# Estimate a binary classification tree infert1 <- infert infert1$isCase = (infert1$case == 1) treeModel <- rxFastTrees(formula = isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced, data = infert1) # Create xdf file with per-instance results using rxPredict xdfOut <- tempfile(pattern = "scoreOut", fileext = ".xdf") scoreDS <- rxPredict(treeModel, data = infert1, extraVarsToWrite = c("isCase", "Score"), outData = xdfOut) rxDataStep(scoreDS, numRows = 10) # Clean-up file.remove(xdfOut) ###################################################################### # Estimate a regression fast tree # Use the built-in data set 'airquality' to create test and train data DF <- airquality[!is.na(airquality$Ozone), ] DF$Ozone <- as.numeric(DF$Ozone) randomSplit <- rnorm(nrow(DF)) trainAir <- DF[randomSplit >= 0,] testAir <- DF[randomSplit < 0,] airFormula <- Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp # Regression Fast Tree for train data fastTreeReg <- rxFastTrees(airFormula, type = "regression", data = trainAir) # Put score and model variables in data frame fastTreeScoreDF <- rxPredict(fastTreeReg, data = testAir, writeModelVars = TRUE) # Plot actual versus predicted values with smoothed line rxLinePlot(Score ~ Ozone, type = c("p", "smooth"), data = fastTreeScoreDF)
# Estimate a binary classification forest infert1 <- infert infert1$isCase = (infert1$case == 1) forestModel <- rxFastForest(formula = isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced, data = infert1) # Create text file with per-instance results using rxPredict txtOutFile <- tempfile(pattern = "scoreOut", fileext = ".txt") txtOutDS <- RxTextData(file = txtOutFile) scoreDS <- rxPredict(forestModel, data = infert1, extraVarsToWrite = c("isCase", "Score"), outData = txtOutDS) # Print the fist ten rows rxDataStep(scoreDS, numRows = 10) # Clean-up file.remove(txtOutFile) ###################################################################### # Estimate a regression fast forest # Use the built-in data set 'airquality' to create test and train data DF <- airquality[!is.na(airquality$Ozone), ] DF$Ozone <- as.numeric(DF$Ozone) randomSplit <- rnorm(nrow(DF)) trainAir <- DF[randomSplit >= 0,] testAir <- DF[randomSplit < 0,] airFormula <- Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp # Regression Fast Forest for train data rxFastForestReg <- rxFastForest(airFormula, type = "regression", data = trainAir) # Put score and model variables in data frame rxFastForestScoreDF <- rxPredict(rxFastForestReg, data = testAir, writeModelVars = TRUE) # Plot actual versus predicted values with smoothed line rxLinePlot(Score ~ Ozone, type = c("p", "smooth"), data = rxFastForestScoreDF)
# Estimate a One-Class SVM model trainRows <- c(1:30, 51:80, 101:130) testRows = !(1:150 %in% trainRows) trainIris <- iris[trainRows,] testIris <- iris[testRows,] svmModel <- rxOneClassSvm( formula = ~Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width, data = trainIris) # Add additional non-iris data to the test data set testIris$isIris <- 1 notIris <- data.frame( Sepal.Length = c(2.5, 2.6), Sepal.Width = c(.75, .9), Petal.Length = c(2.5, 2.5), Petal.Width = c(.8, .7), Species = c("not iris", "not iris"), isIris = 0) testIris <- rbind(testIris, notIris) scoreDF <- rxPredict(svmModel, data = testIris, extraVarsToWrite = "isIris") # Look at the last few observations tail(scoreDF) # Look at average scores conditioned by 'isIris' rxCube(Score ~ F(isIris), data = scoreDF)
# Estimate a binary neural net rxNeuralNet1 <- rxNeuralNet(isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced, transforms = list(isCase = case == 1), data = infert) # Score to a data frame scoreDF <- rxPredict(rxNeuralNet1, data = infert, extraVarsToWrite = "isCase", outData = NULL) # return a data frame # Compute and plot the Radio Operator Curve and AUC roc1 <- rxRoc(actualVarName = "isCase", predVarNames = "Probability", data = scoreDF) plot(roc1) rxAuc(roc1) ######################################################################### # Regression neural net # Create an xdf file with the attitude data myXdf <- tempfile(pattern = "tempAttitude", fileext = ".xdf") rxDataStep(attitude, myXdf, rowsPerRead = 50, overwrite = TRUE) myXdfDS <- RxXdfData(file = myXdf) attitudeForm <- rating ~ complaints + privileges + learning + raises + critical + advance # Estimate a regression neural net res2 <- rxNeuralNet(formula = attitudeForm, data = myXdfDS, type = "regression") # Score to data frame scoreOut2 <- rxPredict(res2, data = myXdfDS, extraVarsToWrite = "rating") # Plot the rating versus the score with a regression line rxLinePlot(rating~Score, type = c("p","r"), data = scoreOut2) # Clean up file.remove(myXdf) ############################################################################# # Multi-class neural net multiNN <- rxNeuralNet( formula = Species~Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width, type = "multiClass", data = iris) scoreMultiDF <- rxPredict(multiNN, data = iris, extraVarsToWrite = "Species", outData = NULL) # Print the first rows of the data frame with scores head(scoreMultiDF) # Compute % of incorrect predictions badPrediction = scoreMultiDF$Species != scoreMultiDF$PredictedLabel sum(badPrediction)*100/nrow(scoreMultiDF) # Look at the observations with incorrect predictions scoreMultiDF[badPrediction,]
# Train a binary classiication model with rxFastLinear res1 <- rxFastLinear(isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced, transforms = list(isCase = case == 1), data = infert, type = "binary") # Print a summary of the model summary(res1) # Score to a data frame scoreDF <- rxPredict(res1, data = infert, extraVarsToWrite = "isCase") # Compute and plot the Radio Operator Curve and AUC roc1 <- rxRoc(actualVarName = "isCase", predVarNames = "Probability", data = scoreDF) plot(roc1) rxAuc(roc1) ######################################################################### # rxFastLinear Regression # Create an xdf file with the attitude data myXdf <- tempfile(pattern = "tempAttitude", fileext = ".xdf") rxDataStep(attitude, myXdf, rowsPerRead = 50, overwrite = TRUE) myXdfDS <- RxXdfData(file = myXdf) attitudeForm <- rating ~ complaints + privileges + learning + raises + critical + advance # Estimate a regression model with rxFastLinear res2 <- rxFastLinear(formula = attitudeForm, data = myXdfDS, type = "regression") # Score to data frame scoreOut2 <- rxPredict(res2, data = myXdfDS, extraVarsToWrite = "rating") # Plot the rating versus the score with a regression line rxLinePlot(rating~Score, type = c("p","r"), data = scoreOut2) # Clean up file.remove(myXdf)
# Create an ensemble of regression rxFastTrees models # use xdf data source dataFile <- file.path(rxGetOption("sampleDataDir"), "claims4blocks.xdf") rxGetInfo(dataFile, getVarInfo = TRUE, getBlockSizes = TRUE) form <- cost ~ age + type + number rxSetComputeContext("localpar") rxGetComputeContext() # build an ensemble model that contains three 'rxFastTrees' models with different parameters ensemble <- rxEnsemble( formula = form, data = dataFile, type = "regression", trainers = list(fastTrees(), fastTrees(numTrees = 60), fastTrees(learningRate = 0.1)), #a list of trainers with their arguments. replace = TRUE # Indicates using a bootstrap sample for each trainer ) # use text data source colInfo <- list(DayOfWeek = list(type = "factor", levels = c("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday"))) source <- system.file("SampleData/AirlineDemoSmall.csv", package = "RevoScaleR") data <- RxTextData(source, missingValueString = "M", colInfo = colInfo) # When 'distributed' is TRUE distributed data source is created distributed <- FALSE if (distributed) { bigDataDirRoot <- "/share" inputDir <- file.path(bigDataDirRoot, "AirlineDemoSmall") rxHadoopMakeDir(inputDir) rxHadoopCopyFromLocal(source, inputDir) hdfsFS <- RxHdfsFileSystem() data <- RxTextData(file = inputDir, missingValueString = "M", colInfo = colInfo, fileSystem = hdfsFS) } # When 'distributed' is TRUE training is distributed if (distributed) { cc <- rxSetComputeContext(RxSpark()) } else { cc <- rxGetComputeContext() } ensemble <- rxEnsemble( formula = ArrDelay ~ DayOfWeek, data = data, type = "regression", trainers = list(fastTrees(), fastTrees(numTrees = 60), fastTrees(learningRate = 0.1)), # The ensemble will contain three 'rxFastTrees' models replace = TRUE # Indicates using a bootstrap sample for each trainer ) # Change the compute context back to previous for scoring rxSetComputeContext(cc) # Put score and model variables in data frame scores <- rxPredict(ensemble, data = data, writeModelVars = TRUE) # Plot actual versus predicted values with smoothed line rxLinePlot(Score ~ ArrDelay, type = c("p", "smooth"), data = scores)
testObs <- rnorm(nrow(iris)) > 0
testIris <- iris[testObs,]
trainIris <- iris[!testObs,]
multiLogitOut <- rxLogisticRegression(
formula = Species~Features, type = "multiClass", data = trainIris,
mlTransforms = list(concat(vars = list(
Features = c("Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width", "Petal.Length", "Petal.Width")
trainReviews <- data.frame(review = c( "This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Do not like it", "Really like it", "I hate it", "I like it a lot", "I kind of hate it", "I do like it", "I really hate it", "It is very good", "I hate it a bunch", "I love it a bunch", "I hate it", "I like it very much", "I hate it very much.", "I really do love it", "I really do hate it", "Love it!", "Hate it!", "I love it", "I hate it", "I love it", "I hate it", "I love it"), like = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) testReviews <- data.frame(review = c( "This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Really like it", "I hate it", "I like it a lot", "I love it", "I do like it", "I really hate it", "I love it"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # Use a categorical transform: the entire string is treated as a category outModel1 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCat, data = trainReviews, mlTransforms = list(categorical(vars = c(reviewCat = "review")))) # Note that 'I hate it' and 'I love it' (the only strings appearing more than once) # have non-zero weights summary(outModel1) # Use the model to score scoreOutDF1 <- rxPredict(outModel1, data = testReviews, extraVarsToWrite = "review") scoreOutDF1
trainReviews <- data.frame(review = c( "This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Do not like it", "Really like it", "I hate it", "I like it a lot", "I kind of hate it", "I do like it", "I really hate it", "It is very good", "I hate it a bunch", "I love it a bunch", "I hate it", "I like it very much", "I hate it very much.", "I really do love it", "I really do hate it", "Love it!", "Hate it!", "I love it", "I hate it", "I love it", "I hate it", "I love it"), like = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) testReviews <- data.frame(review = c( "This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Really like it", "I hate it", "I like it a lot", "I love it", "I do like it", "I really hate it", "I love it"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # Use a categorical hash transform outModel2 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, mlTransforms = list(categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review")))) # Weights are similar to categorical summary(outModel2) # Use the model to score scoreOutDF2 <- rxPredict(outModel2, data = testReviews, extraVarsToWrite = "review") scoreOutDF2
trainReviews <- data.frame(review = c( "This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Do not like it", "Really like it", "I hate it", "I like it a lot", "I kind of hate it", "I do like it", "I really hate it", "It is very good", "I hate it a bunch", "I love it a bunch", "I hate it", "I like it very much", "I hate it very much.", "I really do love it", "I really do hate it", "Love it!", "Hate it!", "I love it", "I hate it", "I love it", "I hate it", "I love it"), like = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) testReviews <- data.frame(review = c( "This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Really like it", "I hate it", "I like it a lot", "I love it", "I do like it", "I really hate it", "I love it"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) outModel <- rxLogisticRegression(like ~ reviewTran, data = trainReviews, mlTransforms = list(featurizeText(vars = c(reviewTran = "review"), stopwordsRemover = stopwordsDefault(), keepPunctuations = FALSE))) # 'hate' and 'love' have non-zero weights summary(outModel) # Use the model to score scoreOutDF5 <- rxPredict(outModel, data = testReviews, extraVarsToWrite = "review") scoreOutDF5
myData <- data.frame(opinion = c( "I love it!", "I love it!", "Love it!", "I love it a lot!", "Really love it!", "I hate it", "I hate it", "I hate it.", "Hate it", "Hate"), like = rep(c(TRUE, FALSE), each = 5), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) outModel1 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~opinionCount, data = myData, mlTransforms = list(featurizeText(vars = c(opinionCount = "opinion"), wordFeatureExtractor = ngramHash(invertHash = -1, hashBits = 3)))) summary(outModel1) outModel2 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~opinionCount, data = myData, mlTransforms = list(featurizeText(vars = c(opinionCount = "opinion"), wordFeatureExtractor = ngramCount(maxNumTerms = 5, weighting = "tf")))) summary(outModel2)
trainReviews <- data.frame(review = c( "This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Do not like it", "Really like it", "I hate it", "I like it a lot", "I kind of hate it", "I do like it", "I really hate it", "It is very good", "I hate it a bunch", "I love it a bunch", "I hate it", "I like it very much", "I hate it very much.", "I really do love it", "I really do hate it", "Love it!", "Hate it!", "I love it", "I hate it", "I love it", "I hate it", "I love it"), like = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) testReviews <- data.frame(review = c( "This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Really like it", "I hate it", "I like it a lot", "I love it", "I do like it", "I really hate it", "I love it"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # Use a categorical hash transform which generated 128 features. outModel1 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0, mlTransforms = list(categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7))) summary(outModel1) # Apply a categorical hash transform and a count feature selection transform # which selects only those hash slots that has value. outModel2 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0, mlTransforms = list( categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7), selectFeatures("reviewCatHash", mode = minCount()))) summary(outModel2) # Apply a categorical hash transform and a mutual information feature selection transform # which selects only 10 features with largest mutual information with the label. outModel3 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0, mlTransforms = list( categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7), selectFeatures(like ~ reviewCatHash, mode = mutualInformation(numFeaturesToKeep = 10)))) summary(outModel3)
# Estimate a logistic regression model infert1 <- infert infert1$isCase <- (infert1$case == 1) myModelInfo <- rxLogisticRegression(formula = isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced, data = infert1) # Create an xdf file with per-instance results using rxPredict xdfOut <- tempfile(pattern = "scoreOut", fileext = ".xdf") scoreDS <- rxPredict(myModelInfo, data = infert1, outData = xdfOut, overwrite = TRUE, extraVarsToWrite = c("isCase", "Probability")) # Summarize results with an ROC curve rxRocCurve(actualVarName = "isCase", predVarNames = "Probability", data = scoreDS) # Use the built-in data set 'airquality' to create test and train data DF <- airquality[!is.na(airquality$Ozone), ] DF$Ozone <- as.numeric(DF$Ozone) set.seed(12) randomSplit <- rnorm(nrow(DF)) trainAir <- DF[randomSplit >= 0,] testAir <- DF[randomSplit < 0,] airFormula <- Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp # Regression Fast Tree for train data fastTreeReg <- rxFastTrees(airFormula, type = "regression", data = trainAir) # Put score and model variables in data frame, including the model variables # Add the suffix "Pred" to the new variable fastTreeScoreDF <- rxPredict(fastTreeReg, data = testAir, writeModelVars = TRUE, suffix = "Pred") rxGetVarInfo(fastTreeScoreDF) # Clean-up file.remove(xdfOut)
# rxFeaturize basically allows you to access data from the MicrosoftML transforms # In this example we'll look at getting the output of the categorical transform # Create the data categoricalData <- data.frame( placesVisited = c( "London", "Brunei", "London", "Paris", "Seria" ), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) # Invoke the categorical transform categorized <- rxFeaturize( data = categoricalData, mlTransforms = list(categorical(vars = c(xDataCat = "placesVisited"))) ) # Now let's look at the data categorized
# Estimate a logistic regression model logitModel <- rxLogisticRegression(isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced, transforms = list(isCase = case == 1), data = infert) # Print a summary of the model summary(logitModel) # Score to a data frame scoreDF <- rxPredict(logitModel, data = infert, extraVarsToWrite = "isCase") # Compute and plot the Radio Operator Curve and AUC roc1 <- rxRoc(actualVarName = "isCase", predVarNames = "Probability", data = scoreDF) plot(roc1) rxAuc(roc1) ####################################################################################### # Multi-class logistic regression testObs <- rnorm(nrow(iris)) > 0 testIris <- iris[testObs,] trainIris <- iris[!testObs,] multiLogit <- rxLogisticRegression( formula = Species~Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Length + Petal.Width, type = "multiClass", data = trainIris) # Score the model scoreMultiDF <- rxPredict(multiLogit, data = testIris, extraVarsToWrite = "Species") # Print the first rows of the data frame with scores head(scoreMultiDF) # Look at confusion matrix table(scoreMultiDF$Species, scoreMultiDF$PredictedLabel) # Look at the observations with incorrect predictions badPrediction = scoreMultiDF$Species != scoreMultiDF$PredictedLabel scoreMultiDF[badPrediction,]
train <- function(lossFunction) {
result <- rxFastLinear(isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced,
transforms = list(isCase = case == 1), lossFunction = lossFunction,
data = infert,
type = "binary")
age <- list()
age$LogLoss <- train(logLoss())
age$LogLossHinge <- train(hingeLoss())
age$LogLossSmoothHinge <- train(smoothHingeLoss())
trainReviews <- data.frame(review = c( "This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Do not like it", "Really like it", "I hate it", "I like it a lot", "I kind of hate it", "I do like it", "I really hate it", "It is very good", "I hate it a bunch", "I love it a bunch", "I hate it", "I like it very much", "I hate it very much.", "I really do love it", "I really do hate it", "Love it!", "Hate it!", "I love it", "I hate it", "I love it", "I hate it", "I love it"), like = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) testReviews <- data.frame(review = c( "This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Really like it", "I hate it", "I like it a lot", "I love it", "I do like it", "I really hate it", "I love it"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # Use a categorical hash transform which generated 128 features. outModel1 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0, mlTransforms = list(categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7))) summary(outModel1) # Apply a categorical hash transform and a count feature selection transform # which selects only those hash features that has value. outModel2 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0, mlTransforms = list( categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7), selectFeatures("reviewCatHash", mode = minCount()))) summary(outModel2) # Apply a categorical hash transform and a mutual information feature selection transform # which selects those features appearing with at least a count of 5. outModel3 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0, mlTransforms = list( categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7), selectFeatures("reviewCatHash", mode = minCount(count = 5)))) summary(outModel3)
trainReviews <- data.frame(review = c( "This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Do not like it", "Really like it", "I hate it", "I like it a lot", "I kind of hate it", "I do like it", "I really hate it", "It is very good", "I hate it a bunch", "I love it a bunch", "I hate it", "I like it very much", "I hate it very much.", "I really do love it", "I really do hate it", "Love it!", "Hate it!", "I love it", "I hate it", "I love it", "I hate it", "I love it"), like = c(TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE), stringsAsFactors = FALSE ) testReviews <- data.frame(review = c( "This is great", "I hate it", "Love it", "Really like it", "I hate it", "I like it a lot", "I love it", "I do like it", "I really hate it", "I love it"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) # Use a categorical hash transform which generated 128 features. outModel1 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0, mlTransforms = list(categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7))) summary(outModel1) # Apply a categorical hash transform and a count feature selection transform # which selects only those hash features that has value. outModel2 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0, mlTransforms = list( categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7), selectFeatures("reviewCatHash", mode = minCount()))) summary(outModel2) # Apply a categorical hash transform and a mutual information feature selection transform # which selects those features appearing with at least a count of 5. outModel3 <- rxLogisticRegression(like~reviewCatHash, data = trainReviews, l1Weight = 0, mlTransforms = list( categoricalHash(vars = c(reviewCatHash = "review"), hashBits = 7), selectFeatures("reviewCatHash", mode = minCount(count = 5)))) summary(outModel3)
# Estimate a binary classification forest infert1 <- infert infert1$isCase = (infert1$case == 1) forestModel <- rxFastForest(formula = isCase ~ age + parity + education + spontaneous + induced, data = infert1) # Create text file with per-instance results using rxPredict txtOutFile <- tempfile(pattern = "scoreOut", fileext = ".txt") txtOutDS <- RxTextData(file = txtOutFile) scoreDS <- rxPredict(forestModel, data = infert1, extraVarsToWrite = c("isCase", "Score"), outData = txtOutDS) # Print the fist ten rows rxDataStep(scoreDS, numRows = 10) # Clean-up file.remove(txtOutFile) ###################################################################### # Estimate a regression fast forest # Use the built-in data set 'airquality' to create test and train data DF <- airquality[!is.na(airquality$Ozone), ] DF$Ozone <- as.numeric(DF$Ozone) randomSplit <- rnorm(nrow(DF)) trainAir <- DF[randomSplit >= 0,] testAir <- DF[randomSplit < 0,] airFormula <- Ozone ~ Solar.R + Wind + Temp # Regression Fast Forest for train data rxFastForestReg <- rxFastForest(airFormula, type = "regression", data = trainAir) # Put score and model variables in data frame rxFastForestScoreDF <- rxPredict(rxFastForestReg, data = testAir, writeModelVars = TRUE) # Plot actual versus predicted values with smoothed line rxLinePlot(Score ~ Ozone, type = c("p", "smooth"), data = rxFastForestScoreDF)
myIris = iris
myIris$Setosa <- iris$Species == "setosa"
res1 <- rxNeuralNet(formula = Setosa~Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Width,
data = myIris,
optimizer = sgd(learningRate = .002))
res2 <- rxNeuralNet(formula = Setosa~Sepal.Length + Sepal.Width + Petal.Width,
data = myIris,
optimizer = adaDeltaSgd(decay = .9, conditioningConst = 1e-05))
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