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  1. mysql> select bid as 图书编号,bname as 书名,author as 作者, publisher as 出版社, price as 价格
  2. -> from book
  3. -> where publisher='人民邮电出版社';

  1. mysql> select rname as 姓名,sex as 性别, dept as 所属院系
  2. -> from reader
  3. -> where sex = '女';

(3)查询 2017 年至 2019 年出版的相关图书信息,结果包含图书编号、书名、作者、出版日期和定价。
  1. mysql> select bid as 图书编号,bname as 书名,author as 作者,publishdate as 出版日期,price as 定价
  2. -> from book
  3. -> where publishdate between "2017-01-01" and "2019-12-31";

  1. mysql> select bid as 书名, bname as 书名, price*0.7 as 打折后价格
  2. -> from book;

  1. mysql> select count(bid) as 总类别数量, sum(total) as 总库存数量
  2. -> from book;

  1. mysql> select rname as 读者姓名, bname as 书名
  2. -> from borrow join reader on reader.rid= borrow.rid
  3. -> join book on borrow.bid = book.bid
  4. -> where bname like "%数据%";

  1. mysql> select rname as 读者姓名,bname as 书名,borrowtime as 借阅日期
  2. -> from borrow join reader on reader.rid= borrow.rid
  3. -> join book on borrow.bid = book.bid
  4. -> where typeno in(select typeno from readertype where typename="教师");

  1. mysql> select borrow.rid as 读者编号,rname as 读者姓名,bname as 书名, borrowtime as 借阅日期
  2. -> from borrow join reader on reader.rid= borrow.rid
  3. -> join book on borrow.bid = book.bid
  4. -> where returntime is null;

  1. mysql> select borrow.bid as 图书编号,bname as 书名,count(borrowtime) as 借阅次数,
  2. -> author as 作者,publisher as 出版社
  3. -> from borrow,book where borrow.bid=book.bid
  4. -> group by borrow.bid
  5. -> order by count(borrowtime) desc;

  1. mysql> select reader.dept as 院系名称, count(borrowtime) as 借阅次数
  2. -> from borrow,reader where borrow.rid=reader.rid
  3. -> group by reader.dept
  4. -> order by count(borrowtime) desc;

  1. mysql> select a.rid as 读者编号,a.rname as 读者姓名, b.bname as 书名,
  2. -> c.borrowtime as 借阅日期
  3. -> from borrow c join reader a on c.rid=a.rid
  4. -> join book b on b.bid=c.bid
  5. -> where returntime is null and c.bid=
  6. -> (select d.bid from book d where bname="大数据技术基础");

  1. mysql> select bid as 图书编号, bname as 书名, author as 作者,
  2. -> publisher as 出版社, price as 定价
  3. -> from book where price >
  4. -> (select avg(price) from book);

  1. mysql> select bid as 图书编号, bname as 书名, author as 作者,
  2. -> publisher as 出版社, price as 定价
  3. -> from book where bid not in
  4. -> (select bid from borrow);

