You have a long flowerbed in which some of the plots are planted, and some are not. However, flowers cannot be planted in adjacent plots.
Given an integer array flowerbed
containing 0
's and 1
's, where 0
means empty and 1
means not empty, and an integer n
, return if n
new flowers can be planted in the flowerbed
without violating the no-adjacent-flowers rule.
Example 1:
Input: flowerbed = [1,0,0,0,1], n = 1 Output: true
Example 2:
Input: flowerbed = [1,0,0,0,1], n = 2 Output: false
1 <= flowerbed.length <= 2 * 104
is 0
or 1
.0 <= n <= flowerbed.length
给了一个0和1构成的数组,要把其中的0变成1,使得最后形成的数组不能有相邻的1。这题刚开始的直观思路就是那就从最左开始放1,能尽量往左放就放,就是greedy的思想,但是并不会证明它的正确性。看了答案确实它是正确的……于是就写了代码,嗯,刚开始还被坑了一下,如果n为0的时候我这个会返回false,看了答案最后是返回count >= n,倒也合理。
Runtime: 1 ms, faster than 100.00% of Java online submissions for Can Place Flowers.
Memory Usage: 52 MB, less than 63.67% of Java online submissions for Can Place Flowers.
- class Solution {
- public boolean canPlaceFlowers(int[] flowerbed, int n) {
- if (n == 0) {
- return true;
- }
- int count = 0;
- for (int i = 0; i < flowerbed.length; i++) {
- if (flowerbed[i] == 0) {
- boolean emptyLeft = (i == 0) || (flowerbed[i - 1] == 0);
- boolean emptyRight = (i == flowerbed.length - 1) || (flowerbed[i + 1]) == 0;
- if (emptyLeft && emptyRight) {
- flowerbed[i] = 1;
- count++;
- if (count == n) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- }

还看到有人提到说上面这个做法改变了input array, which is not a good idea,确实。如果需要保持原来的array,我们需要额外定义一个变量来存放前一个1的位置。以及如果这道题是求一共有多少种方法来实现,那么应该用dp,嗯,懒得想了,以后有空回来填坑好了。
还有一种思路是通过连续的0的个数来算,假如两个1之间有n个0,那么这些0之中可以有(n - 1) / 2个0变成1。比如(0, 0) -> 0,(0, 0, 0) - > 1,(0, 0, 0, 0) -> 1……前面这里没有考虑到第一个或者最后一个为0的情况,于是还需要额外在原数组前后加一个dummy 0,因此可以最开始的时候把0的个数初始化为1,最后return的时候因为return的要是最后一串0,又因为多一个dummy 0,所以最后result + n / 2就是最终可以放下的数量。代码就不写了,贴链接吧。
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