设计语言:Python语言+ SQL语言 +HTML语言
数据存储:SQLite数据库 (通过Navicat软件查看)
from datetime import timedelta # 本来是用做时间转换的 import sqlite3 # 连接数据库 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt # 负责绘图的模块 import jieba # 提供分词、识词过滤模块 from wordcloud import WordCloud # 词云,形成有遮罩效果的图形 from PIL import Image # 图像处理,如图形虚化、验证码、图片后期处理等 import numpy as np # 矩阵运算,中文显示需要运算空间 from flask import Flask, render_template, request # Flask框架需要渲染页面用的库 # from flask_caching import Cache # Flask视图函数缓存,重复的数据,只需要缓存1次,10分钟自动清除缓存 app = Flask(__name__) # cache = Cache(app, config={'CACHE_TYPE': 'simple'}) @app.route('/') # 首页 def index(): # 链接数据库 conn = sqlite3.connect('data/NEC_Music.db') cur = conn.cursor() # 读取歌单、歌曲、评论总数、精彩评论总数 sql = '''select * from count_all''' result_list = [] table = cur.execute(sql) for row in table: result_list.append(row[0]) result_list.append(row[1]) result_list.append(row[2]) result_list.append(row[3]) # 随机读取两条精彩评论 sql3 = '''select song_id,userAvatar,user_id,user_name,content,likeCount from comments_info where comment_type = 'hot_comments' and likeCount > 500 order by random() limit 4;''' table = cur.execute(sql3) datalist = [] # 存放每一行数据 for row in table: data = {'song_id': row[0], 'userAvatar': row[1], 'user_id': row[2], 'user_name': row[3], 'content': row[4], 'likeCount': row[5]} # 利用字典存取数据比较方便 datalist.append(data) cur.close() conn.close() print('打开index') return render_template('index.html', count=result_list, datalist=datalist) @app.route('/refresh_index') # 刷新首页的4个统计数据 def refresh_index(): # 链接数据库 conn = sqlite3.connect('data/NEC_Music.db') cur = conn.cursor() # 读取歌单、歌曲、评论总数 result_list = [] table = ['playlist', 'songs', 'comments_info', 'comments_info'] column = ['list_id', 'song_id', 'comment_id', 'comment_id'] for index in range(0, 3): table_name = table[index] column_name = column[index] sql1 = 'select count({column}) from (select * from {table} group by {column})'.format(table=table_name, column=column_name) result = cur.execute(sql1) count = 0 for r in result: for i in r: count = int(i) result_list.append(count) # 读取精彩评论条数 table_name = table[3] column_name = column[3] where = 'comment_type = "hot_comments"' sql2 = 'select count({column}) from (select {column} from {table} where {where} group by {column})'.format( table=table_name, column=column_name, where=where) result = cur.execute(sql2) count = 0 for r in result: for i in r: count = int(i) result_list.append(count) # 随机读取两条精彩评论 sql3 = '''select song_id,userAvatar,user_id,user_name,content,likeCount from comments_info where comment_type = 'hot_comments' and likeCount > 500 order by random() limit 4;''' table = cur.execute(sql3) datalist = [] # 存放每一行数据 for row in table: data = {'song_id': row[0], 'userAvatar': row[1], 'user_id': row[2], 'user_name': row[3], 'content': row[4], 'likeCount': row[5]} # 利用字典存取数据比较方便 datalist.append(data) sql4 = '''update count_all set playlist_count={count}'''.format(count=result_list[0]) cur.execute(sql4) sql4 = '''update count_all set songs_count={count}'''.format(count=result_list[1]) cur.execute(sql4) sql4 = '''update count_all set comments_count={count}'''.format(count=result_list[2]) cur.execute(sql4) sql4 = '''update count_all set hot_comment_count={count}'''.format(count=result_list[3]) cur.execute(sql4) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() print('已刷新index') return render_template('index.html', count=result_list, datalist=datalist) @app.route('/playlist') # 歌单 # @cache.cached(timeout=600) def playlist(): # 链接数据库 data = {} # 利用字典输入列名取数据,之后,再利用字典列名存数据 datalist = [] # 每一条记录(字典)存到列表里,方面页面存取 conn = sqlite3.connect('data/NEC_Music.db') cur = conn.cursor() key_list = ['list_img', 'list_url', 'list_name', 'list_tags', 'describe', 'built_time', 'star_count', 'share_count', 'song_count', 'play_count', 'avatarUrl', 'author_url', 'author_name', 'level', 'followeds', 'signature', 'province', 'city', 'age', 'listenSongs', 'playlistCount', 'playlistBeSubscribedCount'] for key in key_list: # 给空字典添加key:value data[key] = ' ' keys = ', '.join(key_list) # select列名 sql = 'select {keys} from playlist_info inner join author_info where userId = author_id group by list_id order by random() limit 50'.format( keys=keys) result_list = cur.execute(sql) for row in result_list: # print(type(row), row) # 可以见到每一行内容放在一个元组里 data = {} # 清空已存在的key:value for i in range(len(row)): data[key_list[i]] = row[i] datalist.append(data) cur.close() conn.close() for d in datalist: # 为了增加详情页,将song_id转换为字符串,用来做target标识,打开相应的详情页面 d['target_id'] = str(d['list_url']).replace('https://music.163.com/playlist?id=', '') d['target_id'] = d['target_id'].replace('1', 'a').replace('2', 'b').replace('3', 'c').replace('4', 'd').replace('5', 'e').replace('6', 'f').replace('7', 'g').replace('8', 'h').replace('9', 'i').replace('10', 'j') d['user_id'] = str(d['author_url']).replace('https://music.163.com/user/home?id=', '') d['user_id'] = d['user_id'].replace('1', 'a').replace('2', 'b').replace('3', 'c').replace('4', 'd').replace('5', 'e').replace('6', 'f').replace('7', 'g').replace('8', 'h').replace('9', 'i').replace('10', 'j') return render_template('playlist_tables.html', datalist=datalist) @app.route('/songs') # 歌曲 # @cache.cached(timeout=600) def songs(): # 链接数据库 data = {} # 利用字典输入列名取数据,之后,再利用字典列名存数据 datalist = [] # 每一条记录(字典)存到列表里,方面页面存取 conn = sqlite3.connect('data/NEC_Music.db') cur = conn.cursor() key_list = ['list_img', 'list_url', 'songs.song_id' ,'song_url', 'song_name', 'song_duration', 'artists_name', 'album_name', 'artists_id', 'album_size', 'album_id', 'album_img', 'publishTime', 'publishCompany', 'publishSubType', 'lyric'] for key in key_list: # 给空字典添加key:value data[key] = ' ' keys = ', '.join(key_list) # select列名 sql = '''select {keys} from playlist inner join songs inner join songs_info where songs.song_id = songs_info.song_id and songs.list_id = playlist.list_id group by songs.song_id order by random() limit 50'''.format(keys=keys) result_list = cur.execute(sql) for row in result_list: # print(type(row), row) # 可以见到每一行内容放在一个元组里 data = {} # 清空已存在的key:value for i in range(len(row)): data[key_list[i]] = row[i] datalist.append(data) cur.close() conn.close() for d in datalist: # 为了增加详情页,将song_id转换为字符串,用来做target标识,打开相应的详情页面 d['target_id'] = str(d['songs.song_id']).replace('1', 'a').replace('2', 'b').replace('3', 'c').replace('4', 'd').replace('5', 'e').replace('6', 'f').replace('7', 'g').replace('8', 'h').replace('9', 'i').replace('10', 'j') d['lyric'] = d['lyric'].replace(u'\n', r'<br/>') return render_template('songs_tables.html', datalist=datalist) @app.route('/comments') # 评论 # @cache.cached(timeout=600) def comments(): # 链接数据库 data = {} # 利用字典输入列名取数据,之后,再利用字典列名存数据 datalist = [] # 每一条记录(字典)存到列表里,方面页面存取 conn = sqlite3.connect('data/NEC_Music.db') cur = conn.cursor() key_list = ['userAvatar', 'user_name', 'level', 'user_id', 'song_id', 'totalCount', 'user_province', 'user_city', 'user_introduce', 'createDays', 'ifOpenPlayRecord', 'comment_id', 'comment_type', 'content', 'beReplied_content', 'beR_userId', 'likeCount', 'comment_date', 'user_gender', 'user_age', 'createTime', 'eventCount', 'follows', 'followeds', 'listenSongs', 'playlistCount', 'listBeStowCount'] for key in key_list: # 给空字典添加key:value data[key] = ' ' keys = ', '.join(key_list) # select列名 sql = '''select {keys} from comments_info group by comment_id order by random() limit 50'''.format(keys=keys) result_list = cur.execute(sql) for row in result_list: # print(type(row), row) # 可以见到每一行内容放在一个元组里 data = {} # 清空已存在的key:value for i in range(len(row)): data[key_list[i]] = row[i] datalist.append(data) cur.close() conn.close() for d in datalist: # 为了增加详情页,将song_id转换为字符串,用来做target标识,打开相应的详情页面 d['user_gender'] = d['user_gender'].replace('0', '隐藏') d['ifOpenPlayRecord'] = str(d['ifOpenPlayRecord']).replace('0', '隐藏').replace('1', '公开') d['target_id'] = str(d['user_id']).replace('1', 'a').replace('2', 'b').replace('3', 'c').replace('4', 'd').replace('5', 'e').replace('6', 'f').replace('7', 'g').replace('8', 'h').replace('9', 'i').replace('10', 'j') d['comment_id'] = str(d['comment_id']).replace('1', 'a').replace('2', 'b').replace('3', 'c').replace('4', 'd').replace('5', 'e').replace('6', 'f').replace('7', 'g').replace('8', 'h').replace('9', 'i').replace('10', 'j') d['user_introduce'] = d['user_introduce'].replace(u'\n', '</br>') return render_template('comments_tables.html', datalist=datalist) @app.route('/language_charts') # @cache.cached(timeout=600) def language_charts(): # 按照语种分布做图(6条线,歌单数量,歌曲数量,播放数量,收藏数量,分享数量,评论数量) conn = sqlite3.connect('data/NEC_Music.db') cur = conn.cursor() count_list = [] # 第1条线,存放某个语种的歌单数量 count_song = [] # 第2条线,存放每个语种的歌曲数量 count_play = [] # 第3条线,存放每个语种的播放总数量 count_star = [] # 第4条线,存放每个语种的总收藏数量 count_share = [] # 第5条线,存放每个语种的总分享数量 count_comment = [] # 第6条线,存放每个语种的总评论数量(歌单) songs_language = ['日语', '粤语', '韩语', '欧美', '华语'] for lan in songs_language: sql = ''' select count(list_tags),sum(song_count),sum(play_count),sum(star_count),sum(share_count),sum(comment_count) from (select list_tags,star_count,share_count,comment_count,song_count,play_count from playlist_info where list_tags like '%{lan}%');'''.format(lan=lan) table = cur.execute(sql) for row in table: count_list.append(row[0]) count_song.append(row[1]) count_play.append(row[2]) count_star.append(row[3]) count_share.append(row[4]) count_comment.append(row[5]) cur.close() conn.close() return render_template('language_charts.html', list_count=count_list, song_count=count_song,play_count=count_play, star_count=count_star, share_count=count_share, comment_count=count_comment) @app.route('/sentiment_charts') # @cache.cached(timeout=600) def sentiment_charts(): # 按照语种分布做图(6条线,歌单数量,歌曲数量,播放数量,收藏数量,分享数量,评论数量) conn = sqlite3.connect('data/NEC_Music.db') cur = conn.cursor() count_list = [] # 第1条线,存放某个情绪的歌单数量 count_song = [] # 第2条线,存放每个情绪的歌曲数量 count_play = [] # 第3条线,存放每个情绪的播放总数量 count_star = [] # 第4条线,存放每个情绪的总收藏数量 count_share = [] # 第5条线,存放每个情绪的总分享数量 count_comment = [] # 第6条线,存放每个情绪的总评论数量(歌单) songs_sentiment = ['怀旧', '清新', '浪漫', '伤感', '治愈', '放松', '孤独', '感动', '兴奋', '快乐', '安静', '思念'] for lan in songs_sentiment: sql = ''' select count(list_tags),sum(song_count),sum(play_count),sum(star_count),sum(share_count),sum(comment_count) from (select list_tags,star_count,share_count,comment_count,song_count,play_count from playlist_info where list_tags like '%{lan}%');'''.format(lan=lan) table = cur.execute(sql) for row in table: count_list.append(row[0]) count_song.append(row[1]) count_play.append(row[2]) count_star.append(row[3]) count_share.append(row[4]) count_comment.append(row[5]) cur.close() conn.close() return render_template('sentiment_charts.html', list_count=count_list, song_count=count_song,play_count=count_play, star_count=count_star, share_count=count_share, comment_count=count_comment) @app.route('/age_charts') # @cache.cached(timeout=600) def age_charts(): conn = sqlite3.connect('data/NEC_Music.db') cur = conn.cursor() # 读取用户年龄分布 age = [] age_count = [] # 查询用户年龄分布的sql语句 sql1 = '''select user_age,count(user_id) from comments_info where user_age > 0 group by user_age order by user_age;''' # 查询用户注册至今天数分布的sql语句 table1 = cur.execute(sql1) for row in table1: age.append(row[0]) age_count.append(row[1]) # 关闭连接 cur.close() conn.close() return render_template('age_charts.html', age=age, age_count=age_count) @app.route('/days_charts') # @cache.cached(timeout=600) def days_charts(): conn = sqlite3.connect('data/NEC_Music.db') cur = conn.cursor() # 读取用户年龄分布 # 读取用户注册天数分布 days = [] days_count = [] sql2 = '''select createDays,count(user_id) from comments_info group by createDays order by createDays;''' table2 = cur.execute(sql2) for row in table2: days.append(row[0]) days_count.append(row[1]) # 关闭连接 cur.close() conn.close() return render_template('days_charts.html', days=days, days_count=days_count) @app.route('/listen_age_charts') # @cache.cached(timeout=600) def listen_age_charts(): """男女生: 年龄-听歌 散点分布图""" conn = sqlite3.connect('data/NEC_Music.db') cur = conn.cursor() # 读取用户年龄分布 # 读取用户注册天数分布 male_age_listen = [] female_age_listen = [] sql1 = '''select user_age,listenSongs from comments_info where user_age > 0 and user_age < 45 and user_gender = '男' and listenSongs < 50000 group by user_id limit 15000;''' sql2 = '''select user_age,listenSongs from comments_info where user_age > 0 and user_age < 45 and user_gender = '女' and listenSongs < 50000 group by user_id limit 15000;''' table1 = cur.execute(sql1) for row in table1: male_age_listen.append([row[1], row[0]]) table2 = cur.execute(sql2) for row in table2: female_age_listen.append([row[1], row[0]]) # 关闭连接 cur.close() conn.close() return render_template('listen_age_charts.html', male=male_age_listen, female=female_age_listen) @app.route('/all_lyric_word') def all_lyric_word(): word_frequency = 0 # 记录词频 # 连接数据库,查询所有华语歌词的词频 conn = sqlite3.connect('data/NEC_Music.db') cur = conn.cursor() sql = '''select all_lyric_rate from count_all''' table = cur.execute(sql) for row in table: word_frequency = row[0] cur.close() conn.close() img_url = 'static/img/wordcloud/all_lyric_word_defult.jpg' return render_template('all_lyric_word.html', img_url=img_url, word_frequency=word_frequency) @app.route('/refresh_all_lyric_word') def refresh_all_lyric_word(): conn = sqlite3.connect('data/NEC_Music.db') cur = conn.cursor() sql = '''select lyric from songs_info inner join playlist_info inner join songs on songs.song_id = songs_info.song_id and songs.list_id = playlist_info.list_id where list_tags like '%华语%' or list_tags like '%粤语%' group by songs.song_id''' text = "" table = cur.execute(sql) for lyric in table: clean_text = lyric[0] clean_text = clean_text.replace('制作人', '').replace('作词', '').replace('编曲', '').replace('作曲', '') \ .replace('和声', '').replace('演唱', '').replace('他', '').replace('我', '').replace('你', '') \ .replace('的', '').replace('啦', '').replace('了', '').replace('们', '').replace(' ', '') \ .replace('她', '').replace('这', '').replace('把', '').replace('啊', '').replace('是', '') text += clean_text cur.close() conn.close() print('已读取完所有歌词!准备分词') # jieba库将词拆分出来 lyric_cut = jieba.cut(text) lyric_str = ' '.join(lyric_cut) # 分词拼接 word_frequency = len(lyric_str) # 计算分词数量/词频 img = Image.open('static/img/wordcloud/backgroud/bg_lyric.jpg') # 打开遮罩图片 img_array = np.array(img) # 将图片转换为色块数组,进行计算 wc = WordCloud( background_color='white', mask=img_array, font_path='msyh.ttc' ) wc.generate_from_text(lyric_str) print(f'分词{word_frequency}完毕!准备绘制图片!') # 更新词频统计 conn = sqlite3.connect('data/NEC_Music.db') cur = conn.cursor() sql = '''update count_all set all_lyric_rate = {word_rate}'''.format(word_rate=word_frequency) cur.execute(sql) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() print('已更新词频') # 绘制图片 fig = plt.figure(1) plt.imshow(wc) plt.axis('off') # 保存图片 plt.savefig('static/img/wordcloud/all_lyric_word_'+ str(word_frequency)+'.jpg', dpi=500) print('图片已生成!请查看文件') img_url = 'static/img/wordcloud/all_lyric_word_'+ str(word_frequency)+'.jpg' return render_template('all_lyric_word.html', img_url=img_url, word_frequency=word_frequency) @app.route('/hot_comments_word') def hot_com_word(): word_frequency = 0 # 记录词频 # 连接数据库,查询所有华语歌词的词频 conn = sqlite3.connect('data/NEC_Music.db') cur = conn.cursor() sql = '''select all_hot_com_rate from count_all''' table = cur.execute(sql) for row in table: word_frequency = row[0] cur.close() conn.close() img_url = 'static/img/wordcloud/hot_comments_word_defult.jpg' return render_template('hot_comments_word.html', img_url=img_url, word_frequency=word_frequency) @app.route('/refresh_hot_com_word') def refresh_hot_com_word(): conn = sqlite3.connect('data/NEC_Music.db') cur = conn.cursor() sql = '''select content from comments_info where comment_type = 'hot_comments' group by song_id''' text = "" table = cur.execute(sql) for lyric in table: clean_text = lyric[0] clean_text = clean_text.replace('制作人', '').replace('作词', '').replace('编曲', '').replace('作曲', '') \ .replace('和声', '').replace('演唱', '').replace('他', '').replace('我', '').replace('你', '') \ .replace('的', '').replace('啦', '').replace('了', '').replace('们', '').replace(' ', '') \ .replace('她', '').replace('这', '').replace('把', '').replace('啊', '').replace('是', '') text += clean_text print('已读取完所有热评!准备分词') # jieba库将词拆分出来 lyric_cut = jieba.cut(text) lyric_str = ' '.join(lyric_cut) # 分词拼接 word_frequency = len(lyric_str) # 计算分词数量/词频 img = Image.open('static/img/wordcloud/backgroud/bg_diy.jpg') # 打开遮罩图片 img_array = np.array(img) # 将图片转换为色块数组,进行计算 wc = WordCloud( background_color='white', mask=img_array, font_path='msyh.ttc' ) wc.generate_from_text(lyric_str) print(f'分词{word_frequency}完毕!准备绘制图片!') # 更新词频统计 sql = '''update count_all set all_hot_com_rate = {word_rate}'''.format(word_rate=word_frequency) cur.execute(sql) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() print('已更新词频') # 绘制图片 fig = plt.figure(1) plt.imshow(wc) plt.axis('off') # 保存图片 plt.savefig('static/img/wordcloud/hot_comments_word_'+ str(word_frequency)+'.jpg', dpi=500) print('图片已生成!请查看文件') img_url = 'static/img/wordcloud/hot_comments_word_'+ str(word_frequency)+'.jpg' return render_template('hot_comments_word.html', img_url=img_url, word_frequency=word_frequency) @app.route('/diy_song_word') def diy_song_word(): word_frequency = 0 # 记录词频 # 连接数据库,查询所有华语歌词的词频 conn = sqlite3.connect('data/NEC_Music.db') cur = conn.cursor() sql = '''select one_song_com_rate from count_all''' # 读取上次onesong的词频 table = cur.execute(sql) for row in table: word_frequency = row[0] cur.close() conn.close() img_url = 'static/img/wordcloud/diy_song_word_defualt.jpg' # 显示默认图片 return render_template('diy_song_word.html', img_url=img_url, word_frequency=word_frequency) @app.route('/refresh_diy_song_word', methods=['POST', 'GET']) def refresh_diy_song_word(): diy_song_name = '歌曲名' # 保存用户输入的歌名关键词 conn = sqlite3.connect('data/NEC_Music.db') cur = conn.cursor() if request.method == 'POST': diy_song_name = request.form['关键词'] print(request.form) sql = '''select song_name,content from songs_info s inner join comments_info ci on s.song_name like '{string}' where s.song_id=ci.song_id group by content'''.format(string=diy_song_name) text = "" table = cur.execute(sql) print('开始读取并清洗歌词') for lyric in table: clean_text = lyric[1] print('清洗前:', clean_text) clean_text = clean_text.replace('制作人', '').replace('作词', '').replace('编曲', '').replace('作曲', '') \ .replace('和声', '').replace('演唱', '').replace('他', '').replace('我', '').replace('你', '') \ .replace('的', '').replace('啦', '').replace('了', '').replace('们', '').replace(' ', '') \ .replace('她', '').replace('这', '').replace('把', '').replace('啊', '').replace('是', '') print('清洗后:', clean_text) text += clean_text print('已读取完所有评论!准备分词') # jieba库将词拆分出来 lyric_cut = jieba.cut(text) lyric_str = ' '.join(lyric_cut) # 分词拼接 word_frequency = len(lyric_str) # 计算分词数量/词频 img = Image.open('static/img/wordcloud/backgroud/bg_song.jpg') # 打开遮罩图片 img_array = np.array(img) # 将图片转换为色块数组,进行计算 wc = WordCloud( background_color='white', mask=img_array, font_path='msyh.ttc' ) wc.generate_from_text(lyric_str) print(f'分词{word_frequency}完毕!准备绘制图片!') # 更新词频统计 sql = '''update count_all set one_song_com_rate = {word_rate}'''.format(word_rate=word_frequency) cur.execute(sql) conn.commit() cur.close() conn.close() print('已更新词频') # 绘制图片 fig = plt.figure(1) plt.imshow(wc) plt.axis('off') # 保存图片 plt.savefig('static/img/wordcloud/diy_song_word_' + diy_song_name + '.jpg', dpi=500) print('图片已生成!请查看文件') img_url = 'static/img/wordcloud/diy_song_word_' + diy_song_name + '.jpg' return render_template('diy_song_word.html', img_url=img_url, word_frequency=word_frequency,diy_song_name=diy_song_name) @app.route('/techno') def techno(): return render_template('techno.html') @app.route('/team') def team(): return render_template('team.html') if __name__ == '__main__': app.run()
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