编号 | 会议简称 | 会议名称 | 出版社 | 会议网址 | 推荐等级 |
1 | CCS | ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security | ACM | http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/ccs/ | A |
2 | S&P | IEEE Symposium on Security and Phivacy | IEEE | http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/sp/ | A |
3 | Usenix Security | Usenix Security Symposium | USENIX Association | http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/uss/ | A |
4 | NDSS | ISOC Network and Disthibuted System SecuritySyumposium | ISOC | https://www.ndss-symposium.org/ | B |
编号 | 会议简称 | 会议名称 | 出版社 | 会议网址 | 推荐等级 |
1 | Crypto | International Cryptology Conference | Springer | https://iacr.org/meetings/crypto/ | A |
2 | Eurocrypt | European Cryptology Conference | Springer | https://iacr.org/meetings/eurocrypt/ | A |
3 | Asiacrypt | Annual International Conferenceon the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security | Springer | https://iacr.org/meetings/asiacrypt/ | A |
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