模型简称 | 语料 | Google下载 | 讯飞云下载 |
XLNet-mid, Chinese | 中文维基+ 通用数据[1] | TensorFlow PyTorch | TensorFlow(密码f5ux) PyTorch(密码vnnt) |
XLNet-base, Chinese | 中文维基+ 通用数据[1] | 暂未开放 | 暂未开放 |
- python data_utils.py
- --bsz_per_host=8
- --num_core_per_host=1
- --seq_len=128
- --reuse_len=64
- --input_glob=pretrain.txt
- --save_dir=traindata
- --num_passes=20
- --bi_data=True
- --sp_path=spiece.model
- --mask_alpha=6
- --mask_beta=1
- --num_predict=21
- def _create_data(idx, input_paths):
- ## 第一部分:加载sentence-piece模型
- sp = spm.SentencePieceProcessor()
- sp.Load(FLAGS.sp_path)
- input_shards = []
- total_line_cnt = 0
- ## 第二部分:处理每一个文件的过程
- for input_path in input_paths:
- input_data, sent_ids = [], []
- sent_id, line_cnt = True, 0
- tf.logging.info("Processing %s", input_path)
- for line in tf.gfile.Open(input_path):
- if line_cnt % 100000 == 0:
- tf.logging.info("Loading line %d", line_cnt)
- line_cnt += 1
- if not line.strip():
- if FLAGS.use_eod:
- sent_id = not sent_id
- cur_sent = [EOD_ID]
- else:
- continue
- else:
- if FLAGS.from_raw_text:
- cur_sent = preprocess_text(line.strip(), lower=FLAGS.uncased)
- cur_sent = encode_ids(sp, cur_sent)
- else:
- cur_sent = list(map(int, line.strip().split()))
- input_data.extend(cur_sent)
- sent_ids.extend([sent_id] * len(cur_sent))
- sent_id = not sent_id
- tf.logging.info("Finish with line %d", line_cnt)
- if line_cnt == 0:
- continue
- input_data = np.array(input_data, dtype=np.int64)
- sent_ids = np.array(sent_ids, dtype=np.bool)
- total_line_cnt += line_cnt
- input_shards.append((input_data, sent_ids))
- tf.logging.info("[Task %d] Total number line: %d", idx, total_line_cnt)
- tfrecord_dir = os.path.join(FLAGS.save_dir, "tfrecords")
- filenames, num_batch = [], 0
- # 随机打乱输入碎片(使用固定但不同的随机种子)
- np.random.seed(100 * FLAGS.task + FLAGS.pass_id)
- perm_indices = np.random.permutation(len(input_shards))
- tf.logging.info("Using perm indices %s for pass %d",
- perm_indices.tolist(), FLAGS.pass_id)
- input_data_list, sent_ids_list = [], []
- prev_sent_id = None
- ## 第三部分:拼接前的预处理和拼接
- # 把不同文件的数据拼成一个大的向量前的预处理
- # 主要是处理sent_ids
- for perm_idx in perm_indices:
- input_data, sent_ids = input_shards[perm_idx]
- # make sure the `send_ids[0] == not prev_sent_id`
- if prev_sent_id is not None and sent_ids[0] == prev_sent_id:
- sent_ids = np.logical_not(sent_ids)
- # append to temporary list
- input_data_list.append(input_data)
- sent_ids_list.append(sent_ids)
- # update `prev_sent_id`
- prev_sent_id = sent_ids[-1]
- # 最终得到一个大的向量
- input_data = np.concatenate(input_data_list)
- sent_ids = np.concatenate(sent_ids_list)
- ## 第四部分:调用create_tfrecords函数
- file_name, cur_num_batch = create_tfrecords(
- save_dir=tfrecord_dir,
- basename="{}-{}-{}".format(FLAGS.split, idx, FLAGS.pass_id),
- data=[input_data, sent_ids],
- bsz_per_host=FLAGS.bsz_per_host,
- seq_len=FLAGS.seq_len,
- bi_data=FLAGS.bi_data,
- sp=sp,
- )
- filenames.append(file_name)
- num_batch += cur_num_batch
- record_info = {
- "filenames": filenames,
- "num_batch": num_batch
- }
- return record_info
前两行代码加载sentencepiece 。
这个过程读取每一个文件的每一行,然后使用sp切分成WordPiece,然后变成id,放到数组input_data里。另外还有一个sent_ids,用来表示句子。对于每一个文件(我们这里只有一个),最终是为了得到”input_data, sent_ids = [], []”两个list。
- input_data=[19 5372 19317 6014 111 17634 2611 19 1084 111 420 152
- 25 6096 26 8888]
- sent_ids=[ True True True True True True True False False False False False
- False False False False]
因为第一个句子是”我的空调漏水怎么办”,使用sp切分后变成”['▁', '我的', '空调', '漏', '水', '怎么', '办']”,最后变成ID得到[19, 5372, 19317, 6014, 111, 17634, 2611]。而sent_ids是[ True True True True True True True]。
WordPiece的一种主要的实现方式叫做BPE(Byte-Pair Encoding)双字节编码。BPE的过程可以理解为把一个单词再拆分,使得我们的此表会变得精简,并且寓意更加清晰。比如"loved","loving","loves"这三个单词。其实本身的语义都是“爱”的意思,但是如果我们以单词为单位,那它们就算不一样的词,在英语中不同后缀的词非常的多,就会使得词表变的很大,训练速度变慢,训练的效果也不是太好。BPE算法通过训练,能够把上面的3个单词拆分成"lov","ed","ing","es"几部分,这样可以把词的本身的意思和时态分开,有效的减少了词表的数量。
此外上面的代码还有处理空行,用于表示一个新的Document的开始(取决于选项FLAGS.use_eod),则会加一个特殊的Token EOD_ID。而段落的结束是使用表示,下面是一些特殊的符号及其ID:
- special_symbols = {
- "<unk>" : 0,
- "<s>" : 1,
- "</s>" : 2,
- "<cls>" : 3,
- "<sep>" : 4,
- "<pad>" : 5,
- "<mask>" : 6,
- "<eod>" : 7,
- "<eop>" : 8,
- }
通过前面的代码,我们可以把每一个文件都变成一个(input_data, sent_ids)pair,放到input_shards这个list里。但是我们还需要把不同文件的(input_data, sent_ids)拼接成更大的一个(input_data, sent_ids)。input_data可以直接拼接,但是sent_ids不行,为什么呢?我们假设第一个文件有3个句子,因此它的sent_ids类似[True,True,False,False,True,True],而第二个文件是两个句子,[True,False],那么直接拼起来就变成[True,True,False,False,True,True,True,False],拼接后本来应该是5个句子,但是现在变成了4个!
- for perm_idx in perm_indices:
- input_data, sent_ids = input_shards[perm_idx]
- # 如果上一个文件的最后的sent_id和这个文件的开始的sent_id相同
- # 那么就得把当前这个文件的sent_id反过来
- if prev_sent_id is not None and sent_ids[0] == prev_sent_id:
- sent_ids = np.logical_not(sent_ids)
- # append到临时的list
- input_data_list.append(input_data)
- sent_ids_list.append(sent_ids)
- # 更新 `prev_sent_id`
- prev_sent_id = sent_ids[-1]
- input_data = np.concatenate(input_data_list)
- sent_ids = np.concatenate(sent_ids_list)
- def create_tfrecords(save_dir, basename, data, bsz_per_host, seq_len,
- bi_data, sp):
- data, sent_ids = data[0], data[1]
- num_core = FLAGS.num_core_per_host
- bsz_per_core = bsz_per_host // num_core
- if bi_data:
- assert bsz_per_host % (2 * FLAGS.num_core_per_host) == 0
- fwd_data, fwd_sent_ids = batchify(data, bsz_per_host // 2, sent_ids)
- fwd_data = fwd_data.reshape(num_core, 1, bsz_per_core // 2, -1)
- fwd_sent_ids = fwd_sent_ids.reshape(num_core, 1, bsz_per_core // 2, -1)
- bwd_data = fwd_data[:, :, :, ::-1]
- bwd_sent_ids = fwd_sent_ids[:, :, :, ::-1]
- data = np.concatenate(
- [fwd_data, bwd_data], 1).reshape(bsz_per_host, -1)
- sent_ids = np.concatenate(
- [fwd_sent_ids, bwd_sent_ids], 1).reshape(bsz_per_host, -1)
- else:
- data, sent_ids = batchify(data, bsz_per_host, sent_ids)
- tf.logging.info("Raw data shape %s.", data.shape)
- file_name = format_filename(
- prefix=basename,
- bsz_per_host=bsz_per_host,
- seq_len=seq_len,
- bi_data=bi_data,
- suffix="tfrecords",
- mask_alpha=FLAGS.mask_alpha,
- mask_beta=FLAGS.mask_beta,
- reuse_len=FLAGS.reuse_len,
- uncased=FLAGS.uncased,
- fixed_num_predict=FLAGS.num_predict
- )
- save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, file_name)
- record_writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(save_path)
- tf.logging.info("Start writing %s.", save_path)
- num_batch = 0
- reuse_len = FLAGS.reuse_len
- # [sep] x 2 + [cls]
- assert reuse_len < seq_len - 3
- data_len = data.shape[1]
- sep_array = np.array([SEP_ID], dtype=np.int64)
- cls_array = np.array([CLS_ID], dtype=np.int64)
- i = 0
- while i + seq_len <= data_len:
- if num_batch % 500 == 0:
- tf.logging.info("Processing batch %d", num_batch)
- all_ok = True
- features = []
- for idx in range(bsz_per_host):
- inp = data[idx, i: i + reuse_len]
- tgt = data[idx, i + 1: i + reuse_len + 1]
- results = _split_a_and_b(
- data[idx],
- sent_ids[idx],
- begin_idx=i + reuse_len,
- tot_len=seq_len - reuse_len - 3,
- extend_target=True)
- if results is None:
- tf.logging.info("Break out with seq idx %d", i)
- all_ok = False
- break
- # unpack the results
- (a_data, b_data, label, _, a_target, b_target) = tuple(results)
- # sample ngram spans to predict
- reverse = bi_data and (idx // (bsz_per_core // 2)) % 2 == 1
- if FLAGS.num_predict is None:
- num_predict_0 = num_predict_1 = None
- else:
- num_predict_1 = FLAGS.num_predict // 2
- num_predict_0 = FLAGS.num_predict - num_predict_1
- mask_0 = _sample_mask(sp, inp, reverse=reverse,
- goal_num_predict=num_predict_0)
- mask_1 = _sample_mask(sp, np.concatenate([a_data, sep_array, b_data,
- sep_array, cls_array]),
- reverse=reverse, goal_num_predict=num_predict_1)
- # concatenate data
- cat_data = np.concatenate([inp, a_data, sep_array, b_data,
- sep_array, cls_array])
- seg_id = ([0] * (reuse_len + a_data.shape[0]) + [0] +
- [1] * b_data.shape[0] + [1] + [2])
- assert cat_data.shape[0] == seq_len
- assert mask_0.shape[0] == seq_len // 2
- assert mask_1.shape[0] == seq_len // 2
- # the last two CLS's are not used, just for padding purposes
- tgt = np.concatenate([tgt, a_target, b_target, cls_array, cls_array])
- assert tgt.shape[0] == seq_len
- is_masked = np.concatenate([mask_0, mask_1], 0)
- if FLAGS.num_predict is not None:
- assert np.sum(is_masked) == FLAGS.num_predict
- feature = {
- "input": _int64_feature(cat_data),
- "is_masked": _int64_feature(is_masked),
- "target": _int64_feature(tgt),
- "seg_id": _int64_feature(seg_id),
- "label": _int64_feature([label]),
- }
- features.append(feature)
- if all_ok:
- assert len(features) == bsz_per_host
- for feature in features:
- example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=feature))
- record_writer.write(example.SerializeToString())
- num_batch += 1
- else:
- break
- i += reuse_len
- record_writer.close()
- tf.logging.info("Done writing %s. Num of batches: %d", save_path, num_batch)
- return save_path, num_batch
- data, sent_ids = data[0], data[1]
- num_core = FLAGS.num_core_per_host
- bsz_per_core = bsz_per_host // num_core
- if bi_data:
- assert bsz_per_host % (2 * FLAGS.num_core_per_host) == 0
- fwd_data, fwd_sent_ids = batchify(data, bsz_per_host // 2, sent_ids)
- fwd_data = fwd_data.reshape(num_core, 1, bsz_per_core // 2, -1)
- fwd_sent_ids = fwd_sent_ids.reshape(num_core, 1, bsz_per_core // 2, -1)
- bwd_data = fwd_data[:, :, :, ::-1]
- bwd_sent_ids = fwd_sent_ids[:, :, :, ::-1]
- data = np.concatenate(
- [fwd_data, bwd_data], 1).reshape(bsz_per_host, -1)
- sent_ids = np.concatenate(
- [fwd_sent_ids, bwd_sent_ids], 1).reshape(bsz_per_host, -1)
- else:
- data, sent_ids = batchify(data, bsz_per_host, sent_ids)
- tf.logging.info("Raw data shape %s.", data.shape)
1 2 3 4 .... 1001
- 1 2 ... 250
- 251 252 ... 500
- 501 502 ... 750
- 751 752 ... 1000
- 250 ... 2 1
- 500 ... 252 251
- 750 ... 502 501
- 1000 ... 752 751
- 1 2 ... 250
- 251 252 ... 500
- 501 502 ... 750
- 751 752 ... 1000
- 250 ... 2 1
- 500 ... 252 251
- 750 ... 502 501
- 1000 ... 752 751
- def batchify(data, bsz_per_host, sent_ids=None):
- num_step = len(data) // bsz_per_host
- data = data[:bsz_per_host * num_step]
- data = data.reshape(bsz_per_host, num_step)
- if sent_ids is not None:
- sent_ids = sent_ids[:bsz_per_host * num_step]
- sent_ids = sent_ids.reshape(bsz_per_host, num_step)
- if sent_ids is not None:
- return data, sent_ids
- return data
我们假设输入data是[3239,],并且bsz_per_host为4,则每个batch得到3239//4=3236/4=809个steps。3239去掉不能整除的最后3个,就是3236个ID。然后把它resahpe成(4, 809),sent_ids也是类似的操作。
- while i + seq_len <= data_len:
- ....
- i += reuse_len
64 65-75 76-90 91-128
- input: [ 52 27 18 89 3833 9 52 27 18 205 3833 21
- 77 18 239 20 18 11636 9 8 245 11636 9 7
- 245 2402 3091 193 9 7 52 27 18 89 3833 9
- 52 27 18 205 3833 21 77 18 239 20 18 11636
- 9 8 245 11636 9 7 245 2402 3091 193 9 7
- 52 27 18 89 3833 9 52 27 18 205 3833 21
- 77 18 239 20 18 11636 9 8 245 11636 9 7
- 245 2402 3091 193 9 7 52 27 18 89 3833 9
- 52 27 18 205 3833 21 77 18 239 20 18 11636
- 9 8 245 11636 9 7 245 2402 3091 193 9 4
- 52 27 18 89 3833 9 4 3]
- tgt: [ 27 18 89 3833 9 52 27 18 205 3833 21 77
- 18 239 20 18 11636 9 8 245 11636 9 7 245
- 2402 3091 193 9 7 52 27 18 89 3833 9 52
- 27 18 205 3833 21 77 18 239 20 18 11636 9
- 8 245 11636 9 7 245 2402 3091 193 9 7 52
- 27 18 89 3833 9 52 27 18 205 3833 21 77
- 18 239 20 18 11636 9 8 245 11636 9 7 245
- 2402 3091 193 9 7 52 27 18 89 3833 9 52
- 27 18 205 3833 21 77 18 239 20 18 11636 9
- 8 245 11636 9 7 245 2402 3091 193 9 7 52
- 27 18 89 3833 9 52 3 3]
- is_masked: [False False False False False True True False False False False False
- False False False False False True True True True True False True
- True False False False False False False False False False False False
- True False False False False False False False False False False False
- False False True False False False False False False False False False
- False False False False False False False False False False False False
- False False False False False True False False False False False False
- False False False False False False True True True True True False
- False False False False False False False False False False True True
- False False False False False False False False False False False False
- False True True False False False False False]
- seg_id: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2]
- label: 1
- python train_gpu.py
- --record_info_dir=tfrecords #指向包含“record_info-lm.json”的本地目录的路径
- --train_batch_size=8
- --seq_len=128
- --reuse_len=64
- --mem_len=96 #缓冲的step数量
- --perm_size=32
- --n_layer=6
- --d_model=1024
- --d_embed=1024
- --n_head=16
- --d_head=64
- --d_inner=4096 #Dimension of inner hidden size in positionwise feed-forward
- --untie_r=True #Untie r_w_bias and r_r_bias
- --mask_alpha=6
- --mask_beta=1
- --num_predict=21
- --model_dir=mymodel
- --uncased=true
- --num_core_per_host=1
- def train(ps_device):
- ##### 得到input function和model function
- train_input_fn, record_info_dict = data_utils.get_input_fn(
- tfrecord_dir=FLAGS.record_info_dir,
- split="train",
- bsz_per_host=FLAGS.train_batch_size,
- seq_len=FLAGS.seq_len,
- reuse_len=FLAGS.reuse_len,
- bi_data=FLAGS.bi_data,
- num_hosts=1,
- num_core_per_host=1, # set to one no matter how many GPUs
- perm_size=FLAGS.perm_size,
- mask_alpha=FLAGS.mask_alpha,
- mask_beta=FLAGS.mask_beta,
- uncased=FLAGS.uncased,
- num_passes=FLAGS.num_passes,
- use_bfloat16=FLAGS.use_bfloat16,
- num_predict=FLAGS.num_predict)
- # for key, info in record_info_dict.items():
- tf.logging.info("num of batches {}".format(record_info_dict["num_batch"]))
- ##### 创建输入tensors(placeholder)
- # 训练的batch_size平均分配到多个设备(GPU)上
- bsz_per_core = FLAGS.train_batch_size // FLAGS.num_core_per_host
- params = {
- "batch_size": FLAGS.train_batch_size # the whole batch
- }
- # 调用前面的input函数得到Dataset
- train_set = train_input_fn(params)
- # 得到一个example
- example = train_set.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next()
- if FLAGS.num_core_per_host > 1:
- examples = [{} for _ in range(FLAGS.num_core_per_host)]
- for key in example.keys():
- vals = tf.split(example[key], FLAGS.num_core_per_host, 0)
- for device_id in range(FLAGS.num_core_per_host):
- examples[device_id][key] = vals[device_id]
- else:
- examples = [example]
- ##### 创建计算图的代码
- tower_mems, tower_losses, tower_new_mems, tower_grads_and_vars = [], [], [], []
- for i in range(FLAGS.num_core_per_host):
- reuse = True if i > 0 else None
- with tf.device(assign_to_gpu(i, ps_device)), \
- tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=reuse):
- # The mems for each tower is a dictionary
- mems_i = {}
- if FLAGS.mem_len:
- # 创建mems,这是Transformer-XL里的思想,保留之前的96个Token的上下文
- mems_i["mems"] = create_mems_tf(bsz_per_core)
- # 这是创建计算图的核心代码,我们后面会详细分析
- # loss_i是loss;new_mems_i是个list,表示每一层的新的96个Token的隐状态
- # grads_and_vars_i是梯度和变量,因为需要多个GPU数据并行,
- # 所以需要自己来平均所有GPU的梯度然后用它更新参数(而不能用Optimizer)
- loss_i, new_mems_i, grads_and_vars_i = single_core_graph(
- is_training=True,
- features=examples[i],
- mems=mems_i)
- tower_mems.append(mems_i)
- tower_losses.append(loss_i)
- tower_new_mems.append(new_mems_i)
- tower_grads_and_vars.append(grads_and_vars_i)
- ## 如果有多个GPU,那么需要求出平均的梯度,我们这里不分析
- if len(tower_losses) > 1:
- loss = tf.add_n(tower_losses) / len(tower_losses)
- grads_and_vars = average_grads_and_vars(tower_grads_and_vars)
- else:
- loss = tower_losses[0]
- grads_and_vars = tower_grads_and_vars[0]
- ## 根据grads_and_vars得到训练的Opertaion,此外还会返回learning_rate和gnorm
- train_op, learning_rate, gnorm = model_utils.get_train_op(FLAGS, None,
- grads_and_vars=grads_and_vars)
- global_step = tf.train.get_global_step()
- ##### 训练的循环
- # 首先初始化mems
- tower_mems_np = []
- for i in range(FLAGS.num_core_per_host):
- mems_i_np = {}
- for key in tower_mems[i].keys():
- mems_i_np[key] = initialize_mems_np(bsz_per_core)
- tower_mems_np.append(mems_i_np)
- # 保存checkpoint的Saver
- saver = tf.train.Saver()
- # GPUOptions,允许它动态的使用更多GPU内存
- gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True)
- # 从之前的checkpoint恢复参数
- model_utils.init_from_checkpoint(FLAGS, global_vars=True)
- with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True,
- gpu_options=gpu_options)) as sess:
- # 允许初始化所有变量的操作
- sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer())
- # 需要运行的ops:包括loss,新的mem,global_step,gnorm,learning_rate和train_op
- fetches = [loss, tower_new_mems, global_step, gnorm, learning_rate, train_op]
- total_loss, prev_step = 0., -1
- while True:
- feed_dict = {}
- # 用上一个数据的96个mem作为当前的mem
- for i in range(FLAGS.num_core_per_host):
- for key in tower_mems_np[i].keys():
- for m, m_np in zip(tower_mems[i][key], tower_mems_np[i][key]):
- feed_dict[m] = m_np
- # 进行一次随机梯度下降
- fetched = sess.run(fetches, feed_dict=feed_dict)
- # 拿到loss;新的mems和当前的steps
- loss_np, tower_mems_np, curr_step = fetched[:3]
- total_loss += loss_np
- if curr_step > 0 and curr_step % FLAGS.iterations == 0:
- curr_loss = total_loss / (curr_step - prev_step)
- tf.logging.info("[{}] | gnorm {:.2f} lr {:8.6f} "
- "| loss {:.2f} | pplx {:>7.2f}, bpc {:>7.4f}".format(
- curr_step, fetched[-3], fetched[-2],
- curr_loss, math.exp(curr_loss), curr_loss / math.log(2)))
- total_loss, prev_step = 0., curr_step
- if curr_step > 0 and curr_step % FLAGS.save_steps == 0:
- save_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.model_dir, "model.ckpt")
- saver.save(sess, save_path)
- tf.logging.info("Model saved in path: {}".format(save_path))
- if curr_step >= FLAGS.train_steps:
- break
- def create_mems_tf(bsz_per_core):
- mems = [tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32,
- shape=[FLAGS.mem_len, bsz_per_core, FLAGS.d_model])
- for layer in range(FLAGS.n_layer)]
- return mems
在此它是创建了长度为n_layer的list,每一个元素的shape是[96, 8, 1024],96是mem的长度,8是batch_size,1024是隐单元个数。
- def get_input_fn(
- tfrecord_dir,
- split,
- bsz_per_host,
- seq_len,
- reuse_len,
- bi_data,
- num_hosts=1,
- num_core_per_host=1,
- perm_size=None,
- mask_alpha=None,
- mask_beta=None,
- uncased=False,
- num_passes=None,
- use_bfloat16=False,
- num_predict=None):
- # 把所有的record info合并成一个
- record_glob_base = format_filename(
- prefix="record_info-{}-*".format(split),
- bsz_per_host=bsz_per_host,
- seq_len=seq_len,
- bi_data=bi_data,
- suffix="json",
- mask_alpha=mask_alpha,
- mask_beta=mask_beta,
- reuse_len=reuse_len,
- uncased=uncased,
- fixed_num_predict=num_predict)
- record_info = {"num_batch": 0, "filenames": []}
- tfrecord_dirs = tfrecord_dir.split(",")
- tf.logging.info("Use the following tfrecord dirs: %s", tfrecord_dirs)
- # 变量目录,这些目录是用逗号分开的
- for idx, record_dir in enumerate(tfrecord_dirs):
- record_glob = os.path.join(record_dir, record_glob_base)
- tf.logging.info("[%d] Record glob: %s", idx, record_glob)
- record_paths = sorted(tf.gfile.Glob(record_glob))
- tf.logging.info("[%d] Num of record info path: %d",
- idx, len(record_paths))
- cur_record_info = {"num_batch": 0, "filenames": []}
- # 遍历record_info-train-*.bsz-8.seqlen-128.reuse-64.uncased.bi.alpha-6.beta-1.fnp-21.json
- # 能匹配的所有json文件,这里只匹配了:
- # record_info-train-0-0.bsz-8.seqlen-128.reuse-64.uncased.bi.alpha-6.beta-1.fnp-21.json
- for record_info_path in record_paths:
- if num_passes is not None:
- # record_info_path为record_info-train-0-0.bsz-8.seqlen-128.....
- # record_info-train-0-0代表这是pretraining的训练数据,最后一个0代表这是它的pass_id
- # 如果pass_id >= num_passes,那么就会跳过,比如某个数据是record_info-train-0-3,
- # 则如果当前训练的趟数num_passes是1,2,3,都会跳过,只有当num_passes大于3时才会训练这个文件
- record_info_name = os.path.basename(record_info_path)
- fields = record_info_name.split(".")[0].split("-")
- pass_id = int(fields[-1])
- if len(fields) == 5 and pass_id >= num_passes:
- tf.logging.info("Skip pass %d: %s", pass_id, record_info_name)
- continue
- with tf.gfile.Open(record_info_path, "r") as fp:
- # 打开这个json文件
- info = json.load(fp)
- if num_passes is not None:
- eff_num_passes = min(num_passes, len(info["filenames"]))
- ratio = eff_num_passes / len(info["filenames"])
- cur_record_info["num_batch"] += int(info["num_batch"] * ratio)
- cur_record_info["filenames"] += info["filenames"][:eff_num_passes]
- else:
- cur_record_info["num_batch"] += info["num_batch"]
- cur_record_info["filenames"] += info["filenames"]
- # 根据json文件找到对应的tfrecord文件,放到`cur_record_info`
- new_filenames = []
- for filename in cur_record_info["filenames"]:
- basename = os.path.basename(filename)
- new_filename = os.path.join(record_dir, basename)
- new_filenames.append(new_filename)
- cur_record_info["filenames"] = new_filenames
- tf.logging.info("[Dir %d] Number of chosen batches: %s",
- idx, cur_record_info["num_batch"])
- tf.logging.info("[Dir %d] Number of chosen files: %s",
- idx, len(cur_record_info["filenames"]))
- tf.logging.info(cur_record_info["filenames"])
- # 把`cur_record_info`放到全局的`record_info`里
- record_info["num_batch"] += cur_record_info["num_batch"]
- record_info["filenames"] += cur_record_info["filenames"]
- tf.logging.info("Total number of batches: %d",
- record_info["num_batch"])
- tf.logging.info("Total number of files: %d",
- len(record_info["filenames"]))
- tf.logging.info(record_info["filenames"])
- # 返回的input function,调用这个函数后就会得到Dataset对象。
- def input_fn(params):
- # 一个host(机器)的batch大小 = 每个设备(GPU)的batch大小 * 设备的个数
- assert params["batch_size"] * num_core_per_host == bsz_per_host
- # 使用get_datset函数构造Dataset对象,后面我们会详细介绍这个函数
- dataset = get_dataset(
- params=params,
- num_hosts=num_hosts,
- num_core_per_host=num_core_per_host,
- split=split,
- file_names=record_info["filenames"],
- num_batch=record_info["num_batch"],
- seq_len=seq_len,
- reuse_len=reuse_len,
- perm_size=perm_size,
- mask_alpha=mask_alpha,
- mask_beta=mask_beta,
- use_bfloat16=use_bfloat16,
- num_predict=num_predict)
- return dataset
- return input_fn, record_info
- def get_dataset(params, num_hosts, num_core_per_host, split, file_names,
- num_batch, seq_len, reuse_len, perm_size, mask_alpha,
- mask_beta, use_bfloat16=False, num_predict=None):
- bsz_per_core = params["batch_size"]
- # 我们这里值考虑一台服务器(host_id=0)的情况
- if num_hosts > 1:
- host_id = params["context"].current_host
- else:
- host_id = 0
- #### parse tfrecord的函数
- def parser(record):
- # 这个可以参考第一部分生成数据的内容
- # input是输入的句子的id,长度为seq_len=128
- # target是预测的id序列,长度也是seq_len
- # seg_id 64个reused的Token,A和A后的SEP是0,B和B后的SEP是1,最后的CLS是2
- # label 如果两个句子是连续的,那么是1,否则是0
- # is_masked表示某个Token是否是masked(用于预测)
- record_spec = {
- "input": tf.FixedLenFeature([seq_len], tf.int64),
- "target": tf.FixedLenFeature([seq_len], tf.int64),
- "seg_id": tf.FixedLenFeature([seq_len], tf.int64),
- "label": tf.FixedLenFeature([1], tf.int64),
- "is_masked": tf.FixedLenFeature([seq_len], tf.int64),
- }
- # parse
- example = tf.parse_single_example(
- serialized=record,
- features=record_spec)
- inputs = example.pop("input")
- target = example.pop("target")
- is_masked = tf.cast(example.pop("is_masked"), tf.bool)
- non_reuse_len = seq_len - reuse_len
- assert perm_size <= reuse_len and perm_size <= non_reuse_len
- # 先处理前64(reuse),后面会详细介绍这个函数
- # 现在我们知道它的输入是inputs的前64个,target的前64个,is_masked的前64个
- # perm_size是32,reuse_len是64。
- # 它返回的是:
- # 1. perm_mask,64x64,表示经过重新排列后第i个token能否attend to 第j个token,1表示不能attend
- # 2. target,64,表示真实的目标值,之前生成的target是预测下一个词,但是XLNet是预测当前词
- # 3. target_mask,64,哪些地方是Mask的(需要预测的)
- # 4. input_k, 64,content stream的初始值
- # 5. input_q, 64, 哪些位置是需要计算loss的,如果不计算loss,也就不计算Query Stream。
- perm_mask_0, target_0, target_mask_0, input_k_0, input_q_0 = _local_perm(
- inputs[:reuse_len],
- target[:reuse_len],
- is_masked[:reuse_len],
- perm_size,
- reuse_len)
- perm_mask_1, target_1, target_mask_1, input_k_1, input_q_1 = _local_perm(
- inputs[reuse_len:],
- target[reuse_len:],
- is_masked[reuse_len:],
- perm_size,
- non_reuse_len)
- # tf.ones(reuse_len, non_reuse_len)表示前64个reuse的不能attend to 后面64个(1表示不能attend)
- # concat起来就变成(reuse_len=64, 128),perm_mask_0(i,j)表示i能不能attend to j(128)
- perm_mask_0 = tf.concat([perm_mask_0, tf.ones([reuse_len, non_reuse_len])],
- axis=1)
- # tf.zeros(non_reuse_len, reuse_len)表示后面的64个可以attend to 前面的64(reuse_len)个
- # concat变成(64,128),perm_mask_0(i,j)表示i(后面的64个)能不能attent to j(128)
- perm_mask_1 = tf.concat([tf.zeros([non_reuse_len, reuse_len]), perm_mask_1],
- axis=1)
- # 把perm_mask_0和perm_mask_1 concat起来变成(128,128)
- # perm_mask(i,j)表示i(128)能不能attend to j(128)
- perm_mask = tf.concat([perm_mask_0, perm_mask_1], axis=0)
- # target也concat变成(128,)
- target = tf.concat([target_0, target_1], axis=0)
- # target_mask也concat成(128,)
- target_mask = tf.concat([target_mask_0, target_mask_1], axis=0)
- # input_k也concat
- input_k = tf.concat([input_k_0, input_k_1], axis=0)
- # input_q也concat
- input_q = tf.concat([input_q_0, input_q_1], axis=0)
- if num_predict is not None:
- # indices是[0,1,...,127]
- indices = tf.range(seq_len, dtype=tf.int64)
- # target_mask中1表示MASK的值,这里把它变成boolean
- bool_target_mask = tf.cast(target_mask, tf.bool)
- # 找到Mask对应的下标,比如MASK的Token的下标是2和3,那么bool_target_mask=[F,F,T,T,...]
- # tf.boolean_mask函数返回indices里为True的值,因此返回[2,3]
- indices = tf.boolean_mask(indices, bool_target_mask)
- # 因为随机抽样的MASK可能是CLS/SEP,这些是不会被作为预测值的,因此
- # 我们之前生成的数据有num_predict(21)个需要预测的,但实际需要预测的只有actual_num_predict
- # 所以还需要padding num_predict - actual_num_predict个。
- actual_num_predict = tf.shape(indices)[0]
- pad_len = num_predict - actual_num_predict
- # target_mapping
- # 假设indices=[2,3]的话
- # 则target_mapping就变成 [[0,0,1,0,....],[0,0,0,1,....]]
- # 也就是把2和3用one-hot的方法来表示
- target_mapping = tf.one_hot(indices, seq_len, dtype=tf.float32)
- # padding的部分也表示成向量,但是它是"zero-hot"的表示。
- paddings = tf.zeros([pad_len, seq_len], dtype=target_mapping.dtype)
- # concat成[num_redict, seq_len]的向量
- # target_mapping(i,j) = 1 表示第i个要预测的Token的目标(真实)值是j
- target_mapping = tf.concat([target_mapping, paddings], axis=0)
- # 其实不reshape也是可以的。因为除非代码有bug,否则target_mapping就是[num_redict, seq_len]
- # reshape的好处是显式的说明target_mapping的shape,调试方便一点。
- # 读者可能会问,pad_len = num_predict - actual_num_predict,然后我又
- # 把padding的和actual_num_predict的concat起来,为什么TF不知道它的shape呢?
- # 因为TF是一种静态图,pad_len只是一个Operation,还没有执行,TF并不知道它的值。
- example["target_mapping"] = tf.reshape(target_mapping,
- [num_predict, seq_len])
- ##### target
- # 拿到target的Token ID
- target = tf.boolean_mask(target, bool_target_mask)
- # 同样需要padding
- paddings = tf.zeros([pad_len], dtype=target.dtype)
- target = tf.concat([target, paddings], axis=0)
- example["target"] = tf.reshape(target, [num_predict])
- ##### target mask
- # 长度为21(num_predict)的向量,1表示是真正需要预测的Token;0表示是padding的,是不计算loss的
- target_mask = tf.concat(
- [tf.ones([actual_num_predict], dtype=tf.float32),
- tf.zeros([pad_len], dtype=tf.float32)],
- axis=0)
- example["target_mask"] = tf.reshape(target_mask, [num_predict])
- else:
- example["target"] = tf.reshape(target, [seq_len])
- example["target_mask"] = tf.reshape(target_mask, [seq_len])
- # reshape back to fixed shape
- example["perm_mask"] = tf.reshape(perm_mask, [seq_len, seq_len])
- example["input_k"] = tf.reshape(input_k, [seq_len])
- example["input_q"] = tf.reshape(input_q, [seq_len])
- _convert_example(example, use_bfloat16)
- for k, v in example.items():
- tf.logging.info("%s: %s", k, v)
- return example
- # Get dataset
- dataset = parse_files_to_dataset(
- parser=parser,
- file_names=file_names,
- split=split,
- num_batch=num_batch,
- num_hosts=num_hosts,
- host_id=host_id,
- num_core_per_host=num_core_per_host,
- bsz_per_core=bsz_per_core)
- return dataset
- def parse_files_to_dataset(parser, file_names, split, num_batch, num_hosts,
- host_id, num_core_per_host, bsz_per_core):
- # list of file pathes
- num_files = len(file_names)
- num_files_per_host = num_files // num_hosts
- my_start_file_id = host_id * num_files_per_host
- my_end_file_id = (host_id + 1) * num_files_per_host
- if host_id == num_hosts - 1:
- my_end_file_id = num_files
- file_paths = file_names[my_start_file_id: my_end_file_id]
- tf.logging.info("Host %d handles %d files", host_id, len(file_paths))
- assert split == "train"
- dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(file_paths)
- # 文件级别的shuffle
- if len(file_paths) > 1:
- dataset = dataset.shuffle(len(file_paths))
- # 注意:这里我们不能对每一个sample进行打散,这样会破坏句子的Token的顺序。
- dataset = tf.data.TFRecordDataset(dataset)
- # (zihang): 因为我们是online的随机排列,因此每次session.run的时候排列的顺序都是不同的,
- # 所以cache是没有作用的,它会导致OOM。因此我们只cache parser之前的数据(cache函数在map(parser)之前)
- # map(parser)就是对每一个tfrecord使用前面介绍的parser函数来处理
- dataset = dataset.cache().map(parser).repeat()
- dataset = dataset.batch(bsz_per_core, drop_remainder=True)
- dataset = dataset.prefetch(num_core_per_host * bsz_per_core)
- return dataset
这个函数比较难懂,这里介绍一个小技巧。如果读者对比过PyTorch和Tensorflow就会感觉使用PyTorch调试会简单很多,原因就是PyTorch是动态的计算图,因此我们把两个Tensor一相加,结果马上就出来了;但是Tensoflow是静态图,我们定义了两个Tensor相加后得到的不是它们的计算结果,而是一个Operation,我们还要用session来run它才能得到结果。如果计算简单还好,一个复杂的的函数经过一系列变换后就完全不知道它的shape是什么了。因此调试PyTorch的代码就像调试普通的Python代码一样;而调试Tensorflow的代码就像”阅读”Pyton代码一样——你看不到执行的结果。不过还有Tensorflow引入了Eager Execution。但是很多代码(包括这里的XLNet)还是习惯用之前的静态构造方法。不过没有关系,如果我们遇到一个函数看不到,那么我们可以对这个函数进行Eager Execution来调试它。比如我们如果看不到_local_perm,则我们可以这样来调试它:
- import tensorflow as tf
- # 开启Eager Execution
- tf.enable_eager_execution()
- seq_len = 16
- reuse_len = 8
- perm_size = 8
- inputs=tf.constant([10,13,15,20,21,22,4,16,33,34,35,36,37,38,4,3])
- targets=tf.constant([13,15,20,21,22,4,16,33,34,35,36,37,38,10,3,3])
- is_masked=tf.constant([False, False, False, False, True, True,False,
- False, False,False, False, False,
- True, True, False, False])
- _local_perm(inputs,targets, is_masked, perm_size, seq_len)
- def _local_perm(inputs, targets, is_masked, perm_size, seq_len):
- 随机的采样一种排列方式,然后创建对应的attention mask
- 参数:
- inputs: int64 Tensor shape是[seq_len],输入的id
- targets: int64 Tensor shape是[seq_len],目标值的id
- is_masked: bool Tensor shape是[seq_len],True代表用于预测
- perm_size: 最长排列的长度,具体含义参考下面的代码
- seq_len: int, 序列长度
- # 随机生成一个下标的排列
- index = tf.range(seq_len, dtype=tf.int64)
- index = tf.transpose(tf.reshape(index, [-1, perm_size]))
- index = tf.random_shuffle(index)
- index = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(index), [-1])
根据上面的输入,首先用tf.range生成[0, 15]的序列,然后第二行代码首先把它reshape成[2, 8],然后transpose成[8, 2],从而得到:
- 0 8
- 1 9
- 2 10
- 3 11
- 4 12
- 5 13
- 6 14
- 7 15
- 4 12
- 6 14
- 7 15
- 2 10
- 3 11
- 5 13
- 0 8
- 1 9
[4 6 7 2 3 5 0 1 12 14 15 10 11 13 8 9]
- non_func_tokens = tf.logical_not(tf.logical_or(
- tf.equal(inputs, data_utils.SEP_ID),
- tf.equal(inputs, data_utils.CLS_ID)))
- # 计算后的non_func_tokens为:
- [True True True True True True False True True True True True True True False False]
- non_mask_tokens = tf.logical_and(tf.logical_not(is_masked), non_func_tokens)
- # non_mask_tokens的值为:
- # [True True True True False False False True True True True True False False False False]
- masked_or_func_tokens = tf.logical_not(non_mask_tokens)
- # [False False False False True True True False False False False False True True True True]
- # 把非Mask(也不是CLS和SEP)的Token的排列下标设置为最小的-1,这样:
- # (1) 它们可以被所有其它的位置看到
- # (2) 它们看不到Masked位置,从而不会有信息泄露
- smallest_index = -tf.ones([seq_len], dtype=tf.int64)
- rev_index = tf.where(non_mask_tokens, smallest_index, index)
- # [-1 -1 -1 -1 3 5 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 11 13 8 9]
- for i in range(16):
- if non_mask_tokens[i]:
- rev_index[i]=smallest_index[i]
- else:
- smallest_index[i]=index[i]
- # 创建`target_mask`: 它是"普通"的并且被Masked的Token,它的值代表:
- # 1: 值为1代表使用mask作为输入并且计算loss
- # 0: 使用token(或者SEP/CLS)作为输入并且不计算loss
- target_tokens = tf.logical_and(masked_or_func_tokens, non_func_tokens)
- target_mask = tf.cast(target_tokens, tf.float32)
- # [0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 0.]
- # `target_tokens` 不能看到自己
- self_rev_index = tf.where(target_tokens, rev_index, rev_index + 1)
- # [0 0 0 0 3 5 1 0 0 0 0 0 11 13 9 10]
- # 1: 如果i <= j并且j不是非masked(masked或者特殊的SEP/CLS)则不能attend,因此值为1
- # 0: 如果i > j或者j非masked,则为0
- perm_mask = tf.logical_and(
- self_rev_index[:, None] <= rev_index[None, :],
- masked_or_func_tokens)
- perm_mask = tf.cast(perm_mask, tf.float32)
- # 值为:
- [[0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
- [0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
- [0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
- [0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
- [0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
- [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
- [0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
- [0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
- [0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
- [0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
- [0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
- [0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 1. 1.]
- [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 0.]
- [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0.]
- [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 1.]
- [0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 0.]]
上面的代码”self_rev_index[:, None] <= rev_index[None, :]”我们来详细分析一下。
首先self_rev_index是一个长度为16的Tensor,我们使用self_rev_index[:, None]把它变成(16,1)的Tensor。
rev_index也是长度为的Tensor,rev_index[None, :]变成了(1,16)的Tensor。然后它们比较(“<=”)时会使用Broadcasting,我们可以了解为self_rev_index[:, None]变成了(16,16)的,每行都是相同的:
- Broadcasting之前:
- [[ 0]
- [ 0]
- [ 0]
- [ 0]
- [ 3]
- [ 5]
- [ 1]
- [ 0]
- [ 0]
- [ 0]
- [ 0]
- [ 0]
- [11]
- [13]
- [ 9]
- [10]]
- Broadcasting之后:
- [[ 0, 0, 0, ....]
- [ 0, 0, 0, ....]
- [ 0, 0, 0, ....]
- [ 0, 0, 0, ....]
- [ 3, 3, 3, ....]
- [ 5, 5, 5, ....]
- [ 1, 1, 1, ....]
- [ 0, 0, 0, ....]
- [ 0, 0, 0, ....]
- [ 0, 0, 0, ....]
- [ 0, 0, 0, ....]
- [ 0, 0, 0, ....]
- [11, 11,11,....]
- [13,13, 13,....]
- [ 9, 9, 9, ....]
- [10, 10,10,....]]
类似的,rev_index[None, :]在Broadcasting之前为:
[-1 -1 -1 -1 3 5 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 11 13 8 9]
- [[-1 -1 -1 -1 3 5 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 11 13 8 9],
- [-1 -1 -1 -1 3 5 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 11 13 8 9],
- ....
- ]
因此,最终得到的perm_mask(i,j)=1,则表示i不能attend to j。有两种情况i能attend to j:i的排列下标大于j(后面的可以attend to前面的);j没有被Mask在i也可以attend to j。而i不能attend to j需要同时满足:i<=j并且j被Mask了我们来看一个例子:perm_mask(3,4)=1,因为第3个Token的排列下标是2,第4个的排列下标是3,所以满足”2<3”。请读者检查确认一下j确实是被Mask了。
#new target
- # new target: [next token] for LM and [curr token] (self) for PLM
- new_targets = tf.concat([inputs[0: 1], targets[: -1]],
- axis=0)
- # [10 13 15 20 21 22 4 16 33 34 35 36 37 38 10 3]
- inputs=tf.constant([10,13,15,20,21,22,4,16,33,34,35,36,37,38,4,3])
- targets=tf.constant([13,15,20,21,22,4,16,33,34,35,36,37,38,10,3,3])
- # construct inputs_k
- inputs_k = inputs
- # construct inputs_q
- inputs_q = target_mask
- return perm_mask, new_targets, target_mask, inputs_k, inputs_q
如果读者还没有完全明白,我们再来把代码和论文的描述对比一下。论文在Partial Prediction部分提到:为了提高效率,我们只预测排列最后几个词。比如假设总共4个词,并且假设某次随机排列的顺序为3→2→4→13→2→4→1,我们假设预测(Mask)最后两个词,也就是预测第4和第1个词。那么1可以attend to [2,3,4];4可以attend to [2,3]。而非Mask(预测)的第2和3个词使用普通的Self-Attention,也就是可以互相看到所有的非Mask词(包括自己),因此2可以attend to [2,3],3也可以attend to [2,3]。
2 3 1 4
也就是说第2个词在排列里的顺序是1,第3个词是2。那么按照论文应该是预测第1个和第4个词。那怎么办呢?代码使用了一个tricky,把所有的非Mask的词(第1个和第4个都变成-1),而Mask的不变(总是大于0的),因此Mask的词就排在后面了。非Mask的词互相都可以attend to但是非Mask的词不能attend to Mask的词。Mask的词可以attend to 非Mask的词而且后面的Mask的词也能attend to 前面的Mask的词。比如上面的例子2和3都是Mask的词,因为3在2后面,所以3可以attend to 2,但2不能attend to 3。同时,Mask的词不能attend to 自己(否则就是用自己预测自己了)。
- def single_core_graph(is_training, features, mems):
- model_fn = get_model_fn()
- model_ret = model_fn(
- features=features,
- labels=None,
- mems=mems,
- is_training=is_training)
- return model_ret
它调用get_model_fn得到model function,然后调用这个函数返回total_loss, new_mems, grads_and_vars这3个Operation,下面我们来看get_model_fn函数。
- def get_model_fn():
- def model_fn(features, labels, mems, is_training):
- #### 根据输入计算loss
- total_loss, new_mems, monitor_dict = function_builder.get_loss(
- FLAGS, features, labels, mems, is_training)
- #### 打印模型的参数(便于调试)
- num_params = sum([np.prod(v.shape) for v in tf.trainable_variables()])
- tf.logging.info('#params: {}'.format(num_params))
- # GPU
- assert is_training
- # 得到所有可能训练的变量
- all_vars = tf.trainable_variables()
- # 计算梯度
- grads = tf.gradients(total_loss, all_vars)
- # 把梯度和变量配对,最终返回一个list,这个list的每一个元素都是(grad, var)的pair
- grads_and_vars = list(zip(grads, all_vars))
- return total_loss, new_mems, grads_and_vars
- return model_fn
这个函数主要是调用function_builder.get_loss得到total_loss, new_mems,然后计算梯度并且返回。
- def get_loss(FLAGS, features, labels, mems, is_training):
- """Pretraining loss with two-stream attention Transformer-XL."""
- if FLAGS.use_bfloat16:
- with tf.tpu.bfloat16_scope():
- return two_stream_loss(FLAGS, features, labels, mems, is_training)
- else:
- return two_stream_loss(FLAGS, features, labels, mems, is_training)
我们这里使用普通的float(float32)而不是压缩的bfloat16,关于bfloat16,有兴趣的读者可以参考Using bfloat16 with TensorFlow models。最终它们都是调用two_stream_loss函数。
- def two_stream_loss(FLAGS, features, labels, mems, is_training):
- # two-stream attention Transformer-XL模型的Pretraining loss
- #### Unpack input
- mem_name = "mems"
- # mems是长度为6的list,每个元素是[96, 8(batch), 1024(hidden state)]
- mems = mems.get(mem_name, None)
- # input_k是(8,128)变成(128,8)
- inp_k = tf.transpose(features["input_k"], [1, 0])
- # input_q也是(8,128),变成(128,8)
- inp_q = tf.transpose(features["input_q"], [1, 0])
- # seg_id也是(8,128),变成(128,8)
- seg_id = tf.transpose(features["seg_id"], [1, 0])
- inp_mask = None
- # 从(8,128,128)变成(128,128,8)
- perm_mask = tf.transpose(features["perm_mask"], [1, 2, 0])
- if FLAGS.num_predict is not None:
- # 从(8, 21, 128)变成(21(num_predict), 128, 8)
- target_mapping = tf.transpose(features["target_mapping"], [1, 2, 0])
- else:
- target_mapping = None
- # 语言模型loss的target,从(8,21)变成(21,8)
- tgt = tf.transpose(features["target"], [1, 0])
- # 语言模型losss的target mask,从(8,21)变成(21,8)
- tgt_mask = tf.transpose(features["target_mask"], [1, 0])
- # 构造xlnet的config然后保存到model_dir目录下
- # XLNetConfig包含某个checkpoint特定的超参数
- # 也就是pretraining和finetuing都相同的超参数
- xlnet_config = xlnet.XLNetConfig(FLAGS=FLAGS)
- xlnet_config.to_json(os.path.join(FLAGS.model_dir, "config.json"))
- # 根据FLAGS构造run config,它是XLNet模型Pretraining的超参数。
- run_config = xlnet.create_run_config(is_training, False, FLAGS)
- xlnet_model = xlnet.XLNetModel(
- xlnet_config=xlnet_config,
- run_config=run_config,
- input_ids=inp_k,
- seg_ids=seg_id,
- input_mask=inp_mask,
- mems=mems,
- perm_mask=perm_mask,
- target_mapping=target_mapping,
- inp_q=inp_q)
- output = xlnet_model.get_sequence_output()
- new_mems = {mem_name: xlnet_model.get_new_memory()}
- lookup_table = xlnet_model.get_embedding_table()
- initializer = xlnet_model.get_initializer()
- with tf.variable_scope("model", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
- # LM loss
- lm_loss = modeling.lm_loss(
- hidden=output,
- target=tgt,
- n_token=xlnet_config.n_token,
- d_model=xlnet_config.d_model,
- initializer=initializer,
- lookup_table=lookup_table,
- tie_weight=True,
- bi_data=run_config.bi_data,
- use_tpu=run_config.use_tpu)
- #### Quantity to monitor
- monitor_dict = {}
- if FLAGS.use_bfloat16:
- tgt_mask = tf.cast(tgt_mask, tf.float32)
- lm_loss = tf.cast(lm_loss, tf.float32)
- total_loss = tf.reduce_sum(lm_loss * tgt_mask) / tf.reduce_sum(tgt_mask)
- monitor_dict["total_loss"] = total_loss
- return total_loss, new_mems, monitor_dict
- bi_data = {bool} True 表示一个句子会变成两个:一个是正常的,一个是逆序的(反过来)。
- clamp_len = {int} -1
- dropatt = {float} 0.1 attention的dropout
- dropout = {float} 0.1
- init = {str} 'normal' 参数初始化方法,这里是正态分布
- init_range = {float} 0.1 对于normal无效果
- init_std = {float} 0.02 正态分布的方差
- is_training = {bool} True 是否Pretraining
- mem_len = {int} 96
- reuse_len = {int} 64
- same_length = {bool} False
- use_bfloat16 = {bool} False
- use_tpu = {bool} False
- def __init__(self, xlnet_config, run_config, input_ids, seg_ids, input_mask,
- mems=None, perm_mask=None, target_mapping=None, inp_q=None,
- **kwargs):
- # 初始化类
- initializer = _get_initializer(run_config)
- # 所有超参数
- tfm_args = dict(
- n_token=xlnet_config.n_token,
- initializer=initializer,
- attn_type="bi",
- n_layer=xlnet_config.n_layer,
- d_model=xlnet_config.d_model,
- n_head=xlnet_config.n_head,
- d_head=xlnet_config.d_head,
- d_inner=xlnet_config.d_inner,
- ff_activation=xlnet_config.ff_activation,
- untie_r=xlnet_config.untie_r,
- is_training=run_config.is_training,
- use_bfloat16=run_config.use_bfloat16,
- use_tpu=run_config.use_tpu,
- dropout=run_config.dropout,
- dropatt=run_config.dropatt,
- mem_len=run_config.mem_len,
- reuse_len=run_config.reuse_len,
- bi_data=run_config.bi_data,
- clamp_len=run_config.clamp_len,
- same_length=run_config.same_length
- )
- # 所有输入
- input_args = dict(
- inp_k=input_ids,
- seg_id=seg_ids,
- input_mask=input_mask,
- mems=mems,
- perm_mask=perm_mask,
- target_mapping=target_mapping,
- inp_q=inp_q)
- tfm_args.update(input_args)
- with tf.variable_scope("model", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
- (self.output, self.new_mems, self.lookup_table
- ) = modeling.transformer_xl(**tfm_args)
- self.input_mask = input_mask
- self.initializer = initializer
- self.xlnet_config = xlnet_config
- self.run_config = run_config
(self.output, self.new_mems, self.lookup_table) = modeling.transformer_xl(**tfm_args)
n_token: int, 词典大小,这里是32000。
- with tf.variable_scope(scope):
- if untie_r:
- # 我们这里是不共享bias
- # r_w_bias和r_r_bias都是[6, 16, 64]
- r_w_bias = tf.get_variable('r_w_bias', [n_layer, n_head, d_head],
- dtype=tf_float, initializer=initializer)
- r_r_bias = tf.get_variable('r_r_bias', [n_layer, n_head, d_head],
- dtype=tf_float, initializer=initializer)
- else:
- r_w_bias = tf.get_variable('r_w_bias', [n_head, d_head],
- dtype=tf_float, initializer=initializer)
- r_r_bias = tf.get_variable('r_r_bias', [n_head, d_head],
- dtype=tf_float, initializer=initializer)
- bsz = tf.shape(inp_k)[1] # 8
- qlen = tf.shape(inp_k)[0] # 128
- mlen = tf.shape(mems[0])[0] if mems is not None else 0 # 96
- klen = mlen + qlen # 224
- ##### Attention mask
- # 因果关系的(causal)attention mask
- if attn_type == 'uni':
- attn_mask = _create_mask(qlen, mlen, tf_float, same_length)
- attn_mask = attn_mask[:, :, None, None]
- elif attn_type == 'bi':
- # 我们走的这个分支
- attn_mask = None
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unsupported attention type: {}'.format(attn_type))
- # data mask: input mask & perm mask
- if input_mask is not None and perm_mask is not None:
- data_mask = input_mask[None] + perm_mask
- elif input_mask is not None and perm_mask is None:
- data_mask = input_mask[None]
- elif input_mask is None and perm_mask is not None:
- # data_mask=perm_mask [128,128,8]
- data_mask = perm_mask
- else:
- data_mask = None
- if data_mask is not None:
- # 所有的mems的可以attended to,因此构造[128,96,8]的zeros
- mems_mask = tf.zeros([tf.shape(data_mask)[0], mlen, bsz],
- dtype=tf_float)
- # 然后拼接成[128,224,8]的data_mask。
- # data_mask[i,j,k]=0则表示batch k的第i(0-128)个Token可以attend to
- # 第j(0-224,包括前面的mem)个Token。
- # 注意j的下标范围,0-95表示mem,96-223表示128个输入。
- data_mask = tf.concat([mems_mask, data_mask], 1)
- if attn_mask is None:
- # attn_mask为[128, 224, 8, 1]
- attn_mask = data_mask[:, :, :, None]
- else:
- attn_mask += data_mask[:, :, :, None]
- if attn_mask is not None:
- # 把attn_mask里大于0的变成1(前面相加有可能大于1)
- attn_mask = tf.cast(attn_mask > 0, dtype=tf_float)
- if attn_mask is not None:
- # 参考下面
- non_tgt_mask = -tf.eye(qlen, dtype=tf_float)
- non_tgt_mask = tf.concat([tf.zeros([qlen, mlen], dtype=tf_float),
- non_tgt_mask], axis=-1)
- non_tgt_mask = tf.cast((attn_mask + non_tgt_mask[:, :, None, None]) > 0,
- dtype=tf_float)
- else:
- non_tgt_mask = None
下面来看一下non_tgt_mask,为了简单,我们假设qlen是4, mlen是3,前两行的结果为:
- 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0
- 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0
- 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0
- 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1
attn_mask是(qlen, qlen+mlen, batch, 1),它和non_tgt_mask[:,:,None,None]相加。它的作用是让Token能attend to 自己,除后面的对角线外,non_tgt_mask等于attn_mask,而对角线的位置由1变成了0,从而让它可以attend自己。注意:在XLNet的代码里,0表示可以attend to,而1表示不能attend to。non_tgt_mask用于Content Stream,它不是预测的目标(target),所以可以利用自己的信息。而Query Stream就必须使用attn_mask,预测第i个Token时不能利用自己的内容。
- ##### Word embedding
- # 输入inp_k是(128,8),embedding后的word_emb_k是(128,8,1024)
- # lookup_table是(32000, 1024)
- word_emb_k, lookup_table = embedding_lookup(
- x=inp_k,
- n_token=n_token,
- d_embed=d_model,
- initializer=initializer,
- use_tpu=use_tpu,
- dtype=tf_float,
- scope='word_embedding')
- # inp_q是(128,8)表示某个位置是否要计算loss
- if inp_q is not None:
- with tf.variable_scope('mask_emb'):
- # mask_emb是[1, 1, 1024]
- mask_emb = tf.get_variable('mask_emb', [1, 1, d_model], dtype=tf_float)
- if target_mapping is not None:
- # tile(复制)成[21, 8, 1024]
- word_emb_q = tf.tile(mask_emb, [tf.shape(target_mapping)[0], bsz, 1])
- else:
- inp_q_ext = inp_q[:, :, None]
- word_emb_q = inp_q_ext * mask_emb + (1 - inp_q_ext) * word_emb_k
- # output_h是word_emb_k的dropout的结果,shape也是[128, 8, 1024]
- output_h = tf.layers.dropout(word_emb_k, dropout, training=is_training)
- if inp_q is not None:
- # output_g是word_emb_q的dropout,shape也是[21, 8, 1024]
- output_g = tf.layers.dropout(word_emb_q, dropout, training=is_training)
- ##### Segment embedding
- if seg_id is not None:
- if untie_r:
- # [6, 16, 64]
- r_s_bias = tf.get_variable('r_s_bias', [n_layer, n_head, d_head],
- dtype=tf_float, initializer=initializer)
- else:
- # default case (tie)
- r_s_bias = tf.get_variable('r_s_bias', [n_head, d_head],
- dtype=tf_float, initializer=initializer)
- # [6, 2, 16, 64]
- seg_embed = tf.get_variable('seg_embed', [n_layer, 2, n_head, d_head],
- dtype=tf_float, initializer=initializer)
- # Convert `seg_id` to one-hot `seg_mat`
- mem_pad = tf.zeros([mlen, bsz], dtype=tf.int32)
- # 输入需要padding 96个0,最终变成(224, 8)
- cat_ids = tf.concat([mem_pad, seg_id], 0)
- # `1` indicates not in the same segment [qlen x klen x bsz]
- # 参考下面的说明。
- seg_mat = tf.cast(
- tf.logical_not(tf.equal(seg_id[:, None], cat_ids[None, :])),
- tf.int32)
- seg_mat = tf.one_hot(seg_mat, 2, dtype=tf_float)
- else:
- seg_mat = None
seg_embed是Segment embedding,XLNet是相对Segment编码:如果两个Token在同一个Segment则是0;否则是1。所以第二维是2。
seg_id是[128, 8],那么seg_id[:, None]的shape呢?有的读者可能会猜测是[128, 8, 1](我一开始也是这么以为),但这是不对的。[:, None]的意思是在第二个维度增加一维,而原来的第二维(8)被往后推到第三维了,因此seg_id[:, None]的shape是[128, 1, 8],它等价于seg_id[:, None, :]。而cat_ids[None, :]是在第一个维度增加一维,因此是[1, 224, 8]。
接下来tf.equal(seg_id[:, None], cat_ids[None, :])会首先进行broadcasting:
- seg_id[:, None]: [128, 1, 8] -> [128, 224, 8]
- cat_ids[None, :]: [1, 224, 8] -> [128, 224, 8]
计算的结果是:如果(i,j)的seg_id相同,则为True,否则为False。注意i的取值范围是0-127;而j是0-223。因为我们计算Attention时是用128个去attend to 224(包括96个mem)。最后在用tf.logical_not反过来:1表示在不同Segment而0表示同一个Segment。
最后表示成one-hot的方式(在同一个Segment为[1,0];不同的Segment为[0,1]),变成[128, 224, 8, 2],第四位就是one-hot。
- ##### 位置编码,下面我们会详细介绍,它的输出是(352, 8, 1024)
- pos_emb = relative_positional_encoding(
- qlen, klen, d_model, clamp_len, attn_type, bi_data,
- bsz=bsz, dtype=tf_float)
- # dropout
- pos_emb = tf.layers.dropout(pos_emb, dropout, training=is_training)
我们回到前面的例子,context大小是96,而输入的序列长度是128。因此query的下标i的取值范围是96-223,而key的下标j的取值范围是0-223,所以它们的差的取值范围是(96-223)-(223-0),所以位置差总共有352种可能的取值,所以上面返回的pos_emb的shape是(352, 8, 1024)。
- def relative_positional_encoding(qlen, klen, d_model, clamp_len, attn_type,
- bi_data, bsz=None, dtype=None):
- """创建相对位置编码"""
- # [0,2,...,1022] 长度为d_model/2=512
- freq_seq = tf.range(0, d_model, 2.0)
- if dtype is not None and dtype != tf.float32:
- freq_seq = tf.cast(freq_seq, dtype=dtype)
- # inv_freq的大小还是512
- inv_freq = 1 / (10000 ** (freq_seq / d_model))
- if attn_type == 'bi':
- # 我们这里attn_type == 'bi'
- # beg, end = 224, -128
- beg, end = klen, -qlen
- elif attn_type == 'uni':
- # beg, end = klen - 1, -1
- beg, end = klen, -1
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unknown `attn_type` {}.'.format(attn_type))
- if bi_data:
- # [224, -127]
- fwd_pos_seq = tf.range(beg, end, -1.0)
- # [-224, 127]
- bwd_pos_seq = tf.range(-beg, -end, 1.0)
- if dtype is not None and dtype != tf.float32:
- fwd_pos_seq = tf.cast(fwd_pos_seq, dtype=dtype)
- bwd_pos_seq = tf.cast(bwd_pos_seq, dtype=dtype)
- if clamp_len > 0:
- # 把两个词的最大距离限制在-clamp_len和clamp_len之间,我们这里没有限制
- fwd_pos_seq = tf.clip_by_value(fwd_pos_seq, -clamp_len, clamp_len)
- bwd_pos_seq = tf.clip_by_value(bwd_pos_seq, -clamp_len, clamp_len)
- if bsz is not None:
- # 参考下面,它的返回是(352, 4, 1024)
- fwd_pos_emb = positional_embedding(fwd_pos_seq, inv_freq, bsz//2)
- # 返回(352, 4, 1024)
- bwd_pos_emb = positional_embedding(bwd_pos_seq, inv_freq, bsz//2)
- else:
- fwd_pos_emb = positional_embedding(fwd_pos_seq, inv_freq)
- bwd_pos_emb = positional_embedding(bwd_pos_seq, inv_freq)
- # (352, 8, 1024)
- pos_emb = tf.concat([fwd_pos_emb, bwd_pos_emb], axis=1)
- else:
- fwd_pos_seq = tf.range(beg, end, -1.0)
- if dtype is not None and dtype != tf.float32:
- fwd_pos_seq = tf.cast(fwd_pos_seq, dtype=dtype)
- if clamp_len > 0:
- fwd_pos_seq = tf.clip_by_value(fwd_pos_seq, -clamp_len, clamp_len)
- pos_emb = positional_embedding(fwd_pos_seq, inv_freq, bsz)
- return pos_emb
这个函数返回相对位置的编码,它返回一个(352, 8, 1024)的Tensor。8表示batch,1024表示位置编码的维度,它是和隐单元相同大小,这样可以相加(残差连接)。
前面我们介绍过,这里再复述一下。context大小是96,而输入的序列长度是128。因此query的下标i的取值范围是96-223,而key的下标j的取值范围是0-223,所以它们的差的取值范围是(96-223)-(223-0),所以位置差总共有352种可能的取值,所以上面返回的pos_emb的shape是(352, 8, 1024)。fwd_pos_seq的范围是[224, -127],表示当i>=j时(从后往前)从i attend to j的最大范围是223 attend to 0(加上attend to 自己总共224个可能取值);而i<j时最小值是-127。参考下图:
这个函数返回一个Tensor,这个Tensor的元素由Einstein summation习惯的简写公式定义。所谓的Einstein summation指的是由Albert Einstein引入的一种公式简写法。比如计算矩阵A和B的乘积得到C。则C的元素的定义为:
C[i,k] = sum_j A[i,j] * B[j,k]
- ij,jk->ik
- C[i,k] = sum_j A[i,j] * B[j,k] 删除变量、括号和逗号变成,
- ik = sum_j ij * jk 把"*"变成","
- ik = sum_j ij , jk 去掉求和符号
- ik = ij,jk 把输出放到右边,把"="变成"->"
- ij,jk->ik
- # 矩阵乘法,这个前面已经介绍过
- >>> einsum('ij,jk->ik', m0, m1) # output[i,k] = sum_j m0[i,j] * m1[j, k]
- # 向量的内积,注意输出是空,表示输出没有下标,因为输出是一个数值。
- >>> einsum('i,i->', u, v) # output = sum_i u[i]*v[i]
- # 向量外积
- >>> einsum('i,j->ij', u, v) # output[i,j] = u[i]*v[j]
- # 矩阵转置
- >>> einsum('ij->ji', m) # output[j,i] = m[i,j]
- # Batch 矩阵乘法
- >>> einsum('aij,ajk->aik', s, t) # out[a,i,k] = sum_j s[a,i,j] * t[a, j, k]
- def positional_embedding(pos_seq, inv_freq, bsz=None):
- # 计算pos_seq和inv_freq的外积
- # 352 x 512
- sinusoid_inp = tf.einsum('i,d->id', pos_seq, inv_freq)
- # 计算sin和cos,然后拼接成(352, 1024)
- pos_emb = tf.concat([tf.sin(sinusoid_inp), tf.cos(sinusoid_inp)], -1)
- # 变成(352, 1, 1024) 如果不懂None的含义请参考第二部分
- # 它等价于tf.reshape(pos_emb, [352, 1, 1024])
- pos_emb = pos_emb[:, None, :]
- if bsz is not None:
- # 对每个batch复制,变成(352, 8, 1024)
- pos_emb = tf.tile(pos_emb, [1, bsz, 1])
- return pos_emb
这一对是核心的计算two stream attention的地方。
- ##### Attention layers
- if mems is None:
- mems = [None] * n_layer
- for i in range(n_layer):
- # 通过当前的输出计算新的mem,也就是保留128个中的后96个
- # 当然如果cache的大小大于当前的输入,那么mem里可能包含当前输入的全部以及之前的mem
- new_mems.append(_cache_mem(output_h, mems[i], mem_len, reuse_len))
- # segment bias
- if seg_id is None:
- r_s_bias_i = None
- seg_embed_i = None
- else:
- # 这里是不共享bias的,所以从r_s_bias(6, 16, 64)取出
- # 当前层的bias(16, 64)
- r_s_bias_i = r_s_bias if not untie_r else r_s_bias[i]
- # 从(6, 2, 16, 64)取出当前层的segment embedding
- # seg_embed_i为(2, 16, 64)
- seg_embed_i = seg_embed[i]
- with tf.variable_scope('layer_{}'.format(i)):
- # inp_q表示哪些位置是Mask从而计算loss,也表示这是Pretraining
- if inp_q is not None:
- # 这是计算two stream attention,下面会详细介绍
- # 它的返回值output_h表示
- # output_g表示
- output_h, output_g = two_stream_rel_attn(
- h=output_h,
- g=output_g,
- r=pos_emb,
- r_w_bias=r_w_bias if not untie_r else r_w_bias[i],
- r_r_bias=r_r_bias if not untie_r else r_r_bias[i],
- seg_mat=seg_mat,
- r_s_bias=r_s_bias_i,
- seg_embed=seg_embed_i,
- attn_mask_h=non_tgt_mask,
- attn_mask_g=attn_mask,
- mems=mems[i],
- target_mapping=target_mapping,
- d_model=d_model,
- n_head=n_head,
- d_head=d_head,
- dropout=dropout,
- dropatt=dropatt,
- is_training=is_training,
- kernel_initializer=initializer)
- reuse = True
- else:
- reuse = False
- output_h = rel_multihead_attn(
- h=output_h,
- r=pos_emb,
- r_w_bias=r_w_bias if not untie_r else r_w_bias[i],
- r_r_bias=r_r_bias if not untie_r else r_r_bias[i],
- seg_mat=seg_mat,
- r_s_bias=r_s_bias_i,
- seg_embed=seg_embed_i,
- attn_mask=non_tgt_mask,
- mems=mems[i],
- d_model=d_model,
- n_head=n_head,
- d_head=d_head,
- dropout=dropout,
- dropatt=dropatt,
- is_training=is_training,
- kernel_initializer=initializer,
- reuse=reuse)
- def _cache_mem(curr_out, prev_mem, mem_len, reuse_len=None):
- """把隐状态chache进memory"""
- if mem_len is None or mem_len == 0:
- return None
- else:
- if reuse_len is not None and reuse_len > 0:
- # reuse的部分cache,curr_out从(128,...)变成(64,....)
- # 原因是生成数据时我们每次后移64,请参考第一部分代码
- curr_out = curr_out[:reuse_len]
- if prev_mem is None:
- new_mem = curr_out[-mem_len:]
- else:
- #之前的mem(96)和当前的输出(64)拼起来然后取后面mem_len(96)个
- new_mem = tf.concat([prev_mem, curr_out], 0)[-mem_len:]
- # cache的mem不参与梯度计算
- return tf.stop_gradient(new_mem)
- def two_stream_rel_attn(h, g, r, mems, r_w_bias, r_r_bias, seg_mat, r_s_bias,
- seg_embed, attn_mask_h, attn_mask_g, target_mapping,
- d_model, n_head, d_head, dropout, dropatt, is_training,
- kernel_initializer, scope='rel_attn'):
- """基于相对位置编码的Two-stream attention"""
- # scale,参考《Transformer图解》
- scale = 1 / (d_head ** 0.5)
- with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=False):
- # 内容attention score
- if mems is not None and mems.shape.ndims > 1:
- # 把之前的mem加上得到\hat{h}
- # shape是(96+128=224, 8, 1024)
- cat = tf.concat([mems, h], 0)
- else:
- cat = h
- # 计算内容stream的attention head的key
- # 输入是(224, 8, 1024),使用key的变换矩阵后,输出是(224, 8, 16, 64)
- # head_projection的讲解在下一小节
- k_head_h = head_projection(
- cat, d_model, n_head, d_head, kernel_initializer, 'k')
- # 类似的的计算内容stream的value
- # 输入是(224, 8, 1024),输出是(224, 8, 16, 64)
- v_head_h = head_projection(
- cat, d_model, n_head, d_head, kernel_initializer, 'v')
- # 相对位置的key也做投影变换,因此输入的第一维表示位置差
- # 输入是(352, 8, 1024),输出是(352, 8, 16, 64)
- k_head_r = head_projection(
- r, d_model, n_head, d_head, kernel_initializer, 'r')
- ##### 计算内容stream的attention
- # 内容stream的query
- # query的范围是当前输入,因此输入是(128, 8, 1024)
- # 输出是(128, 8, 16, 64)
- q_head_h = head_projection(
- h, d_model, n_head, d_head, kernel_initializer, 'q')
- # 计算Attention的核心函数,下面详细介绍
- # 输出是attention score, shape是(128, 8, 16, 64)
- # 表示128个输入(8是batch)的隐状态,每个隐状态是16(个head)x64(head大小)
- attn_vec_h = rel_attn_core(
- q_head_h, k_head_h, v_head_h, k_head_r, seg_embed, seg_mat, r_w_bias,
- r_r_bias, r_s_bias, attn_mask_h, dropatt, is_training, scale)
- # 后处理,残差连接+LayerNorm,详见后文
- output_h = post_attention(h, attn_vec_h, d_model, n_head, d_head, dropout,
- is_training, kernel_initializer)
- with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=True):
- ##### 查询的stream
- # query向量,shape是(21, 8, 16, 64)
- # 只需要计算Mask的(21)
- q_head_g = head_projection(
- g, d_model, n_head, d_head, kernel_initializer, 'q')
- # 核心的attention运算
- if target_mapping is not None:
- # q_head_g是(21, 8, 16, 64) target_mapping是(21, 128, 8)
- # q_head_g变成(128, 8, 16, 64),也就是根据target_mapping把输入从21变成128
- # 当然21个的位置是有query head的,而128-21个位置的query都是0。
- # 这么做的原因是因为模型的定义里输入都是128。
- q_head_g = tf.einsum('mbnd,mlb->lbnd', q_head_g, target_mapping)
- # Attention计算,attn_vec_g是(128, 8, 16, 64),这和前面基本一样
- attn_vec_g = rel_attn_core(
- q_head_g, k_head_h, v_head_h, k_head_r, seg_embed, seg_mat, r_w_bias,
- r_r_bias, r_s_bias, attn_mask_g, dropatt, is_training, scale)
- # 但是我们需要的只是21个Mask的位置的输出,因此我们又用target_mapping变换回来
- # attn_vec_g是(128, 8, 16, 64) target_mapping是(21, 128, 8)
- # 最终的attn_vec_g是(21, 8, 16, 64)
- attn_vec_g = tf.einsum('lbnd,mlb->mbnd', attn_vec_g, target_mapping)
- else:
- attn_vec_g = rel_attn_core(
- q_head_g, k_head_h, v_head_h, k_head_r, seg_embed, seg_mat, r_w_bias,
- r_r_bias, r_s_bias, attn_mask_g, dropatt, is_training, scale)
- # 后处理,残差+layernorm,和前面content流的一样
- # 最终的output_g是(21, 8, 1024)
- output_g = post_attention(g, attn_vec_g, d_model, n_head, d_head, dropout,
- is_training, kernel_initializer)
- return output_h, output_g
- def head_projection(h, d_model, n_head, d_head, kernel_initializer, name):
- # proj_weight的shape是(1024, 16, 64)
- proj_weight = tf.get_variable('{}/kernel'.format(name),
- [d_model, n_head, d_head], dtype=h.dtype,
- initializer=kernel_initializer)
- # h是(224, 8, 1024),proj_weight是(1024, 16, 64),head是(224, 8, 16, 64)
- head = tf.einsum('ibh,hnd->ibnd', h, proj_weight)
- return head
head_projection函数的作用是把输入的1024维的向量乘以proj_weight变成(16, 64)。为了实现上面的计算,我们可以使用reshape:
- 首先把proj_weight从(1024, 16, 64)->(1024, 1024(16x64))
- 然后把h从(224, 8, 1024) -> (224*8,1024)
- 然后h乘以proj_weight得到(224*8, 1024(16x64))
- 最后reshape成(224, 8, 16, 64)
我们可以这样解读’ibh,hnd->ibnd’:输入h的shape是(i/224, b/8, h/1024),proj_weight是(h/1024, n/16, d/64),输出的shape是(i/224,b/8,n/16,d/64)。并且:
- def rel_attn_core(q_head, k_head_h, v_head_h, k_head_r, seg_embed, seg_mat,
- r_w_bias, r_r_bias, r_s_bias, attn_mask, dropatt, is_training,
- scale):
- """基于相对位置编码的Attention"""
- # 基于内容的attention score
- # q_head是(128, 8, 16, 64) k_head_h是(224, 8, 16, 64)
- # einsum是把最后的64x64求内积,得到ac是(128, 224, 8, 16)
- # 表示i(128)->j(224)的attention score
- ac = tf.einsum('ibnd,jbnd->ijbn', q_head + r_w_bias, k_head_h)
- # 基于位置的attention score
- # q_head是(128, 8, 16, 64) k_head_r是(352, 8, 16, 64)
- # 得到的bd是(128, 352, 8, 16)
- bd = tf.einsum('ibnd,jbnd->ijbn', q_head + r_r_bias, k_head_r)
- bd = rel_shift(bd, klen=tf.shape(ac)[1])
- # segment的embedding
- if seg_mat is None:
- ef = 0
- else:
- # q_head是(128, 8, 16, 64) seg_embed是(2, 16, 64)
- # ef是(128, 8, 16, 2),也就是把它们的最后一维做内积
- ef = tf.einsum('ibnd,snd->ibns', q_head + r_s_bias, seg_embed)
- # seg_mat是(128, 224, 8, 2) ef是(128, 8, 16, 2)
- # 最终的ef是(128, 224, 8, 16) 也是把最后一维做内积
- # ef(i,j)表示i attend to j时的segment embedding。
- ef = tf.einsum('ijbs,ibns->ijbn', seg_mat, ef)
- # ac+bd+ef得到最终的attention score
- attn_score = (ac + bd + ef) * scale
- if attn_mask is not None:
- # 回忆一下,attn_mask(i,j)为1表示attention mask,也就是i不能attend to j。
- # 下面的式子中如果attn_mask里为0的不变,为1的会减去一个很大的数,这样就变成很大的负数
- # 从而后面softmax的时候概率基本为0,从而实现Mask
- attn_score = attn_score - 1e30 * attn_mask
- # 把score变成概率
- # attn_prob是(128, 224, 8, 16)
- attn_prob = tf.nn.softmax(attn_score, 1)
- # 使用dropatt进行dropout
- attn_prob = tf.layers.dropout(attn_prob, dropatt, training=is_training)
- # 根据attn_prob和value向量计算最终的输出
- # attn_prob是(128, 224, 8, 16), v_head_h是(224, 8, 16, 64)
- # attn_vec是(128, 8, 16, 64),也就是把224个attend to的向量使用attn_prob加权求和
- attn_vec = tf.einsum('ijbn,jbnd->ibnd', attn_prob, v_head_h)
- return attn_vec
变量ac对应公式的(a)和(c),变量r_w_bias对应公式里的uu;而bd对应公式的(b)和(d),变量r_r_bias对应公式里的vv。请读者对照公式进行理解。而ef是相对Segment Embedding。最终把它们加起来就是Attention Score。
- def rel_shift(x, klen=-1):
- # x是(128, 352, 8, 16),klen=224
- x_size = tf.shape(x)
- # reshape成(352, 128, 8, 16)
- x = tf.reshape(x, [x_size[1], x_size[0], x_size[2], x_size[3]])
- # 第一维从下标1开始slice到最后,其余的都完全保留,
- # tf.slice函数的介绍在下面
- # x变成(351, 128, 8, 16)
- x = tf.slice(x, [1, 0, 0, 0], [-1, -1, -1, -1])
- # reshape成(128, 351, 8, 16)
- x = tf.reshape(x, [x_size[0], x_size[1] - 1, x_size[2], x_size[3]])
- # slice得到(128, 224, 8, 16)
- x = tf.slice(x, [0, 0, 0, 0], [-1, klen, -1, -1])
- return x
- t = tf.constant([[[1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]],
- [[3, 3, 3], [4, 4, 4]],
- [[5, 5, 5], [6, 6, 6]]])
- tf.slice(t, [1, 0, 0], [1, 1, 3]) # [[[3, 3, 3]]]
- tf.slice(t, [1, 0, 0], [1, 2, 3]) # [[[3, 3, 3],
- # [4, 4, 4]]]
- tf.slice(t, [1, 0, 0], [2, 1, 3]) # [[[3, 3, 3]],
- # [[5, 5, 5]]]
x是(128, 352, 8, 16),这个x是前面bd,它是relative_positional_encoding函数的输出经过经过head_projection得到的k_head_r和q_head计算得到的。relative_positional_encoding函数的输出是(352, 8, 1024),而第一维的128是tile(复制)出来的,因此都是相同的(包括batch/8的维度也是tile出来的)。
如果读者没有办法理解其中的细节也可以暂时跳过,但是至少需要知道输出(128,224)的含义:(i,j)的含义是位置i attend to j的位置编码,x(1,4)的值和x(3,6)的值是相同的,因为它们的相对位置都是-3(1-3和4-6)。
- def post_attention(h, attn_vec, d_model, n_head, d_head, dropout, is_training,
- kernel_initializer, residual=True):
- """attention的后处理"""
- # 把attention得到的向量(16x64)投影回d_model(1024)
- # proj_o是(1024, 16, 64)
- proj_o = tf.get_variable('o/kernel', [d_model, n_head, d_head],
- dtype=h.dtype, initializer=kernel_initializer)
- # attn_vec是(128, 8, 16, 64) proj_o是(1024, 16, 64)
- # attn_out是(128, 8, 1024)
- attn_out = tf.einsum('ibnd,hnd->ibh', attn_vec, proj_o)
- attn_out = tf.layers.dropout(attn_out, dropout, training=is_training)
- if residual:
- # 残差连接然后是layer norm
- # 输出大小不变,仍然是(128, 8, 1024)
- output = tf.contrib.layers.layer_norm(attn_out + h, begin_norm_axis=-1,
- scope='LayerNorm')
- else:
- output = tf.contrib.layers.layer_norm(attn_out, begin_norm_axis=-1,
- scope='LayerNorm')
- return output
- if inp_q is not None:
- output_g = positionwise_ffn(
- inp=output_g,
- d_model=d_model,
- d_inner=d_inner,
- dropout=dropout,
- kernel_initializer=initializer,
- activation_type=ff_activation,
- is_training=is_training)
- output_h = positionwise_ffn(
- inp=output_h,
- d_model=d_model,
- d_inner=d_inner,
- dropout=dropout,
- kernel_initializer=initializer,
- activation_type=ff_activation,
- is_training=is_training,
- reuse=reuse)
- def positionwise_ffn(inp, d_model, d_inner, dropout, kernel_initializer,
- activation_type='relu', scope='ff', is_training=True,
- reuse=None):
- if activation_type == 'relu':
- activation = tf.nn.relu
- elif activation_type == 'gelu':
- activation = gelu
- else:
- raise ValueError('Unsupported activation type {}'.format(activation_type))
- output = inp
- with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse):
- # 第一个全连接层,输入output是(21,8,1024),输出output是(21,8,4096)
- # 激活函数是relu
- output = tf.layers.dense(output, d_inner, activation=activation,
- kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer,
- name='layer_1')
- output = tf.layers.dropout(output, dropout, training=is_training,
- name='drop_1')
- # 用一个线性变换(activation是None)把4096->1024
- # output为(21,8,1024)
- output = tf.layers.dense(output, d_model,
- kernel_initializer=kernel_initializer,
- name='layer_2')
- output = tf.layers.dropout(output, dropout, training=is_training,
- name='drop_2')
- # 残差连接和LayerNorm,最终的output还是(21, 8, 1024)
- output = tf.contrib.layers.layer_norm(output + inp, begin_norm_axis=-1,
- scope='LayerNorm')
- return output
- if inp_q is not None:
- # 因为是pretraining,所有返回query stream的结果
- output = tf.layers.dropout(output_g, dropout, training=is_training)
- else:
- output = tf.layers.dropout(output_h, dropout, training=is_training)
- return output, new_mems, lookup_table
这一段非常简单,只是返回结果。如果是pretraining,则返回查询stream的输出output_g(21, 8, 1024),否则返回内容stream的输出output_h(128, 8, 1024),返回之前会再做一个dropout,最终返回的是output, new_mems和lookingup_table(32000, 1024)。
- def two_stream_loss(FLAGS, features, labels, mems, is_training):
- .........................
- # 这是我们之前分析的"断点",我们接着
- xlnet_model = xlnet.XLNetModel(
- xlnet_config=xlnet_config,
- run_config=run_config,
- input_ids=inp_k,
- seg_ids=seg_id,
- input_mask=inp_mask,
- mems=mems,
- perm_mask=perm_mask,
- target_mapping=target_mapping,
- inp_q=inp_q)
- # 得到pretraining的输出,shape是(21, 8, 1024)
- output = xlnet_model.get_sequence_output()
- # 新的mem,key是"mems",value是(96, 8, 1024)
- new_mems = {mem_name: xlnet_model.get_new_memory()}
- # lookup_table是(32000, 1024)
- lookup_table = xlnet_model.get_embedding_table()
- initializer = xlnet_model.get_initializer()
- with tf.variable_scope("model", reuse=tf.AUTO_REUSE):
- # pretraining的loss,详细参考下面的分析
- lm_loss = modeling.lm_loss(
- hidden=output,
- target=tgt,
- n_token=xlnet_config.n_token,
- d_model=xlnet_config.d_model,
- initializer=initializer,
- lookup_table=lookup_table,
- tie_weight=True,
- bi_data=run_config.bi_data,
- use_tpu=run_config.use_tpu)
- #### 监控的量
- monitor_dict = {}
- if FLAGS.use_bfloat16:
- tgt_mask = tf.cast(tgt_mask, tf.float32)
- lm_loss = tf.cast(lm_loss, tf.float32)
- # 所有的平均loss
- total_loss = tf.reduce_sum(lm_loss * tgt_mask) / tf.reduce_sum(tgt_mask)
- monitor_dict["total_loss"] = total_loss
- return total_loss, new_mems, monitor_dict
- def lm_loss(hidden, target, n_token, d_model, initializer, lookup_table=None,
- tie_weight=False, bi_data=True, use_tpu=False):
- with tf.variable_scope('lm_loss'):
- if tie_weight:
- assert lookup_table is not None, \
- 'lookup_table cannot be None for tie_weight'
- softmax_w = lookup_table
- else:
- softmax_w = tf.get_variable('weight', [n_token, d_model],
- dtype=hidden.dtype, initializer=initializer)
- softmax_b = tf.get_variable('bias', [n_token], dtype=hidden.dtype,
- initializer=tf.zeros_initializer())
- # hidden (21, 8, 1024) softmax_w是(32000, 1024)
- # tf.einsum得到(21, 8, 32000),然后加上32000的bias,shape不变
- logits = tf.einsum('ibd,nd->ibn', hidden, softmax_w) + softmax_b
- if use_tpu:
- # TPU上稀疏Tensor的效率不高
- one_hot_target = tf.one_hot(target, n_token, dtype=logits.dtype)
- loss = -tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.log_softmax(logits) * one_hot_target, -1)
- else:
- # 计算loss
- loss = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=target,
- logits=logits)
- return loss
上面的代码比较简单,使用tf.einsum把隐状态(21, 8, 1024)变换成(21, 8, 32000)的logits,然后使用sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits计算交叉熵损失。不熟悉sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits的读者可以参考官方文档,也可以购买作者的《深度学习理论与实战:基础篇》的第六章,里面详细的介绍了Tensorflow的基础知识。
- def model_fn(features, labels, mems, is_training):
- # 前面我们在这个地方进入
- total_loss, new_mems, monitor_dict = function_builder.get_loss(
- FLAGS, features, labels, mems, is_training)
- #### 检查模型的参数
- num_params = sum([np.prod(v.shape) for v in tf.trainable_variables()])
- tf.logging.info('#params: {}'.format(num_params))
- # GPU
- assert is_training
- # 得到所有可以训练的变量
- all_vars = tf.trainable_variables()
- # 计算梯度
- grads = tf.gradients(total_loss, all_vars)
- # 把梯度和变量组成pair
- grads_and_vars = list(zip(grads, all_vars))
- return total_loss, new_mems, grads_and_vars
- for i in range(FLAGS.num_core_per_host):
- reuse = True if i > 0 else None
- with tf.device(assign_to_gpu(i, ps_device)), \
- tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=reuse):
- # The mems for each tower is a dictionary
- mems_i = {}
- if FLAGS.mem_len:
- mems_i["mems"] = create_mems_tf(bsz_per_core)
- # 我们从这里进去,然后返回
- loss_i, new_mems_i, grads_and_vars_i = single_core_graph(
- is_training=True,
- features=examples[i],
- mems=mems_i)
- # 下面都是多GPU训练相关的,把多个GPU的结果放到一起,我们暂时忽略
- tower_mems.append(mems_i)
- tower_losses.append(loss_i)
- tower_new_mems.append(new_mems_i)
- tower_grads_and_vars.append(grads_and_vars_i)
- ## 多个GPU的loss平均,我们这里只有一个GPU,走else分支
- if len(tower_losses) > 1:
- loss = tf.add_n(tower_losses) / len(tower_losses)
- grads_and_vars = average_grads_and_vars(tower_grads_and_vars)
- else:
- loss = tower_losses[0]
- grads_and_vars = tower_grads_and_vars[0]
- ## 得到训练的operation
- train_op, learning_rate, gnorm = model_utils.get_train_op(FLAGS, None,
- grads_and_vars=grads_and_vars)
- global_step = tf.train.get_global_step()
- ##### 训练循环
- # 初始化mems
- tower_mems_np = []
- for i in range(FLAGS.num_core_per_host):
- mems_i_np = {}
- for key in tower_mems[i].keys():
- # 这个函数把返回一个list(长度为层数6),每一个元素都是0,shape是(96, 8, 1024)
- mems_i_np[key] = initialize_mems_np(bsz_per_core)
- tower_mems_np.append(mems_i_np)
- # Saver
- saver = tf.train.Saver()
- gpu_options = tf.GPUOptions(allow_growth=True)
- # 从checkpoit恢复模型参数,我们这里是从零开始Pretraining,因此没有任何可以恢复的
- # 后面Fine-tuning再介绍这个函数
- model_utils.init_from_checkpoint(FLAGS, global_vars=True)
- with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True,
- gpu_options=gpu_options)) as sess:
- # 初始化所有变量
- sess.run(tf.global_variables_initializer())
- # session.run时的返回值
- fetches = [loss, tower_new_mems, global_step, gnorm, learning_rate, train_op]
- total_loss, prev_step = 0., -1
- while True:
- feed_dict = {}
- # 需要把mems feed进去,它来自下面sess.run返回的tower_mems_np。
- for i in range(FLAGS.num_core_per_host):
- for key in tower_mems_np[i].keys():
- for m, m_np in zip(tower_mems[i][key], tower_mems_np[i][key]):
- feed_dict[m] = m_np
- # 进行训练
- fetched = sess.run(fetches, feed_dict=feed_dict)
- # 得到loss、新的mems(作为下一个的输入)和当前训练的step数
- loss_np, tower_mems_np, curr_step = fetched[:3]
- total_loss += loss_np
- if curr_step > 0 and curr_step % FLAGS.iterations == 0:
- curr_loss = total_loss / (curr_step - prev_step)
- tf.logging.info("[{}] | gnorm {:.2f} lr {:8.6f} "
- "| loss {:.2f} | pplx {:>7.2f}, bpc {:>7.4f}".format(
- curr_step, fetched[-3], fetched[-2],
- curr_loss, math.exp(curr_loss), curr_loss / math.log(2)))
- total_loss, prev_step = 0., curr_step
- if curr_step > 0 and curr_step % FLAGS.save_steps == 0:
- # 每隔FLAGS.save_steps(10,000)保存一下模型
- save_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.model_dir, "model.ckpt")
- saver.save(sess, save_path)
- tf.logging.info("Model saved in path: {}".format(save_path))
- if curr_step >= FLAGS.train_steps:
- break
- def get_train_op(FLAGS, total_loss, grads_and_vars=None):
- global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step()
- # 线性的增加学习率,我们这里走else分支
- if FLAGS.warmup_steps > 0:
- warmup_lr = (tf.cast(global_step, tf.float32)
- / tf.cast(FLAGS.warmup_steps, tf.float32)
- * FLAGS.learning_rate)
- else:
- warmup_lr = 0.0
- # 学习率的decay
- if FLAGS.decay_method == "poly":
- # 多项式的学习率decay,我们这里不介绍,读者可以参考官方文档
- decay_lr = tf.train.polynomial_decay(
- FLAGS.learning_rate,
- global_step=global_step - FLAGS.warmup_steps,
- decay_steps=FLAGS.train_steps - FLAGS.warmup_steps,
- end_learning_rate=FLAGS.learning_rate * FLAGS.min_lr_ratio)
- elif FLAGS.decay_method == "cos":
- decay_lr = tf.train.cosine_decay(
- FLAGS.learning_rate,
- global_step=global_step - FLAGS.warmup_steps,
- decay_steps=FLAGS.train_steps - FLAGS.warmup_steps,
- alpha=FLAGS.min_lr_ratio)
- else:
- raise ValueError(FLAGS.decay_method)
- # 如果step< warmup_steps则使用warmup_lr,否则使用decay_lr
- learning_rate = tf.where(global_step < FLAGS.warmup_steps,
- warmup_lr, decay_lr)
- if FLAGS.weight_decay == 0:
- # 如果没有weight_decay,那么使用AdamOptimizer,我们走这个分支
- optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(
- learning_rate=learning_rate,
- epsilon=FLAGS.adam_epsilon)
- elif FLAGS.weight_decay > 0 and FLAGS.num_core_per_host == 1:
- optimizer = AdamWeightDecayOptimizer(
- learning_rate=learning_rate,
- epsilon=FLAGS.adam_epsilon,
- exclude_from_weight_decay=["LayerNorm", "layer_norm", "bias"],
- weight_decay_rate=FLAGS.weight_decay)
- else:
- raise ValueError("Do not support `weight_decay > 0` with multi-gpu "
- "training so far.")
- if FLAGS.use_tpu:
- optimizer = tf.contrib.tpu.CrossShardOptimizer(optimizer)
- if grads_and_vars is None:
- grads_and_vars = optimizer.compute_gradients(total_loss)
- gradients, variables = zip(*grads_and_vars)
- # 把梯度clip到最大绝对值为FLAGS.clip(0.25)
- clipped, gnorm = tf.clip_by_global_norm(gradients, FLAGS.clip)
- # 这个分支没走,这里跳过
- if getattr(FLAGS, "lr_layer_decay_rate", 1.0) != 1.0:
- n_layer = 0
- for i in range(len(clipped)):
- m = re.search(r"model/transformer/layer_(\d+?)/", variables[i].name)
- if not m: continue
- n_layer = max(n_layer, int(m.group(1)) + 1)
- for i in range(len(clipped)):
- for l in range(n_layer):
- if "model/transformer/layer_{}/".format(l) in variables[i].name:
- abs_rate = FLAGS.lr_layer_decay_rate ** (n_layer - 1 - l)
- clipped[i] *= abs_rate
- tf.logging.info("Apply mult {:.4f} to layer-{} grad of {}".format(
- abs_rate, l, variables[i].name))
- break
- # optimizer应用梯度的训练op
- train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients(
- zip(clipped, variables), global_step=global_step)
- # Manually increment `global_step` for AdamWeightDecayOptimizer
- if isinstance(optimizer, AdamWeightDecayOptimizer):
- new_global_step = global_step + 1
- train_op = tf.group(train_op, [global_step.assign(new_global_step)])
- return train_op, learning_rate, gnorm
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