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Mechanical keyboards have legendary longevity, but like any long-lived tool, that doesn’t mean they don’t require occasional replacement parts. Let’s take a well-loved mechanical keyboard and give it a brand new set of keys.

机械键盘具有传奇般的寿命,但是像任何长寿工具一样,这并不意味着它们不需要偶尔更换零件。 让我们以一个受欢迎的机械键盘为它提供一套全新的键。

为什么要更换键盘键? (Why Replace Your Keyboard Keys?)

If you have a keyboard you love, why would you ever need to swap out the keys? There are two main reasons:

如果您有自己喜欢的键盘,为什么还要换掉按键? 主要有两个原因:

  • Durability. As we discussed in our guide to mechanical keyboards, mechanical keyboards are much more durable than the cheaper, more common rubber dome keyboards. But that just means their switches are more durable—the plastic keycaps can still wear down significantly, which means you may need to replace them after a few years of use.

    耐久性正如我们在机械键盘指南中所讨论的那样,机械键盘比便宜,更常见的橡胶圆顶键盘更加耐用。 但这只是意味着它们的开关更耐用-塑料键帽仍然会磨损很多,这意味着您可能需要在使用几年后更换它们。

  • Customization. Hardcore keyboard geeks love customizing their keyboards, and replacing your keycaps is a relatively inexpensive way to do so. Not only can you get keycaps with different “feel,” but you can find them in numerous colors, fonts, and even buy custom keycaps with pictures on the face or in different 3D-printed shapes.

    定制化。 硬核键盘爱好者喜欢自定义键盘,而更换键帽是一种相对便宜的方法。 您不仅可以获得具有不同“感觉”的键帽,而且还可以找到多种颜色,字体的键帽,甚至可以购买带有面部图片或不同3D打印形状的自定义键帽。

Remember, this guide only applies to mechanical keyboards—if you don’t know what kind of keyboard you have, chances are it’s a rubber dome keyboard, and this guide won’t apply. (Though we highly recommend buying yourself a nice mechanical keyboard if you’re interested.)

请记住,本指南仅适用于机械键盘-如果您不知道自己使用的是哪种键盘,很可能是橡胶圆顶键盘,因此本指南将不适用。 (不过,如果您有兴趣,我们强烈建议您给自己买一个漂亮的机械键盘。)

Wear is always uneven: gaming wore out the W key, daily typing polished the E to a shine, and the Q still looks brand new.

Thankfully, the manufacturers of mechanical keyboard switches understand that their switches will outlive the keys attached to them, much like a car outlives its first set of tires, and it’s very easy to update an old keyboard with new keys.


In today’s tutorial we’re going to rehab a WASD brand CODE keyboard, which we originally purchased and reviewed way back in 2013. Since then, the keyboard has seen extensive daily use and is still going strong (albeit with some pretty worn down keys). It’s a perfect candidate for a face lift, so let’s look at what you need to know to shop for replacement keys and then how to swap out the old set with the new.

在今天的教程中,我们将修复WASD品牌的CODE键盘,该键盘最初是在2013年购买并回顾的。 从那时起,键盘已广泛用于日常用途,并且仍然坚固耐用(尽管有一些破旧的按键)。 它是整容的理想选择,所以让我们看一下购买更换钥匙时需要了解的知识,然后了解如何用新钥匙替换旧钥匙。

为机械键盘选择替换键 (Selecting Replacement Keys for Your Mechanical Keyboard)

The most difficult part of rehabbing a mechanical keyboard isn’t the actual physical act of replacing the keys—it’s ensuring you purchase the right replacement parts.


Although we discuss different parts of mechanical keyboards in our aforementioned guide, there are only two terms you need to keep in mind when shopping for replacement keys for your mechanical keyboard: stem and keycap.


The stem of a mechanical keyboard switch is the post the key is attached to, often shaped like a + sign or (in some rarer cases) a circle or rectangle. The “keycap” is the plastic shell that is attached to the stem—what most people think of as the actual keyboard key. In the photo above you can see a naked stem on a Cherry brand switch surrounded by switches with their keycaps still attached.

机械键盘开关的柄是键所连接的接线柱,其形状通常像+号,或者(在少数情况下)为圆形或矩形。 “键帽”是附着在杆上的塑料外壳,大多数人认为这是实际的键盘键。 在上面的照片中,您可以看到Cherry品牌开关上的裸露茎杆,周围环绕着开关,但其键帽仍未断开。

A little keyboard anatomy out of the way, let’s look at your shopping checklist.


阀杆类型:您的兼容性指标 (Stem Type: Your Compatibility Metric)

First, you need to identify the brand of switches in your keyboard. You can do this by checking with the manufacturer, checking the documentation that came with your keyboard, searching for the model number of the keyboard online, or even removing a single keycap and examining the physical switch to look for a little label you can use for reference. (If you’ve never removed a keycap before, jump to the next section for pointers).

首先,您需要确定键盘中的开关品牌。 您可以通过与制造商联系,检查键盘随附的文档,在线搜索键盘的型号,甚至删除单个键帽并检查物理开关以寻找可以用于的小标签来做到这一点。参考。 (如果您以前从未删除过键帽,请跳至下一部分以获取指针)。

From left to right: Cherry, Alps, and Topre switch stems

The vast majority of mechanical keyboards produced after 1985 use Cherry MX switches (above left), but it isn’t a guarantee that your keyboard does (especially if you’re rehabbing a really old keyboard).

1985年以后生产的绝大多数机械键盘使用Cherry MX开关(左上),但这不能保证您的键盘可以使用(特别是如果您要换新的旧键盘时)。

Not only will you find totally incompatible key switches like the Alps switches with their rectangular stems, seen above center, but you’ll also find non-Cherry switches that can potentially be compatible with Cherry keycaps. Torpe brand switches have a round stem, as seen above right, but some versions of the switch have a Cherry MX stem set in the center of the circular stem, allowing those versions of Torpe switches to accept Cherry keycaps.

您不仅会发现完全不兼容的按键开关,例如在中心上方看到的带有矩形杆的Alps开关,而且还会发现可能与Cherry键帽兼容的非Cherry开关。 如右上方所示,Torpe品牌的开关具有圆形柄,但是某些版本的开关在圆形柄的中央设置了Cherry MX柄,从而使那些版本的Torpe开关可以接受Cherry键帽。

Chances are if it’s a recent purchase, however, there’s a very strong chance that it either uses actual Cherry MX switches or the stems are at least compatible, which means keycap sets made for a Cherry MX keyboard will work with many other switches too. Still, check carefully!

但是,如果它是最近购买的产品,则很有可能使用实际的Cherry MX开关,或者阀杆至少兼容,这意味着为Cherry MX键盘制作的键帽组也可以与许多其他开关一起使用。 不过,请仔细检查!

键数:越多越好 (Number of Keys: More Is Better)

When purchasing a replacement set of keycaps, there are two important considerations: keyboard standard and number of keys. First and foremost, you need to determine what the layout standard of your keyboard is. American users and many people in English speaking countries will have ANSI keyboards, but in many other Western countries (and certainly throughout Europe), the ISO standard is the norm.

当购买一套替换的键帽时,有两个重要的考虑因素:键盘标准和键数。 首先,您需要确定键盘的布局标准。 美国用户和英语国家的许多人都将使用ANSI键盘,但是在许多其他西方国家(当然还有整个欧洲),ISO标准是规范。

Unless you’re outside the US (or you’re inside the US and you bought an imported keyboard) there’s a more than 99% chance you’re using an ANSI board and you don’t even have to worry about it; you can easily check, however, by simply taking a look at the lower left corner of your keyboard. On ISO boards, you’ll find two keys where the larger shift key is found on an ANSI keyboard.

除非您在美国境外(或者您在美国境内并且购买了进口的键盘),否则您使用ANSI板的机会超过99%,甚至不必担心。 您只需查看一下键盘的左下角即可轻松进行检查。 在ISO板上,您会找到两个键,在ANSI键盘上可以找到较大的shift键。

With that in mind, it’s time to focus on how many keys your particular keyboard has. Sets for use with ANSI keyboards are typically 87-key (more compact, no number pad) and 104-key (the same layout, plus the number pad on the right hand side). The ISO versions then are, naturally, 88-key and 105-key, respectively.

考虑到这一点,是时候专注于您的特定键盘有多少个键了。 与ANSI键盘一起使用的设置通常为87键(更紧凑,没有数字键盘)和104键(相同的布局,加上右侧的数字键盘)。 那么,ISO版本自然是88键和105键。

In the photo below you can see the WASD CODE keyboard in its 87-key and 104-key variants. You’ll also find minor variations like 108-key keyboards that include extra buttons for media control functions or the like.

在下面的照片中,您可以看到87键和104键版本的WASD CODE键盘。 您还会发现一些细微的变化,例如108键键盘,其中包括用于媒体控制功能或类似功能的额外按钮。

Even though we’re rehabbing a 87-key keyboard, we actually purchased a 108-key replacement set. The cost difference is negligible, and if we ever buy a different keyboard, our caps are more likely to be compatible. Plus, many keycap sets come in 108-key or 104-key sets and not 87-key—so even if you’re rehabbing an 87-key keyboard, it helps to search for larger sizes too, provided they’re the same layout.

即使我们要改换87键键盘,我们实际上还是购买了108键更换套件。 成本差异可以忽略不计,如果我们购买其他键盘,则我们的键帽更可能兼容。 另外,许多键帽组合采用108键或104键组合而非87键组合,因此,即使您要改换87键键盘,只要它们具有相同的布局,它也有助于搜索更大的尺寸。

Make sure they keycaps will match your keyboard, too—some keyboards have custom-sized keys, particularly on the bottom row (Ctrl, Alt, and Win) that may not match the keycap set you’re buying. While key sizes are typically pretty standard, you can always bust out a ruler and measure your existing keycaps, then compare the fine print on the set you’re planning to purchase.

确保它们的键帽也与您的键盘匹配—一些键盘具有自定义大小的键,尤其是在底行(Ctrl,Alt和Win)上可能与您购买的键帽不匹配。 尽管密钥大小通常是非常标准的,但是您始终可以用尺子弄碎并测量现有的密钥上限,然后在计划购买的套件上比较精美的印刷品。

刻字:印刷方法事项 (Lettering: Print Method Matters)

There are several methods used to print lettering on keycaps, ranging from painfully cheap to incredibly high quality. Given how long a mechanical keyboard lasts, and how much mileage you can get out of a good set of keycaps, it is absolutely worth paying more for quality printing methods.

有多种方法可以在键帽上打印字母,范围从痛苦的廉价到难以置信的高质量。 考虑到机械键盘可以使用多长时间,以及从一组好的键帽中可以得到多少里程,绝对值得为优质的打印方法付出更多。

Spoiler alert: we only recommend “double shot” printed keycaps. If you want to learn a bit about why, keep reading. Otherwise, feel free to skip down to the next section.

剧透警告:我们仅建议使用“双镜头”印刷键帽。 如果您想了解一些原因,请继续阅读。 否则,请随时跳到下一部分。

Clockwise, from left: pad printing, laser printing, dye sublimation, and double shot injection

The cheapest form of key printing is known as “pad printing,” wherein the letters are printed onto the surface of the keycaps using paint and then typically clear coated. This type of printing is the most susceptible to wear, and typically doesn’t last very long. There is also an inverted form of pad printing, found on illuminated keycaps, wherein the key itself is painted but the lettering is not (so the light can shine through the transparent plastic underneath).

按键印刷的最便宜形式称为“移印”,其中字母是使用油漆将字母印刷到按键帽的表面上,然后通常进行透明涂层。 这种类型的打印最容易磨损,通常不会持续很长时间。 在照亮的键帽上也有一种倒置的移印形式,其中键本身已涂漆,但字母未涂漆(因此光线可以透过下面的透明塑料发光)。

Laser etching is a more expensive form of key printing, in which the lettering is physically engraved into the key surface. Many manufacturers then fill in the laser etched area with paint and coat the key to create a smooth surface. This is far more durable than pad printing, but still not the most durable printing method.

激光蚀刻是按键印刷的一种更昂贵的形式,其中,字母被物理刻在按键表面上。 然后,许多制造商在油漆的激光蚀刻区域填充并涂上键以形成光滑的表面。 这远比移印更耐用,但仍不是最耐用的打印方法。

More durable than pad printing and laser etching is dye sublimation. This is a process that appears similar to pad printing, but the dye actually soaks down into the plastic of the keycap and chemically bonds with it in such a way that it could only be worn away if wear the surface right down. While effective, it does have one shortcoming: you can only use this method when the keys are light and the dye is dark; there’s no way to dye a black key with white lettering, for example.

比移印和激光蚀刻更耐用的是染料升华。 这个过程看起来与移印类似,但是染料实际上会浸入键帽的塑料中并与其化学键合,这样的话,只有正确地磨损表面,才能将其磨损掉。 虽然有效,但确实有一个缺点:您只能在按键为浅色而染料为深色时使用此方法。 例如,无法用白色字体将黑色键染成白色。

Finally, the most durable (and the most expensive) printing method is known as “double shot” printing, on account of the double shot of plastic used in the injecting molding process. The keycaps are actually two physical pieces bonded together: a base cap with raised lettering (which gives the key its letter color) and a finish cap (which gives the key its general color and levels the key surface). Double shot injection molded keys may be the only keycaps that even stand a chance at outliving the keyboard they’re attached to.

最后,由于在注射成型过程中使用的塑料是两次注射,因此最耐用(也是最昂贵)的印刷方法被称为“两次注射”印刷。 键帽实际上是两个物理部件粘合在一起的:带有凸起字母的基帽(使键具有字母颜色)和结束帽(使键具有其一般颜色并使键表面平整)。 双镜头注模按键可能是仅有的键帽,甚至有可能超过其所连接的键盘。

键帽材料:不同的塑料,不同的结果 (Keycap Material: Different Plastics, Different Results)

Talking about double shot molding leads us right into a very related topic: the type of plastic your keycaps are made of. The vast majority of keycaps on the market today are either ABS or PBT plastic, and for good reason. The two plastics are very durable and have low shrinkage—although ABS, on account of having the lowest shrinkage, is preferred for double shot molding.

谈论二次注塑成型将我们带入一个非常相关的主题:您的键帽所用的塑料类型。 当今市场上的绝大多数键帽都是ABS或PBT塑料,这是有充分理由的。 两种塑料非常耐用且收缩率低-尽管ABS收缩率最低,但它是双注射成型的首选。

Despite their similarities there are two big differences you should be aware of. Light colored ABS plastic tends to yellow with age (when you see a very yellow old computer case it’s almost always made from ABS plastic). PBT plastic, on the other hand, doesn’t yellow—the keycaps on the venerable old IBM Model M mechanical keyboard were made from PBT plastic and you’ll find 30 year old Model M’s with keycaps still true to their original color. If you’re planning on customizing your keyboard with white keycaps, look for PBT ones.

尽管它们有相似之处,但您应该注意两个大差异。 浅色的ABS塑料会随着时间的流逝而变黄(当您看到非常黄的旧计算机机箱时,几乎总是由ABS塑料制成)。 另一方面,PBT塑料不会发黄-古老的IBM Model M机械键盘上的键帽是用PBT塑料制成的,您会发现30年前的Model M的键帽仍保持其原始颜色。 如果您打算使用白色键帽自定义键盘,请寻找PBT键盘。

In addition to colorfastness, the two plastics have very distinct sound signatures. ABS keys tend to have a higher “clicky” sound and PBT keys tend to have a thumpy low sound. If you like the general sound of a mechanical keyboard clacking away but would like to tone it down a little, PBT keys are an easy way to do so.

除色牢度外,两种塑料还具有非常不同的声音特征。 ABS键趋于具有较高的“喀哒”声,而PBT键趋于具有隆隆的低声。 如果您喜欢机械键盘发出的一般声音,但又想将其调低一点,那么PBT键是一种简便的方法。

照明:您不需要为暗键支付额外费用 (Illumination: You Didn’t Pay Extra For Dim Keys)

If the keyboard you’re rehabbing has illuminated keys, like ours does, then you most likely want to replace the existing keycaps with ones that allow for illuminated text. All those fancy LED lit switches cost extra, so make sure when you’re shopping for replacements you purchase keycaps that can let the light shine through.

如果您要改组的键盘像我们一样具有发光键,则您很可能希望将现有键帽替换为允许发光文本的键帽。 所有这些花哨的LED照明开关都需要额外付费,因此请确保在购买替代品时购买可以使光线照亮的键帽。

This is where doubleshot keycaps really shine—forgive the pun. Most illuminated keycaps are printed using the inverse pad printing method we highlighted above, which means they are very  susceptible to wear and tear.

这就是doubleshot键帽真正闪耀的地方-原谅双关语。 大多数带照明的键帽是使用我们上面强调的反面移印法打印的,这意味着它们非常容易磨损。

In the photo above you can see the interior of the WASD keycap we’re replacing next to the interior of the Ducky-brand keycap we’re replacing it with. You can clearly see how the surface of the WASD keycap was simply painted on top of the transparent keycap and how the Ducky keycap was molded from two distinct plastics sandwiched together. With the Ducky keys, we’ll never have to worry about rubbing the letters clean off.

在上面的照片中,您可以看到我们要替换的WASD键帽的内部,旁边是我们要替换的Ducky品牌键帽的内部。 您可以清楚地看到WASD键帽的表面如何简单地涂在透明键帽的顶部,以及Ducky键帽是如何用两种不同的塑料夹在中间模制而成的。 使用Ducky键,我们将永远不必担心擦掉字母。

定制:骄傲的机械键盘徽章 (Customization: A Mechanical Keyboard Badge of Pride)

Lastly, there’s one fun thing to tack onto all our more serious tips. Replacing your keycaps doesn’t need to simple “I have black keys with white text, therefore I must replace them with black keys with white text” affair—there’s a lot of room for personalization.

最后,我们所有更严肃的技巧都有一件有趣的事情。 更换键帽并不需要简单的“我有带有白色文本的黑键,因此我必须用带有白色文本的黑键替换”这件事-个性化空间很大。

Among mechanical keyboard enthusiasts, there’s a certain affection for customizing your keyboard beyond simply replacing old keys with new ones. It’s common, for example, to replace the Escape key with a highly stylized keycap, like this very cool keycap from the Hot Keys Project shown above.

在机械键盘发烧友中,除了简单地用新键替换旧键之外,对自定义键盘有一定的影响。 例如,通常用高度样式化的键帽替换Escape键,例如上面显示的Hot Keys Project中非常酷的键帽。

Other common customizations include replacing the W, A, S, and D keys with a different color, replacing keys like the spacebar and Tab keys with a different color, and so on. For people who spend a significant amount of their professional and personal time sitting at a keyboard—like me!—keyboard customizations are a fun way to personalize a tool they spend a lot of time with.

其他常见的自定义设置包括用不同的颜色替换W,A,S和D键,用不同的颜色替换诸如空格键和Tab键之类的键,等等。 对于像我这样花费大量专业时间和个人时间坐在键盘上的人来说,键盘自定义是一种个性化的工具,可以个性化他们花费大量时间的工具。

Before you fall down the rabbit hole of obsessing about whether or not you want an Autobot or a Decepticon keycap for your Escape key, let’s talk about one last thing: where to buy your keycaps.


在哪里购买您的键帽 (Where to Buy Your Keycaps)

With all that in mind, there’s no one combination of features that’ll work for everyone—only you can decide which keycaps are right for you. We can, however, recommend the supplier we used based on their great inventory and speed of service, MechanicalKeyboards.com. You can also find many keycap sets on Amazon, as well as other smaller sites like AliExpress and Banggood. Many keyboard companies also have small stores on their websites with original replacement and upgrade keycap sets for purchase. Sites like Max Keyboard and WASD Keyboards can even create custom sets for you.

考虑到所有这些因素,没有一种功能组合适用于所有人—只有您可以决定哪种键帽适合您。 但是,我们可以根据其大量库存和快速的服务来推荐我们使用的供应商MechanicalKeyboards.com 。 您还可以在Amazon以及其他较小的网站(例如AliExpressBanggood)上找到许多键帽集。 许多键盘公司在其网站上也设有小型商店,这些商店具有原始的更换和升级键帽套件供购买。 Max KeyboardWASD Keyboards等站点甚至可以为您创建自定义设置。

Further, if you happen to be rehabbing an illuminated keyboard with Cherry MX switches like we are, we’ve been thrilled with the Ducky Double Shot Black Translucent keycap set we purchased from MechanicalKeyboards.

此外,如果您像我们一样正准备使用Cherry MX开关更换发光键盘,我们对从MechanicalKeyboards购买的Ducky Double Shot Black半透明键帽套装感到非常兴奋。

如何删除旧键:正确的工具和轻柔的触摸 (How to Remove the Old Keys: Proper Tools and a Gentle Touch)

Removing the keys from your mechanical keyboard is not difficult, but it is very easy to screw up due to improper tools or haste. With that in mind, we must stress: buy a proper key puller. Occasionally, they may even come free with your keycaps, but if not, buy one separately. You’ll find key pullers in two basic types: wire pullers and ring-type pullers, seen below.

从机械键盘上卸下键并不难,但是由于使用不当的工具或仓促,很容易将其拧紧。 考虑到这一点,我们必须强调:购买合适的钥匙扣。 有时,它们甚至可能随您的键帽一起免费提供,但如果没有,则单独购买一个。 您会发现两种基本类型的钥匙拔出器:拉线器和环形拔出器,如下所示。

While both work, we much prefer the wire pullers as we find they offer better flexibility when working with larger keys and they’re faster to use—you can pull three standard letter keys with a wire puller without stopping to remove them, whereas you have to remove the key from the ring puller with every pull. A key puller costs $5-10; we’ll be using the Mistel brand puller ($8) seen above on the left.

两者都可以工作时,我们更喜欢拉线器,因为我们发现它们在使用较大的键时提供了更好的灵活性,并且使用起来更快捷-您可以用拉线器拉三个标准字母键,而无需停下来将其卸下,而在每次拉动时从拔环器上卸下钥匙。 拔钥匙器的价格为5-10美元; 我们将使用上方左侧的Mistel品牌拉马($ 8)。

In addition to the key puller, we also recommend getting a slender and strong tool like a petite screwdriver, as it will greatly assist you in removing (and later placing) the larger keys with a spring bar.


Armed with your puller and replacement keys, it’s time to get down to stripping your keyboard. Let’s start with the easy keys, the single-stem letter keys. Open up the mouth of the puller and slide it around the keys, as seen in the photo below.

配备了拉拔器和替换键,是时候开始剥离键盘了。 让我们从简单键,单茎字母键开始。 如下图所示,张开拉拔器的嘴并将其在按键周围滑动。

Using your non-dominant hand, hold the keyboard down firmly while slowly and firmly pulling upwards on the key puller with your dominant hand. The keys are attached to the stems very firmly, but they aren’t adhered. You don’t want to jerk upwards because you risk damaging electrical connections in the board by jerking on it (and potentially slamming the board back down on the table). Just give the keys a firm and steady pull.

用非惯用手,按住键盘,同时用惯用手缓慢而牢固地向上拉动键拔器。 钥匙非常牢固地固定在杆上,但没有固定。 您不希望向上跳动,因为您可能会通过拉动板子(有可能将板子放回桌面上)而损坏板上的电气连接。 只需稳稳地拉动琴键即可。

When it comes to the larger keys, like the spacebar and shift keys, you want to be even more cautious and gentle with your movements, as these keys often have a spring bar beneath them to stability their broader shape. While you’re unlikely to damage the actual spring bar, jerky movements might snap the plastic connection points for the spring bar on the keyboard base or send the little pieces that hold the spring bar to the keys flying.

对于较大的键(例如空格键和Shift键),您希望对自己的动作更加谨慎和柔和,因为这些键通常在其下方具有弹簧条以稳定其更宽的形状。 虽然您不太可能损坏实际的弹簧杆,但是剧烈的移动可能会折断键盘底座上弹簧杆的塑料连接点,或者将固定弹簧杆的小块发送到飞行的琴键上。

In the photo above, you can see one of the spring bars at rest at left, snapped into keyboard base. At right, you can see the plastic support on the keycap itself that attaches to the curved ends of the spring bar. When removing the larger keys, it is best to gently pull upwards a little on each side of the key to loosen it and then to look under keycap to see where the spring is positioned. With a little bit of left/right wiggling you can usually get the spring to fall off the plastic supports on the keycap. If it’s not possible to wiggle the piece free without assisting it, you can take a very small screw driver (or any slender but strong tool) and very gently nudge the curved end of the spring bar free. Police the little support pieces closely; they’re very easy to lose.

在上面的照片中,您可以看到左侧的一个弹簧条处于静止状态,已卡入键盘基座。 在右侧,您可以看到键帽本身上的塑料支撑,该支撑固定在弹簧杆的弯曲端上。 卸下较大的钥匙时,最好轻轻地在钥匙的两侧轻轻向上拉一点以使其松开,然后在钥匙盖下面查看弹簧的位置。 稍微左右摆动,通常可以使弹簧从键帽上的塑料支架上掉下来。 如果这是不可能的扭动不自由协助它在一块,你可以采取一个非常小螺丝刀(或任何修长,但强大的工具),并轻轻地轻移自由弹簧杆的弯曲端。 密切注意小小的支撑件; 他们很容易失去。

Once you’ve removed all your keycaps and revealed the sparkling undercarriage of your keyboard, you can jump right putting the new keys on. Or not. In our case, a very big not.

卸下所有键帽并露出闪闪发光的键盘起落架后,就可以直接跳动并放上新键。 或不。 就我们而言,不是很大。

清洁键盘:因为我们都是细菌 (Clean Your Keyboard: Because We’re All Balls of Germs)

Although we have a dedicated guide to cleaning your keyboard, I put off giving my keyboard a deep clean for a very long time. Here’s the horror that lay beneath the old keycaps.

尽管我们有清洁键盘的专门指南,但我还是推迟了长时间对键盘进行深度清洁。 这是旧键帽下方的恐怖。

We won’t rehash the whole cleaning guide here, but we will strongly encourage you to give your keyboard a solid once-over. Grab the vacuum, grab the Q-tips and some rubbing alcohol, and get all the crud out of the keyboard. While you’re at it, slightly dampen a paper towel or microfiber cloth with that same rubbing alcohol and give the entire case of the keyboard a very solid rub down. Trust us. You’d be shocked at how well a matte black keyboard case hides dirt. Be sure to let it dry thoroughly before plugging it back in.

我们不会在这里重新整理整个清洁指南,但我们强烈建议您为键盘提供一次牢固的操作。 抓住真空,抓住Q尖和一些外用酒精,然后从键盘上清除所有碎屑。 在使用时,请用相同的外用酒精稍微蘸湿纸巾或超细纤维布,然后将整个键盘外壳非常牢固地擦下来。 相信我们。 您会为黑色磨砂键盘盒掩盖污垢的程度感到震惊。 重新插入之前,请确保使其彻底干燥。

如何安装新的键帽:注意弹簧 (How to Install Your New Keycaps: Mind the Springs)

The old keys are off, the Ghost of Desk Snacks Past has been banished, and you’re ready to get to work slapping the new keys on. Just like with the key removal process, adding the keys on is simple for the single-stem keys like A, and tricky for for the broader keys like the spacebar. We’d recommend starting with the trickier keys so you have more room to see and maneuver while inserting them.

旧的按键已关闭,过去的零食幽灵已被清除,您可以开始使用新按键了。 就像键删除过程一样,对于像A这样的单茎键,添加键很简单,而对于像空格键这样的较宽键来说,添加键很麻烦。 我们建议从棘手的键开始,这样您在插入它们时就有更多的空间来查看和操作。

To start, place your new package of keys lined up with your now naked keyboard as it makes placing the keys much faster.


When it comes to installing the wider keys, it helps to first insert the support stems into the non-switch holes and line the key up with the support spring bar, as seen below.


Then, inserting the key is simply a matter of slipping one support stem onto the spring, using a small screw driver to gently flex the spring open to slip over the other end, and then carefully seating the actual stem into the center of keycap before gently but firmly pressing it down.


With the single-stem keys, it’s even easier: just make sure you have oriented the key correctly and press firmly to seat it. Repeat until you’ve replaced every key and, optionally, garish with a stand-out Escape key, like our simple red one here.

使用单杆钥匙,这甚至更加容易:只需确保您正确地确定了钥匙的方向,然后用力按入即可。 重复上述步骤,直到您替换完每个键为止,并且可以选择使用出色的Escape键来装饰,例如此处的简单红色键。

With brand new keys your keyboard, it’s now ready for all the prolific clackety-clack-clack loud typing you can throw at it.


Image Credits: WASDkeycapsdirect.

图片来源: WASDkeycapsdirect

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/292656/how-to-replace-your-mechanical-keyboards-keycaps-so-it-can-live-forever/


