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1, subplot的使用

  • matlab中的用法: subplot(m,n,p)或者subplot(m n p)


  1. '''
  2. 注:ezplot(f,[-3,3]),表示画f函数的图形,取值区间在[-3,3]
  3. 代码如下:
  4. '''
  5. subplot(2,2,[1,2])
  6. ezplot('sin',[-1,1])
  7. grid minor
  8. subplot(2,2,3)
  9. ezplot('x',[-3,3])
  10. subplot(2,2,4)
  11. ezplot('x.^3',[-3,3])
  12. grid

  • matplotlib 中的subplot的用法:  subplot(numRows, numCols, plotNum)

python Matplotlib 可视化总结归纳(二) 绘制多个图像单独显示&多个函数绘制于一张图_haikuotiankong7的博客-CSDN博客_python的plot画多张图

Matplotlib的子图subplot的使用Matplotlib的子图subplot的使用 - 简书

matplotlib 中的subplot的用法matplotlib 中的subplot的用法 - 学弟1 - 博客园

  1. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  2. import numpy as np
  3. def f(t):
  4. return np.exp(-t) * np.cos(2 * np.pi * t)
  5. if __name__ == '__main__' :
  6. t1 = np.arange(0, 5, 0.1)
  7. t2 = np.arange(0, 5, 0.02)
  8. plt.figure(12)
  9. plt.subplot(221)
  10. plt.plot(t1, f(t1), 'bo', t2, f(t2), 'r--')
  11. plt.subplot(222)
  12. plt.plot(t2, np.cos(2 * np.pi * t2), 'r--')
  13. plt.subplot(212)
  14. plt.plot([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 4, 9, 16])
  15. plt.show()

2,颜色反转Grayscale conversion和cmap的取值

plt.imshow(data, cmap='Greens')  #cmap是colormap的简称,用于指定渐变色,默认的值为viridis, 在matplotlib中,内置了一系列的渐变色.
  1. """
  2. ==================
  3. Colormap reference:https://matplotlib.org/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html
  4. ==================
  5. Reference for colormaps included with Matplotlib.
  6. This reference example shows all colormaps included with Matplotlib. Note that
  7. any colormap listed here can be reversed by appending "_r" (e.g., "pink_r").
  8. These colormaps are divided into the following categories:
  9. Sequential:
  10. These colormaps are approximately monochromatic colormaps varying smoothly
  11. between two color tones---usually from low saturation (e.g. white) to high
  12. saturation (e.g. a bright blue). Sequential colormaps are ideal for
  13. representing most scientific data since they show a clear progression from
  14. low-to-high values.
  15. Diverging:
  16. These colormaps have a median value (usually light in color) and vary
  17. smoothly to two different color tones at high and low values. Diverging
  18. colormaps are ideal when your data has a median value that is significant
  19. (e.g. 0, such that positive and negative values are represented by
  20. different colors of the colormap).
  21. Qualitative:
  22. These colormaps vary rapidly in color. Qualitative colormaps are useful for
  23. choosing a set of discrete colors. For example::
  24. color_list = plt.cm.Set3(np.linspace(0, 1, 12))
  25. gives a list of RGB colors that are good for plotting a series of lines on
  26. a dark background.
  27. Miscellaneous:
  28. Colormaps that don't fit into the categories above.
  29. """
  30. import numpy as np
  31. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  32. # Have colormaps separated into categories:
  33. # http://matplotlib.org/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html
  34. cmaps = [('Perceptually Uniform Sequential', [
  35. 'viridis', 'plasma', 'inferno', 'magma']),
  36. ('Sequential', [
  37. 'Greys', 'Purples', 'Blues', 'Greens', 'Oranges', 'Reds',
  38. 'YlOrBr', 'YlOrRd', 'OrRd', 'PuRd', 'RdPu', 'BuPu',
  39. 'GnBu', 'PuBu', 'YlGnBu', 'PuBuGn', 'BuGn', 'YlGn']),
  40. ('Sequential (2)', [
  41. 'binary', 'gist_yarg', 'gist_gray', 'gray', 'bone', 'pink',
  42. 'spring', 'summer', 'autumn', 'winter', 'cool', 'Wistia',
  43. 'hot', 'afmhot', 'gist_heat', 'copper']),
  44. ('Diverging', [
  45. 'PiYG', 'PRGn', 'BrBG', 'PuOr', 'RdGy', 'RdBu',
  46. 'RdYlBu', 'RdYlGn', 'Spectral', 'coolwarm', 'bwr', 'seismic']),
  47. ('Qualitative', [
  48. 'Pastel1', 'Pastel2', 'Paired', 'Accent',
  49. 'Dark2', 'Set1', 'Set2', 'Set3',
  50. 'tab10', 'tab20', 'tab20b', 'tab20c']),
  51. ('Miscellaneous', [
  52. 'flag', 'prism', 'ocean', 'gist_earth', 'terrain', 'gist_stern',
  53. 'gnuplot', 'gnuplot2', 'CMRmap', 'cubehelix', 'brg', 'hsv',
  54. 'gist_rainbow', 'rainbow', 'jet', 'nipy_spectral', 'gist_ncar'])]
  55. nrows = max(len(cmap_list) for cmap_category, cmap_list in cmaps)
  56. gradient = np.linspace(0, 1, 256)
  57. gradient = np.vstack((gradient, gradient))
  58. def plot_color_gradients(cmap_category, cmap_list, nrows):
  59. fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=nrows)
  60. fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.95, bottom=0.01, left=0.2, right=0.99)
  61. axes[0].set_title(cmap_category + ' colormaps', fontsize=14)
  62. for ax, name in zip(axes, cmap_list):
  63. ax.imshow(gradient, aspect='auto', cmap=plt.get_cmap(name))
  64. pos = list(ax.get_position().bounds)
  65. x_text = pos[0] - 0.01
  66. y_text = pos[1] + pos[3]/2.
  67. fig.text(x_text, y_text, name, va='center', ha='right', fontsize=10)
  68. # Turn off *all* ticks & spines, not just the ones with colormaps.
  69. for ax in axes:
  70. ax.set_axis_off()
  71. for cmap_category, cmap_list in cmaps:
  72. plot_color_gradients(cmap_category, cmap_list, nrows)
  73. plt.show()

Sequential colormaps


下面第一幅是用Greys, 第二幅是用Greys_r :


axis()的用法axis()的用法 - 白羊呼啦 - 博客园


matplotlib.pyplot.axis() matplotlib.pyplot.axis()与matplotlib.pyplot.axes()结构及用法_漫步量化-CSDN博客




python3_matplotlib_figure()函数解析python3_matplotlib_figure()函数解析_也许有一天我们再相逢 睁开眼睛看清楚 我才是英雄!-CSDN博客





  1. '''
  2. 常用字体对应路径
  3. 宋体常规 C:\Windows\Fonts\simsun.ttc
  4. 新宋体常规 C:\Windows\Fonts\simsun.ttc
  5. ‪黑体常规 C:\Windows\Fonts\simhei.ttf
  6. ‪楷体常规 C:\Windows\Fonts\simkai.ttf
  7. 仿宋常规 ‪C:\Windows\Fonts\simfang.ttf
  8. ‪隶体常规 ‪C:\Windows\Fonts\SIMLI.TTF
  9. ‪华文新魏 C:\Windows\Fonts\STXINWEI.TTF
  10. '''
  11. '''
  12. %matplotlib inline 可以在Ipython编译器里直接使用,功能是可以内嵌绘图,并且可以省略掉plt.show()这一步。
  13. 但在spyder用会报错. 经过我的的验证该句在spyder下的Ipython也没有任何作用,因为在spyder下的Ipython会自动输出图像
  14. '''
  15. %matplotlib inline
  16. import matplotlib # 注意这个也要import一次
  17. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  18. #from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
  19. #font_set = FontProperties(fname=r"c:/windows/fonts/simsun.ttc", size=15)
  20. '''
  21. 路径中的双引号和单引号都可以,斜杠和反斜杠也都可以
  22. 另外说明:因python3默认使用中unicode编码, 所以在写代码时不再需要写 plt.xlabel(u'横'),而是直接写plt.xlabel('横')
  23. '''
  24. #myfont = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(fname=r"C:\Windows\Fonts\STXINWEI.TTF") # fname指定字体文件 选简体显示中文
  25. myfont = matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties(fname=r'C:\Windows\Fonts\simkai.ttf', size=15)
  26. plt.plot((1,2,3),(4,3,-1))
  27. plt.xlabel('横', fontproperties=myfont) # 这一段
  28. plt.ylabel('纵', fontproperties=myfont) # 这一段
  29. #plt.show() # 有了%matplotlib inline 就可以省掉plt.show()了
  30. '''
  31. 也可以不使用matplotlib.font_manager.FontProperties语句导入字体,直接使用fontproperties='SimHei',matplotlib可以自己找到部分字体,但找不全
  32. '''
  33. plt.plot((1,2,3),(4,3,-1))
  34. plt.xlabel(u'横坐标', fontproperties='STXINWEI') #新魏字体
  35. plt.ylabel(u'纵坐标', fontproperties='SimHei') # 黑体


matplotlib基础绘图命令之imshow - 云+社区 - 腾讯云


用箭头和文字来标记重要的点 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云

对图标的坐标轴进行调整 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云



python画图入门python画图入门 - 知乎





float,float32,float64这三个数据类型的范围都是 [0.0, 1.0] or [-1.0, 1.0] :Module: util — skimage v0.18.0 docs



skimage.util.img_as_ubyte is a replacement for scipy.misc.bytescale

the scipy.misc.bytescale doc states the following:

Byte scaling means converting the input image to uint8 dtype and scaling the range to (low, high) (default 0-255). If the input image already has dtype uint8, no scaling is done.

the skimage.util.img_as_ubyte doc states the following:

Convert an image to 8-bit unsigned integer format. Negative input values will be clipped. Positive values are scaled between 0 and 255.

python - What replaces scipy.misc.bytescale? - Stack Overflow

python - Alternatives to Scipy's misc bytescale method - Stack Overflow


matplotlib.pyplot.imread — Matplotlib 3.1.2 documentation


imagedata : numpy.array

The image data. The returned array has shape

  • (M, N) for grayscale images.
  • (M, N, 3) for RGB images.
  • (M, N, 4) for RGBA images. (redgreenbluealpha) floats in the range 0-1


RGB images are usually stored as 3 dimensional arrays of 8-bit unsigned integers. The shape of the array is:

height x width x 3. 这和分辨率(1920×1080)恰相反


13, Creating Image with numpy

在线拾色器-输入RGB值输出颜色在线拾色器 - W3Cschool

Image processing with numpy



plt.bar()与plt.barh条形图4.4Python数据处理篇之Matplotlib系列(四)---plt.bar()与plt.barh条形图 - 梦并不遥远 - 博客园



hist : array

The values of the histogram. See density and weights for a description of the possible semantics.

bin_edges : array of dtype float

Return the bin edges (length(hist)+1)


  1. import numpy as np
  2. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  3. a = np.random.rand(100)
  4. np.histogram(a,bins=5,range=(0,1))
  5. dct_hist, dct_bin_edges = np.histogram(a,bins=5,range=(0,1))
  6. img_hist, img_bin_edges = np.histogram(a,bins=[0,0.2,0.5,0.8,1])
  7. f, (plt1, plt2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 5))
  8. plt1.set_title('Frequency histogram')
  9. plt1.bar(dct_bin_edges[:-1], dct_hist, width = 0.1)#注意dct_bin_edges的数据比dct_hist数据多一个,因此要去除一个数据才能画图
  10. plt2.set_title('Spatial histogram')
  11. plt2.bar(img_bin_edges[1:], img_hist, width = 0.1)
  12. #输出
  13. In [75]: np.histogram(a,bins=5,range=(0,1))
  14. Out[75]:
  15. (array([18, 19, 13, 24, 26], dtype=int64),#注意bin_edges的数据比hist数据多一个,即the bin edges (length(hist)+1)
  16. array([0. , 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1. ])) #18表示a中有18个数落在[0,0.2]区间,19个数落在[0.2,0.4]区间
  17. In [76]: np.histogram(a,bins=[0,0.2,0.5,0.8,1])
  18. Out[76]: (array([18, 26, 30, 26], dtype=int64), array([0. , 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 1. ]))

15,Python中[ : n]、[m : ]、[-1]、[:-1]、[::-1]、[2::-1]和[1:]的含义

Python中[ : n]、[m : ]、[-1]、[:-1]、[::-1]、[2::-1]和[1:]的含义_SpringRolls的博客-CSDN博客_python是什么意思


Python sequence slice addresses can be written as a[start:end:step] and any of start, stop or end can be dropped.



Python数据可视化(一):散点图绘制 - 简书

Custom a Matplotlib Scatterplot



matplotlib.pyplot.plot — Matplotlib 3.4.3 documentation



最全Python绘制多子图总结 - 知乎 

一次性掌握所有 Python 画图基础操作_Gene_INNOCENT的博客-CSDN博客_python画图

Python图像绘制基础——子图绘制_银河初升的博客-CSDN博客_python 子图 

  1. import numpy as np
  2. import matplotlib
  3. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  4. from matplotlib import style
  5. style.use('ggplot') # 加载'ggplot'风格
  6. matplotlib.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True # 开启Latex风格
  7. plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10), dpi=70) # 设置图像大小
  8. f, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2) # 设置子图
  9. def func1():
  10. X = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
  11. Y1 = np.sqrt(X)
  12. # ax[0][0]的设置
  13. ax[0][0].plot(X, Y1, color="lightcoral", linewidth=3.0, linestyle="-", label=r"$y_1=\sqrt{x}$")
  14. ax[0][0].set_xlabel('x', fontsize=10)
  15. ax[0][0].set_ylabel('y', fontsize=10)
  16. ax[0][0].set_title(r'$f(x)=\sqrt{x}$', fontsize=16)
  17. ax[0][0].legend(loc="best")
  18. # ax[0][0]关键点
  19. ax[0][0].scatter(0.5, np.sqrt(0.5), s=100)
  20. ax[0][0].annotate("End Point",
  21. xy=(0.6, 0.5),
  22. fontsize=12,
  23. xycoords="data")
  24. def func2():
  25. X = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
  26. Y2 = X
  27. # ax[0][1]的设置
  28. ax[0][1].plot(X, Y2, color="burlywood", linewidth=3.0, linestyle="--", label=r"$y_2=x$")
  29. ax[0][1].set_xlabel('x', fontsize=10)
  30. ax[0][1].set_ylabel('y', fontsize=10)
  31. ax[0][1].set_title(r'$f(x)=x$', fontsize=16)
  32. ax[0][1].legend(loc="best")
  33. # ax[0][1]关键点
  34. ax[0][1].scatter(0.5, 0.5, s=100)
  35. ax[0][1].annotate("End Point",
  36. fontsize=12,
  37. xytext=(0.7, 0.1),
  38. xy=(0.5, 0.5),
  39. xycoords="data",
  40. arrowprops=dict(facecolor='gray', shrink=0.15))
  41. def func3():
  42. X = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
  43. Y3 = X * X
  44. # ax[1][0]的设置
  45. ax[1][0].plot(X, Y3, color="mediumturquoise", linewidth=3.0, linestyle="-.", label=r"$y_3=x^2$")
  46. ax[1][0].set_xlabel('x', fontsize=10)
  47. ax[1][0].set_ylabel('y', fontsize=10)
  48. ax[1][0].set_title(r'$f(x)=x^2$', fontsize=16)
  49. ax[1][0].legend(loc="best")
  50. # ax[1][0]关键点
  51. ax[1][0].scatter(0.5, 0.5 * 0.5, s=100)
  52. ax[1][0].annotate("End Point",
  53. fontsize=12,
  54. xytext=(0.05, 0.6),
  55. xy=(0.5, 0.5 * 0.5),
  56. xycoords="data",
  57. arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.1))
  58. def func4():
  59. X = np.linspace(0, 1, 100)
  60. Y4 = X * X * X
  61. # ax[1][1]的设置
  62. ax[1][1].plot(X, Y4, color="mediumpurple", linewidth=3.0, linestyle=":", label=r"$y_4=x^3$")
  63. ax[1][1].set_xlabel('x', fontsize=10)
  64. ax[1][1].set_ylabel('y', fontsize=10)
  65. ax[1][1].set_title(r'$f(x)=x^3$', fontsize=16)
  66. ax[1][1].legend(loc="best")
  67. # ax[1][1]关键点
  68. ax[1][1].scatter(0.5, 0.5 * 0.5 * 0.5, s=100)
  69. ax[1][1].annotate("End Point",
  70. xy=(0.2, 0.3),
  71. fontsize=12,
  72. xycoords="data")
  73. def main():
  74. func1()
  75. func2()
  76. func3()
  77. func4()
  78. plt.tight_layout() # 当有多个子图时,可以使用该语句保证各子图标题不会重叠
  79. plt.savefig('myplot1.pdf', dpi=700) # dpi 表示以高分辨率保存一个图片文件,pdf为文件格式,输出位图文件
  80. plt.show()
  81. if __name__ == "__main__":
  82. main()
  83. ################也可以使用 plt.sca() 来定位子图,如下述例子:
  84. f, ax = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(15, 10)) # 声明 2 行 3 列的子图
  85. f.suptitle("设置总标题", fontsize=18)
  86. plt.sca(ax[0, 1]) # 定位到第 1 行第 2 列的子图
  87. # 接下来直接使用 plt 画图即可


【迅速上手】Python 画图 —— 箱图与密度图_Gene_INNOCENT的博客-CSDN博客


Python 各种画图_流浪猪头拯救地球的博客-CSDN博客_python画图

  1. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 导入模块
  2. plt.style.use('ggplot') # 设置图形的显示风格
  3. fig=plt.figure(1) # 新建一个 figure1
  4. fig=plt.figure(figsize=(12,6.5),dpi=100,facecolor='w')
  5. fig.patch.set_alpha(0.5) # 设置透明度为 0.5
  6. font1 = {'weight' : 60, 'size' : 10} # 创建字体,设置字体粗细和大小
  7. ax1.set_xlim(0,100) # 设置 x 轴最大最小刻度
  8. ax1.set_ylim(-0.1,0.1) # 设置 y 轴最大最小刻度
  9. plt.xlim(0,100) # 和上面效果一样
  10. plt.ylim(-1,1)
  11. ax1.set_xlabel('X name',font1) # 设置 x 轴名字
  12. ax1.set_ylabel('Y name',font1) # 设置 y 轴名字
  13. plt.xlabel('aaaaa') # 设置 x 轴名字
  14. plt.ylabel('aaaaa') # 设置 y 轴名字
  15. plt.grid(True) # 增加格网
  16. plt.grid(axis="y") # 只显示横向格网
  17. plt.grid(axis="x") # 只显示纵向格网
  18. ax=plt.gca() # 获取当前axis,
  19. fig=plt.gcf() # 获取当前figures
  20. plt.gca().set_aspect(1) # 设置横纵坐标单位长度相等
  21. plt.text(x,y,string) # 在 x,y 处加入文字注释
  22. plt.gca().set_xticklabels(labels, rotation=30, fontsize=16) # 指定在刻度上显示的内容
  23. plt.xticks(ticks, labels, rotation=30, fontsize=15) # 上面两句合起来
  24. plt.legend(['Float'],ncol=1,prop=font1,frameon=False) # 设置图例 列数、去掉边框、更改图例字体
  25. plt.title('This is a Title') # 图片标题
  26. plt.show() # 显示图片,没这行看不见图
  27. plt.savefig(path, dpi=600) # 保存图片,dpi可控制图片清晰度
  28. plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei'] # 添加这条可以让图形显示中文
  29. mpl.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False # 添加这条可以让图形显示负号
  30. ax.spines['right'].set_color('none')
  31. ax.spines['top'].set_color('none') #设置图片的右边框和上边框为不显示
  32. # 子图
  33. ax1=plt.subplot(3,1,1)
  34. ax1.scatter(time,data[:,1],s=5,color='blue',marker='o') # size, color, 标记
  35. ax1=plt.subplot(3,1,2)
  36. ...
  37. # 控制图片边缘的大小
  38. plt.subplots_adjust(left=0, bottom=0, right=1, top=1,hspace=0.1,wspace=0.1)
  39. # 设置坐标刻度朝向,暂未成功
  40. plt.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'in'
  41. ax = plt.gca()
  42. ax.invert_xaxis()
  43. ax.invert_yaxis()


python数字图像处理 https://www.cnblogs.com/denny402/p/5121501.html

python skimage图像处理(一)python skimage图像处理(一) - 简书

用python简单处理图片(1):打开\显示\保存图像 用python简单处理图片(1):打开\显示\保存图像 - denny402 - 博客园

「Matplotlib绘图详解」史上最全Matplotlib教程 - 知乎

Matplotlib 教程Matplotlib 教程 | 菜鸟教程

Matplotlib official tutorial https://matplotlib.org/tutorials/colors/colormaps.html

python之matplotlib绘图基础 python之matplotlib绘图基础 - tongqingliu - 博客园

