去Google应用商店搜索:Google翻译 点击安装就行了,我这里安装过了,只有移除选项了,如果你没安装过这就是安装:: 使用效果 选中一段英文: The SQLAlchemy Expression Language presents a system of representing relational database structures and expressions using Python constructs. These constructs are modeled to resemble those of the underlying database as closely as possible, while providing a modicum of abstraction of the various implementation differences between database backends. While the constructs attempt to represent equivalent concepts between backends with consistent structures, they do not conceal useful concepts that are unique to particular subsets of backends. The Expression Language therefore presents a method of writing backend-neutral SQL expressions, but does not attempt to enforce that expressions are backend-neutral. 点击小图标,就会得到翻译的文字: 提供了Google翻译、DeepL,Yandex等翻译结果,自己也可以根据实际业务选择一个更适合自己的翻译结果;