接口自动化测试流程:1.选取自动化测试用例 2.搭建自动化测试环境 3.搭建自动化测试框架 4.代码实现自动化 5.输出测试报告 6.实现持续集成
- # 获取图片验证码
- # 1.导包
- import requests
- # 2.发送请求
- response = requests.get(url="http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/captchaImage")
- # 3.查看响应
- print(response.status_code)
- print(response.text)
- # 登录
- # 1.导包
- import requests
- # 2.发送请求
- url = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/login"
- header_data = {
- "Content-Type": "application/json"
- }
- login_data = {
- "username": "admin",
- "password": "HM_2023_test",
- "code": "2",
- "uuid": "98648849e1214e67bd7c9d4af396ab69"
- }
- try:
- response = requests.post(url=url,headers=header_data,json=login_data)
- except Exception as e:
- print("异常:", e)
- finally:
- pass
- # 3.获取响应结果
- print(response.status_code)
- print(response.json())
- # 依据接口文档,封接口信息,需要使用的测试数据从测试用例传递
- # 接口方法被调用需要返回对应的响应结果
- # 1.导包
- import requests
- # 2.创建接口类
- class loginAPI:
- # 初始化
- def __init__(self):
- # 指定url
- self.url_verify = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/captchaImage"
- self.url_login = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/login"
- # 验证码
- def get_verify_code(self):
- return requests.get(url=self.url_verify)
- # 登录
- def login(self, test_data):
- return requests.post(self.url_login, json=test_data)
- # 1.导包
- from api.login import loginAPI
- # 2.创建测试类
- class TestContractBusiness:
- # 2.1 前置处理
- def setup(self):
- # 实例化接口对象
- self.login_api = loginAPI()
- # 2.2 后置处理
- def teardown(self):
- pass
- # 01.登录成功
- def test01_login_success(self):
- # 获取验证码
- res_first = self.login_api.get_verify_code()
- print(res_first.status_code)
- print(res_first.json())
- # 登录
- login_data = {
- "username": "admin",
- "password": "HM_2023_test",
- "code": "2",
- "uuid": res_first.json().get("uuid")
- }
- res_second = self.login_api.login(login_data)
- print(res_second.status_code)
- print(res_second.json())
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- test = TestContractBusiness()
- test.setup()
- test.test01_login_success()
- # 课程接口的封装
- # 导包
- import requests
- # 创建接口类
- class courseAPI:
- # 初始化
- def __init__(self):
- self.add_course_url = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/clues/course/"
- # 课程添加
- def add_course(self, test_data, token):
- return requests.post(url=self.add_course_url, json=test_data, headers={"Authorization": token})
- # 1.导包
- from api.login import loginAPI
- from api.course import courseAPI
- # 2.创建测试类
- class TestContractBusiness:
- # 2.1 前置处理
- def setup(self):
- # 实例化接口对象
- self.login_api = loginAPI()
- self.course_api = courseAPI()
- self.token = None
- # 2.2 后置处理
- def teardown(self):
- pass
- # 01.登录成功
- def test01_login_success(self):
- # 获取验证码
- res_first = self.login_api.get_verify_code()
- print(res_first.status_code)
- print(res_first.json())
- # 登录
- login_data = {
- "username": "admin",
- "password": "HM_2023_test",
- "code": "2",
- "uuid": res_first.json().get("uuid")
- }
- res_second = self.login_api.login(login_data)
- print(res_second.status_code)
- print(res_second.json())
- TestContractBusiness.token = res_second.json().get("token")
- # 新增课程成功
- def test02_add_course(self):
- add_data = {
- "name": "测试开发课程",
- "subject": "6",
- "price": "344",
- "applicablePerson": "2"
- }
- res_third = self.course_api.add_course(test_data=add_data, token=TestContractBusiness.token)
- print(res_third.status_code)
- print(res_third.json())
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- test = TestContractBusiness()
- test.setup()
- test.test01_login_success()
- test.test02_add_course()
- # 1.导包
- import requests
- # 2.定义合同接口类
- class ContractAPI:
- # 初始化
- def __init__(self):
- self.url_upload = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/common/upload"
- self.add_contract_url = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/contract"
- # 合同上传接口
- def upload_abstract(self, test_data, token):
- return requests.post(url=self.url_upload, files={"file": test_data}, headers={"Authorization": token})
- # 合同新增接口
- def add_abstract(self, test_data, token):
- return requests.post(url=self.add_contract_url, json=test_data, headers={"Authorization": token})
- # 1.导包
- from api.login import LoginAPI
- from api.course import CourseAPI
- from api.contract import ContractAPI
- # 2.创建测试类
- class TestContractBusiness:
- # 2.1 前置处理
- token = None
- file_name = None
- def setup(self):
- # 实例化接口对象
- self.login_api = LoginAPI()
- self.course_api = CourseAPI()
- self.contract_api = ContractAPI()
- # 2.2 后置处理
- def teardown(self):
- pass
- # 01.登录成功
- def test01_login_success(self):
- # 获取验证码
- res_first = self.login_api.get_verify_code()
- print(res_first.status_code)
- print(res_first.json())
- # 登录
- login_data = {
- "username": "admin",
- "password": "HM_2023_test",
- "code": "2",
- "uuid": res_first.json().get("uuid")
- }
- res_second = self.login_api.login(login_data)
- print(res_second.status_code)
- print(res_second.json())
- TestContractBusiness.token = res_second.json().get("token")
- # 02.新增课程成功
- def test02_add_course(self):
- add_data = {
- "name": "测试开发课程1",
- "subject": "6",
- "price": "344",
- "applicablePerson": "2"
- }
- res_third = self.course_api.add_course(test_data=add_data, token=TestContractBusiness.token)
- print(res_third.status_code)
- print(res_third.json())
- # 03.合同上传接口
- def test03_upload_abstract(self):
- file = open("../data/test_file.txt", "rb")
- response = self.contract_api.upload_abstract(test_data=file, token=TestContractBusiness.token)
- print(response.status_code)
- print(response.json())
- TestContractBusiness.file_name = response.json().get("fileName")
- # 04.合同新增接口
- def test04_add_abstract(self):
- add_data = {
- "name": "测试",
- "phone": "13827648970",
- "contractNo": "HT20240ww3",
- "subject": "6",
- "courseId": "99",
- "channel": "0",
- "activityId" : 77,
- "fileName": TestContractBusiness.file_name
- }
- response = self.contract_api.add_abstract(test_data=add_data, token=TestContractBusiness.token)
- print(response.status_code)
- print(response.json())
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- test = TestContractBusiness()
- test.setup()
- test.test01_login_success()
- test.test02_add_course()
- test.test03_upload_abstract()
- test.test04_add_abstract()
- # 依据接口文档,封接口信息,需要使用的测试数据从测试用例传递
- # 接口方法被调用需要返回对应的响应结果
- # 1.导包
- import requests
- # 2.创建接口类
- class LoginAPI:
- # 初始化
- def __init__(self):
- # 指定url
- self.url_verify = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/captchaImage"
- self.url_login = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/login"
- # 验证码
- def get_verify_code(self):
- return requests.get(url=self.url_verify)
- # 登录
- def login(self, test_data):
- return requests.post(self.url_login, json=test_data)
- # 1.导包
- from api.login import LoginAPI
- # 2.创建测试类
- class TestLoginAPI:
- uuid = None
- # 前置处理
- def setup(self):
- # 实例化
- self.login_api = LoginAPI()
- # 获取验证码
- response = self.login_api.get_verify_code()
- # 获取验证码中的uuid
- TestLoginAPI.uuid = response.json().get("uuid")
- # 后置处理
- def teardown(self):
- pass
- # 登录成功
- def login_success(self):
- login_data = {
- "username": "admin",
- "password": "HM_2023_test",
- "code": "2",
- "uuid": TestLoginAPI.uuid
- }
- response = self.login_api.login(test_data=login_data)
- # 断言验证码
- assert 200 == response.status_code
- # 断言响应数据包含成功
- assert '成功' in response.text
- # 断言响应json数据中的code值
- assert 200 == response.json().get("code")
- # 登录成功
- # 登录失败
- def login_fail(self):
- login_data = {
- "username": "",
- "password": "HM_2023_test",
- "code": "2",
- "uuid": TestLoginAPI.uuid
- }
- response = self.login_api.login(test_data=login_data)
- # 断言验证码
- assert 200 == response.status_code
- # 断言响应数据包含成功
- assert '错误' in response.text
- # 断言响应json数据中的code值
- assert 500 == response.json().get("code")
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- test_login = TestLoginAPI()
- test_login.setup()
- test_login.login_success()
- test_login.setup()
- test_login.login_fail()
- # 1.导包
- from api.login import LoginAPI
- import pytest
- # 测试数据
- test_data = [("admin", "HM_2023_test", 200, '成功', 200),
- ("", "HM_2023_test", 200, '错误', 500)]
- # 2.创建测试类
- class TestLoginAPI:
- uuid = None
- # 前置处理
- def setup(self):
- # 实例化
- self.login_api = LoginAPI()
- # 获取验证码
- response = self.login_api.get_verify_code()
- # 获取验证码中的uuid
- TestLoginAPI.uuid = response.json().get("uuid")
- # 后置处理
- def teardown(self):
- pass
- # 登录成功
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("username, password, status, message, code", test_data)
- def test_login_success(self, username, password, status, message, code):
- login_data = {
- "username": username,
- "password": password,
- "code": "2",
- "uuid": TestLoginAPI.uuid
- }
- response = self.login_api.login(test_data=login_data)
- # 断言验证码
- assert status == response.status_code
- # 断言响应数据包含成功
- assert message in response.text
- # 断言响应json数据中的code值
- assert code == response.json().get("code")
- # 登录成功
- # 登录失败
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("username, password, status, message, code", test_data)
- def test_login_fail(self, username, password, status, message, code):
- login_data = {
- "username": username,
- "password": password,
- "code": "2",
- "uuid": TestLoginAPI.uuid
- }
- response = self.login_api.login(test_data=login_data)
- # 断言验证码
- assert status == response.status_code
- # 断言响应数据包含成功
- assert message in response.text
- # 断言响应json数据中的code值
- assert code == response.json().get("code")
- [
- {
- "username": "admin",
- "password": "HM_2023_test",
- "status": 200,
- "message": "成功",
- "code": 200
- },
- {
- "username": "",
- "password": "HM_2023_test",
- "status": 200,
- "message": "错误",
- "code": 500
- }
- ]
- # 1.导包
- from api.login import LoginAPI
- import pytest
- import json
- # 读取json文件
- def build_data(json_file):
- # 定义空列表
- test_data = []
- # 打开json
- with open(json_file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as file:
- # 加载json数据
- json_data = json.load(file)
- # 循环遍历测试数据
- for case_data in json_data:
- # 解析数据
- username = case_data.get("username")
- password = case_data.get("password")
- status = case_data.get("status")
- message = case_data.get("message")
- code = case_data.get("code")
- test_data.append((username, password, status, message, code))
- return test_data
- # 2.创建测试类
- class TestLogin:
- uuid = None
- # 前置处理
- def setup(self):
- # 实例化
- self.login_api = LoginAPI()
- # 获取验证码
- response = self.login_api.get_verify_code()
- # 获取验证码中的uuid
- TestLogin.uuid = response.json().get("uuid")
- # 后置处理
- def teardown(self):
- pass
- # 登录成功
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("username, password, status, message, code", build_data(json_file="../data/login.json"))
- def test_login__success(self, username, password, status, message, code):
- login_data = {
- "username": username,
- "password": password,
- "code": "2",
- "uuid": TestLogin.uuid
- }
- response = self.login_api.login(test_data=login_data)
- # 断言验证码
- assert status == response.status_code
- # 断言响应数据包含成功
- assert message in response.text
- # 断言响应json数据中的code值
- assert code == response.json().get("code")
- # 登录成功
- # 登录失败
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("username, password, status, message, code", build_data(json_file="../data/login.json"))
- def test_login_fail(self, username, password, status, message, code):
- login_data = {
- "username": username,
- "password": password,
- "code": "2",
- "uuid": TestLogin.uuid
- }
- response = self.login_api.login(test_data=login_data)
- # 断言验证码
- assert status == response.status_code
- # 断言响应数据包含成功
- assert message in response.text
- # 断言响应json数据中的code值
- assert code == response.json().get("code")
- # 1.导包
- import requests
- # 2.创建接口类
- class LoginAPI:
- # 初始化
- def __init__(self):
- # 指定url
- self.url_verify = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/captchaImage"
- self.url_login = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/login"
- # 验证码
- def get_verify_code(self):
- return requests.get(url=self.url_verify)
- # 登录
- def login(self, test_data):
- return requests.post(self.url_login, json=test_data)
- # 导包
- import requests
- # 创建接口类
- class CourseAPI:
- # 初始化
- def __init__(self):
- self.add_course_url = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/clues/course/"
- # 课程添加
- def add_course(self, test_data, token):
- return requests.post(url=self.add_course_url, json=test_data, headers={"Authorization": token})
- # 导包
- from api.login import LoginAPI
- from api.course import CourseAPI
- # 课程添加类
- class TestAddCourseAPI:
- token = None
- def setup(self):
- # 初始化接口
- self.api_login = LoginAPI()
- self.api_course = CourseAPI()
- # 获取验证码
- res = self.api_login.get_verify_code()
- # 登录
- login_data = {
- "username": "admin",
- "password": "HM_2023_test",
- "code": "2",
- "uuid": res.json().get("uuid")
- }
- response = self.api_login.login(test_data=login_data)
- TestAddCourseAPI.token = response.json().get("token")
- def teardown(self):
- pass
- # 课程添加成功
- def test_add_course_success(self):
- add_data = {
- "name": "测试开发课程",
- "subject": "6",
- "price": "344",
- "applicablePerson": "2"
- }
- response = self.api_course.add_course(test_data=add_data, token=TestAddCourseAPI.token)
- # 断言响应状态码
- assert 200 == response.status_code
- # 断言message
- assert '成功' in response.text
- # 断言code
- assert 200 == response.json().get("code")
- # 导包
- import requests
- # 创建接口类
- class CourseAPI:
- # 初始化
- def __init__(self):
- self.add_course_url = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/clues/course/"
- self.select_course_url = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/clues/course/list"
- # 课程添加
- def add_course(self, test_data, token):
- return requests.post(url=self.add_course_url, json=test_data, headers={"Authorization": token})
- # 查询课程列表
- def select_course(self, test_data, token):
- return requests.get(url=self.select_course_url + f"{test_data}", headers={"Authorization": token})
- # 导包
- from api.login import LoginAPI
- from api.course import CourseAPI
- # 课程添加类
- class TestAddCourseAPI:
- token = None
- def setup(self):
- # 初始化接口
- self.api_login = LoginAPI()
- self.api_course = CourseAPI()
- # 获取验证码
- res = self.api_login.get_verify_code()
- # 登录
- login_data = {
- "username": "admin",
- "password": "HM_2023_test",
- "code": "2",
- "uuid": res.json().get("uuid")
- }
- response = self.api_login.login(test_data=login_data)
- TestAddCourseAPI.token = response.json().get("token")
- def teardown(self):
- pass
- # 课程查询成功
- def test_select_course_success(self):
- response = self.api_course.select_course(test_data="?name=测试开发提升课", token=TestAddCourseAPI.token)
- # 断言
- assert 200 == response.status_code
- assert '成功' in response.text
- assert 200 == response.json().get("code")
- # 课程查询失败
- def test_select_course_fail(self):
- response = self.api_course.select_course(test_data="?name=测试开发提升课", token="***")
- # 断言
- assert 200 == response.status_code
- assert '认证失败' in response.text
- assert 401 == response.json().get("code")
- # 导包
- import requests
- # 创建接口类
- class CourseAPI:
- # 初始化
- def __init__(self):
- self.add_course_url = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/clues/course/"
- self.select_course_url = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/clues/course/list"
- # 课程添加
- def add_course(self, test_data, token):
- return requests.post(url=self.add_course_url, json=test_data, headers={"Authorization": token})
- # 查询课程列表
- def select_course(self, test_data, token):
- return requests.get(url=self.select_course_url + f"{test_data}", headers={"Authorization": token})
- # 修改课程
- def update_course(self, test_data, token):
- return requests.put(url=self.add_course_url, json=test_data, headers={"Authorization": token})
- # 导包
- from api.login import LoginAPI
- from api.course import CourseAPI
- # 课程添加类
- class TestUpdateCourseAPI:
- token = None
- def setup(self):
- # 初始化接口
- self.api_login = LoginAPI()
- self.api_course = CourseAPI()
- # 获取验证码
- res = self.api_login.get_verify_code()
- # 登录
- login_data = {
- "username": "admin",
- "password": "HM_2023_test",
- "code": "2",
- "uuid": res.json().get("uuid")
- }
- response = self.api_login.login(test_data=login_data)
- TestUpdateCourseAPI.token = response.json().get("token")
- def teardown(self):
- pass
- # 课程修改成功
- def test_update_course_success(self):
- update_data = {
- "id": "109",
- "name": "测试接口001",
- "subject": "6",
- "price": 999,
- "applicablePerson": "2",
- "info": "课程介绍003"
- }
- response = self.api_course.update_course(test_data=update_data, token=TestUpdateCourseAPI.token)
- # 断言
- assert 200 == response.status_code
- assert '成功' in response.text
- assert 200 == response.json().get("code")
- # 课程修改失败
- def test_update_course_fail(self):
- update_data = {
- "id": "109",
- "name": "测试接口001",
- "subject": "6",
- "price": 999,
- "applicablePerson": "2",
- "info": "课程介绍003"
- }
- response = self.api_course.update_course(test_data=update_data, token="***")
- # 断言
- assert 200 == response.status_code
- assert '认证失败' in response.text
- assert 401 == response.json().get("code")
- # 课程接口的封装
- # 导包
- import requests
- # 创建接口类
- class CourseAPI:
- # 初始化
- def __init__(self):
- self.add_course_url = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/clues/course/"
- self.select_course_url = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net/api/clues/course/list"
- # 课程添加
- def add_course(self, test_data, token):
- return requests.post(url=self.add_course_url, json=test_data, headers={"Authorization": token})
- # 查询课程列表
- def select_course(self, test_data, token):
- return requests.get(url=self.select_course_url + f"{test_data}", headers={"Authorization": token})
- # 修改课程
- def update_course(self, test_data, token):
- return requests.put(url=self.add_course_url, json=test_data, headers={"Authorization": token})
- # 删除课程
- def delete_course(self, course_id, token):
- return requests.delete(self.add_course_url + f"/{course_id}", headers={"Authorization": token})
- # 导包
- from api.login import LoginAPI
- from api.course import CourseAPI
- # 课程删除类
- class TestDeleteCourseAPI:
- token = None
- def setup(self):
- # 初始化接口
- self.api_login = LoginAPI()
- self.api_course = CourseAPI()
- # 获取验证码
- res = self.api_login.get_verify_code()
- # 登录
- login_data = {
- "username": "admin",
- "password": "HM_2023_test",
- "code": "2",
- "uuid": res.json().get("uuid")
- }
- response = self.api_login.login(test_data=login_data)
- TestDeleteCourseAPI.token = response.json().get("token")
- def teardown(self):
- pass
- # 课程删除成功
- def test_delete_course_success(self):
- response = self.api_course.delete_course(course_id=109, token=TestDeleteCourseAPI.token)
- # 断言
- assert 200 == response.status_code
- assert '成功' in response.text
- assert 200 == response.json().get("code")
- # 课程删除失败(课程id不存在)
- def test_delete_course_fail_id(self):
- response = self.api_course.delete_course(course_id=1000000000, token=TestDeleteCourseAPI.token)
- # 断言
- assert 200 == response.status_code
- assert '操作失败' in response.text
- assert 500 == response.json().get("code")
- # 课程删除失败(未登录)
- def test_delete_course_fail_login(self):
- response = self.api_course.delete_course(course_id=110, token="***")
- # 断言
- assert 200 == response.status_code
- assert '认证失败' in response.text
- assert 401 == response.json().get("code")
- # 配置类
- import os
- # 设置项目环境域名
- BASE_URL = "http://kdtx-test.itheima.net"
- # 项目根路径
- BASE_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)
- # 导包
- import requests
- import config1
- # 创建接口类
- class CourseAPI:
- # 初始化
- def __init__(self):
- self.add_course_url = config1.BASE_URL + "/api/clues/course/"
- self.select_course_url = config1.BASE_URL + "/api/clues/course/list"
- # 课程添加
- def add_course(self, test_data, token):
- return requests.post(url=self.add_course_url, json=test_data, headers={"Authorization": token})
- # 查询课程列表
- def select_course(self, test_data, token):
- return requests.get(url=self.select_course_url + f"{test_data}", headers={"Authorization": token})
- # 修改课程
- def update_course(self, test_data, token):
- return requests.put(url=self.add_course_url, json=test_data, headers={"Authorization": token})
- # 删除课程
- def delete_course(self, course_id, token):
- return requests.delete(self.add_course_url + f"/{course_id}", headers={"Authorization": token})
- # 1.导包
- from api.login import LoginAPI
- import pytest
- import json
- import config1
- # 读取json文件
- def build_data(json_file):
- # 定义空列表
- test_data = []
- # 打开json
- with open(json_file, "r", encoding='utf-8') as file:
- # 加载json数据
- json_data = json.load(file)
- # 循环遍历测试数据
- for case_data in json_data:
- # 解析数据
- username = case_data.get("username")
- password = case_data.get("password")
- status = case_data.get("status")
- message = case_data.get("message")
- code = case_data.get("code")
- test_data.append((username, password, status, message, code))
- return test_data
- # 2.创建测试类
- class TestLogin:
- uuid = None
- # 前置处理
- def setup(self):
- # 实例化
- self.login_api = LoginAPI()
- # 获取验证码
- response = self.login_api.get_verify_code()
- # 获取验证码中的uuid
- TestLogin.uuid = response.json().get("uuid")
- # 后置处理
- def teardown(self):
- pass
- # 登录成功
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("username, password, status, message, code", build_data(json_file=config1.BASE_PATH + "/data/login.json"))
- def test_login__success(self, username, password, status, message, code):
- login_data = {
- "username": username,
- "password": password,
- "code": "2",
- "uuid": TestLogin.uuid
- }
- response = self.login_api.login(test_data=login_data)
- # 断言验证码
- assert status == response.status_code
- # 断言响应数据包含成功
- assert message in response.text
- # 断言响应json数据中的code值
- assert code == response.json().get("code")
- # 登录成功
- # 登录失败
- @pytest.mark.parametrize("username, password, status, message, code", build_data(json_file=config1.BASE_PATH + "/data/login.json"))
- def test_login_fail(self, username, password, status, message, code):
- login_data = {
- "username": username,
- "password": password,
- "code": "2",
- "uuid": TestLogin.uuid
- }
- response = self.login_api.login(test_data=login_data)
- # 断言验证码
- assert status == response.status_code
- # 断言响应数据包含成功
- assert message in response.text
- # 断言响应json数据中的code值
- assert code == response.json().get("code")
使用pip指令安装allure:pip install allure-pytest
然后下载并配置allure,下载地址:Central Repository: io/qameta/allure/allure-commandline
配置完成后使用allure --version命令检测。
- [pytest]
- addopts =-s --alluredir report
- testpaths =./script
- python_files = test*.py
- python_classes = Test*
- python_functions = test*
在pychram的终端中使用命令:pytest 批量执行测试用例
使用allure serve report 命令查看测试报告:
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