a \cdot b 点乘 a ⋅ b a \cdot b a⋅b
a \times b 叉乘 a × b a \times b a×b
a \div b 除以 a ÷ b a \div b a÷b
\prod _{a}^{b} 基本连乘 ∏ a b \prod _{a}^{b} ∏ab
\prod \limits_{i=1}^{n} 角标在上边和下边的连乘 ∏ i = 1 n \prod \limits_{i=1}^{n} i=1∏n
\sum _{a}^{b} 基本连加 ∑ a b \sum _{a}^{b} ∑ab
\sum \limits_{i=1} ^{n} 角标在上边和下边的连加 ∑ i = 1 n \sum \limits_{i=1} ^{n} i=1∑n
\propto ∝ \propto ∝
大于等于 小于等于 不等于
$ a \geq b$ a ≥ b a \geq b a≥b
$ a \leq b$ a ≤ b a \leq b a≤b
$ a \neq b$ a ≠ b a \neq b a=b
\int_a^b ∫ a b \int_a^b ∫ab
\int_{- \infty}^{+ \infty} ∫ − ∞ + ∞ \int_{- \infty}^{+ \infty} ∫−∞+∞
A \subset B A ⊂ B A \subset B A⊂B
A \not \subset B A ⊄ B A \not \subset B A⊂B
A \subseteq B A ⊆ B A \subseteq B A⊆B
A \subsetneq B A ⊊ B A \subsetneq B A⊊B
A \subseteqq B A ⫅ B A \subseteqq B A⫅B
A \subsetneqq B A ⫋ B A \subsetneqq B A⫋B
A \supset B A ⊃ B A \supset B A⊃B
\sqrt{x} x \sqrt{x} x
\sqrt[3]{x} x 3 \sqrt[3]{x} 3x
\overline {a+b} a + b ‾ \overline {a+b} a+b
\underline {a+b} a + b ‾ \underline {a+b} a+b
\vec {ab} a b ⃗ \vec {ab} ab
\overrightarrow{ab} a b → \overrightarrow{ab} ab
a b a b a b ab
a \ b a b a \ b a b
a \quad b a b a \quad b ab
a \qquad b a b a \qquad b ab
偏导 partial
\partial x ∂ x \partial x ∂x
\frac{ \partial f(x,y) }{\partial x} ∂ f ( x , y ) ∂ x \frac{ \partial f(x,y) }{\partial x} ∂x∂f(x,y)
希腊字母大小写 | LaTeX形式 | 希腊字母大小写 | LaTeX形式 |
α A | \alpha A | μ N | \mu N |
β B | \beta B | ξ Ξ \Xi Ξ | \xi \Xi |
γ Γ \gamma \GammaγΓ \gamma \Gamma o O o OoO o O
δ Δ \delta \DeltaδΔ \delta \Delta π Π \pi \PiπΠ \pi \Pi
ϵ ε E \epsilon \varepsilon EϵεE \epsilon \varepsilon E ρ ϱ P \rho \varrho PρϱP \rho \varrho P
ζ Z \zeta ZζZ \zeta Z σ Σ \sigma \SigmaσΣ \sigma \Sigma
η H \eta HηH \eta H τ T \tau TτT \tau T
θ ϑ Θ \theta \vartheta \ThetaθϑΘ \theta \vartheta \Theta υ Υ \upsilon \UpsilonυΥ \upsilon \Upsilon
ω Ω \omega \OmegaωΩ \omega \Omega ϕ φ Φ \phi \varphi \PhiϕφΦ \phi \varphi \Phi
κ K \kappa KκK \kappa K χ X \chi XχX \chi X
λ Λ \lambda \LambdaλΛ \lambda \Lambda ψ Ψ \psi \PsiψΨ \psi \Psi
μ M \mu MμM \mu M ι \iotaι \iota
\documentclass{article}% 也可book,report,letter以及支持中文排版的ctexart / ctexrep / ctexbook(使用这三个类时,可不用调用ctex宏包)。该命令用于引入一个文档类 % 导言区,主要用于全局设置,及调用宏包 \usepackage{ctex}% 引用ctex宏包 \begin{document} % 字体族设置,罗马字体(衬线字体),无衬线字体,打字机字体(等宽字体) \textrm{Roman Family} \textsf{Sans Serif Family} \texttt{Typewriter Family}% 字体设置命令,设置{}内为指定字体 {\rmfamily Roman Family} {\sffamily Sans Serif Family} {\ttfamily Typewriter Family}% 字体声明,声明其后为指定字体,{}限定字体声明作用范围 {\rmfamily Chinese lawmakers on Friday voted to pass a new law on wetlands protection, establishing the country's first specialized law on the issue.} {\ttfamily Chinese lawmakers on Friday voted to pass a new law on wetlands protection, establishing the country's first specialized law on the issue.} % 字体系列设置,粗细、宽度(带bf的是粗体) \textmd{Medium Series} \textbf{Bold Face Series} {\mdseries Medium Series} {\bfseries Bold Face Series} % 字体形状,直立、斜体、伪斜体、小型大写 \textup{Upright Shape} \textit{Italic Shape} \textsl{Slanted Shape} \textsc{Small Caps Shape} {\upshape Upright Shape} {\itshape Italic Shape} {\slshape Slanted Shape} {\scshape Small Caps Shape} % 中文字体 {\songti 宋体} {\heiti 黑体} {\fangsong 仿宋} {\kaishu 楷书} 中文字体的\textbf{粗体}与\textit{斜体} %字体大小 {\tiny hello}\\ {\scriptsize hello}\\ {\footnotesize hello}\\ {\small hello}\\ {\normalsize hello}\\ {\large hello}\\ {\Large hello}\\ {\LARGE hello}\\ {\huge hello}\\ {\Huge hello}\\ %中文字号命令 \zihao{4}你好!% 0代表初号,-0代表小初号;1代表一号,-1代表小一号; \end{document}
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