项目中需要在一个可编辑表格中的一列按部门条件选择部门用户,jeecg前端框架带有j-vxe-table组件,这个组件中也有JVXETypes.popup 类型的列,不过这个列不能带参数查询,不能使用,用了JVXETypes.slot类型的列,放入了j-popup组件,做了一些修改,实现了需求。
select a.id,username,realname,d.dep_id as departId from sys_user a
right join sys_user_depart d
on d.user_id=a.id
where d.dep_id='${departId}'
报表参数中增加 departId 参数
<template> <j-modal :title="title" :width="width" :visible="visible" :maskClosable="false" switchFullscreen @ok="handleOk" @cancel="handleCancel"> <a-spin :spinning="confirmLoading"> <a-form-model layout="inline"> <a-form-item label="非必选部门人数"> <a-input-number v-model="nums"></a-input-number> </a-form-item> </a-form-model> <j-vxe-table ref="vTable" row-number keep-source :dataSource="dataSource" :columns="columns"> <template v-slot:need="props"> {{ props.row.need == 'Y' ? '是' : '否' }} </template> <template v-slot:user="props"> <j-popup code="sel_user_by_depart" :target-id="props.row.id" field="realname" orgFields="id,realname,departid" destFields="id,realname,departid" :param="props.row.param" :multi="false" :trigger-change="true" @callback="popupCallback"/> </template> </j-vxe-table> </a-spin> </j-modal> </template> <script> import { getAction, postAction } from '../../../../api/manage' import { JVXETypes } from '../../../../components/jeecg/JVxeTable' export default { name: 'TermForm', props: { type: { type: String, default: '1' } }, data() { return { title: '设置工作组', width: 800, visible: false, disableSubmit: false, confirmLoading: false, plan: {}, columns: [ { title: '部门', key: 'departName', type: JVXETypes.normal, align: 'center', }, { title: '必选', key: 'need', type: JVXETypes.slot, align: 'center', slotName: 'need' }, { title: '人员', key: 'realName', type: JVXETypes.slot, slotName: 'user' }, { title: '组长', key: 'leader', type: JVXETypes.select, dictCode: 'yes_or_no', width: '100px', align: 'center' }, ], dataSource: [], departList: [], nums: 2, } }, methods: { open(plan) { this.plan = plan this.visible = true this.$nextTick(() => { this.listDepart() }) }, listDepart() { getAction('/termDepart/list', { type: this.type }).then(res => { if (res.success) { res.result.forEach(r => { r.userId = '' r.realName = '' r.leader = 'N' r.param = { departId: r.departId } }) this.dataSource = res.result } }) }, handleOk() { let items = this.dataSource.filter(f => f.need == 'Y' && !f.userId) if (items.length > 0) { this.$message.error('请为必选部门选择人员') return } let others = this.dataSource.filter(f => f.need == 'N' && !f.userId) if (others.length != this.nums) { this.$message.error('请在非必选部门中选择 ' + this.nums + ' 个人员') return } let leaders = this.dataSource.filter(f => f.leader == 'Y' && f.userId) if (leaders.length == 0) { this.$message.error('请选择一个组长') return } else if (leaders.length > 1) { this.$message.error('最多只能选择一个组长') return } let param = [] this.dataSource.forEach(row => [ param.push({ planId: this.plan.id, type: this.type, departId: row.departId, userId: row.userId, leader: row.leader }) ]) let p = { terms: param } this.confirmLoading = true postAction('', p).then(res => { if (res.success) { this.$message.success('小组已设置') this.handleCancel() } else { this.$message.error(res.message) } }).finally(() => { this.confirmLoading = false }) }, handleCancel() { this.visible = false }, popupCallback(row, id) { let item = this.dataSource.find(f => f.id == id) item.userId = row.id }, } } </script> <style scoped> </style>
:target-id=“props.row.id” 这个是修改组件后增加的属性,用于将记录id传入popup组件中,在回调时再传回来,方便定位是哪一条记录。
在listDeprt方法中的 设置行参数: r.param = { departId: r.departId }
<template> <div class="components-input-demo-presuffix" v-if="avalid"> <!----> <a-input @click="openModal" :placeholder="placeholder" v-model="showText" readOnly :disabled="disabled"> <a-icon slot="prefix" type="cluster" :title="title"/> <a-icon v-if="showText" slot="suffix" type="close-circle" @click="handleEmpty" title="清空"/> </a-input> <j-popup-onl-report ref="jPopupOnlReport" :code="code" :multi="multi" :groupId="uniqGroupId" :param="param" @ok="callBack" /> </div> </template> <script> import JPopupOnlReport from './modal/JPopupOnlReport' export default { name: 'JPopup', components: { JPopupOnlReport }, props: { code: { type: String, default: '', required: false }, field: { type: String, default: '', required: false }, orgFields: { type: String, default: '', required: false }, destFields: { type: String, default: '', required: false }, width: { type: Number, default: 1200, required: false }, placeholder: { type: String, default: '请选择', required: false }, value: { type: String, required: false }, triggerChange: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: false }, disabled: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: false }, multi: { type: Boolean, required: false, default: false }, //popup动态参数 支持系统变量语法 param: { type: Object, required: false, default: () => { } }, /** 分组ID,用于将多个popup的请求合并到一起,不传不分组 */ groupId: String, /** 列表中使用时传入的列表记录Id ,用于回调时给数据源定位记录提供依据**/ targetId: { type: String, default: '' } }, data() { return { showText: '', title: '', avalid: true } }, computed: { uniqGroupId() { if (this.groupId) { let { groupId, code, field, orgFields, destFields } = this return `${groupId}_${code}_${field}_${orgFields}_${destFields}` } } }, watch: { value: { immediate: true, handler: function (val) { if (!val) { this.showText = '' } else { this.showText = val } } } }, created() { }, mounted() { if (!this.orgFields || !this.destFields || !this.code) { this.$message.error('popup参数未正确配置!') this.avalid = false } if (this.destFields.split(',').length != this.orgFields.split(',').length) { this.$message.error('popup参数未正确配置,原始值和目标值数量不一致!') this.avalid = false } }, methods: { openModal() { if (this.disabled === false) { this.$refs.jPopupOnlReport.show() } }, handleEmpty() { this.showText = '' let destFieldsArr = this.destFields.split(',') if (destFieldsArr.length === 0) { return } let res = {} for (let i = 0; i < destFieldsArr.length; i++) { res[destFieldsArr[i]] = '' } if (this.triggerChange) { this.$emit('callback', res, this.targetId) } else { this.$emit('input', '', res) } }, callBack(rows) { // update--begin--autor:lvdandan-----date:20200630------for:多选时未带回多个值------ let orgFieldsArr = this.orgFields.split(',') let destFieldsArr = this.destFields.split(',') let resetText = false if (this.field && this.field.length > 0) { this.showText = '' resetText = true } let res = {} if (orgFieldsArr.length > 0) { for (let i = 0; i < orgFieldsArr.length; i++) { let tempDestArr = [] for (let rw of rows) { let val = rw[orgFieldsArr[i]] if (!val) { val = '' } tempDestArr.push(val) } res[destFieldsArr[i]] = tempDestArr.join(',') } if (resetText === true) { let tempText = [] for (let rw of rows) { let val = rw[orgFieldsArr[destFieldsArr.indexOf(this.field)]] if (!val) { val = '' } tempText.push(val) } this.showText = tempText.join(',') } // update--end--autor:lvdandan-----date:20200630------for:多选时未带回多个值------ } if (this.triggerChange) { //v-dec时即triggerChange为true时 将整个对象给form页面 让他自己setFieldsValue this.$emit('callback', res, this.targetId) } else { //v-model时 需要传一个参数field 表示当前这个字段 从而根据这个字段的顺序找到原始值 // this.$emit("input",row[orgFieldsArr[destFieldsArr.indexOf(this.field)]]) this.$emit('input', this.showText, res) } } } } </script> <style scoped> .components-input-demo-presuffix .anticon-close-circle { cursor: pointer; color: #ccc; transition: color 0.3s; font-size: 12px; } .components-input-demo-presuffix .anticon-close-circle:hover { color: #f5222d; } .components-input-demo-presuffix .anticon-close-circle:active { color: #666; } </style>
增加了 targetId属性,在 callback事件中加入这个参数
watch: {
code() {
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