2、 for循环会循规蹈矩的重复判断,所以我们使用while循环
def score_sentiment(sen_word, not_word, degree_word, seg_result): # 权重初始化为1 w = 1 score = 0 # 情感词下标初始化 sentiment_index = -1 # 情感词的位置下标集合 sentiment_index_list = list(sen_word.keys()) # [1, 3] # 对第一个情感词前的程度副词或者否定词进行得分处理!!!!!!! # print(sentiment_index_list) if len(sentiment_index_list) > 1: for j in range(0, sentiment_index_list[0]): # 查看第一个情感词的位置下标之前有没有否定词和程度副词(可能情感词为空,注意报错) if j in not_word.keys(): w = w * float(not_word[j]) # 否定词的极性固定为-1 elif j in degree_word.keys(): w = w * float(degree_word[j]) i = 0 while i < len(seg_result): # 如果是情感词 if i in sen_word.keys(): score = score + w * abs(float(sen_word[i])) # w一定要初始化一下 每个W只跟你所对应的情感词有关系 w = 1.0 # 情感词下标加1,获取下一个情感词的位置 sentiment_index += 1 if sentiment_index < len(sentiment_index_list) - 1: # 判断当前的情感词与下一个情感词之间是否有程度副词或否定词 for j in range(sentiment_index_list[sentiment_index], sentiment_index_list[sentiment_index + 1]): # 更新权重,如果有否定词,权重取反 if j in not_word.keys(): score = score * float(not_word[j]) elif j in degree_word.keys(): w = w * float(degree_word[j]) i = sentiment_index_list[sentiment_index + 1] else: i += 1 elif i in not_word: score = score * (float(not_word[i])) i += 1 elif i in degree_word: score = score * (float(degree_word[i])) i += 1 else: i += 1 return score
import csv from collections import defaultdict import jieba def classify_words(word_list): sen_file = open('BosonNLP_sentiment_score.txt','r+',encoding='utf-8') sen_list = sen_file.readlines() sen_dict = defaultdict() for i in sen_list: if len(i.split(' ')) == 2: sen_dict[i.split(' ')[0]] = i.split(' ')[1] # print('sen_dict', sen_dict) not_word_file = open('否定词_degree.txt', 'r+', encoding = 'utf-8') not_word_list = not_word_file.readlines() not_word_dict = defaultdict() for i in not_word_list: not_word_dict[i.split(',')[0]] = i.split(',')[1] degree_file = open('程度副词.txt', 'r+', encoding = 'utf-8') degree_list = degree_file.readlines() degree_dict = defaultdict() for i in degree_list: degree_dict[i.split(',')[0]] = i.split(',')[1] sen_word = dict() not_word = dict() degree_word = dict() # 分类 for i in range(len(word_list)): word = word_list[i] # 遍历每一个单词 # 先判断是否在否定词的列表内 if word in not_word_dict.keys(): # 加入否定词和否定词对应的极性 not_word[i] = not_word_dict[word] elif word in sen_dict.keys() and word not in degree_dict.keys(): # 属于情感词,不属于否定词,不属于程度副词 sen_word[i] = sen_dict[word] elif word in degree_dict.keys(): degree_word[i] = degree_dict[word] # 如果都没有在它们之中则不进行计算 sen_file.close() not_word_file.close() degree_file.close() # 返回分类结果(情感词key,value 否定词 , 程度副词key, value) # print('情感词:', sen_word) print('否定词:', not_word) # print('程度词:', degree_word) return sen_word, not_word, degree_word
import csv from collections import defaultdict import jieba def seg_word(sentence): seg_list = jieba.cut(sentence) # 将句子分为各个分词 seg_result = [] # 把这些单词加入到列表 for i in seg_list: seg_result.append(i) stopwords = set() # 加入停用词 with open('stopwords.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fr: for i in fr: stopwords.add(i.strip()) print(list(filter(lambda x: x not in stopwords, seg_result))) return list(filter(lambda x: x not in stopwords, seg_result)) def classify_words(word_list): sen_file = open('BosonNLP_sentiment_score.txt','r+',encoding='utf-8') sen_list = sen_file.readlines() sen_dict = defaultdict() for i in sen_list: if len(i.split(' ')) == 2: sen_dict[i.split(' ')[0]] = i.split(' ')[1] not_word_file = open('否定词_degree.txt', 'r+', encoding = 'utf-8') not_word_list = not_word_file.readlines() not_word_dict = defaultdict() for i in not_word_list: not_word_dict[i.split(',')[0]] = i.split(',')[1] degree_file = open('程度副词.txt', 'r+', encoding = 'utf-8') degree_list = degree_file.readlines() degree_dict = defaultdict() for i in degree_list: degree_dict[i.split(',')[0]] = i.split(',')[1] sen_word = dict() not_word = dict() degree_word = dict() # 分类 for i in range(len(word_list)): word = word_list[i] if word in not_word_dict.keys(): not_word[i] = not_word_dict[word] elif word in sen_dict.keys() and word not in degree_dict.keys(): sen_word[i] = sen_dict[word] elif word in degree_dict.keys(): degree_word[i] = degree_dict[word] sen_file.close() not_word_file.close() degree_file.close() # 返回分类结果(情感词key,value 否定词 , 程度副词key, value) # print('情感词:', sen_word) # print('否定词:', not_word) # print('程度词:', degree_word) return sen_word, not_word, degree_word def score_sentiment(sen_word, not_word, degree_word, seg_result): # 权重初始化为1 w = 1 score = 0 # 情感词下标初始化 sentiment_index = -1 # 情感词的位置下标集合 sentiment_index_list = list(sen_word.keys()) # [1, 3] # 对第一个情感词前的程度副词或者否定词进行得分处理!!!!!!! if len(sentiment_index_list) > 1: for j in range(0, sentiment_index_list[0]): # 查看第一个情感词的位置下标之前有没有否定词和程度副词(可能情感词为空,注意报错) if j in not_word.keys(): w = w * float(not_word[j]) elif j in degree_word.keys(): w = w * float(degree_word[j]) i = 0 while i < len(seg_result): # 如果是情感词 if i in sen_word.keys(): score = score + w * abs(float(sen_word[i])) w = 1.0 # 情感词下标加1,获取下一个情感词的位置 sentiment_index += 1 if sentiment_index < len(sentiment_index_list) - 1: # 判断当前的情感词与下一个情感词之间是否有程度副词或否定词 for j in range(sentiment_index_list[sentiment_index], sentiment_index_list[sentiment_index + 1]): # 更新score,如果有否定词,score*极性 if j in not_word.keys(): score = score * float(not_word[j]) elif j in degree_word.keys(): w = w * float(degree_word[j]) i = sentiment_index_list[sentiment_index + 1] else: i += 1 elif i in not_word: score = score * (float(not_word[i])) i += 1 elif i in degree_word: score = score * (float(degree_word[i])) i += 1 else: i += 1 return score # 调用整个程序,计算每个短文本的分数 def sentiment_score(sentence): wordlist = seg_word(sentence) sen_word, not_word, degree_word = classify_words(wordlist) score = score_sentiment(sen_word, not_word, degree_word, wordlist) return score # # 1、读取原文件 # file_origin = r'测试短篇章读取.csv' # # 2、创建文件对象 # file_newcreate = r'newtest_测试短篇章读取.csv' # 这个函数计算召回率, 精确率,f1值 def caculate_accuracy(file_origin, file_newcreate): f = open(file_newcreate, 'w', encoding='utf-8') csv_write = csv.writer(f) # 基于文件对象构建csv写入对象 csv_write.writerow(['text_a', 'label', 'test_label']) with open(file_origin, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) # 读取结果生成一个dict for row in reader: text_a = row['text_a'] label = row['label'] test_label = sentiment_score(text_a) if test_label > 0: test_label = 1 else: test_label = 0 csv_write.writerow([text_a, label, test_label]) f.close() with open(file_newcreate, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) pos_pos = 0 # 正面,评测为正 neg_neg = 0 # 负面,评测为负 pos_neg = 0 # 正面,评测为负 neg_pos = 0 # 负面,评测为正 for row in reader: label = row['label'] test_label = row['test_label'] # print(label, test_label) if label == '1' and test_label == '1': pos_pos += 1 elif label == '0' and test_label == '0': neg_neg += 1 elif label == '1' and test_label == '0': pos_neg += 1 else: neg_pos += 1 recall = pos_pos/(pos_pos + pos_neg) precision = pos_pos/(pos_pos + neg_pos) f1 = 2*(precision*recall)/(precision+recall) print("召回率:", recall) print("精确率:", precision) print("F1:", f1) return recall, precision, f1 if __name__ == "__main__": file_origin = r'chnsenticorp_train.tsv' file_newcreate = r'new_17chnsenticorp_train.tsv' tmp = caculate_accuracy(file_origin, file_newcreate) print(tmp)
# 召回率: 0.7062159214830971
# 精确率: 0.5359152598477326
# F1: 0.6093911734261787
def score_sentiment(sen_word, not_word, degree_word, seg_result): # 权重初始化为1 w = 1 score = 0 # 情感词下标初始化 sentiment_index = -1 # 情感词的位置下标集合 sentiment_index_list = list(sen_word.keys()) # [1, 3] # 对第一个情感词前的程度副词或者否定词进行得分处理!!!!!!! if len(sentiment_index_list) > 1: for j in range(0, sentiment_index_list[0]): # 查看第一个情感词的位置下标之前有没有否定词和程度副词(可能情感词为空,注意报错) if j in not_word.keys(): w = w * float(not_word[j]) elif j in degree_word.keys(): w = w * float(degree_word[j]) i = 0 while i < len(seg_result): # 如果是情感词 if i in sen_word.keys(): score = score + w * abs(float(sen_word[i])) w = 1.0 # 情感词下标加1,获取下一个情感词的位置 sentiment_index += 1 if sentiment_index < len(sentiment_index_list) - 1: # 判断当前的情感词与下一个情感词之间是否有程度副词或否定词 for j in range(sentiment_index_list[sentiment_index], sentiment_index_list[sentiment_index + 1]): # 更新score,如果有否定词,score*极性 if j in not_word.keys(): w = w * float(not_word[j]) * 100 # 这里确保负值增大 elif j in degree_word.keys(): w = w * float(degree_word[j]) i = sentiment_index_list[sentiment_index + 1] else: i += 1 elif i in not_word: score = score * (float(not_word[i])) i += 1 elif i in degree_word: score = score * (float(degree_word[i])) i += 1 else: i += 1 return score
def create_newfile(filename, new_filename): f = open(new_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') csv_write = csv.writer(f) # 基于文件对象构建csv写入对象 csv_write.writerow(['qid', 'text_a', 'test_label']) # 确定每一列的索引 with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) # 读取结果生成一个dict for row in reader: print(row) qid = row['qid'] text_a = row['text_a'] test_label = sentiment_score(text_a) if test_label > 0: test_label = 1 else: test_label = 0 csv_write.writerow([qid, text_a, test_label]) f.close() if __name__ == "__main__": file_origin = r'testdata.csv' # 读取的原始文件 file_newcreate = r'testdata_new.csv' # 添加正负向标签的文件 tmp = create_newfile(file_origin, file_newcreate)
# 根据目前精确率最高的14.py进行对测试集的情感预测,输出 序号,文本,情感值 import csv from collections import defaultdict import jieba def seg_word(sentence): seg_list = jieba.cut(sentence) # 将句子分为各个分词 seg_result = [] # 把这些单词加入到列表 for i in seg_list: seg_result.append(i) stopwords = set() # 加入停用词 with open('stopwords.txt', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fr: for i in fr: stopwords.add(i.strip()) # print('情感列表:', list(filter(lambda x: x not in stopwords, seg_result))) return list(filter(lambda x: x not in stopwords, seg_result)) def classify_words(word_list): # 读取情感词典文件 sen_file = open('BosonNLP_sentiment_score.txt','r+',encoding='utf-8') # 获取词典文件内容 sen_list = sen_file.readlines() # 创建情感词典 sen_dict = defaultdict() for i in sen_list: # 遍历每一行 if len(i.split(' ')) == 2: # 每一行都能分为两部分 sen_dict[i.split(' ')[0]] = i.split(' ')[1] not_word_file = open('否定词_degree.txt', 'r+', encoding = 'utf-8') not_word_list = not_word_file.readlines() not_word_dict = defaultdict() # 修改1 for i in not_word_list: not_word_dict[i.split(',')[0]] = i.split(',')[1] degree_file = open('程度副词.txt', 'r+', encoding = 'utf-8') degree_list = degree_file.readlines() degree_dict = defaultdict() for i in degree_list: degree_dict[i.split(',')[0]] = i.split(',')[1] # print('degree_dict', degree_dict) sen_word = dict() # 情感词 not_word = dict() # 否定词 degree_word = dict() # 程度副词 # 分类 for i in range(len(word_list)): word = word_list[i] # 遍历每一个单词 # print('word', word) if word in sen_dict.keys() and word not in not_word_dict.keys() and word not in degree_dict.keys(): sen_word[i] = sen_dict[word] # 直接将字典的key,value加入 elif word in not_word_dict.keys() and word not in degree_dict.keys(): not_word[i] = not_word_dict[word] elif word in degree_dict.keys(): degree_word[i] = degree_dict[word] sen_file.close() not_word_file.close() degree_file.close() # print('情感词:', sen_word) # print('否定词:', not_word) # print('程度词:', degree_word) return sen_word, not_word, degree_word def score_sentiment(sen_word, not_word, degree_word, seg_result): w = 1 score = 0 sentiment_index = -1 sentiment_index_list = list(sen_word.keys()) # [1, 3] # 对第一个情感词前的程度副词或者否定词进行得分处理 if len(sentiment_index_list) > 1: for j in range(0, sentiment_index_list[0]): # 查看第一个情感词的位置下标之前有没有否定词和程度副词 if j in not_word.keys(): w = w * float(not_word[j]) # 否定词的极性固定为-1 elif j in degree_word.keys(): w = w * float(degree_word[j]) # 遍历分词结果 for i in range(0, len(seg_result)): if i in sen_word.keys(): score = score + w * float(sen_word[i]) w = 1.0 sentiment_index += 1 if sentiment_index < len(sentiment_index_list) - 1: for j in range(sentiment_index_list[sentiment_index], sentiment_index_list[sentiment_index + 1]): if j in not_word.keys(): w = w * float(not_word[j]) elif j in degree_word.keys(): w = w * float(degree_word[j]) if sentiment_index < len(sentiment_index_list) - 1: i = sentiment_index_list[sentiment_index + 1] return score # 调用整个程序 def sentiment_score(sentence): wordlist = seg_word(sentence) print(wordlist) sen_word, not_word, degree_word = classify_words(wordlist) score = score_sentiment(sen_word, not_word, degree_word, wordlist) return score def create_newfile(filename, new_filename): f = open(new_filename, 'w', encoding='utf-8') csv_write = csv.writer(f) # 基于文件对象构建csv写入对象 csv_write.writerow(['qid', 'text_a', 'test_label']) # 确定每一列的索引 with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) # 读取结果生成一个dict for row in reader: print(row) qid = row['qid'] text_a = row['text_a'] test_label = sentiment_score(text_a) if test_label > 0: test_label = 1 else: test_label = 0 csv_write.writerow([qid, text_a, test_label]) f.close() if __name__ == "__main__": file_origin = r'testdata.csv' # 读取的原始文件 file_newcreate = r'testdata_new.csv' # 添加正负向标签的文件 tmp = create_newfile(file_origin, file_newcreate)
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