UsbControlBlock ctrlBlock) {
- checkReleased();
- sendMessage(obtainMessage(MSG_OPEN, ctrlBlock));
- }
- case MSG_OPEN:
- thread.handleOpen((USBMonitor.UsbControlBlock) msg.obj);
- public void startPreview(final Object surface) {
- checkReleased();
- if (!((surface instanceof SurfaceHolder) || (surface instanceof Surface) || (surface instanceof SurfaceTexture))) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("surface should be one of SurfaceHolder, Surface or SurfaceTexture: " + surface);
- }
- sendMessage(obtainMessage(MSG_PREVIEW_START, surface));
- }
- thread.handleStartPreview(msg.obj);
- public void captureStill(final String path, AbstractUVCCameraHandler.OnCaptureListener listener) {
- AbstractUVCCameraHandler.mCaptureListener = listener;
- checkReleased();
- sendMessage(obtainMessage(MSG_CAPTURE_STILL, path));
- isCaptureStill = true;
- }
- thread.handleStillPicture((String) msg.obj);
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