标题:TINYCD: A (Not So) Deep Learning Model For Change Detection
我们的工作灵感来自于BIT [【论文笔记】Remote Sensing Image Change Detection with Transformers_m0_61899108的博客-CSDN博客_whu_cd]。事实上,我们认为,每个像素在不同分辨率下包含的信息,即语义标记,对于最终的分类是必不可少的,而且它们比空间注意提供的全局上下文更重要。此外,我们的直觉是,由于我们可以比较两个图像,所以我们只能使用低级别特征来突出及时发生的变化。为此,我们设计了一个暹罗U-Net类型的网络,其中主干由EfficientNetb4的前4个块表示。为了更好地在时空上融合通道中包含的信息,我们引入了一种混合策略,迫使网络以语义一致的方式融合和比较在时间T1和T2提取的特征。最后,为了充分利用每个像素/语义标记中包含的所有信息,我们在每个像素/语义标记上大量应用了多层感知器(MLP)。MLP用于在U-Net结构中创建空间注意掩码跳过连接。并将其应用于分类块中,对每个像素点进行分类。
WHU-CD: https://study.rsgis.whu.edu.cn/pages/download/building_dataset.html
wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/h9jl2ygznsaeg5d/LEVIR-CD-256.zip
wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/r76a00jcxp5d3hl/WHU-CD-256.zip
- # change_classifier.py
- # https://github.com/AndreaCodegoni/Tiny_model_4_CD
- from typing import List
- import torchvision
- from models.layers import MixingMaskAttentionBlock, PixelwiseLinear, UpMask, MixingBlock
- from torch import Tensor
- from torch.nn import Module, ModuleList, Sigmoid
- class ChangeClassifier(Module):
- def __init__(
- self,
- bkbn_name="efficientnet_b4",
- pretrained=True,
- output_layer_bkbn="3",
- freeze_backbone=False,
- ):
- super().__init__()
- # Load the pretrained backbone according to parameters:
- self._backbone = _get_backbone(
- bkbn_name, pretrained, output_layer_bkbn, freeze_backbone
- )
- # Initialize mixing blocks:
- self._first_mix = MixingMaskAttentionBlock(6, 3, [3, 10, 5], [10, 5, 1])
- self._mixing_mask = ModuleList(
- [
- MixingMaskAttentionBlock(48, 24, [24, 12, 6], [12, 6, 1]),
- MixingMaskAttentionBlock(64, 32, [32, 16, 8], [16, 8, 1]),
- MixingBlock(112, 56),
- ]
- )
- # Initialize Upsampling blocks:
- self._up = ModuleList(
- [
- UpMask(64, 56, 64),
- UpMask(128, 64, 64),
- UpMask(256, 64, 32),
- ]
- )
- # Final classification layer:
- self._classify = PixelwiseLinear([32, 16, 8], [16, 8, 1], Sigmoid())
- def forward(self, ref: Tensor, test: Tensor) -> Tensor:
- features = self._encode(ref, test)
- latents = self._decode(features)
- return self._classify(latents)
- def _encode(self, ref, test) -> List[Tensor]:
- features = [self._first_mix(ref, test)]
- for num, layer in enumerate(self._backbone):
- ref, test = layer(ref), layer(test)
- if num != 0:
- features.append(self._mixing_mask[num - 1](ref, test))
- return features
- def _decode(self, features) -> Tensor:
- upping = features[-1]
- for i, j in enumerate(range(-2, -5, -1)):
- upping = self._up[i](upping, features[j])
- return upping
- def _get_backbone(
- bkbn_name, pretrained, output_layer_bkbn, freeze_backbone
- ) -> ModuleList:
- # The whole model:
- entire_model = getattr(torchvision.models, bkbn_name)(
- pretrained=pretrained
- ).features
- # Slicing it:
- derived_model = ModuleList([])
- for name, layer in entire_model.named_children():
- derived_model.append(layer)
- if name == output_layer_bkbn:
- break
- # Freezing the backbone weights:
- if freeze_backbone:
- for param in derived_model.parameters():
- param.requires_grad = False
- return derived_model
- # layers.py
- from typing import List, Optional
- from torch import Tensor, reshape, stack
- from torch.nn import (
- Conv2d,
- InstanceNorm2d,
- Module,
- PReLU,
- Sequential,
- Upsample,
- )
- class PixelwiseLinear(Module):
- def __init__(
- self,
- fin: List[int],
- fout: List[int],
- last_activation: Module = None,
- ) -> None:
- assert len(fout) == len(fin)
- super().__init__()
- n = len(fin)
- self._linears = Sequential(
- *[
- Sequential(
- Conv2d(fin[i], fout[i], kernel_size=1, bias=True),
- PReLU()
- if i < n - 1 or last_activation is None
- else last_activation,
- )
- for i in range(n)
- ]
- )
- def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
- # Processing the tensor:
- return self._linears(x)
- class MixingBlock(Module):
- def __init__(
- self,
- ch_in: int,
- ch_out: int,
- ):
- super().__init__()
- self._convmix = Sequential(
- Conv2d(ch_in, ch_out, 3, groups=ch_out, padding=1),
- PReLU(),
- InstanceNorm2d(ch_out),
- )
- def forward(self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor) -> Tensor:
- # Packing the tensors and interleaving the channels:
- mixed = stack((x, y), dim=2)
- mixed = reshape(mixed, (x.shape[0], -1, x.shape[2], x.shape[3]))
- # Mixing:
- return self._convmix(mixed)
- class MixingMaskAttentionBlock(Module):
- """use the grouped convolution to make a sort of attention"""
- def __init__(
- self,
- ch_in: int,
- ch_out: int,
- fin: List[int],
- fout: List[int],
- generate_masked: bool = False,
- ):
- super().__init__()
- self._mixing = MixingBlock(ch_in, ch_out)
- self._linear = PixelwiseLinear(fin, fout)
- self._final_normalization = InstanceNorm2d(ch_out) if generate_masked else None
- self._mixing_out = MixingBlock(ch_in, ch_out) if generate_masked else None
- def forward(self, x: Tensor, y: Tensor) -> Tensor:
- z_mix = self._mixing(x, y)
- z = self._linear(z_mix)
- z_mix_out = 0 if self._mixing_out is None else self._mixing_out(x, y)
- return (
- z
- if self._final_normalization is None
- else self._final_normalization(z_mix_out * z)
- )
- class UpMask(Module):
- def __init__(
- self,
- up_dimension: int,
- nin: int,
- nout: int,
- ):
- super().__init__()
- self._upsample = Upsample(
- size=(up_dimension, up_dimension), mode="bilinear", align_corners=True
- )
- self._convolution = Sequential(
- Conv2d(nin, nin, 3, 1, groups=nin, padding=1),
- PReLU(),
- InstanceNorm2d(nin),
- Conv2d(nin, nout, kernel_size=1, stride=1),
- PReLU(),
- InstanceNorm2d(nout),
- )
- def forward(self, x: Tensor, y: Optional[Tensor] = None) -> Tensor:
- x = self._upsample(x)
- if y is not None:
- x = x * y
- return self._convolution(x)
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