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0 说明


1. fomula

Algebraic reconstruction technique is all about a system of equations which is

Ax = p

In this formula, x = [x1, x2, …, xn]T , p = [p1, p2, …, pm]T , where x is one-dimensional vector of n elements, each representing the pixels of a certain 2-D object, p is one-dimensional vector of m elements, each representing a measurements taken at a certain detector in a certain projection direction, A is called the projection matrix and each value in this matrix called a projection rate defines the contribution of a specific pixel to a specific projection value.

in general medical imaging applications, A is so large that the entire matrix cannot be stored in the computer at the same time. In the process of solving the equations, the value of that row of matrix A is generated only when needed and released immediately after used up. Based on this limitation, some algorithms,for example, diagonalizing or triangularizing matrix A, are not applicable. In fact, any algorithm that needs to change matrix A cannot be used.

Let’s focus on the implementation of the iterative reconstruction algorithm. Look at the following formula, which is basically the same as the ordinary gradient descent algorithm, where lambda is our relaxation factor determining the convergence rate.


2 Situations of different projection data

The entire iterative process can be seen in the two figure on the right. x0 is an arbitrary initial value. The first step is to project the point x0 vertically to L1 to get the new value x1. The next step is to project the point x1 vertically onto L2 to get the new value x2, and so on. Each step is to project the current estimated point onto the next straight line so that it satisfies the next equation. Eventually, this algorithm will converge to the solution of the system of equations.
If this system of equations is incompatible, this algorithm will cause the “solution” of the system of equations to jump back and forth without converging. one iteration is defined as all equations are accessed by the algorithm once.
上面两种不一样的投影数据,第一种明显是更好的。这里有一个问题值得注意,实际操作中应该尽可能的让我们的projection data靠近第一种。

3 implement

one iteration之后的图片:

ground truth 是我们的原始图片,第二排的两张是将fbp重建的图片和迭代200次后重建的图片进行比对。
The figure on the left is rendered after one iteration, and it is still blurry compared to the original image. The figure on the right is based on the projection data of 90 projection angles, which are reconstructed using filtered back projection and iterative reconstruction techniques. We can clearly see the difference between the two algorithms. The edge of the image after the filtered back projection reconstruction is clearer and the noise is greater, and the image obtained by the iterative reconstruction technique is smoother and more blurred. We compare the mean square error and structural similarity of the two methods. The numerical display shows that ART is closer to the original image, but it has a lot of shortcomings, as explained above.

4 contrast

  • 首先,看一下迭代次数改变后,均方误差还有结构相似性的一个变化曲线。
    Based on my personal understanding, the possible reason is that there are only 90-angle projection data, and the complexity of the projection data is less than the complexity of the image to be reconstructed. after a certain number of iterations, because of the excess expressive ability of the model, it will train some features that can only meet the projection data but not the original image, which will lead to a increase in mse.
  • 再看一下fbp和art的一个比对。整个图像来看可能看的不是很clear, 所以我单独将image matrix的其中一条直线plot出来了。这时对比就很清晰了。
    The difference is very obvious. The fbp image has larger fluctuations and ART is more stable. Although fbp fluctuates greatly, there is no loss of energy. Observation of the ART curve can clearly find that although it performs better in a smooth place, there is a big gap between the curve of the original image at the peak and this will cause image details Lost.

5 写在后面的话


如果对filtered back project 算法不太了解的话,请查看:


