一、方法:使用left join 和 ifnull
本题的关键点在找到 2019-08-16 前所有有改动的产品及其最新价格和没有没有修改过价格的产品。 我们可以先找到所有的产品,再找到所有 2019-08-16 前有修改的产品和他们最新的价格,使用 left join 将两个查询联合。如果产品没有价格,说明没有修改过,设置为 10,如果有价格,设置为最新的价格。
找到 2019-08-16
上面两步已经找到了所有的产品和已经修改过价格的产品。使用 left join
得到所有产品的最新价格,如果没有设置为 10
- select p1.product_id , ifNULL(p2.new_price,10) as price
- from
- (select distinct product_id from Products)
- as p1
- left join
- ( select product_id ,new_price
- from Products
- where (product_id , change_date) in
- (select product_id, max(change_date) as change_date From Products where change_date <='2019-08-16' group by product_id )
- group by product_id ) as p2 on p1.product_id = p2.product_id
二、方法:使用UNION关键字 合并多个查询集的结果
- -- Subquery 1: Get the latest product_id and change_date on or before '2019-08-16'
- SELECT product_id, new_price as price
- FROM Products
- WHERE (product_id, change_date) in (SELECT product_id, max(change_date) as change_date
- FROM Products
- WHERE change_date <= '2019-08-16'
- GROUP BY product_id)
- -- Subquery 2: Get product_id where the earliest change_date is after '2019-08-16' with a fixed price of 10
- SELECT product_id, 10 as price
- FROM Products
- GROUP BY product_id
- HAVING MIN(change_date)> '2019-08-16';
思路:按照turn排序的,按照weight进行累加,按照累加的大小进行倒序排序,通过limit 1 选取最后一位上车的人
- # Write your MySQL query statement below
- select person_name
- from
- (select person_name,
- sum(weight) over(order by turn) as current_weight
- from Queue) as a
- where current_weight <=1000
- order by current_weight desc
- limit 1
- -- select category,count(*) as accounts_count
- -- from
- -- (select * ,
- -- CASE
- -- WHEN income < 20000 then 'Low Salary'
- -- WHEN income >= 20000 and income <= 50000 then 'Average Salary'
- -- WHEN income > 50000 then 'High Salary'
- -- END as category
- -- from Accounts ) as a
- -- group by category
- select 'Low Salary' as category , count(*) as accounts_count from Accounts
- where income < 20000
- union
- select 'Average Salary' as category , count(*) as accounts_count from Accounts
- where income >= 20000 and income <= 50000
- union
- select 'High Salary' as category , count(*) as accounts_count from Accounts
- where income > 50000
其中联合查询语句 可以用CASEWHEN来实现
以下为‘Low Salary’为例子
- 'Low Salary' AS category,
- SUM(CASE WHEN income < 20000 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS accounts_count
- Accounts
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