Postgres CDC连接器允许从PostgreSQL数据库读取快照数据和增量数据。
名称 | 展示名称 | 默认值 | 允许值 | 是否必填 | 描述 | 例子 |
hostname | Hostname | “” | 无 | 是 | PostgreSQL数据库服务器的IP地址或主机名。 | |
username | Username | “” | 无 | 是 | 连接到PostgreSQL数据库服务器时要使用的用户名。 | root |
password | Password | “” | 无 | 是 | 连接PostgreSQL数据库服务器时使用的密码。 | 123456 |
databaseName | DatabaseName | “” | 无 | 是 | 要监视的PostgreSQL服务器的数据库名称。 | test |
schemaName | Schema | “” | 无 | 是 | 要监视的PostgreSQL数据库的Schema。 | public |
tableName | TableName | “” | 无 | 是 | "需要监视的PostgreSQL数据库的表名。 | test |
port | Port | 5432 | 无 | 否 | PostgreSQL数据库服务器的整数端口号。 | 5432 |
slotName | SlotName | “” | 无 | 是 | The name of the PostgreSQL logical decoding slot that was created for streaming changes from a particular plug-in for a particular database/schema. The server uses this slot to stream events to the connector that you are configuring. | |
Slot names must conform to PostgreSQL replication slot naming rules, which state: “Each replication slot has a name, which can contain lower-case letters, numbers, and the underscore character.” | ||||||
tableDefinition | TableDefinition | “” | 无 | 是 | Flink table定义。 | |
properties | PROPERTIES | “” | 无 | 否 | 连接器其他配置。 |
{ "flow":{ "name":"pgcdc", "uuid":"273553c2ece043c29fba179df6826c5a", "paths":[ { "inport":"", "from":"products", "to":"SQLQuery", "outport":"" }, { "inport":"", "from":"orders", "to":"SQLQuery", "outport":"" }, { "inport":"", "from":"shipments", "to":"SQLQuery", "outport":"" }, { "inport":"", "from":"SQLQuery", "to":"ShowChangeLogData", "outport":"" } ], "engineType":"flink", "stops":[ { "name":"shipments", "bundle":"cn.piflow.bundle.flink.cdc.postgres.PostgresCdc", "uuid":"13ac002a8a4d404e8dda77c9a1d8360f", "properties":{ "hostname":"", "username":"postgres", "port":"5432", "properties":{ }, "schemaName":"public", "tableName":"shipments", "tableDefinition":{ "tableBaseInfo":{ "ifNotExists":true, "registerTableName":"shipments" }, "physicalColumnDefinition":[ { "columnName":"shipment_id", "columnType":"INT", "primaryKey":true }, { "columnName":"order_id", "columnType":"INT" }, { "columnName":"origin", "columnType":"STRING" }, { "columnName":"destination", "columnType":"STRING" }, { "columnName":"is_arrived", "columnType":"BOOLEAN" } ], "asSelectStatement":{ }, "likeStatement":{ } }, "databaseName":"postgres", "slotName":"flink", "password":"postgres" }, "customizedProperties":{ } }, { "name":"SQLQuery", "bundle":"cn.piflow.bundle.flink.common.SQLQuery", "uuid":"a5afa1368e1e4e348950bb2eda2011a8", "properties":{ "viewName":"temp", "sql":"SELECT\n o.*,\n p.name,\n p.description,\n s.shipment_id,\n s.origin,\n s.destination,\n s.is_arrived\nFROM\n orders AS o\n LEFT JOIN products AS p ON o.product_id = p.id\n LEFT JOIN shipments AS s ON o.order_id = s.order_id" }, "customizedProperties":{ } }, { "name":"ShowChangeLogData", "bundle":"cn.piflow.bundle.flink.common.ShowChangeLogData", "uuid":"c6604e600aa645d29264f4be5ce4e2eb", "properties":{ "showNumber":"10" }, "customizedProperties":{ } }, { "name":"products", "bundle":"cn.piflow.bundle.flink.cdc.mysql.MysqlCdc", "uuid":"ab91c42f26cb4e119e34830178611293", "properties":{ "hostname":"", "username":"root", "serverId":"5400", "port":"3306", "properties":{ "server-time-zone":"UTC" }, "tableName":"products", "tableDefinition":{ "tableBaseInfo":{ "registerTableName":"products" }, "physicalColumnDefinition":[ { "columnName":"id", "columnType":"INT", "primaryKey":true }, { "columnName":"name", "columnType":"STRING" }, { "columnName":"description", "columnType":"STRING" } ], "asSelectStatement":{ }, "likeStatement":{ } }, "databaseName":"mydb", "password":"123456" }, "customizedProperties":{ } }, { "name":"orders", "bundle":"cn.piflow.bundle.flink.cdc.mysql.MysqlCdc", "uuid":"4ffa58f3db6144739f6b797fd3839025", "properties":{ "hostname":"", "username":"root", "serverId":"5410", "port":"3306", "properties":{ "scan.incremental.snapshot.chunk.key-column":"order_id", "server-time-zone":"UTC" }, "tableName":"orders", "tableDefinition":{ "tableBaseInfo":{ "ifNotExists":true, "registerTableName":"orders" }, "physicalColumnDefinition":[ { "columnName":"order_id", "columnType":"INT" }, { "columnName":"order_date", "columnType":"TIMESTAMP", "length":0 }, { "columnName":"customer_name", "columnType":"STRING" }, { "columnName":"price", "columnType":"DECIMAL", "precision":10, "scale":5 }, { "columnName":"product_id", "columnType":"INT" }, { "columnName":"order_status", "columnType":"BOOLEAN" } ], "asSelectStatement":{ }, "likeStatement":{ } }, "databaseName":"mydb", "password":"123456" }, "customizedProperties":{ } } ] } }
本示例演示了基于PiflowX构建MySQL和Postgres的Streaming ETL。
基于 PiflowX构建 MySQL 和 Postgres 的 Streaming ETL
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