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11_SPI_Flash 读数据实验_spi flash 连续读

spi flash 连续读

1. 实验目标

使用页写或连续写操作向 Flash 芯片写入数据,再使用数据读操作读取之前写入数据,将读取的数据使用串口传回 PC 机,使用串口助手传回数据并与之前写入数据比较,判断正误。

2. 操作时序

2.1 数据读操作指令


2.2 数据读操作时序


3. 流程框图

3.1 顶层模块


3.2 数据读模块



4. 波形图绘制


读出了数据,下面是把串行的数据 转换为并行的数据,传入到接口数据的读取上升沿。

5. RTL

5.1 flash_read_ctrl

`timescale  1ns/1ns

module  flash_read_ctrl(

    input   wire            sys_clk     ,   //系统时钟,频率50MHz
    input   wire            sys_rst_n   ,   //复位信号,低电平有效
    input   wire            key         ,   //按键输入信号
    input   wire            miso        ,   //读出flash数据

    output  reg             sck         ,   //串行时钟
    output  reg             cs_n        ,   //片选信号
    output  reg             mosi        ,   //主输出从输入数据
    output  reg             tx_flag     ,   //输出数据标志信号
    output  wire    [7:0]   tx_data         //输出数据


//****************** Parameter and Internal Signal *******************//

//parameter define
parameter   IDLE    =   3'b001  ,   //初始状态
            READ    =   3'b010  ,   //数据读状态
            SEND    =   3'b100  ;   //数据发送状态

parameter   READ_INST   =   8'b0000_0011;   //读指令
parameter   NUM_DATA    =   16'd100     ;   //读出数据个数
parameter   SECTOR_ADDR =   8'b0000_0000,   //扇区地址
            PAGE_ADDR   =   8'b0000_0100,   //页地址
            BYTE_ADDR   =   8'b0010_0101;   //字节地址
parameter   CNT_WAIT_MAX=   16'd6_00_00 ;

//wire  define
wire    [7:0]   fifo_data_num   ;   //fifo内数据个数
//reg   define
reg     [4:0]   cnt_clk         ;   //系统时钟计数器
reg     [2:0]   state           ;   //状态机状态
reg     [15:0]  cnt_byte        ;   //字节计数器
reg     [1:0]   cnt_sck         ;   //串行时钟计数器
reg     [2:0]   cnt_bit         ;   //比特计数器
reg             miso_flag       ;   //miso提取标志信号
reg     [7:0]   data            ;   //拼接数据
reg             po_flag_reg     ;   //输出数据标志信号
reg             po_flag         ;   //输出数据
reg     [7:0]   po_data         ;   //输出数据
reg             fifo_read_valid ;   //fifo读有效信号
reg     [15:0]  cnt_wait        ;   //等待计数器
reg             fifo_read_en    ;   //fifo读使能
reg     [7:0]   read_data_num   ;   //读出fifo数据个数

//***************************** Main Code ****************************//
always@(posedge sys_clk or  negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        cnt_clk  <=  5'd0;
    else    if(state == READ)
        cnt_clk  <=  cnt_clk + 1'b1;

always@(posedge sys_clk or  negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        cnt_byte    <=  16'd0;
    else    if((cnt_clk == 5'd31) && (cnt_byte == NUM_DATA + 16'd3))
        cnt_byte    <=  16'd0;
    else    if(cnt_clk == 5'd31)
        cnt_byte    <=  cnt_byte + 1'b1;

always@(posedge sys_clk or  negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        cnt_sck <=  2'd0;
    else    if(state == READ)
        cnt_sck <=  cnt_sck + 1'b1;

always@(posedge sys_clk or  negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        cs_n    <=  1'b1;
    else    if(key == 1'b1)
        cs_n    <=  1'b0;
    else    if((cnt_byte == NUM_DATA + 16'd3) && (cnt_clk == 5'd31) && (state == READ))
        cs_n    <=  1'b1;

always@(posedge sys_clk or  negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        sck <=  1'b0;
    else    if(cnt_sck == 2'd0)
        sck <=  1'b0;
    else    if(cnt_sck == 2'd2)
        sck <=  1'b1;

always@(posedge sys_clk or  negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        cnt_bit <=  3'd0;
    else    if(cnt_sck == 2'd2)
        cnt_bit <=  cnt_bit + 1'b1;

always@(posedge sys_clk or  negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        state   <=  IDLE;
        IDLE:   if(key == 1'b1)
                    state   <=  READ;
        READ:   if((cnt_byte == NUM_DATA + 16'd3) && (cnt_clk == 5'd31))
                    state   <=  SEND;
        SEND:   if((read_data_num == NUM_DATA)
                && ((cnt_wait == (CNT_WAIT_MAX - 1'b1))))
                    state   <=  IDLE;
        default:    state   <=  IDLE;

always@(posedge sys_clk or  negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        mosi    <=  1'b0;
    else    if((state == READ) && (cnt_byte>= 16'd4))
        mosi    <=  1'b0;
    else    if((state == READ) && (cnt_byte == 16'd0) && (cnt_sck == 2'd0))
        mosi    <=  READ_INST[7 - cnt_bit];  //读指令
    else    if((state == READ) && (cnt_byte == 16'd1) && (cnt_sck == 2'd0))
        mosi    <=  SECTOR_ADDR[7 - cnt_bit];  //扇区地址
    else    if((state == READ) && (cnt_byte == 16'd2) && (cnt_sck == 2'd0))
        mosi    <=  PAGE_ADDR[7 - cnt_bit];    //页地址
    else    if((state == READ) && (cnt_byte == 16'd3) && (cnt_sck == 2'd0))
        mosi    <=  BYTE_ADDR[7 - cnt_bit];    //字节地址

always@(posedge sys_clk or  negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        miso_flag   <=  1'b0;
    else    if((cnt_byte >= 16'd4) && (cnt_sck == 2'd1))
        miso_flag   <=  1'b1;
        miso_flag   <=  1'b0;

always@(posedge sys_clk or  negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        data    <=  8'd0;
    else    if(miso_flag == 1'b1)
        data    <=  {data[6:0],miso};

always@(posedge sys_clk or  negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        po_flag_reg <=  1'b0;
    else    if((cnt_bit == 3'd7) && (miso_flag == 1'b1))
        po_flag_reg <=  1'b1;
        po_flag_reg <=  1'b0;

always@(posedge sys_clk or  negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        po_flag <=  1'b0;
        po_flag <=  po_flag_reg;

always@(posedge sys_clk or  negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        po_data <=  8'd0;
    else    if(po_flag_reg == 1'b1)
        po_data <=  data;
        po_data <=  po_data;

always@(posedge sys_clk or  negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        fifo_read_valid <=  1'b0;
    else    if((read_data_num == NUM_DATA)
                && ((cnt_wait == (CNT_WAIT_MAX - 1'b1))))
        fifo_read_valid <=  1'b0;
    else    if(fifo_data_num == NUM_DATA)
        fifo_read_valid <=  1'b1;

always@(posedge sys_clk or  negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        cnt_wait    <=  16'd0;
    else    if(fifo_read_valid == 1'b0)
        cnt_wait    <=  16'd0;
    else    if(cnt_wait == (CNT_WAIT_MAX - 1'b1))
        cnt_wait    <=  16'd0;
    else    if(fifo_read_valid == 1'b1)
        cnt_wait    <=  cnt_wait + 1'b1;

always@(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        fifo_read_en <=  1'b0;
    else    if((cnt_wait == (CNT_WAIT_MAX - 1'b1))
                && (read_data_num < NUM_DATA))
        fifo_read_en <=  1'b1;
        fifo_read_en <=  1'b0;

always@(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        read_data_num <=  8'd0;
    else    if(fifo_read_valid == 1'b0)
        read_data_num <=  8'd0;
    else    if(fifo_read_en == 1'b1)
        read_data_num <=  read_data_num + 1'b1;

always@(posedge sys_clk or negedge sys_rst_n)
    if(sys_rst_n == 1'b0)
        tx_flag <=  1'b0;
        tx_flag <=  fifo_read_en;

//*************************** Instantiation **************************//
fifo_data fifo_data_inst(
    .clock  (sys_clk      ),    //时钟信号
    .data   (po_data      ),    //写数据,8bit
    .wrreq  (po_flag      ),    //写请求
    .rdreq  (fifo_read_en ),    //读请求

    .q      (tx_data      ),    //数据读出,8bit
    .usedw  (fifo_data_num)     //fifo内数据个数


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5.2 spi_flash_read

`timescale  1ns/1ns

module  spi_flash_read(

    input   wire    sys_clk     ,   //系统时钟,频率50MHz
    input   wire    sys_rst_n   ,   //复位信号,低电平有效
    input   wire    pi_key      ,   //按键输入信号
    input   wire    miso        ,   //读出flash数据

    output  wire    cs_n        ,   //片选信号
    output  wire    sck         ,   //串行时钟
    output  wire    mosi        ,   //主输出从输入数据
    output  wire    tx              


//****************** Parameter and Internal Signal *******************//
//parameter define
parameter   CNT_MAX     =   20'd999_999     ;   //计数器计数最大值
parameter   UART_BPS    =   14'd9600        ,   //比特率
            CLK_FREQ    =   26'd50_000_000  ;   //时钟频率

//wire  define
wire            po_key  ;   //消抖处理后的按键信号
wire            tx_flag ;   //输入串口发送模块数据标志信号
wire    [7:0]   tx_data ;   //输入串口发送模块数据

//*************************** Instantiation **************************//
//------------- key_filter_inst -------------
    .CNT_MAX    (CNT_MAX    )   //计数器计数最大值
    .sys_clk    (sys_clk    ),  //系统时钟,频率50MHz
    .sys_rst_n  (sys_rst_n  ),  //复位信号,低电平有效
    .key_in     (pi_key     ),  //按键输入信号

    .key_flag   (po_key     )   //消抖后信号

flash_read_ctrl  flash_read_ctrl_inst(

    .sys_clk    (sys_clk    ),  //系统时钟,频率50MHz
    .sys_rst_n  (sys_rst_n  ),  //复位信号,低电平有效
    .key        (po_key     ),  //按键输入信号
    .miso       (miso       ),  //读出flash数据

    .sck        (sck        ),  //片选信号
    .cs_n       (cs_n       ),  //串行时钟
    .mosi       (mosi       ),  //主输出从输入数据
    .tx_flag    (tx_flag    ),  //输出数据标志信号
    .tx_data    (tx_data    )   //输出数据


    .UART_BPS    (UART_BPS ),         //串口波特率
    .CLK_FREQ    (CLK_FREQ )          //时钟频率
    .sys_clk     (sys_clk  ),   //系统时钟50Mhz
    .sys_rst_n   (sys_rst_n),   //全局复位
    .pi_data     (tx_data  ),   //并行数据
    .pi_flag     (tx_flag  ),   //并行数据有效标志信号
    .tx          (tx       )    //串口发送数据


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6. testbench

`timescale  1ns/1ns

module  tb_spi_flash_read();

//wire  define
wire    cs_n;
wire    sck ;
wire    mosi;
wire    miso;
wire    tx  ;

//reg   define
reg     clk     ;
reg     rst_n   ;
reg     key     ;

        clk =   0;
        rst_n   <=  0;
        key <=  0;
        rst_n   <=  1;
        key <=  1;
        key <=  0;

always  #10 clk <=  ~clk;

defparam memory.mem_access.initfile = "initM25P16_test.txt";
defparam spi_flash_read_inst.flash_read_ctrl_inst.CNT_WAIT_MAX = 1000;
defparam spi_flash_read_inst.uart_tx_inst.CLK_FREQ = 100000;

//------------- spi_flash_read -------------
spi_flash_read    spi_flash_read_inst(
    .sys_clk    (clk    ),  //input     sys_clk
    .sys_rst_n  (rst_n  ),  //input     sys_rst
    .pi_key     (key    ),  //input     key
    .miso       (miso   ),

    .sck        (sck    ),  //output    sck
    .cs_n       (cs_n   ),  //output    cs_n
    .mosi       (mosi   ),  //output    mosi
    .tx         (tx     )


//------------- memory -------------
m25p16  memory (
    .c          (sck    ), 
    .data_in    (mosi   ), 
    .s          (cs_n   ), 
    .w          (1'b1   ), 
    .hold       (1'b1   ), 
    .data_out   (miso   )


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