- 1、数据集解析处理
- 2、模型训练
- 3、推理计算与GUI可视化
本文使用的数据集是开源的果蔬数据集Fruits 360,下载后截图如下所示:
Test 表示测试数据集目录
Training 表示训练数据集目录
Training 目录截图如下所示:
- def lookDataset():
- '''
- 查看数据集情况
- '''
- dataDir = "data/train/"
- train_dict = {}
- train_num = 0
- for one_label in os.listdir(dataDir):
- oneDir = dataDir + one_label + "/"
- one_num = len(os.listdir(oneDir))
- train_dict[one_label] = one_num
- train_num += one_num
- print("Total Train Number: ", train_num)
- with open("train_num.json", "w") as f:
- f.write(json.dumps(train_dict))
- dataDir = "data/test/"
- test_dict = {}
- test_num = 0
- for one_label in os.listdir(dataDir):
- oneDir = dataDir + one_label + "/"
- one_num = len(os.listdir(oneDir))
- test_dict[one_label] = one_num
- test_num += one_num
- print("Total Test Number: ", test_num)
- with open("test_num.json", "w") as f:
- f.write(json.dumps(test_dict))
- Total Train Number: 67692
- Total Test Number: 22688
- {
- "Apple Braeburn": 164,
- "Apple Crimson Snow": 148,
- "Apple Golden 1": 160,
- "Apple Golden 2": 164,
- "Apple Golden 3": 161,
- "Apple Granny Smith": 164,
- "Apple Pink Lady": 152,
- "Apple Red 1": 164,
- "Apple Red 2": 164,
- "Apple Red 3": 144,
- "Apple Red Delicious": 166,
- "Apple Red Yellow 1": 164,
- "Apple Red Yellow 2": 219,
- "Apricot": 164,
- "Avocado": 143,
- "Avocado ripe": 166,
- "Banana": 166,
- "Banana Lady Finger": 152,
- "Banana Red": 166,
- "Beetroot": 150,
- "Blueberry": 154,
- "Cactus fruit": 166,
- "Cantaloupe 1": 164,
- "Cantaloupe 2": 164,
- "Carambula": 166,
- "Cauliflower": 234,
- "Cherry 1": 164,
- "Cherry 2": 246,
- "Cherry Rainier": 246,
- "Cherry Wax Black": 164,
- "Cherry Wax Red": 164,
- "Cherry Wax Yellow": 164,
- "Chestnut": 153,
- "Clementine": 166,
- "Cocos": 166,
- "Corn": 150,
- "Corn Husk": 154,
- "Cucumber Ripe": 130,
- "Cucumber Ripe 2": 156,
- "Dates": 166,
- "Eggplant": 156,
- "Fig": 234,
- "Ginger Root": 99,
- "Granadilla": 166,
- "Grape Blue": 328,
- "Grape Pink": 164,
- "Grape White": 166,
- "Grape White 2": 166,
- "Grape White 3": 164,
- "Grape White 4": 158,
- "Grapefruit Pink": 166,
- "Grapefruit White": 164,
- "Guava": 166,
- "Hazelnut": 157,
- "Huckleberry": 166,
- "Kaki": 166,
- "Kiwi": 156,
- "Kohlrabi": 157,
- "Kumquats": 166,
- "Lemon": 164,
- "Lemon Meyer": 166,
- "Limes": 166,
- "Lychee": 166,
- "Mandarine": 166,
- "Mango": 166,
- "Mango Red": 142,
- "Mangostan": 102,
- "Maracuja": 166,
- "Melon Piel de Sapo": 246,
- "Mulberry": 164,
- "Nectarine": 164,
- "Nectarine Flat": 160,
- "Nut Forest": 218,
- "Nut Pecan": 178,
- "Onion Red": 150,
- "Onion Red Peeled": 155,
- "Onion White": 146,
- "Orange": 160,
- "Papaya": 164,
- "Passion Fruit": 166,
- "Peach": 164,
- "Peach 2": 246,
- "Peach Flat": 164,
- "Pear": 164,
- "Pear 2": 232,
- "Pear Abate": 166,
- "Pear Forelle": 234,
- "Pear Kaiser": 102,
- "Pear Monster": 166,
- "Pear Red": 222,
- "Pear Stone": 237,
- "Pear Williams": 166,
- "Pepino": 166,
- "Pepper Green": 148,
- "Pepper Orange": 234,
- "Pepper Red": 222,
- "Pepper Yellow": 222,
- "Physalis": 164,
- "Physalis with Husk": 164,
- "Pineapple": 166,
- "Pineapple Mini": 163,
- "Pitahaya Red": 166,
- "Plum": 151,
- "Plum 2": 142,
- "Plum 3": 304,
- "Pomegranate": 164,
- "Pomelo Sweetie": 153,
- "Potato Red": 150,
- "Potato Red Washed": 151,
- "Potato Sweet": 150,
- "Potato White": 150,
- "Quince": 166,
- "Rambutan": 164,
- "Raspberry": 166,
- "Redcurrant": 164,
- "Salak": 162,
- "Strawberry": 164,
- "Strawberry Wedge": 246,
- "Tamarillo": 166,
- "Tangelo": 166,
- "Tomato 1": 246,
- "Tomato 2": 225,
- "Tomato 3": 246,
- "Tomato 4": 160,
- "Tomato Cherry Red": 164,
- "Tomato Heart": 228,
- "Tomato Maroon": 127,
- "Tomato not Ripened": 158,
- "Tomato Yellow": 153,
- "Walnut": 249,
- "Watermelon": 157
- }
- {
- "Apple Braeburn": 492,
- "Apple Crimson Snow": 444,
- "Apple Golden 1": 480,
- "Apple Golden 2": 492,
- "Apple Golden 3": 481,
- "Apple Granny Smith": 492,
- "Apple Pink Lady": 456,
- "Apple Red 1": 492,
- "Apple Red 2": 492,
- "Apple Red 3": 429,
- "Apple Red Delicious": 490,
- "Apple Red Yellow 1": 492,
- "Apple Red Yellow 2": 672,
- "Apricot": 492,
- "Avocado": 427,
- "Avocado ripe": 491,
- "Banana": 490,
- "Banana Lady Finger": 450,
- "Banana Red": 490,
- "Beetroot": 450,
- "Blueberry": 462,
- "Cactus fruit": 490,
- "Cantaloupe 1": 492,
- "Cantaloupe 2": 492,
- "Carambula": 490,
- "Cauliflower": 702,
- "Cherry 1": 492,
- "Cherry 2": 738,
- "Cherry Rainier": 738,
- "Cherry Wax Black": 492,
- "Cherry Wax Red": 492,
- "Cherry Wax Yellow": 492,
- "Chestnut": 450,
- "Clementine": 490,
- "Cocos": 490,
- "Corn": 450,
- "Corn Husk": 462,
- "Cucumber Ripe": 392,
- "Cucumber Ripe 2": 468,
- "Dates": 490,
- "Eggplant": 468,
- "Fig": 702,
- "Ginger Root": 297,
- "Granadilla": 490,
- "Grape Blue": 984,
- "Grape Pink": 492,
- "Grape White": 490,
- "Grape White 2": 490,
- "Grape White 3": 492,
- "Grape White 4": 471,
- "Grapefruit Pink": 490,
- "Grapefruit White": 492,
- "Guava": 490,
- "Hazelnut": 464,
- "Huckleberry": 490,
- "Kaki": 490,
- "Kiwi": 466,
- "Kohlrabi": 471,
- "Kumquats": 490,
- "Lemon": 492,
- "Lemon Meyer": 490,
- "Limes": 490,
- "Lychee": 490,
- "Mandarine": 490,
- "Mango": 490,
- "Mango Red": 426,
- "Mangostan": 300,
- "Maracuja": 490,
- "Melon Piel de Sapo": 738,
- "Mulberry": 492,
- "Nectarine": 492,
- "Nectarine Flat": 480,
- "Nut Forest": 654,
- "Nut Pecan": 534,
- "Onion Red": 450,
- "Onion Red Peeled": 445,
- "Onion White": 438,
- "Orange": 479,
- "Papaya": 492,
- "Passion Fruit": 490,
- "Peach": 492,
- "Peach 2": 738,
- "Peach Flat": 492,
- "Pear": 492,
- "Pear 2": 696,
- "Pear Abate": 490,
- "Pear Forelle": 702,
- "Pear Kaiser": 300,
- "Pear Monster": 490,
- "Pear Red": 666,
- "Pear Stone": 711,
- "Pear Williams": 490,
- "Pepino": 490,
- "Pepper Green": 444,
- "Pepper Orange": 702,
- "Pepper Red": 666,
- "Pepper Yellow": 666,
- "Physalis": 492,
- "Physalis with Husk": 492,
- "Pineapple": 490,
- "Pineapple Mini": 493,
- "Pitahaya Red": 490,
- "Plum": 447,
- "Plum 2": 420,
- "Plum 3": 900,
- "Pomegranate": 492,
- "Pomelo Sweetie": 450,
- "Potato Red": 450,
- "Potato Red Washed": 453,
- "Potato Sweet": 450,
- "Potato White": 450,
- "Quince": 490,
- "Rambutan": 492,
- "Raspberry": 490,
- "Redcurrant": 492,
- "Salak": 490,
- "Strawberry": 492,
- "Strawberry Wedge": 738,
- "Tamarillo": 490,
- "Tangelo": 490,
- "Tomato 1": 738,
- "Tomato 2": 672,
- "Tomato 3": 738,
- "Tomato 4": 479,
- "Tomato Cherry Red": 492,
- "Tomato Heart": 684,
- "Tomato Maroon": 367,
- "Tomato not Ripened": 474,
- "Tomato Yellow": 459,
- "Walnut": 735,
- "Watermelon": 475
- }
- def random2Dataset(dataDir='data/original/',ratio=0.3):
- '''
- 对原始数据集进行划分,得到:训练集和测试集
- '''
- label_list=os.listdir(dataDir)
- for one_label in label_list:
- oneDir=dataDir+one_label+'/'
- pic_list=os.listdir(oneDir)
- testNum=int(len(pic_list)*ratio)
- oneTrainDir='data/train/'+one_label+'/'
- oneTestDir='data/test/'+one_label+'/'
- if not os.path.exists(oneTrainDir):
- os.makedirs(oneTrainDir)
- if not os.path.exists(oneTestDir):
- os.makedirs(oneTestDir)
- #创建测试集
- for i in range(testNum):
- one_path=oneDir+random.choice(os.listdir(oneDir))
- name=str(len(os.listdir(oneTestDir))+1)
- new_path=oneTestDir+one_label+'_'+name+'.jpg'
- shutil.move(one_path,new_path)
- #创建训练集
- for one_pic in os.listdir(oneDir):
- one_path=oneDir+one_pic
- name=str(len(os.listdir(oneTrainDir))+1)
- new_path=oneTrainDir+one_label+'_'+name+'.jpg'
- shutil.move(one_path,new_path)
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