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robosuite 中创建自己的夹具


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "collect_human_demonstrations_auto.py", line 436, in <module>
    dataset_states_to_obs(output_filename, save_name+"-obs.hdf5")
  File "/home/idm/Shares/imitation/haier_environments/my_envs/utils/dataset_states_to_obs.py", line 221, in dataset_states_to_obs
    traj = extract_trajectory(
  File "/home/idm/Shares/imitation/haier_environments/my_envs/utils/dataset_states_to_obs.py", line 85, in extract_trajectory
    obs = env.reset_to(initial_state)
  File "/home/idm/Shares/imitation/robomimic/robomimic/envs/env_robosuite.py", line 157, in reset_to
    xml = self.env.edit_model_xml(state["model"])
  File "/home/idm/Shares/imitation/robosuite/robosuite/environments/base.py", line 536, in edit_model_xml
    print("old_path:", old_path)
ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
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下列代码中有相应的代码路径及代码解释,其中,源码中存在一个 val == robosuite 的操作,即所有的文件路径中都需要包含 robosuite 这个词(没有查明原因),考虑这个ind 参数是与 new_pathold_path 相关,所以就动态的print 了一下,发现这俩变量是恒等的,暂时没有领悟到作者这样作的意图是什么;

 def edit_model_xml(self, xml_str):
        This function edits the model xml with custom changes, including resolving relative paths,
        applying changes retroactively to existing demonstration files, and other custom scripts.
        Environment subclasses should modify this function to add environment-specific xml editing features.
            xml_str (str): Mujoco sim demonstration XML file as string
            str: Edited xml file as string

        path = os.path.split(robosuite.__file__)[0]
        path_split = path.split("/")

        # replace mesh and texture file paths
        tree = ET.fromstring(xml_str)
        root = tree
        asset = root.find("asset")
        meshes = asset.findall("mesh")
        textures = asset.findall("texture")
        all_elements = meshes + textures

        for elem in all_elements:
            old_path = elem.get("file")
            if old_path is None:
            old_path_split = old_path.split("/")
            import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()
            print("old_path:", old_path)
            print("old_path_split:", old_path_split)
            ind = max(loc for loc, val in enumerate(old_path_split) if val == "robosuite")  # last occurrence index
            new_path_split = path_split + old_path_split[ind + 1 :]
            new_path = "/".join(new_path_split)
            # print("new_path:", new_path)
            # if new_path == old_path:
                # print("new_path == old_path")
            # else:
                # print("new_path != old_path")

            # elem.set("file", new_path)
            elem.set("file", old_path)

        return ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf8").decode("utf8")
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 def edit_model_xml(self, xml_str):
        This function edits the model xml with custom changes, including resolving relative paths,
        applying changes retroactively to existing demonstration files, and other custom scripts.
        Environment subclasses should modify this function to add environment-specific xml editing features.
            xml_str (str): Mujoco sim demonstration XML file as string
            str: Edited xml file as string

        path = os.path.split(robosuite.__file__)[0]
        path_split = path.split("/")

        # replace mesh and texture file paths
        tree = ET.fromstring(xml_str)
        root = tree
        asset = root.find("asset")
        meshes = asset.findall("mesh")
        textures = asset.findall("texture")
        all_elements = meshes + textures
        for elem in all_elements:
            old_path = elem.get("file")
            if old_path is None:
            elem.set("file", old_path)

        return ET.tostring(root, encoding="utf8").decode("utf8")
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