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附录A:Synopsys Design Constraints(SDC)

synopsys design constraints

本附录将介绍1.7版本的 S D C ( S y n o p s y s   D e s i g n   C o n s t r a i n t s ) SDC(Synopsys\ Design\ Constraints) SDC(Synopsys Design Constraints)格式,此格式主要用于指定设计的时序约束。它不包含任何特定工具的命令,例如链接(link)和编译(compile)。它是一个文本文件,可以手写或由程序创建,并由程序读取。某些 S D C SDC SDC命令仅适用于实现(implementation)或综合(synthesis),但是本附录会列出所有 S D C SDC SDC命令。

S D C SDC SDC语法是基于 T C L TCL TCL的格式,即所有命令都遵循 T C L TCL TCL语法。一个 S D C SDC SDC文件会在文件开头包含 S D C SDC SDC版本号,其次是设计约束,注释(注释以字符开始,并在行尾处结束)在 S D C SDC SDC文件中可以散布在设计约束中。设计约束中较长的命令行可以使用反斜杠(\)字符分成多行。

A.1 基本命令(Basic Commands)

以下是基本的 S D C SDC SDC命令:

current_instance [instance_pathname]
# Sets the current instance of design. This allows other
# commands to set or get attributes from that instance.
# If no argument is supplied, then the current instance
# becomes the top-level.
	current_instance /core/U2/UPLL
	current_instance .. # Go up one hierarchy.
	current_instance # Set to top.
expr arg1 arg2 . . . argn
list arg1 arg2 . . . argn
set variable_name value
set_hierarchy_separator separator
# Specifies the default hierarchy separator used within
# the SDC file. This can be overridden by using the -hsc
# option in the individual SDC commands where allowed.
	set_hierarchy_separator /
	set_hierarchy_separator .
set_units [-capacitance cap_unit] [-resistance res_units]
	[-time time_unit] [-voltage voltage_unit]
	[-current current_unit] [-power power_unit]
# Specifies the units used in the SDC file.
	set_units -capacitance pf -time ps
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A.2 对象访问命令(Object Access Commands)


# Returns a collection of all clocks.
	foreach_in_collection clkvar [all_clocks] {
	. . .
	set_clock_transition 0.150 [all_clocks]
all_inputs [-level_sensitive] [-edge_triggered]
	[-clock clock_name]
# Returns a collection of all input ports in the design.
	set_input_delay -clock VCLK 0.6 -min [all_inputs]
all_outputs [-level_sensitive] [-edge_triggered]
[-clock clock_name]
# Returns a collection of all output ports in the design.
	set_load 0.5 [all_outputs]
all_registers [-no_hierarchy] [-clock clock_name]
	[-rise_clock clock_name] [-fall_clock clock_name]
	[-cells] [-data_pins] [-clock_pins] [-slave_clock_pins]
	[-async_pins] [-output_pins] [-level_sensitive]
	[-edge_triggered] [-master_slave]
# Returns the set of registers with the properties
# as specified, if any.
	all_registers -clock DAC_CLK
	# Returns all registers clocked by clock DAC_CLK.
current_design [design_name]
# Returns the name of the current design. If specified with
# an argument, it sets the current design to the one
# specified.
	current_design FADD # Sets the current context to FADD.
	current_design # Returns the current context.
get_cells [-hierarchical] [-hsc separator] [-regexp]
	[-nocase] [-of_objects objects] patterns
# Returns a collection of cells in the design that match the
# specified pattern. Wildcard can be used to match
# multiple cells.
	get_cells RegEdge* # Returns all cells that
					   # match pattern.
	foreach_in_collection cvar [get_cells -hierarchical *] {
		. . .
	} # Returns all cells in design by searching
	  # recursively down the hierarchy.
get_clocks [-regexp] [-nocase] patterns
# Returns a collection of clocks in the design that match
# the specified pattern. When used in context such as -from
# or -to, it returns a collection of all flip-flops driven
# by the specified clocks.
	set_propagated_clock [get_clocks SYS_CLK]
	set_multicycle_path -to [get_clocks jtag*]
get_lib_cells [-hsc separator] [-regexp] [-nocase] patterns
# Creates a collection of library cells that are currently
# loaded and those that match the specified pattern.
	get_lib_cells cmos13lv/AOI3*
get_lib_pins [-hsc separator] [-regexp] [-nocase] patterns
# Returns a collection of library cell pins that match the
# specified pattern.
get_libs [-regexp] [-nocase] patterns
# Returns a collection of libraries that are currently
# loaded in the design.
get_nets [-hierarchical] [-hsc separator] [-regexp]
[-nocase] [-of_objects objects] patterns
# Returns a collection of nets that match the specified
# pattern.
	get_nets -hierarchical * # Returns list of all nets in
		# design by searching recursively down the hierarchy.
	get_nets FIFO_patt*
get_pins [-hierarchical] [-hsc separator] [-regexp]
	[-nocase] [-of_objects objects] patterns
# Returns a collection of pin names that match the
# specified pattern.
	get_pins *
	get_pins U1/U2/U3/UAND/Z
get_ports [-regexp] [-nocase] patterns
# Returns a collection of port names (inputs and outputs)
# of design that match the specified pattern.
	foreach_in_collection port_name [get_ports clk*] {
	# For all ports that start with “clk”.
	. . .
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可以在不“获取”对象的情况下引用诸如端口(port)之类的对象吗?当设计中只有一个具有该名称的对象时,实际上没有任何区别。但是,当多个对象具有相同的名称时,使用get_ *命令将变得更加重要,它可以避免在引用哪种类型对象方面所带来的任何可能的混淆。假设有一个名为 B I S T _ N 1 BIST\_N1 BIST_N1的网络和一个名为 B I S T _ N 1 BIST\_N1 BIST_N1的端口,考虑以下 S D C SDC SDC命令:

set_load 0.05 BIST_N1
  • 1

问题是要引用哪个 B I S T _ N 1 BIST\_N1 BIST_N1?网络还是端口?在大多数情况下,最好明确表明对象的类型,例如:

set_load 0.05 [get_nets BIST_N1]
  • 1

现在再假设有一个时钟 M C L K MCLK MCLK和另一个也称为 M C L K MCLK MCLK的端口,考虑以下 S D C SDC SDC命令:

set_propagated_clock MCLK
  • 1

该对象是引用名为 M C L K MCLK MCLK的端口还是引用称为 M C L K MCLK MCLK的时钟?在此特定情况下,它指的是时钟,因为这是set_propagated_clock命令的优先级所选择的。但是,要明确一点,最好明确表明对象类型,如下所示:

set_propagated_clock [get_clocks MCLK]
set_propagated_clock [get_ports MCLK]
  • 1
  • 2

有了这种明确的条件申明,就不必依赖优先级规则了,并且 S D C SDC SDC命令会非常清楚。

A.3 时序约束(Timing Constraints)

该部分描述与时序约束相关的 S D C SDC SDC命令:

create_clock -period period_value [-name clock_name]
	[-waveform edge_list] [-add] [source_objects]
# Defines a clock.
# When clock_name is not specified, the clock name is the
# name of the first source object.
# The -period option specifies the clock period.
# The -add option is used to create a clock at a pin that
# already has an existing clock definition. Else if this
# option is not used, this clock definition overrides any
# other existing clock definition at that node.
# The -waveform option specifies the rising edge and
# falling edge (duty cycle) of the clock. The default
# is (0, period/2). If a clock definition is on a path
# after another clock, then it blocks the previous clock
# from that point onwards.
	create_clock -period 20 -waveform {0 6} -name SYS_CLK \
		[get_ports SYS_CLK] # Creates a clock of period
		# 20ns with rising edge at 0ns and the falling edge
		# at 6ns.
create_clock -name CPU_CLK -period 2.33 \
	-add [get_ports CPU_CLK] # Adds the clock definition
	# to the port without overriding any existing
	# clock definitions.
create_generated_clock [-name clock_name]
	-source master_pin [-edges edge_list]
	[-divide_by factor] [-multiply_by factor]
	[-duty_cycle percent] [-invert]
	[-edge_shift shift_list] [-add] [-master_clock clock]
# Defines an internally generated clock.
# If no -name is specified, the clock name is that of the
# first source object.
# The source of the generated clock, specified by -source,
# is a pin or port in the design.
# If more than one clock feeds the source node,
# the -master_clock option must be used to specify which of
# these clocks to use as the source of the generated clock.
# The -divide_by option can be used to specify the clock
# division factor; similarly for -multiply_by.
# The -duty_cycle can be used to specify the new duty cycle
# for clock multiplication.
# The -invert option can be specified if the phase of the
# clock has been inverted.
# Instead of using clock multiplication or division, clock
# generation can also be specified using -edges
# and -edge_shift options. The -edges option specifies a
# list of three numbers specifying the edges of the master
# clock edges to use for the first rising edge, the next
# falling edge, and the next rising edge. For example, a
# clock divider can be specified as -divide_by 2 or
# as -edges {1 3 5}.
# The -edge_shift option can be used in conjunction with
# the -edges option to specify an amount to shift for each
# of the three edges.
	create_generated_clock -divide_by 2 -source \
		[get_ports sys_clk] -name gen_sys_clk [get_pins UFF/Q]
	create_generated_clock -add -invert -edges {1 2 8} \
		-source [get_ports mclk] -name gen_clk_div
	create_generated_clock -multiply_by 3 -source \
		[get_ports ref_clk] -master_clock clk10MHz \
		[get_pins UPLL/CLKOUT] -name gen_pll_clk
group_path [-name group_name] [-default]
	[-weight weight_value] [-from from_list]
	[-rise_from from_list] [-fall_from from_list]
	[-to to_list] [-rise_to to_list] [-fall_to to_list]
	[-through through_list] [-rise_through through_list]
	[-fall_through through_list]
# Gives a name to the specified group of paths.
set_clock_gating_check [-setup setup_value]
	[-hold hold_value] [-rise] [-fall] [-high] [-low]
# Provides the ability to specify a clock gating check on
# any object.
# Clock gating checks are performed only on gates that get
# a clock signal.
# By default, the setup and hold values are 0.
	set_clock_gating_check -setup 0.15 -hold 0.05 \
		[get_clocks ck20m]
	set_clock_gating_check -hold 0.3 \
		[get_cells U0/clk_divider/UAND1]
set_clock_groups [-name name] [-logically_exclusive]
	[-physically_exclusive] [-asynchronous] [-allow_paths]
	-group clock_list
# Specifies a group of clocks with the specific
# property and assigns a name to the group.
set_clock_latency [-rise] [-fall] [-min] [-max]
	[-source] [-late] [-early] [-clock clock_list] delay
# Specifies the clock latency for a given clock.
# There are two types of latency: network and source.
# Source latency is the clock network delay between the
# clock definition pin and its source, while network
# latency is the clock network delay between the clock
# definition pin and the flip-flop clock pins.
	set_clock_latency 1.86 [get_clocks clk250]
	set_clock_latency -source -late -rise 2.5 \
		[get_clocks MCLK]
	set_clock_latency -source -late -fall 2.3 \
		[get_clocks MCLK]
set_clock_sense [-positive] [-negative] [-pulse pulse]
	[-stop_propagation] [-clock clock_list] pin_list
# Set clock property on pin.
set_clock_transition [-rise] [-fall] [-min] [-max]
	transition clock_list
# Specifies the clock transition at the clock
# definition point.
	set_clock_transition -min 0.5 [get_clocks SERDES_CLK]
	set_clock_transition -max 1.5 [get_clocks SERDES_CLK]
set_clock_uncertainty [-from from_clock]
	[-rise_from rise_from_clock]
	[-fall_from fall_from_clock] [-to to_clock]
	[-rise_to rise_to_clock] [-fall_to fall_to_clock]
	[-rise] [-fall] [-setup] [-hold]
	uncertainty [object_list]
# Specifies the clock uncertainty for clocks or for
# clock-to-clock transfers.
# The setup uncertainty is subtracted from the data
# required time for a path, and the hold uncertainty is
# added to the data required time for each path.
	set_clock_uncertainty -setup -rise -fall 0.2 \
		[get_clocks CLK2]
	set_clock_uncertainty -from [get_clocks HSCLK] -to \
		[get_clocks SYSCLK] -hold 0.35
set_data_check [-from from_object] [-to to_object]
	[-rise_from from_object] [-fall_from from_object]
	[-rise_to to_object] [-fall_to to_object]
	[-setup] [-hold] [-clock clock_object] value
# Performs the specified check between the two pins.
	set_data_check -from [get_pins UBLK/EN] \
		-to [get_pins UBLK/D] -setup 0.2
	set_disable_timing [-from from_pin_name]
		[-to to_pin_name] cell_pin_list
# Disables a timing arc/edge inside the specified cell.
	set_disable_timing -from A -to ZN [get_cells U1]
set_false_path [-setup] [-hold] [-rise] [-fall]
	[-from from_list] [-to to_list] [-through through_list]
	[-rise_from rise_from_list] [-rise_to rise_to_list]
	[-rise_through -rise_through_list]
	[-fall_from fall_from_list] [-fall_to fall_to_list]
	[-fall_through fall_through_list]
# Specifies a path exception that is not to be considered
# for STA.
	set_false_path -from [get_clocks jtag_clk] \
		-to [get_clocks sys_clk]
	set_false_path -through U1/A -through U4/ZN
set_ideal_latency [-rise] [-fall] [-min] [-max]
	delay object_list
# Sets ideal latency to specific objects.
set_ideal_network [-no_propagate] object_list
# Identifies points in design that are sources of an
# ideal network.
set_ideal_transition [-rise] [-fall] [-min] [-max]
	transition_time object_list
# Specifies the transition time for the ideal networks
# and ideal nets.
set_input_delay [-clock clock_name] [-clock_fall]
	[-rise] [-fall] [-max] [-min] [-add_delay]
	[-network_latency_included] [-source_latency_included]
	delay_value port_pin_list
# Specifies the data arrival times at the specified input
# ports relative to the clock specified.
# The default is the rising edge of clock.
# The -add_delay option allows the capability to add more
# than one constraint to that particular pin or port.
# Multiple input delays with respect to different clocks
# can be specified using this -add_delay option.
# By default, the clock source latency of the launch clock
# is added to the input delay value, but when
# the -source_latency_included option is specified, the
# source network latency is not added because it is
# assumed to be factored into the input delay value.
# The -max delay is used for clock setup checks and recovery
# checks, while the -min delay is used for hold and removal
# checks. If only -min or -max or neither is specified,
# the same value is used for both.
	set_input_delay -clock SYSCLK 1.1 [get_ports MDIO*]
	set_input_delay -clock virtual_mclk 2.5 [all_inputs]
set_max_delay [-rise] [-fall]
	[-from from_list] [-to to_list] [-through through_list]
	[-rise_from rise_from_list] [-rise_to rise_to_list]
	[-rise_through rise_through_list]
	[-fall_from fall_from_list] [-fall_to fall_to_list]
	[-fall_through fall_through_list]
# Sets the maximum delay on the specified path.
# This is used to specify delay between two arbitrary pins
# instead of from a flip-flop to another flip-flop.
	set_max_delay -from [get_clocks FIFOCLK] \
		-to [get_clocks MAINCLK] 3.5
	set_max_delay -from [all_inputs] \
		-to [get_cells UCKDIV/UFF1/D] 2.66
set_max_time_borrow delay_value object_list
# Sets the max time that can be borrowed when analyzing
# a path to a latch.
	set_max_time_borrow 0.6 [get_pins CORE/CNT_LATCH/D]
set_min_delay [-rise] [-fall]
	[-from from_list] [-to to_list] [-through through_list]
	[-rise_from rise_from_list] [-rise_to rise_to_list]
	[-rise_through rise_through_list]
	[-fall_from fall_from_list] [-fall_to fall_to_list]
	[-fall_through fall_through_list]
# Sets the min delay for the specified path, which can
# be between any two arbitrary pins.
	set_min_delay -from U1/S -to U2/A 0.6
	set_min_delay -from [get_clocks PCLK] \
		-to [get_pins UFF/*/S]
set_multicycle_path [-setup] [-hold] [-rise] [-fall]
	[-start] [-end] [-from from_list] [-to to_list]
	[-through through_list] [-rise_from rise_from_list]
	[-rise_to rise_to_list]
	[-rise_through rise_through_list]
	[-fall_from fall_from_list] [-fall_to fall_to_list]
	[-fall_through fall_through_list] path_multiplier
# Specifies a path as a multicycle path. Multiple -through
# can also be specified.
# Use the -setup option if the multicycle path is just for
# setup. Use the -hold option if the multicycle path is
# for hold.
# If neither -setup nor -hold is specified, the default
# is -setup and the default hold multiplier is 0.
# The -start refers to the path multiplier being applied to
# the launch clock, while -end refers to the path
# multiplier being applied to the capture clock.
# Default is -start.
# The value of the -hold multiplier represents the number
# of clock edges away from the default hold multicycle
# value which is 0.
	set_multicycle_path -start -setup \
		-from [get_clocks PCLK] -to [get_clocks MCLK] 4
	set_multicycle_path -hold -from UFF1/Q -to UCNTFF/D 2
	set_multicycle_path -setup -to [get_pins UEDGEFF*] 4
set_output_delay [-clock clock_name] [-clock_fall]
	[-rise] [-fall] [-max] [-min] [-add_delay]
	[-network_delay_included] [-source_latency_included]
	delay_value port_pin_list
# Specifies the required time of the output relative
# to the clock. The rising edge is default.
# By default, the clock source latency is added to the
# output delay value but when the -source_latency_included
# option is specified, the clock latency value is not added
# as it is assumed to be included in the output delay value.
# The -add_delay option can be used to specify multiple
# set_output_delay on a pin/port.
set_propagated_clock object_list
# Specifies that clock latency needs to be computed,
# that is, it is not ideal.
	set_propagated_clock [all_clocks]
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A.4 环境命令(Environment Commands)

本部分描述用于建立 D U A DUA DUA环境的命令:

set_case_analysis value port_or_pin_list
# Specifies the port or pin that is set to
# the constant value.
	set_case_analysis 0 [get_pins UDFT/MODE_SEL]
	set_case_analysis 1 [get_ports SCAN_ENABLE]
set_drive [-rise] [-fall] [-min] [-max]
	resistance port_list
# Is used to specify the drive strength of the input port.
# It specifies the external drive resistance to the port.
# A value of 0 signifies highest drive strength.
	set_drive 0 {CLK RST}
set_driving_cell [-lib_cell lib_cell_name] [-rise]
	[-fall] [-library lib_name] [-pin pin_name]
	[-from_pin from_pin_name] [-multiply_by factor]
	[-dont_scale] [-no_design_rule]
	[-input_transition_rise rise_time]
	[-input_transition_fall fall_time] [-min] [-max]
	[-clock clock_name] [-clock_fall] port_list
# Is used to model the drive resistance of the cell
# driving the input port.
	set_driving_cell -lib_cell BUFX4 -pin ZN [all_inputs]
set_fanout_load value port_list
# Sets the specified fanout load on the output ports.
	set_fanout_load 5 [all_outputs]
set_input_transition [-rise] [-fall] [-min] [-max]
	[-clock clock_name] [-clock_fall]
	transition port_list
# Specifies the transition time on an input pin.
	set_input_transition 0.2 \
		[get_ports SD_DIN*]
	set_input_transition -rise 0.5 \
		[get_ports GPIO*]
set_load [-min] [-max] [-subtract_pin_load] [-pin_load]
	[-wire_load] value objects
# Set the value of capacitive load on pin or net in design.
# The -subtract_pin_load option specifies to subtract the
# pin cap from the indicated load.
	set_load 50 [all_outputs]
	set_load 0.1 [get_pins UFF0/Q] # On an internal pin.
	set_load -subtract_pin_load 0.025 \
		[get_nets UCNT0/NET5] # On a net.
set_logic_dc port_list
set_logic_one port_list
set_logic_zero port_list
# Sets the specified ports to be a don’t care value,
# a logic one or a logic zero.
	set_logic_dc SE
	set_logic_one TEST
	set_logic_zero [get_pins USB0/USYNC_FF1/Q]
set_max_area area_value
# Sets the max area limit for current design.
	set_max_area 20000.0
set_max_capacitance value object_list
# Specifies the max capacitance for ports or on a design.
# If for a design, it specifies the max capacitance for all
# pins in the design.
	set_max_capacitance 0.2 [current_design]
	set_max_capacitance 1 [all_outputs]
set_max_fanout value object_list
# Specifies the max fanout value for ports or on a design.
# If for a design, it specifies the max fanout for all
# output pins in the design.
	set_max_fanout 16 [get_pins UDFT0/JTAG/ZN]
	set_max_fanout 50 [current_design]
set_max_transition [-clock_path]
	[-data_path] [-rise] [-fall] value object_list
# Specifies the max transition time on a port or
# on a design. If for a design, it specifies the max
# transition on all pins in a design.
	set_max_transition 0.2 UCLKDIV0/QN

set_min_capacitance value object_list
# Specifies a minimum capacitance value for a port
# or on pins in design.
	set_min_capacitance 0.05 UPHY0/UCNTR/B1
set_operating_conditions [-library lib_name]
	[-analysis_type type] [-max max_condition]
	[-min min_condition] [-max_library max_lib]
	[-min_library min_lib] [-object_list objects]
# Sets the specified operating condition for timing
# analysis. Analysis type can be single, bc_wc, or
# on_chip_variation. Operating conditions are defined in
# libraries using the operating_conditions command.
	set_operating_conditions -analysis_type bc_wc
	set_operating_conditions WCCOM
	set_operating_conditions -analysis_type \
set_port_fanout_number value port_list
# Sets maximum fanout of a port.
	set_port_fanout_number 10 [get_ports GPIO*]
set_resistance [-min] [-max] value list_of_nets
# Sets the resistance on the specified nets.
	set_resistance 10 -min U0/U1/NETA
	set_resistance 50 -max U0/U1/NETA
set_timing_derate [-cell_delay] [-cell_check]
	[-net_delay] [-data] [-clock] [-early] [-late]
	derate_value [object_list]
# Specifies derating values.

set_wire_load_min_block_size size
# Specifies the minimum block size to be used when the
# wire load mode is set to enclosed.
	set_wire_load_min_block_size 5000
set_wire_load_mode mode_name
# Defines the mechanism of how a wire load model is to be
# used for nets in a hierarchical design.
# The mode_name can be top, enclosed, or segmented.
# The top mode causes the wire load model defined in the
# top-level of the hierarchy to be used at all lower levels.
# The enclosed mode causes the wire load model of the block
# that fully encloses that net to be used for that net.
# The segmented mode causes net segment in the block to use
# the block’s wire load model.
	set_wire_load_mode enclosed
set_wire_load_model -name model_name [-library lib_name]
	[-min] [-max] [object_list]
# Defines the wire load model to be used for the current
# design or for the specified nets.
	set_wire_load_model -name “eSiliconLightWLM”
set_wire_load_selection_group [-library lib_name]
	[-min] [-max] group_name [object_list]
# Sets the wire load selection group for a design when
# determining wire load model based on cell area of the
# blocks. Selection groups are typically defined in
# technology libraries.
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A.5 多电压命令(Multi-Voltage Commands)

当设计中存在多电压岛(multi-voltage islands)时,以下命令适用。

create_voltage_area -name name
	[-coordinate coordinate_list] [-guard_band_x float]
	[-guard_band_y float] cell_list
set_level_shifter_strategy [-rule rule_type]

set_level_shifter_threshold [-voltage float]
	[-percent float]
set_max_dynamic_power power [unit]
# Specify max dynamic power.
	set_max_dynamic_power 0 mw
set_max_leakage_power power [unit]
# Specify max leakage power.
	set_max_leakage_power 12 mw
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