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mysql 1136错误,MySql错误代码1136列数与行1处的值计数不匹配


Hi I'm almost done with this table but I ran into a problem I can't solve.

I keep getting error 1136 which is Column doesn't match value count for row 1 which is VisitID so it's a datatype problem but I cant figure it out.

The code I executed is the visit table code which is below:

Create Schema Visit;

create table roomtableS(

RoomID char (2) not null,

RoomNum char (2) not null,

Charge integer not null,

CONSTRAINT RoomTable_PK Primary Key(RoomID));

Insert into roomtableS values











create table PATIENT(

PatientID char(5) not null,

PatientName Char(25) not null,

PatientEmail Char(30) null,

PatientPhoneNumber Char(10) null,

PatientAddress Char(100) null,

constraint PATIENT_PK Primary key(PatientID));

insert PATIENT values

('P1', 'Bruce Willis', 'bwillis@mail.org', '2022223333', '1111 Cosmic dr'),

('P2', 'Demi Moore', 'moore@email.net', '2021113333', '1112 Cosmic dr'),

('P3', 'Andre Agassi', 'agassi@mail.org', '2023333333', '1113 Cosmic dr'),

('P4', 'Jet Lee', 'jetlee@email.net', '2023334444', '1114 Chinatown ct'),

('P5', 'Jim Carey', 'carey@email.net', '2023335555', '1115 United dr'),

('P6', 'Bruce Lee', 'bruce@gmail.com', '2023336666', '1115 Chinatown ct');

select* From PATIENT;

Create table SERVICETable(

ServiceID Char (5) not null,

ServiceTreatment Char(25) not null,

ServiceCost numeric not null,

constraint SERVICE_PK Primary Key(ServiceID));

insert SERVICETable values

('S1','Sore throat', 10.00),

('S2', 'Fever', 15.00),

('S3', 'Headache', 10.00),

('S4', 'Blood pressusre', 20.00),

('S5', 'Yearly checkup', 30.00),

('S6', 'Common cold', 15.00);

select* from SERVICETable;

Create Table doctortable(

DocID char (5) NOT NULL,

DoctorFirstName char(15) Not NULL,

DoctorLastName char (15) Not Null,

DoctorPhone char (15) Not Null,

CONSTRAINT DoctorTable_PK Primary Key(DocID));

INSERT INTO doctortable values




Select * From doctortable;

Create Table visit(

VisitID char (2) not Null,

PatientID Char (5) not null,

DocID Char (5) not null,

ServiceID Char (5) not Null,

RoomID char (2) not Null,

Visit date not null,


Alter table Visit

add foreign key (PatientID)

references Patient (PatientID);

Alter table Visit

add foreign key (DocID)

references doctortable (DocID);

Alter table Visit

add foreign key (ServiceID)

references ServiceTable (ServiceID);

Alter table Visit

add foreign key (RoomID)

references roomtableS (RoomID);

Insert into Visit (VisitID,RoomID,ServiceID,PatientID,Visit) values













Select * from Visit;


There are two problems with the last insertion: the field DocId is missing but the values are there; the order between the fields and values don't match.

It should be like:

Insert into Visit (VisitID,PatientID, DocID, ServiceID, RoomID,Visit) values













You could find the complete working code at sqlfiddle.

