本文将会介绍 MongoDB 中的索引概念,以及如何利用 createIndex() 方法创建索引。
如果想要查找一部名为“Pirates of Silicon Valley”的电影,我们需要翻阅每一页,直到发现该电影的介绍为止。
Pimpernel' Smith 1
Pirates of Silicon Valley 201
Twas the Night 300
在上面的索引信息中,电影“Pirates of Silicon Valley”位于这本书的 201 页。因此,我们可以直接打开 201 页查看相应的介绍:
MongoDB 索引的工作方式和上面的示例类似,我们可以基于文档集合中的指定字段创建索引。MongoDB 使用 B-树 结构存储索引。
另一方面,当我们插入、更新或者删除文档时, MongoDB 需要维护相应的索引。也就是说,索引提高了文件的检索性能,但是需要以额外的写入和存储空间为代价。因此,应该建立合适的索引,而不是尽可能多的索引。
我们首先创建一个新的 movies 集合,然后通过 MongoDB Compass 导入初始化数据(movies.json):
默认情况下,所有的集合都拥有一个 _id 字段索引。getIndexes() 方法可以用于查看集合中的索引,语法如下:
以下命令可以查看集合 movies 中的索引:
[ { v: 2, key: { _id: 1 }, name: '_id_' } ]
输出结果中的索引名称为“_id_”,索引字段为 _id。{ _id : 1 } 中的数字 1 代表了升序索引。
以下查询用于查找电影“The Lake House”:
db.movies.find({ Title: 'The Lake House' }) { _id: ObjectId("640165db51c91edbf4fa413f"), Title: 'The Lake House', 'US Gross': 52330111, 'Worldwide Gross': 114830111, 'US DVD Sales': 39758509, 'Production Budget': 40000000, 'Release Date': 'Jun 16 2006', 'MPAA Rating': 'PG', 'Running Time min': null, Distributor: 'Warner Bros.', Source: 'Remake', 'Major Genre': 'Drama', 'Creative Type': 'Fantasy', Director: null, 'Rotten Tomatoes Rating': 36, 'IMDB Rating': 6.8, 'IMDB Votes': 36613 }
为了查找该电影,MongoDB 需要扫描 movies 集合。在执行查询之前,MongoDB 查询计划器会选择最有效的执行计划。explain() 方法可以用于获取执行计划的相关信息。例如:
db.movies.find({ Title: 'The Lake House' }).explain('executionStats') { explainVersion: '1', queryPlanner: { namespace: 'book.movies', indexFilterSet: false, parsedQuery: { Title: { '$eq': 'The Lake House' } }, maxIndexedOrSolutionsReached: false, maxIndexedAndSolutionsReached: false, maxScansToExplodeReached: false, winningPlan: { stage: 'COLLSCAN', filter: { Title: { '$eq': 'The Lake House' } }, direction: 'forward' }, rejectedPlans: [] }, executionStats: { executionSuccess: true, nReturned: 1, executionTimeMillis: 2, totalKeysExamined: 0, totalDocsExamined: 3201, executionStages: { stage: 'COLLSCAN', filter: { Title: { '$eq': 'The Lake House' } }, nReturned: 1, executionTimeMillisEstimate: 0, works: 3203, advanced: 1, needTime: 3201, needYield: 0, saveState: 4, restoreState: 4, isEOF: 1, direction: 'forward', docsExamined: 3201 } }, command: { find: 'movies', filter: { Title: 'The Lake House' }, '$db': 'book' }, serverInfo: { host: 'LAPTOP-DGRB6HD9', port: 27017, version: '5.0.9', gitVersion: '6f7dae919422dcd7f4892c10ff20cdc721ad00e6' }, serverParameters: { internalQueryFacetBufferSizeBytes: 104857600, internalQueryFacetMaxOutputDocSizeBytes: 104857600, internalLookupStageIntermediateDocumentMaxSizeBytes: 104857600, internalDocumentSourceGroupMaxMemoryBytes: 104857600, internalQueryMaxBlockingSortMemoryUsageBytes: 104857600, internalQueryProhibitBlockingMergeOnMongoS: 0, internalQueryMaxAddToSetBytes: 104857600, internalDocumentSourceSetWindowFieldsMaxMemoryBytes: 104857600 }, ok: 1 }
explain() 方法返回了大量的信息,我们首先需要关注 winningPlan 部分:
{ stage: 'COLLSCAN',
filter: { Title: { '$eq': 'The Lake House' } },
direction: 'forward' },
winningPlan 返回了查询优化器最终选择的执行计划。示例中的 COLLSCAN 代表了集合扫描。
另外,executionStats 显示查询结果中包含 1 个文档,执行时间为 2 毫秒。
createIndex() 方法可以用于创建新的索引。例如,以下命令可以为 movies 集合的 Title 字段创建索引:
参数 { Title: 1} 包含了字段名和一个数值:
createIndex() 方法返回了索引的名称。示例中创建的索引 Title_1 由字段名和数值 1(表示升序)组成。
再次查看集合 movies 中的索引:
{ v: 2, key: { _id: 1 }, name: '_id_' },
{ v: 2, key: { Title: 1 }, name: 'Title_1' }
再次使用 explain() 方法查看上文中查询语句的执行计划和统计信息:
db.movies.find({ Title: 'The Lake House' }).explain('executionStats') { explainVersion: '1', queryPlanner: { namespace: 'book.movies', indexFilterSet: false, parsedQuery: { Title: { '$eq': 'The Lake House' } }, maxIndexedOrSolutionsReached: false, maxIndexedAndSolutionsReached: false, maxScansToExplodeReached: false, winningPlan: { stage: 'FETCH', inputStage: { stage: 'IXSCAN', keyPattern: { Title: 1 }, indexName: 'Title_1', isMultiKey: false, multiKeyPaths: { Title: [] }, isUnique: false, isSparse: false, isPartial: false, indexVersion: 2, direction: 'forward', indexBounds: { Title: [ '["The Lake House", "The Lake House"]' ] } } }, rejectedPlans: [] }, executionStats: { executionSuccess: true, nReturned: 1, executionTimeMillis: 0, totalKeysExamined: 1, totalDocsExamined: 1, executionStages: { stage: 'FETCH', nReturned: 1, executionTimeMillisEstimate: 0, works: 2, advanced: 1, needTime: 0, needYield: 0, saveState: 0, restoreState: 0, isEOF: 1, docsExamined: 1, alreadyHasObj: 0, inputStage: { stage: 'IXSCAN', nReturned: 1, executionTimeMillisEstimate: 0, works: 2, advanced: 1, needTime: 0, needYield: 0, saveState: 0, restoreState: 0, isEOF: 1, keyPattern: { Title: 1 }, indexName: 'Title_1', isMultiKey: false, multiKeyPaths: { Title: [] }, isUnique: false, isSparse: false, isPartial: false, indexVersion: 2, direction: 'forward', indexBounds: { Title: [ '["The Lake House", "The Lake House"]' ] }, keysExamined: 1, seeks: 1, dupsTested: 0, dupsDropped: 0 } } }, command: { find: 'movies', filter: { Title: 'The Lake House' }, '$db': 'book' }, serverInfo: { host: 'LAPTOP-DGRB6HD9', port: 27017, version: '5.0.9', gitVersion: '6f7dae919422dcd7f4892c10ff20cdc721ad00e6' }, serverParameters: { internalQueryFacetBufferSizeBytes: 104857600, internalQueryFacetMaxOutputDocSizeBytes: 104857600, internalLookupStageIntermediateDocumentMaxSizeBytes: 104857600, internalDocumentSourceGroupMaxMemoryBytes: 104857600, internalQueryMaxBlockingSortMemoryUsageBytes: 104857600, internalQueryProhibitBlockingMergeOnMongoS: 0, internalQueryMaxAddToSetBytes: 104857600, internalDocumentSourceSetWindowFieldsMaxMemoryBytes: 104857600 }, ok: 1 }
此时,查询优化器选择了索引扫描(IXSCAN),而不是集合扫描(COLLSCAN)。执行时间下降到了 0 毫秒。
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