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PHP sql语句的使用_随堂练习手动结束[单选题]分组查询3﹣统计年龄在20岁以下各年龄段的读者人数




#SELECT sname,sage from s where sage <20


 #SELECT sno from sc where grade<90



#SELECT sname,sdept,sage from s where sage BETWEEN 20 and 23


#SELECT sname,ssex from  s where sdept in ('1408','1409')



#SELECT sname,ssex from s where sdept not in ('1408','1409')


#SELECT sname,sno,ssex from s where sname like '刘%'



#SELECT sname from s where sname like '上官_'

#SELECT sname from s where sname  not like '张%'

#SELECT cno,cname from c where cname like '%DB_Design%' ESCAPE 'B'



#SELECT sno,cno from sc where grade is null

#12:查计算机系20岁以下的学生的学号姓名  and  多条件查询


#SELECT sno,grade from sc,c where sc.cno = c.cno and cname= 'php' ORDER BY grade desc


#select * from s,sc,c where s.sno = sc.sno and sc.cno = c.cno
#SELECT * from s INNER JOIN sc on s.sno = sc.sno INNER JOIN c on sc.cno = c.cno


#SELECT * from s ORDER BY sdept asc ,sage desc



#SELECT count(sname) as num  from s


#SELECT count(DISTINCT(sno)) from sc 


#SELECT avg(grade) from sc,c where c.cno = sc.cno and cname = 'php' 

#SELECT avg(grade) from sc INNER JOIN c on sc.cno = c.cno where cname = 'php'

# count  avg   max  min 


#SELECT cno,count(sno) from sc GROUP BY cno

#21:查询计算机系选修了3门以上课程的学生的学号。 HAVING 在结果集中再次筛选

#SELECT s.sno from s,sc where s.sno = sc.sno and sdept = '1502' GROUP BY sno HAVING count(cno) >3


#SELECT sage,count(sno) as num from s where ssex = '男' GROUP BY sage HAVING num >50 ORDER BY num asc,sage desc


#SELECT * from s,c,sc where s.sno = sc.sno and sc.cno  = c.cno and grade >90  and cname  = 'oop'


#SELECT s.sno,sname,cname,grade from s,sc,c where s.sno = sc.sno and sc.cno  = c.cno 


#SELECT sage,count(DISTINCT(s.sno)) from s,sc where s.sno = sc.sno GROUP BY sage

# 子查询
#SELECT sno,sname,sdept from s where sdept = (SELECT sdept from s where sname = 'zhangsan')

#SELECT s.sno,sname from s,sc,c where s.sno = sc.sno and sc.cno  = c.cno and cname = 'DB_Design'

#31:查询选修了全部课程的学生姓名。 双重否定 = 肯定

#SELECT sname  from s where not EXISTS (SELECT * from c where not EXISTS (SELECT * from sc where sc.sno = s.sno and sc.cno = c.cno))


#SELECT DISTINCT(sc.sno) from sc where sc.cno in (SELECT c.cno from s,sc,c where s.sno = sc.sno and sc.cno  = c.cno and s.sno=3)
select * from exam_test where id in(5,7,6,2) order by find_in_set(id,'5,7,6,2');
