步骤1:下载官方github的SDK包:CMU-MultiComp-Lab/CMU-MultimodalSDK (github.com)
步骤1:在anaconda的虚拟环境 路径下的Lib\site-packages,创建一个文本文档,命名为’mypkpath‘,在该文档中添加上一步的SDK路径,保存之后将文件后缀改为“pth”。
pip install h5py validators tqdm numpy argparse requests
from mmsdk import mmdatasdk as md
- from mmsdk import mmdatasdk as md
- DATASET = md.cmu_mosi
- DATA_PATH = './data'
- try:
- md.mmdataset(DATASET.highlevel,DATA_PATH)
- except:
- print('have been downloaded')
- from mmsdk import mmdatasdk as md
- DATASET = md.cmu_mosi
- DATA_PATH = './data'
- data_files = os.listdir(DATA_PATH)
- print('\n'.join(data_files))
- visual_field = 'CMU_MOSI_Visual_Facet_41'
- acoustic_field = 'CMU_MOSI_COVAREP'
- text_field = 'CMU_MOSI_ModifiedTimestampedWords'
- features = [
- text_field,
- visual_field,
- acoustic_field
- ]
- recipe = {feat: os.path.join(DATA_PATH, feat) + '.csd' for feat in features}
- dataset = md.mmdataset(recipe)
- print(list(dataset[text_field].keys())[55])
- print('done!')

- def avg(intervals: np.array, features: np.array) -> np.array:
- try:
- return np.average(features, axis=0)
- except:
- return features
- # first we align to words with averaging, collapse_function receives a list of functions
- dataset.align(text_field, collapse_functions=[avg])
- label_field = 'CMU_MOSI_Opinion_Labels'
- # we add and align to lables to obtain labeled segments
- # this time we don't apply collapse functions so that the temporal sequences are preserved
- label_recipe = {label_field: os.path.join(DATA_PATH, label_field + '.csd')}
- dataset.add_computational_sequences(label_recipe, destination=None)
- dataset.align(label_field, replace=True)
- print(list(dataset[text_field].keys())[55])
- print('done!')
- ###保存
- deploy_files={x:x for x in dataset.computational_sequences.keys()}
- dataset.deploy("./deployed",deploy_files)
- aligned_cmumosi_highlevel=md.mmdataset('./deployed')

- from mmsdk import mmdatasdk
- import os, re
- import numpy as np
- from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
- from collections import defaultdict
- import torch
- import torch.nn as nn
- from tqdm import tqdm_notebook
- from torch.optim import Adam, SGD
- from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
- import torch, os
- from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence, pack_padded_sequence, pad_packed_sequence
- from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, Dataset
- from tqdm import tqdm_notebook
- word2id = defaultdict(lambda: len(word2id))
- UNK = word2id['<unk>']
- PAD = word2id['<pad>']
- # def return_unk():
- # return UNK
- # word2id.default_factory = return_unk
- def splittraindevtest(train_split, dev_split, test_split, dataset, features):
- EPS = 0
- text_field, visual_field, acoustic_field, label_field = features
- # construct a word2id mapping that automatically takes increment when new words are encountered
- # place holders for the final train/dev/test dataset
- train = []
- dev = []
- test = []
- # define a regular expression to extract the video ID out of the keys
- pattern = re.compile('(.*)\[.*\]')
- num_drop = 0 # a counter to count how many data points went into some processing issues
- for segment in dataset[label_field].keys():
- # get the video ID and the features out of the aligned dataset
- vid = re.search(pattern, segment).group(1)
- label = dataset[label_field][segment]['features']
- _words = dataset[text_field][segment]['features']
- _visual = dataset[visual_field][segment]['features']
- _acoustic = dataset[acoustic_field][segment]['features']
- # if the sequences are not same length after alignment, there must be some problem with some modalities
- # we should drop it or inspect the data again
- if not _words.shape[0] == _visual.shape[0] == _acoustic.shape[0]:
- print(
- f"Encountered datapoint {vid} with text shape {_words.shape}, visual shape {_visual.shape}, acoustic shape {_acoustic.shape}")
- num_drop += 1
- continue
- # remove nan values
- label = np.nan_to_num(label)
- _visual = np.nan_to_num(_visual)
- _acoustic = np.nan_to_num(_acoustic)
- # remove speech pause tokens - this is in general helpful
- # we should remove speech pauses and corresponding visual/acoustic features together
- # otherwise modalities would no longer be aligned
- words = []
- visual = []
- acoustic = []
- for i, word in enumerate(_words):
- if word[0] != b'sp':
- words.append(word2id[word[0].decode('utf-8')]) # SDK stores strings as bytes, decode into strings here
- visual.append(_visual[i, :])
- acoustic.append(_acoustic[i, :])
- words = np.asarray(words)
- visual = np.asarray(visual)
- acoustic = np.asarray(acoustic)
- # z-normalization per instance and remove nan/infs
- visual = np.nan_to_num((visual - visual.mean(0, keepdims=True)) / (EPS + np.std(visual, axis=0, keepdims=True)))
- acoustic = np.nan_to_num(
- (acoustic - acoustic.mean(0, keepdims=True)) / (EPS + np.std(acoustic, axis=0, keepdims=True)))
- if vid in train_split:
- train.append(((words, visual, acoustic), label, segment))
- elif vid in dev_split:
- dev.append(((words, visual, acoustic), label, segment))
- elif vid in test_split:
- test.append(((words, visual, acoustic), label, segment))
- else:
- print(f"Found video that doesn't belong to any splits: {vid}")
- def return_unk():
- return UNK
- word2id.default_factory = return_unk
- print(f"Total number of {num_drop} datapoints have been dropped.")
- return train, dev, test
- def multi_collate(batch):
- '''
- Collate functions assume batch = [Dataset[i] for i in index_set]
- '''
- # for later use we sort the batch in descending order of length
- batch = sorted(batch, key=lambda x: x[0][0].shape[0], reverse=True)
- # get the data out of the batch - use pad sequence util functions from PyTorch to pad things
- labels = torch.cat([torch.from_numpy(sample[1]) for sample in batch], dim=0)
- sentences = pad_sequence([torch.LongTensor(sample[0][0]) for sample in batch], padding_value=PAD)
- visual = pad_sequence([torch.FloatTensor(sample[0][1]) for sample in batch])
- acoustic = pad_sequence([torch.FloatTensor(sample[0][2]) for sample in batch])
- # lengths are useful later in using RNNs
- lengths = torch.LongTensor([sample[0][0].shape[0] for sample in batch])
- return sentences, visual, acoustic, labels, lengths
- class LFLSTM(nn.Module):
- def __init__(self, input_sizes, hidden_sizes, fc1_size, output_size, dropout_rate):
- super(LFLSTM, self).__init__()
- self.input_size = input_sizes
- self.hidden_size = hidden_sizes
- self.fc1_size = fc1_size
- self.output_size = output_size
- self.dropout_rate = dropout_rate
- # defining modules - two layer bidirectional LSTM with layer norm in between
- self.embed = nn.Embedding(len(word2id), input_sizes[0])
- self.trnn1 = nn.LSTM(input_sizes[0], hidden_sizes[0], bidirectional=True)
- self.trnn2 = nn.LSTM(2 * hidden_sizes[0], hidden_sizes[0], bidirectional=True)
- self.vrnn1 = nn.LSTM(input_sizes[1], hidden_sizes[1], bidirectional=True)
- self.vrnn2 = nn.LSTM(2 * hidden_sizes[1], hidden_sizes[1], bidirectional=True)
- self.arnn1 = nn.LSTM(input_sizes[2], hidden_sizes[2], bidirectional=True)
- self.arnn2 = nn.LSTM(2 * hidden_sizes[2], hidden_sizes[2], bidirectional=True)
- self.fc1 = nn.Linear(sum(hidden_sizes) * 4, fc1_size)
- self.fc2 = nn.Linear(fc1_size, output_size)
- self.relu = nn.ReLU()
- self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout_rate)
- self.tlayer_norm = nn.LayerNorm((hidden_sizes[0] * 2,))
- self.vlayer_norm = nn.LayerNorm((hidden_sizes[1] * 2,))
- self.alayer_norm = nn.LayerNorm((hidden_sizes[2] * 2,))
- self.bn = nn.BatchNorm1d(sum(hidden_sizes) * 4)
- def extract_features(self, sequence, lengths, rnn1, rnn2, layer_norm):
- packed_sequence = pack_padded_sequence(sequence, lengths.cpu())
- packed_h1, (final_h1, _) = rnn1(packed_sequence)
- padded_h1, _ = pad_packed_sequence(packed_h1)
- normed_h1 = layer_norm(padded_h1)
- packed_normed_h1 = pack_padded_sequence(normed_h1, lengths.cpu())
- _, (final_h2, _) = rnn2(packed_normed_h1)
- return final_h1, final_h2
- def fusion(self, sentences, visual, acoustic, lengths):
- batch_size = lengths.size(0)
- sentences = self.embed(sentences)
- # extract features from text modality
- final_h1t, final_h2t = self.extract_features(sentences, lengths, self.trnn1, self.trnn2, self.tlayer_norm)
- # extract features from visual modality
- final_h1v, final_h2v = self.extract_features(visual, lengths, self.vrnn1, self.vrnn2, self.vlayer_norm)
- # extract features from acoustic modality
- final_h1a, final_h2a = self.extract_features(acoustic, lengths, self.arnn1, self.arnn2, self.alayer_norm)
- # simple late fusion -- concatenation + normalization
- h = torch.cat((final_h1t, final_h2t, final_h1v, final_h2v, final_h1a, final_h2a),
- dim=2).permute(1, 0, 2).contiguous().view(batch_size, -1)
- return self.bn(h)
- def forward(self, sentences, visual, acoustic, lengths):
- batch_size = lengths.size(0)
- h = self.fusion(sentences, visual, acoustic, lengths)
- h = self.fc1(h)
- h = self.dropout(h)
- h = self.relu(h)
- o = self.fc2(h)
- return o
- def load_emb(w2i, path_to_embedding, embedding_size=300, embedding_vocab=2196017, init_emb=None):
- if init_emb is None:
- emb_mat = np.random.randn(len(w2i), embedding_size)
- else:
- emb_mat = init_emb
- f = open(path_to_embedding, 'r')
- found = 0
- for line in tqdm_notebook(f, total=embedding_vocab):
- content = line.strip().split()
- vector = np.asarray(list(map(lambda x: float(x), content[-300:])))
- word = ' '.join(content[:-300])
- if word in w2i:
- idx = w2i[word]
- emb_mat[idx, :] = vector
- found += 1
- print(f"Found {found} words in the embedding file.")
- return torch.tensor(emb_mat).float()
- def run(train_loader, dev_loader, test_loader):
- torch.manual_seed(123)
- torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(123)
- CUDA = True # torch.cuda.is_available()
- text_size = 300
- visual_size = 47
- acoustic_size = 74
- # define some model settings and hyper-parameters
- input_sizes = [text_size, visual_size, acoustic_size]
- hidden_sizes = [int(text_size * 1.5), int(visual_size * 1.5), int(acoustic_size * 1.5)]
- fc1_size = sum(hidden_sizes) // 2
- dropout = 0.25
- output_size = 1
- curr_patience = patience = 8
- num_trials = 3
- grad_clip_value = 1.0
- weight_decay = 0.1
- CACHE_PATH = r'D:\Speech\jupyter_notes_zyx\CMU-MultimodalSDK-Tutorials-master\CMU-MultimodalSDK-Tutorials-master\data\embedding_and_mapping.pt'
- if os.path.exists(CACHE_PATH):
- pretrained_emb, word2id = torch.load(CACHE_PATH)
- else:
- pretrained_emb = None
- model = LFLSTM(input_sizes, hidden_sizes, fc1_size, output_size, dropout)
- if pretrained_emb is not None:
- model.embed.weight.data = pretrained_emb
- model.embed.requires_grad = False
- optimizer = Adam([param for param in model.parameters() if param.requires_grad], weight_decay=weight_decay)
- if CUDA:
- model.cuda()
- criterion = nn.L1Loss(reduction='sum')
- criterion_test = nn.L1Loss(reduction='sum')
- best_valid_loss = float('inf')
- lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=1, gamma=0.1)
- lr_scheduler.step() # for some reason it seems the StepLR needs to be stepped once first
- train_losses = []
- valid_losses = []
- for e in range(MAX_EPOCH):
- model.train()
- train_iter = tqdm_notebook(train_loader)
- train_loss = 0.0
- for batch in train_iter:
- model.zero_grad()
- t, v, a, y, l = batch
- batch_size = t.size(0)
- if CUDA:
- t = t.cuda()
- v = v.cuda()
- a = a.cuda()
- y = y.cuda()
- l = l.cuda()
- y_tilde = model(t, v, a, l)
- loss = criterion(y_tilde, y)
- loss.backward()
- torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_value_([param for param in model.parameters() if param.requires_grad], grad_clip_value)
- optimizer.step()
- train_iter.set_description(f"Epoch {e}/{MAX_EPOCH}, current batch loss: {round(loss.item() / batch_size, 4)}")
- train_loss += loss.item()
- train_loss = train_loss / len(train)
- train_losses.append(train_loss)
- print(f"Training loss: {round(train_loss, 4)}")
- model.eval()
- with torch.no_grad():
- valid_loss = 0.0
- for batch in dev_loader:
- model.zero_grad()
- t, v, a, y, l = batch
- if CUDA:
- t = t.cuda()
- v = v.cuda()
- a = a.cuda()
- y = y.cuda()
- l = l.cuda()
- y_tilde = model(t, v, a, l)
- loss = criterion(y_tilde, y)
- valid_loss += loss.item()
- valid_loss = valid_loss / len(dev)
- valid_losses.append(valid_loss)
- print(f"Validation loss: {round(valid_loss, 4)}")
- print(f"Current patience: {curr_patience}, current trial: {num_trials}.")
- if valid_loss <= best_valid_loss:
- best_valid_loss = valid_loss
- print("Found new best model on dev set!")
- torch.save(model.state_dict(), 'model.std')
- torch.save(optimizer.state_dict(), 'optim.std')
- curr_patience = patience
- else:
- curr_patience -= 1
- if curr_patience <= -1:
- print("Running out of patience, loading previous best model.")
- num_trials -= 1
- curr_patience = patience
- model.load_state_dict(torch.load('model.std'))
- optimizer.load_state_dict(torch.load('optim.std'))
- lr_scheduler.step()
- print(f"Current learning rate: {optimizer.state_dict()['param_groups'][0]['lr']}")
- if num_trials <= 0:
- print("Running out of patience, early stopping.")
- break
- model.load_state_dict(torch.load('model.std'))
- y_true = []
- y_pred = []
- model.eval()
- with torch.no_grad():
- test_loss = 0.0
- for batch in test_loader:
- model.zero_grad()
- t, v, a, y, l = batch
- if CUDA:
- t = t.cuda()
- v = v.cuda()
- a = a.cuda()
- y = y.cuda()
- l = l.cuda()
- y_tilde = model(t, v, a, l)
- loss = criterion_test(y_tilde, y)
- y_true.append(y_tilde.detach().cpu().numpy())
- y_pred.append(y.detach().cpu().numpy())
- test_loss += loss.item()
- print(f"Test set performance: {test_loss / len(test)}")
- y_true = np.concatenate(y_true, axis=0)
- y_pred = np.concatenate(y_pred, axis=0)
- y_true_bin = y_true >= 0
- y_pred_bin = y_pred >= 0
- bin_acc = accuracy_score(y_true_bin, y_pred_bin)
- print(f"Test set accuracy is {bin_acc}")
- if __name__=='__main__':
- visual_field1 = 'CMU_MOSI_Visual_Facet_41'
- acoustic_field1 = 'CMU_MOSI_COVAREP'
- text_field1 = 'CMU_MOSI_ModifiedTimestampedWords'
- label_field1 = 'CMU_MOSI_Opinion_Labels'
- features1 = [
- text_field1,
- visual_field1,
- acoustic_field1,
- label_field1
- ]
- DATA_PATH1 = './mymydeployed'
- recipe1 = {feat: os.path.join(DATA_PATH1, feat) + '.csd' for feat in features1}
- dataset1 = mmdatasdk.mmdataset(recipe1)
- print(list(dataset1[text_field1].keys())[55])
- tensors = dataset1.get_tensors(seq_len=25, non_sequences=["Opinion Segment Labels"], direction=False,
- folds=[mmdatasdk.cmu_mosi.standard_folds.standard_train_fold, mmdatasdk.cmu_mosi.
- standard_folds.standard_valid_fold,
- mmdatasdk.cmu_mosi.standard_folds.standard_test_fold])
- fold_names = ["train", "valid", "test"]
- train, dev, test = splittraindevtest(mmdatasdk.cmu_mosi.standard_folds.standard_train_fold, mmdatasdk.cmu_mosi.
- standard_folds.standard_valid_fold, mmdatasdk.cmu_mosi.standard_folds.standard_test_fold,
- dataset1, features1)
- batch_sz = 56
- train_loader = DataLoader(train, shuffle=True, batch_size=batch_sz, collate_fn=multi_collate)
- dev_loader = DataLoader(dev, shuffle=False, batch_size=batch_sz * 3, collate_fn=multi_collate)
- test_loader = DataLoader(test, shuffle=False, batch_size=batch_sz * 3, collate_fn=multi_collate)
- run(train_loader, dev_loader, test_loader)

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