麻雀优化算法(Sparrow Search Algorithm, SSA)是2020年提出的智能优化算法,SSA算法受到庥雀觅食行为和反捕食行为的启发而提出,属于智能仿生算法中粒子群优化算法(PSO)的其中一种,用于模拟群体智能所产生的一种进化计算技术(Evolutionary Computation)。相较于其他智能优化算法,麻雀搜索算法是一种高效、灵活、内存占用低、易于实现的搜索算法,适用于大规模搜索问题。
- function [fMin , bestX,Convergence_curve ] = SSA(pop, M,c,d,dim,fobj )
- P_percent = 0.2; % The population size of producers accounts for "P_percent" percent of the total population size
- pNum = round( pop * P_percent ); % The population size of the producers
- lb= c.*ones( 1,dim ); % Lower limit/bounds/ a vector
- ub= d.*ones( 1,dim ); % Upper limit/bounds/ a vector
- %Initialization
- for i = 1 : pop
- x( i, : ) = lb + (ub - lb) .* rand( 1, dim );
- fit( i ) = fobj( x( i, : ) ) ;
- end
- pFit = fit;
- pX = x; % The individual's best position corresponding to the pFit
- [ fMin, bestI ] = min( fit ); % fMin denotes the global optimum fitness value
- bestX = x( bestI, : ); % bestX denotes the global optimum position corresponding to fMin
- % Start updating the solutions.
- for t = 1 : M
- [ ans, sortIndex ] = sort( pFit );% Sort.
- [fmax,B]=max( pFit );
- worse= x(B,:);
- r2=rand(1);
- if(r2<0.8)
- for i = 1 : pNum % Equation (3)
- r1=rand(1);
- x( sortIndex( i ), : ) = pX( sortIndex( i ), : )*exp(-(i)/(r1*M));
- x( sortIndex( i ), : ) = Bounds( x( sortIndex( i ), : ), lb, ub );
- fit( sortIndex( i ) ) = fobj( x( sortIndex( i ), : ) );
- end
- else
- for i = 1 : pNum
- x( sortIndex( i ), : ) = pX( sortIndex( i ), : )+randn(1)*ones(1,dim);
- x( sortIndex( i ), : ) = Bounds( x( sortIndex( i ), : ), lb, ub );
- fit( sortIndex( i ) ) = fobj( x( sortIndex( i ), : ) );
- end
- end
- [ fMMin, bestII ] = min( fit );
- bestXX = x( bestII, : );
- for i = ( pNum + 1 ) : pop % Equation (4)
- A=floor(rand(1,dim)*2)*2-1;
- if( i>(pop/2))
- x( sortIndex(i ), : )=randn(1)*exp((worse-pX( sortIndex( i ), : ))/(i)^2);
- else
- x( sortIndex( i ), : )=bestXX+(abs(( pX( sortIndex( i ), : )-bestXX)))*(A'*(A*A')^(-1))*ones(1,dim);
- end
- x( sortIndex( i ), : ) = Bounds( x( sortIndex( i ), : ), lb, ub );
- fit( sortIndex( i ) ) = fobj( x( sortIndex( i ), : ) );
- end
- c=randperm(numel(sortIndex));
- b=sortIndex(c(1:20));
- for j = 1 : length(b) % Equation (5)
- if( pFit( sortIndex( b(j) ) )>(fMin) )
- x( sortIndex( b(j) ), : )=bestX+(randn(1,dim)).*(abs(( pX( sortIndex( b(j) ), : ) -bestX)));
- else
- x( sortIndex( b(j) ), : ) =pX( sortIndex( b(j) ), : )+(2*rand(1)-1)*(abs(pX( sortIndex( b(j) ), : )-worse))/ ( pFit( sortIndex( b(j) ) )-fmax+1e-50);
- end
- x( sortIndex(b(j) ), : ) = Bounds( x( sortIndex(b(j) ), : ), lb, ub );
- fit( sortIndex( b(j) ) ) = fobj( x( sortIndex( b(j) ), : ) );
- end
- for i = 1 : pop
- if ( fit( i ) < pFit( i ) )
- pFit( i ) = fit( i );
- pX( i, : ) = x( i, : );
- end
- if( pFit( i ) < fMin )
- fMin= pFit( i );
- bestX = pX( i, : );
- end
- end
- Convergence_curve(t)=fMin;
- end
- % Application of simple limits/bounds
- function s = Bounds( s, Lb, Ub)
- % Apply the lower bound vector
- temp = s;
- I = temp < Lb;
- temp(I) = Lb(I);
- % Apply the upper bound vector
- J = temp > Ub;
- temp(J) = Ub(J);
- % Update this new move
- s = temp;
- %---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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