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The Test Suite
The tests cover a wide range of kernel functions, including system calls, networking and filesystem functionality. The basic building block of the test suite is a test program that performs a sequence of actions and verifies the outcome. The test results usually are restricted to PASS or FAIL. Together, all the test programs and tools make up the LTP package.
Executing the Test Suite
Once installed, a number of options are available for running the LTP test suite. The most popular method is to use the runalltests.sh script, which executes about 800 of the original tests. The tests not included in runall are destructive, require monitoring or for some other reason cannot be automated. The runall script has a default behavior to run a single iteration of the test suite and produce verbose screen output. This output can be omitted with the quiet option (-q). As a simple introduction, we ignore the screen information for now and use the -l logfile_name and -p options to generate human-readable log results.
The test cases are executed by the test driver called Pan. Pan, included in the LTP package, is a lightweight driver used to run and clean up test programs. The runalltests script calls Pan to execute a set of test cases or a single test case. You can execute a set of test cases by providing runalltests with a -f scenario file. A scenario file is a simple ASCII text file that contains two columns. The first column has the name of a test case, and the second column has the command to be run. Comments start with a pound sign. For example:# Testcase to test mmap function of the kernel
testcase1 mmap3 -l 100 -n 50
# Testcase to stress the kernel scheduler
testcase2 sched_stress.sh
The test driver uses the exit value of the test case to decide success or failure of a test. If the test case exits with a non-zero value, Pan records this as FAIL. If the test case exits with a value zero, the driver records it as PASS.
The simplest use of the test suite is to run it on your system to ensure that there are no failures:runalltests.sh -l log -p -o output
For known failures, the LTP package includes an explanation and pointers to places for more information. Below is the partial log file from running ltp-20040506 on a 2.6.3 kernel:Test Start Time: Mon May 17 14:20:45 2004
Testcase Result Exit Value
-------- ------ ----------
abort01 PASS 0
accept01 PASS 0
access01 PASS 0
rwtest01 PASS 0
rwtest02 PASS 0
rwtest03 FAIL 2
rwtest04 FAIL 2
rwtest05 PASS 0
iogen01 PASS 0
Total Tests: 797
Total Failures: 6
Kernel Version: 2.6.3-gcov
Machine Architecture: i686
Hostname: ltp2
In this partial log, 797 tests were run and six failed. rwtest03 and rwtest04 are I/O tests that failed due to mmap running out of resources. This problem has been resolved. The remaining failures, not shown in the log, are described below:setegid01: verify that setegid does not modify the saved gid or real gid—failed because of a bug in glibc 2.3.2.
dio18,dio22: I/O testing—failed because of data comparison mismatch.
nanosleep02: verify that nanosleep will suspend and return remaining sleep time after receiving signal—failed due to lack of microsecond clock precision.
Writing test programs is fairly straightforward. The test cases are written in ANSI C and BASH and use the LTP Application Program Interfaces (APIs) provided by the LTP library libltp to report test status. Templates are provided that show you how to develop test cases using libltp. The test cases can use the interface to print results messages, break out of testing sequence and report a test status such as PASS or FAIL. Manual pages for using these APIs are provided in the test suite package and also on the LTP Web site. For more on the esoteric uses of LTP and a tutorial on developing tests that can be included in the LTP, see the Iyer and Larson papers in Resources.
/opt/ltp/runltp --help
/opt/ltp/runltp -p -f can
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