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python情感分析算法_Python 情感分析



由于这里不能放文件所以…我放到网盘啦,,哇哇哇 链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mhDqfWG 密码: vm38

import jieba

import cPickle as pickle


g_pos_dict = pickle.load(open("../sentiment_dic/posdict.pkl", "r"))

g_neg_dict = pickle.load(open("../sentiment_dic/negdict.pkl", "r"))

g_most_dict = pickle.load(open("../sentiment_dic/mostdict.pkl", "r"))

g_more_dict = pickle.load(open("../sentiment_dic/moredict.pkl", "r"))

g_very_dict = pickle.load(open("../sentiment_dic/verydict.pkl", "r"))

g_ish_dict = pickle.load(open("../sentiment_dic/ishdict.pkl", "r"))

g_insufficient_dict = pickle.load(open("../sentiment_dic/insufficentdict.pkl", "r"))

g_inverse_dict = pickle.load(open("../sentiment_dic/inversedict.pkl", "r"))

def emotion_test(string):


words = list(jieba.cut(string))

a = 0 # 记录情感词位置

poscount = 0 # 积极词的分值

poscount3 = 0 # 积极词最后分值

negcount = 0

negcount3 = 0

for index, word in enumerate(words):

word = word.encode("utf8")

if word in g_pos_dict: # 判断词语是否是积极情感词

poscount += 1

c = 0 # 反转词

for w in words[a:index]:

w = w.encode("utf8")

if w in g_most_dict:

poscount *= 4.0

elif w in g_very_dict:

poscount *= 3.0

elif w in g_more_dict:

poscount *= 2.0

elif w in g_ish_dict:

poscount /= 2.0

elif w in g_insufficient_dict:

poscount /= 4.0

elif w in g_inverse_dict:

c += 1

if c % 2 == 1:

poscount *= -1.0

poscount3 += poscount

poscount = 0

a = index + 1 # 情感词的位置变化

elif word in g_neg_dict: # 消极情感

negcount += 1

d = 0 # 反转词

for w in words[a:index]:

w = w.encode("utf8")

if w in g_most_dict:

negcount *= 4.0

elif w in g_very_dict:

negcount *= 3.0

elif w in g_more_dict:

negcount *= 2.0

elif w in g_ish_dict:

negcount /= 2.0

elif w in g_insufficient_dict:

negcount /= 4.0

elif w in g_inverse_dict:

d += 1

if d % 2 == 1:

negcount *= -1.0

negcount3 += negcount

negcount = 0

a = index + 1

if poscount3 <= 0 and negcount3 <= 0:

t = poscount3

poscount3 = -negcount3

negcount3 = -t

elif poscount3 <= 0 and negcount3 >= 0:

negcount3 -= poscount3

poscount3 = 0

elif poscount3 >= 0 and negcount3 <= 0:

poscount3 -= negcount3

negcount3 = 0

return poscount3, negcount3

print emotion_test("我真的非常的烦心")

