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git 操作实例(git commit, git push, git branch, git checkout, git reset)_git push aosp head

git push aosp head

1.  modify and add files to remote server

     scp -p -P 29418 wangyonghui@ .git/hooks/

     git status 查看当前目录修改是否争取

     git branch -a 查看当前工作的branch

     git checkout -b yourbranchname             yourbranchname 是为当前工作内容起的临时branch 名字,可以是任意值


     git diff 验证修改文件正确

     git status 验证添加文件正确,没有多余的文件或者临时文件

     git  add .  添加文件到本地库

     git  commit . -m "CR number , author name,  your message for this commit“

     git push aosp HEAD:refs/for/android4.4.2_r2                          aosp

     ok your code commit to remote server for review.

2. update remote server commit

     根据第一步的方式完成修改和添加文件,在git push 的时候指定更新。

     git push aosp HEAD:refs/changes/82              82 is the number you want to update

3.  remove files on remote server

    git status 查看当前目录下的文件

    git branch -a 查看当前工作的branch

    git checkout -b yourtempbranchname

    rm files

    git rm files

    git commit . -m "CR number , author name,  your message for this commit“

    git push aosp yourtempbranchname:refs/for/android4.4.2_r2


    git push aosp HEAD:refs/for/android4.4.2_r2

4. 删除临时branch name

    git branch -D yourtempbranchname

5. git reset to the version you want

     git reset --hard HEAD^ 



6.  永久删除最后提交的3个commits

     git reset --hard HEAD~3


7.  sync your committed code only

    repo sync platform/yourcodepath

    e.g.   repo sync platform/package/fileexplorer/

