SQL36 查找后排序 select device_id, age from user_profile order by age asc; asc升序(默认)、desc降序
SQL37 查找后多列排序 select device_id, gpa, age from user_profile order by gpa, age;
SQL38 查找后降序排列 select device_id, gpa, age from user_profile order by gpa desc, age desc;
SQL6 查找学校是北大的学生信息 select device_id, university FROM user_profile where university = “北京大学” and device_id = user_profile.device_id; 回表查询 先定位主键值,再定位行记录,它的性能较扫一遍索引树更低。 使用聚集索引(主键或第一个唯一索引)就不会回表,普通索引就会回表。 索引覆盖 只需要在一棵索引树上就能获取SQL所需的所有列数据,无需回表,速度更快。 实现索引覆盖最常见的方法就是:将被查询的字段,建立到组合索引。 索引下推 MySQL 5.6引入了索引下推优化,可以在索引遍历过程中,对索引中包含的字段先做判断,过滤掉不符合条件的记录,减少回表字数。 如果没有索引下推优化(或称ICP优化),当进行索引查询时,首先根据索引来查找记录,然后再根据where条件来过滤记录;在支持ICP优化后,MySQL会在取出索引的同时,判断是否可以进行where条件过滤再进行索引查询,也就是说提前执行where的部分过滤操作。
SQL7 查找年龄大于24岁的用户信息 > select device_id, gender, age, university from user_profile where age > 24;
SQL8 查找某个年龄段的用户信息 and | between and
select device_id, gender, age from user_profile where age >= 20 and age <= 23;
select device_id, gender, age from user_profile where age between 20 and 23;
SQL9 查找除复旦大学的用户信息 != select device_id, gender, age, university from user_profile where university != “复旦大学”;
SQL10 用where过滤空值练习 is not null select device_id, gender, age, university from user_profile where age is not null;
SQL 11 男性且GPA在3.5以上(不包括3.5)的用户 and select device_id, gender, age, university, gpa from user_profile where gender = “male” and gpa > 3.5;
SQL 12 学校为北大或GPA在3.7以上(不包括3.7)的用户 or select device_id, gender, age, university, gpa from user_profile where university = “北京大学” or gpa > 3.7;
SQL13 Where in 和Not in select device_id, gender, age, university, gpa from user_profile where university in (“山东大学”, “复旦大学”,“北京大学”);
SQL14 操作符混合运用 select device_id, gender, age, university, gpa from user_profile where (gpa > 3.5 and university = “山东大学”) or (gpa > 3.8 and university = “复旦大学”);
SQL15 查看学校名称中含北京的用户 like % 模糊匹配 select device_id, age, university from user_profile where university like “%北京%”; 四种匹配模式:
[ ]:指定一个字符、字符串或范围,要求所匹配对象为它们中的任一个
[^ ] :表示不在括号所列之内的单个字符
SQL16 查找GPA最高值 聚合函数 max() select max(gpa) from user_profile where university = “复旦大学”;
SQL17 计算男生人数以及平均GPA count() avg() select count(gender) male_num, avg(gpa) avg_gpa from user_profile where gender = “male”; count
SQL 18 分组计算练习题 每个学校不同性别的用户活跃情况和发帖数量 select gender, university, count(id) user_num, avg(active_days_within_30) avg_active_day, avg(question_cnt) avg_question_cnt from user_profile group by university, gender;
SQL19 分组过滤练习题 每个学校用户的平均发贴和回帖情况,寻找低活跃度学校进行重点运营,请取出平均发贴数低于5的学校或平均回帖数小于20的学校 select university, avg(question_cnt) avg_question_cnt, avg(answer_cnt) avg_answer_cnt from user_profile group by university having avg_question_cnt < 5 or avg_answer_cnt < 20; 聚合函数结果作为筛选条件时,不能用where,而是用having语法,配合重命名即可
SQL20 分组排序练习题 select university, avg(question_cnt) avg_question_cnt from user_profile group by university order by avg_question_cnt;
SQL21 浙江大学用户题目回答情况 select user_profile.device_id, question_id, result from user_profile, question_practice_detail where user_profile.device_id = question_practice_detail.device_id and user_profile.device_id in (select device_id from user_profile where university = “浙江大学”) order by question_id;
SQL22 统计每个学校的答过题的用户的平均答题数 select university, count(question_id)/count(distinct up.device_id) avg_answer_cnt from user_profile as up inner join question_practice_detail as qpd on qpd.device_id = up.device_id group by university order by university;
SQL23 统计每个学校各难度的用户平均刷题数 select university, difficult_level, count(qpd.question_id) / count(distinct up.device_id) ang_aswer_cnt from user_profile up inner join question_practice_detail qpd on up.device_id = qpd.device_id inner join question_detail qd on qpd.question_id = qd.question_id group by university, difficult_level;
SQL24 统计每个用户的平均刷题数 山东大学的用户在不同难度下的平均答题题目数 select university, difficult_level, count(qd.question_id) / count(distinct up.device_id) avg_answer_cnt from user_profile up inner join question_practice_detail qpd on up.device_id = qpd.device_id inner join question_detail qd on qpd.question_id = qd.question_id where university = “山东大学” group by difficult_level;
SQL25 查找山东大学或者性别为男生的信息 select device_id, gender, age, gpa from user_profile where university = “山东大学” union all select device_id, gender, age, gpa from user_profile where gender = “male”; UNION会将组合后的结果进行去重处理 UNION ALL会将组合的结果直接拼接,并不进行去重处理