---------------------------------------- --时钟模块,产生1s和10ms的时钟 ---------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity clock_source IS PORT(clk:IN STD_LOGIC; clk_1s:out std_LOGIC; clk_10ms: out std_LOGIC; clkcnt: buffer STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(30 DOWNTO 0):= (others =>'0'); Stopwatch_clear: in std_LOGIC ); END clock_source; ARCHITECTURE behav OF clock_source IS SIGNAL a: integer range 0 to 24999999 :=0; --秒 SIGNAL q: STD_LOGIC :='0'; --初始化为0 SIGNAL b: integer range 0 to 249999 :=0; --百分秒 SIGNAL p: STD_LOGIC :='0'; --初始化为0 begin process(clk,clkcnt) begin if(rising_edge(clk))then clkcnt<= clkcnt + 1; end if; end process; ------------------------------产生 1S 的时钟信号--------------- process(clk) begin if(clk'event and clk='1' ) then if a=24999999 then --25000000个clk脉冲(20ns)即0.5秒为低电平,0.5秒为高电平,即产生周期1秒的方波信号。 a<=0; q<= not q; else a<=a+1; end if; end if; clk_1s<=q; end process; ------------------------------------ ------------------------------产生 10MS 的时钟信号--------------- process(clk) begin if(clk'event and clk='1' ) then if(Stopwatch_clear='1') then b<=0; p<='0'; else if b=249999 then --250000个clk脉冲(20ns)即0.005秒为低电平,0.005秒为高电平,即产生周期0.01秒的方波信号。 b<=0; p<= not p; else b<=b+1; end if; end if; end if; clk_10ms<=p; end process; ------------------------------------ end architecture behav;
值得注意的是,由于数码管显示用到了clkcnt,因此clkcnt设置为buffer,另外,秒表的清零需要将100HZ的信号切断,因此在port中有Stopwatch_clear: in std_LOGIC。
--按键消抖模块: library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all; entity keyfilt is port (clk : in std_logic; key1 : in std_logic; key1_filt : out std_logic; key2 : in std_logic; key2_filt : out std_logic; key3: in std_logic; key3_filt: out std_logic; key4 : in std_logic; key4_filt : out std_logic; key5 : in std_logic; key5_filt : out std_logic; key6 : in std_logic; key6_filt : out std_logic; key7: in std_logic; key7_filt: out std_logic; key8 : in std_logic; key8_filt : out std_logic ); end keyfilt; architecture behavioral of keyfilt is signal keycnt1 : integer range 0 to 50000000:=0;--通用cnt,因为正常情况下不可能有两个按键同时按下 signal keycnt2 : integer range 0 to 50000000:=0;--通用cnt,因为正常情况下不可能有两个按键同时按下 signal keycnt3 : integer range 0 to 50000000:=0;--通用cnt,因为正常情况下不可能有两个按键同时按下 signal keycnt4 : integer range 0 to 50000000:=0;--通用cnt,因为正常情况下不可能有两个按键同时按下 signal keycnt5 : integer range 0 to 50000000:=0;--通用cnt,因为正常情况下不可能有两个按键同时按下 signal keycnt6 : integer range 0 to 50000000:=0;--通用cnt,因为正常情况下不可能有两个按键同时按下 signal keycnt7 : integer range 0 to 50000000:=0;--通用cnt,因为正常情况下不可能有两个按键同时按下 signal keycnt8 : integer range 0 to 50000000:=0;--通用cnt,因为正常情况下不可能有两个按键同时按下 constant N :integer := 5000000; --消抖时间,对于50Mhz的基准时钟,这相当于0.1S,一般要在20ms以上 begin process (clk) begin if clk'event and clk = '1' then if key1 = '0' then --当keyX输入低电平,即按键按下 if keycnt1 /= N then --一直计数到N, /= 为不等于 keycnt1<= keycnt1 + 1; end if; if keycnt1 = N-1 then --最后一个计数时输出keyX_filt脉冲 key1_filt<= '1'; else key1_filt<= '0'; end if; else --若keyX输入高电平,表明按键被释放 keycnt1<= 0; end if; if key2 = '0' then if keycnt2 /= N then keycnt2<= keycnt2 + 1; end if; if keycnt2 = N-1 then key2_filt<= '1'; else key2_filt<= '0'; end if; else keycnt2<= 0; end if; if key3 = '0' then if keycnt3 /= N then keycnt3<= keycnt3 + 1; end if; if keycnt3 = N-1 then key3_filt<= '1'; else key3_filt<= '0'; end if; else keycnt3<= 0; end if; if key4 = '0' then if keycnt4 /= N then keycnt4<= keycnt4 + 1; end if; if keycnt4 = N-1 then key4_filt<= '1'; else key4_filt<= '0'; end if; else keycnt4<= 0; end if; if key5 = '0' then if keycnt5 /= N then keycnt5<= keycnt5 + 1; end if; if keycnt5 = N-1 then key5_filt<= '1'; else key5_filt<= '0'; end if; else keycnt5<= 0; end if; if key6 = '0' then if keycnt6 /= N then keycnt6<= keycnt6 + 1; end if; if keycnt6 = N-1 then key6_filt<= '1'; else key6_filt<= '0'; end if; else keycnt6<= 0; end if; if key7 = '0' then if keycnt7 /= N then keycnt7<= keycnt7 + 1; end if; if keycnt7 = N-1 then key7_filt<= '1'; else key7_filt<= '0'; end if; else keycnt7<= 0; end if; if key8 = '0' then if keycnt8 /= N then keycnt8<= keycnt8 + 1; end if; if keycnt8 = N-1 then key8_filt<= '1'; else key8_filt<= '0'; end if; else keycnt8<= 0; end if; end if; --clk'event end process; end behavioral;
---------------------------------------- --按键状态检测模块 ---------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity key_state IS PORT(clk:IN STD_LOGIC; key1_filt:in std_LOGIC; key2_filt:in std_LOGIC; key3_filt:in std_LOGIC; key4_filt:in std_LOGIC; key5_filt:in std_LOGIC; key6_filt:in std_LOGIC; key7_filt:in std_LOGIC; key8_filt:in std_LOGIC; en: buffer std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); skey5: buffer std_LOGIC; alarm_key5: buffer std_LOGIC; count_down_clock_skey5: buffer std_LOGIC; skey6: out std_LOGIC; skey7: out std_LOGIC; skey8: buffer std_LOGIC ); END key_state; ARCHITECTURE behav OF key_state IS begin process(clk) begin if(clk'event and clk='1' )then if(key1_filt='1') then en<="00";--时间显示 end if; if(key2_filt='1') then en<="01";--秒表 end if; if(key3_filt='1') then en<="10";--闹钟 end if; if(key4_filt='1') then en<="11";--定时器 end if; if(key5_filt='1') then if(en="00") then--闹钟清除也用到了key5_filt,为了避免对设置时间的影响,加en=00的限制条件 skey5<=not skey5;--设置时间用到反转 end if; if(en="10") then alarm_key5<=not alarm_key5; end if; if(en="11") then count_down_clock_skey5<=not count_down_clock_skey5; end if; end if; if(key6_filt='1') then skey6<='1'; end if; if(key7_filt='1') then skey7<='1'; end if; if(key8_filt='1') then skey8<=not skey8;--秒表用到反转 end if; end if; end process; end architecture behav;
---------------------------------------- --数码管显示模块 ---------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity seg_display IS PORT(clk:IN STD_LOGIC; clk_1s: in std_LOGIC; clkcnt: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(30 DOWNTO 0); en:in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); bcddata: in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); set_time: in std_LOGIC; bcddata_temp:in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); position: in integer range 0 to 20; Stopwatch_show_savedata:in std_LOGIC:='0'; Stopwatch_save_data:in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); bcddata_Stopwatch:in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); bcddata_alarm:in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); alarm_select:in std_LOGIC:='0'; bcddata_count_down_clock:in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); count_down_clock_select:in std_LOGIC; segdot:OUT STD_LOGIC; SEG_LED:OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0); SEG_NCS:OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) ); END seg_display; ARCHITECTURE behav OF seg_display IS SIGNAL bcd_led:STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0):=(others=>'0'); begin process(clkcnt(17 downto 15)) begin case clkcnt(17 downto 15) is when "000" => if(en="00") then if(set_time='1') then bcd_led<=bcddata_temp(3 downto 0); if(position=0) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "111110"; else SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "111110"; end if; else bcd_led<=bcddata(3 downto 0); SEG_NCS <= "111110"; end if; end if; if(en="01") then if(Stopwatch_show_savedata='1') then bcd_led<=Stopwatch_save_data(3 downto 0); else bcd_led<=bcddata_Stopwatch(3 downto 0); end if; SEG_NCS <= "111110"; end if; if(en="10") then bcd_led<=bcddata_alarm(3 downto 0); if(position=0) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "111110"; else if(alarm_select='0') then SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "111110"; end if; end if; if(en="11") then bcd_led<=bcddata_count_down_clock(3 downto 0); if(position=0) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "111110"; else if(count_down_clock_select='0') then SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "111110"; end if; end if; segdot<='1'; when "001" => if(en="00") then if(set_time='1') then bcd_led<=bcddata_temp(7 downto 4); if(position=4) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "111101"; else SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "111101"; end if; else bcd_led<=bcddata(7 downto 4); SEG_NCS <= "111101"; end if; end if; if(en="01") then if(Stopwatch_show_savedata='1') then bcd_led<=Stopwatch_save_data(7 downto 4); else bcd_led<=bcddata_Stopwatch(7 downto 4); end if; SEG_NCS <= "111101"; end if; if(en="10") then bcd_led<=bcddata_alarm(7 downto 4); if(position=4) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "111101"; else if(alarm_select='0') then SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "111101"; end if; end if; if(en="11") then bcd_led<=bcddata_count_down_clock(7 downto 4); if(position=4) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "111101"; else if(count_down_clock_select='0') then SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "111101"; end if; end if; segdot<='1'; when "010" => if(en="00") then if(set_time='1') then bcd_led<=bcddata_temp(11 downto 8); if(position=8) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "111011"; else SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "111011"; end if; else bcd_led<=bcddata(11 downto 8); SEG_NCS <= "111011"; end if; end if; if(en="01") then if(Stopwatch_show_savedata='1') then bcd_led<=Stopwatch_save_data(11 downto 8); else bcd_led<=bcddata_Stopwatch(11 downto 8); end if; SEG_NCS <= "111011"; end if; if(en="10") then bcd_led<=bcddata_alarm(11 downto 8); if(position=8) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "111011"; else if(alarm_select='0') then SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "111011"; end if; end if; if(en="11") then bcd_led<=bcddata_count_down_clock(11 downto 8); if(position=8) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "111011"; else if(count_down_clock_select='0') then SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "111011"; end if; end if; segdot<='0'; when "011" => if(en="00") then if(set_time='1') then bcd_led<=bcddata_temp(15 downto 12); if(position=12) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "110111"; else SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "110111"; end if; else bcd_led<=bcddata(15 downto 12); SEG_NCS <= "110111"; end if; end if; if(en="01") then if(Stopwatch_show_savedata='1') then bcd_led<=Stopwatch_save_data(15 downto 12); else bcd_led<=bcddata_Stopwatch(15 downto 12); end if; SEG_NCS <= "110111"; end if; if(en="10") then bcd_led<=bcddata_alarm(15 downto 12); if(position=12) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "110111"; else if(alarm_select='0') then SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "110111"; end if; end if; if(en="11") then bcd_led<=bcddata_count_down_clock(15 downto 12); if(position=12) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "110111"; else if(count_down_clock_select='0') then SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "110111"; end if; end if; segdot<='1'; when "100" => if(en="00") then if(set_time='1') then bcd_led<=bcddata_temp(19 downto 16); if(position=16) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "101111"; else SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "101111"; end if; else bcd_led<=bcddata(19 downto 16); SEG_NCS <= "101111"; end if; end if; if(en="01") then if(Stopwatch_show_savedata='1') then bcd_led<=Stopwatch_save_data(19 downto 16); else bcd_led<=bcddata_Stopwatch(19 downto 16); end if; SEG_NCS <= "101111"; end if; if(en="10") then bcd_led<=bcddata_alarm(19 downto 16); if(position=16) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "101111"; else if(alarm_select='0') then SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "101111"; end if; end if; if(en="11") then bcd_led<=bcddata_count_down_clock(19 downto 16); if(position=16) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "101111"; else if(count_down_clock_select='0') then SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "101111"; end if; end if; segdot<='0'; when "101" => if(en="00") then if(set_time='1') then bcd_led<=bcddata_temp(23 downto 20); if(position=20) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "011111"; else SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "011111"; end if; else bcd_led<=bcddata(23 downto 20); SEG_NCS <= "011111"; end if; end if; if(en="01") then if(Stopwatch_show_savedata='1') then bcd_led<=Stopwatch_save_data(23 downto 20); else bcd_led<=bcddata_Stopwatch(23 downto 20); end if; SEG_NCS <= "011111"; end if; if(en="10") then bcd_led<=bcddata_alarm(23 downto 20); if(position=20) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "011111"; else if(alarm_select='0') then SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "011111"; end if; end if; if(en="11") then bcd_led<=bcddata_count_down_clock(23 downto 20); if(position=20) then if(clk_1s='1') then SEG_NCS <= "011111"; else if(count_down_clock_select='0') then SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end if; end if; else SEG_NCS <= "011111"; end if; end if; segdot<='1'; when others => SEG_NCS <= "111111"; end case; end process; process(bcd_led) begin case bcd_led is -- "abcdefg" WHEN "0000"=>SEG_LED<="0000001"; WHEN "0001"=>SEG_LED<="1001111"; WHEN "0010"=>SEG_LED<="0010010"; WHEN "0011"=>SEG_LED<="0000110"; WHEN "0100"=>SEG_LED<="1001100"; WHEN "0101"=>SEG_LED<="0100100"; WHEN "0110"=>SEG_LED<="0100000"; WHEN "0111"=>SEG_LED<="0001111"; WHEN "1000"=>SEG_LED<="0000000"; WHEN "1001"=>SEG_LED<="0000100"; WHEN OTHERS=>SEG_LED<="1111111"; end case; end process; end ARCHITECTURE behav;
设计原理与分析:对于数码管采用分时显示的方法,通过检测clkcnt的17~15位,分别在不同的组合情况下进行单个数码管的显示。在对应的数码管要显示时,判断en的值,根据en的值将不同的bcddata复制给bcd_led,在时间显示时用bcddata,在秒表时用bcddata_Stopwatch,在闹钟时用bcddata_alarm,在计时器时用bcddata_count_down_clock。对与数码管的片选信号SEG_NCS则在需不需要闪烁时判断复制,通过clk_1s的信号达到闪烁的效果 。
--按键消抖模块: library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.all; entity led_contro is port (clk : in std_logic; alarm_clear: in std_logic; led_alarm_not_exit: out std_logic; count_down_clock_select: in std_logic; bcddata_count_down_clock:in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); led_count_down_clock:out std_logic ); end led_contro; architecture behav of led_contro is begin --闹钟的灯 process(clk) begin if(alarm_clear='1') then led_alarm_not_exit<='1'; else led_alarm_not_exit<='0'; end if; end process; --定时器的灯 process(clk) begin if(count_down_clock_select='1') then if(bcddata_count_down_clock=0) then led_count_down_clock<='0'; end if; else led_count_down_clock<='1'; end if; end process; end architecture behav;
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --function : --en=00:时间显示,按5设置时间,6移位,7加,8减,设置完后按5完成设置;在没有设置时间时,按8打开闹钟,指示灯LED8亮,再按一次关闭闹钟,LED8灭 --en=01:秒表,按5开始计时,按6清零,再按6取消清零,按5可以暂停,按7标记此时的时间,按8显示标记的时间,再按8返回秒表计时显示 --en=10:闹钟时间设置,按5设置时间,再按一次完成设置(没有完成设置,及时LED8亮也没有用),6移位,7加,8减,闹钟时间到时LED1亮,按7可以灭灯,只是灭灯,不会关闭闹钟 --en=11:定时器显示,按5设置时间,再按一次完成设置,6移位,7加,8减,计时到0时LED4亮,再次按5设置时间可以灭灯 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.all; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity clock IS PORT(clk:IN STD_LOGIC; SEG_LED:OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0);--数码管的七段 SEG_NCS:OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0);--4个数码管的选通 segdot:OUT STD_LOGIC:='0';--常亮 key1:IN STD_LOGIC; --选择显示时间 key2:IN STD_LOGIC; --选择秒表 key3:IN STD_LOGIC; --选择闹钟 key4:IN STD_LOGIC; --选择计时器 key5:IN STD_LOGIC; key6:IN STD_LOGIC; key7:IN STD_LOGIC; key8:IN STD_LOGIC; led:out std_LOGIC:='1';--闹钟时间到灯亮 led_alarm_not_exit:out std_LOGIC:='1';--闹钟存在灯亮 led_count_down_clock:out std_LOGIC:='1'--倒计时时间到灯亮 ); END clock; ARCHITECTURE behav OF clock IS SIGNAL bcddata:std_logic_vector(23 downto 0):=(others=>'0'); --初始化为0 SIGNAL bcddata_temp:std_logic_vector(23 downto 0):=(others=>'0'); --初始化为0 SIGNAL bcddata_Stopwatch:std_logic_vector(23 downto 0):=(others=>'0'); --初始化为0 --时钟模块的例化变量begin SIGNAL clk_1s: STD_LOGIC :='0'; --初始化为0 SIGNAL clk_10ms: STD_LOGIC :='0'; --初始化为0 SIGNAL clkcnt:STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(30 DOWNTO 0):= (others =>'0');----初始化为0"00000000000000000"; --时钟模块的例化变量end SIGNAL en :STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(1 DOWNTO 0):="00";--选择四种功能 SIGNAL key1_filt: STD_LOGIC ; SIGNAL key2_filt: STD_LOGIC ; SIGNAL key3_filt: STD_LOGIC ; SIGNAL key4_filt: STD_LOGIC ; SIGNAL key5_filt: STD_LOGIC ; SIGNAL skey5: STD_LOGIC :='0'; SIGNAL key6_filt: STD_LOGIC ; SIGNAL skey6: STD_LOGIC :='0'; SIGNAL key7_filt: STD_LOGIC ; SIGNAL skey7: STD_LOGIC :='0'; SIGNAL key8_filt: STD_LOGIC ; SIGNAL skey8: STD_LOGIC :='0'; signal cs_clk_1s:std_LOGIC:='1'; --显示时间的变量 signal set_time:std_LOGIC:='0'; signal set_time_finish:std_LOGIC:='0'; signal move_left:std_LOGIC:='0';--时间显示和闹钟均用到 signal add:std_LOGIC:='0';--时间显示和闹钟均用到 signal sub:std_LOGIC:='0';--时间显示和闹钟均用到 signal position:integer range 0 to 20:=0;--时间显示和闹钟均用到 --秒表的变量 signal Stopwatch_begin:std_LOGIC:='0'; signal Stopwatch_clear:std_LOGIC:='0'; signal Stopwatch_save:std_LOGIC:='0'; signal Stopwatch_read:std_LOGIC:='0'; SIGNAL Stopwatch_save_data:std_logic_vector(23 downto 0):=(others=>'0'); --初始化为0 signal Stopwatch_show_savedata:std_LOGIC:='0'; --闹钟的变量 SIGNAL bcddata_alarm:std_logic_vector(23 downto 0):=(others=>'0'); --初始化为0 signal alarm_turn_off:std_LOGIC:='0';--闹钟响时关闭 signal alarm_clear:std_LOGIC:='1';--清除闹钟,初始化为关闭闹钟 signal led_blink:std_LOGIC:='0'; signal alarm_select:std_LOGIC:='0'; signal alarm_key5:std_LOGIC:='0'; SIGNAL bcddata_alarm_finally:std_logic_vector(23 downto 0):=(others=>'0'); --初始化为0 --计时器变量 signal count_down_clock_skey5:std_LOGIC:='0'; signal count_down_clock_begin:std_LOGIC:='0'; signal count_down_clock_select:std_LOGIC:='0'; SIGNAL bcddata_count_down_clock:std_logic_vector(23 downto 0):=(others=>'0'); --初始化为0 SIGNAL bcddata_count_down_clock_temp:std_logic_vector(23 downto 0):=(others=>'0'); signal led_count_down_clock_turn_off:std_LOGIC:='0'; --声明要使用到的模块 ---时钟模块申明begin--------- component clock_source is PORT(clk:IN STD_LOGIC; clk_1s:out std_LOGIC; clk_10ms: out std_LOGIC; clkcnt: buffer STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(30 DOWNTO 0):= (others =>'0'); Stopwatch_clear: in std_LOGIC ); end component clock_source; ---时钟模块申明end--------- ---按键状态模块申明begin--------- component key_state is PORT(clk:IN STD_LOGIC; key1_filt:in std_LOGIC; key2_filt:in std_LOGIC; key3_filt:in std_LOGIC; key4_filt:in std_LOGIC; key5_filt:in std_LOGIC; key6_filt:in std_LOGIC; key7_filt:in std_LOGIC; key8_filt:in std_LOGIC; en: buffer std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); skey5: buffer std_LOGIC; alarm_key5: buffer std_LOGIC; count_down_clock_skey5: buffer std_LOGIC; skey6: out std_LOGIC; skey7: out std_LOGIC; skey8: buffer std_LOGIC ); end component key_state; --按键状态模块申明end--------- ---数码管显示模块声明begin--- component seg_display is PORT(clk:IN STD_LOGIC; clk_1s: in std_LOGIC; clkcnt: in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(30 DOWNTO 0); en:in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); bcddata: in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); set_time: in std_LOGIC; bcddata_temp:in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); position: in integer range 0 to 20; Stopwatch_show_savedata:in std_LOGIC:='0'; Stopwatch_save_data:in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); bcddata_Stopwatch:in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); bcddata_alarm:in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); alarm_select:in std_LOGIC:='0'; bcddata_count_down_clock:in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); count_down_clock_select:in std_LOGIC; segdot:OUT STD_LOGIC; SEG_LED:OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(6 downto 0); SEG_NCS:OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(5 downto 0) ); end component seg_display; ---数码管显示模块声明end--- ---按键消抖模块声明begin-- component keyfilt is port (clk : in std_logic; key1 : in std_logic; key1_filt : out std_logic; key2 : in std_logic; key2_filt : out std_logic; key3 : in std_logic; key3_filt : out std_logic; key4 : in std_logic; key4_filt : out std_logic; key5 : in std_logic; key5_filt : out std_logic; key6 : in std_logic; key6_filt : out std_logic; key7 : in std_logic; key7_filt : out std_logic; key8 : in std_logic; key8_filt : out std_logic ); end component keyfilt; ---按键消抖模块声明end-- ---led控制模块申明begin-- component led_contro is port (clk : in std_logic; alarm_clear: in std_logic; led_alarm_not_exit: out std_logic; count_down_clock_select: in std_logic; bcddata_count_down_clock:in std_logic_vector(23 downto 0); led_count_down_clock:out std_logic ); end component led_contro; ---led控制模块申明end-- begin --例化按键消抖模块begin--- akeyfilt: keyfilt port map ( clk =>clk, key1=>key1, key1_filt =>key1_filt, key2=>key2, key2_filt =>key2_filt, key3=>key3, key3_filt =>key3_filt, key4=>key4, key4_filt =>key4_filt, key5=>key5, key5_filt =>key5_filt, key6=>key6, key6_filt =>key6_filt, key7=>key7, key7_filt =>key7_filt, key8=>key8, key8_filt =>key8_filt ); --例化按键消抖模块end--- ---时钟模块例化begin--------- aclock_source: clock_source port map ( clk=>clk, clk_1s=>clk_1s, clk_10ms=>clk_10ms, Stopwatch_clear=>Stopwatch_clear, clkcnt=>clkcnt ); ---时钟模块例化end--------- ---按键状态模块例化begin--------- akey_state: key_state port map ( clk=>clk, key1_filt=>key1_filt, key2_filt=>key2_filt, key3_filt=>key3_filt, key4_filt=>key4_filt, key5_filt=>key5_filt, key6_filt=>key6_filt, key7_filt=>key7_filt, key8_filt=>key8_filt, en=>en, skey5=>skey5, alarm_key5=>alarm_key5, count_down_clock_skey5=>count_down_clock_skey5, skey6=>skey6, skey7=>skey7, skey8=>skey8 ); ---按键状态模块例化end--------- ---数码管显示模块例化begin--- aseg_display: seg_display port map ( clk=>clk, clk_1s=>clk_1s, clkcnt=>clkcnt, en=>en, bcddata=>bcddata, set_time=>set_time, bcddata_temp=>bcddata_temp, position=>position, Stopwatch_show_savedata=>Stopwatch_show_savedata, Stopwatch_save_data=>Stopwatch_save_data, bcddata_Stopwatch=>bcddata_Stopwatch, bcddata_alarm=>bcddata_alarm, alarm_select=>alarm_select, bcddata_count_down_clock=>bcddata_count_down_clock, count_down_clock_select=>count_down_clock_select, segdot=>segdot, SEG_LED=>SEG_LED, SEG_NCS=>SEG_NCS ); ---数码管显示模块例化end--- ---例化led控制模块begin-- aled_contro: led_contro port map ( clk =>clk, alarm_clear=>alarm_clear, led_alarm_not_exit=>led_alarm_not_exit, count_down_clock_select=>count_down_clock_select, bcddata_count_down_clock=>bcddata_count_down_clock, led_count_down_clock=>led_count_down_clock ); ---例化led控制模块end-- process(clk) begin if(clk'event and clk='1') then case en is when "00" => if(skey5='1') then set_time<='1'; --set_time_finish<='0'; --if(key5_filt='1') then --set_time_finish<='1';--只有在set_time=1时才为1 --end if; if(key6_filt='1')then move_left<='1'; else move_left<='0'; end if; if(key7_filt='1')then add<='1'; else add<='0'; end if; if(key8_filt='1')then sub<='1'; else sub<='0'; end if; else set_time<='0'; --set_time_finish<='0'; --闹钟的关闭、清除 if(key7_filt='1')then alarm_turn_off<='1'; else alarm_turn_off<='0'; end if; if(key8_filt='1')then alarm_clear<=not alarm_clear; end if; end if; when "01" => if(key5_filt='1') then --开始计数,可暂停,不关闭时钟 Stopwatch_begin<=not Stopwatch_begin; end if; if(key6_filt='1') then --清零键,关闭时钟 Stopwatch_clear<=not Stopwatch_clear; end if; if(key7_filt='1') then --标记键 Stopwatch_save<='1'; else Stopwatch_save<='0'; end if; if(skey8='1') then --读取键,再按一次返回秒表显示 Stopwatch_read<='1'; else Stopwatch_read<='0'; end if; when "10"=> if(alarm_key5='1')then alarm_select<='1';--只是用来让闹钟界面数字不再闪烁,有没有确定实际上还是由alarm_clear决定 else alarm_select<='0'; end if; if(key6_filt='1')then move_left<='1'; else move_left<='0'; end if; if(key7_filt='1')then add<='1'; else add<='0'; end if; if(key8_filt='1')then sub<='1'; else sub<='0'; end if; when "11"=> if(count_down_clock_skey5='1') then--开始计时按钮 count_down_clock_select<='1'; if(key7_filt='1') then --在设定完时间的状态下检测7按键,按下则灭灯 led_count_down_clock_turn_off<='1'; else led_count_down_clock_turn_off<='0'; end if; else count_down_clock_select<='0'; end if; if(key6_filt='1')then move_left<='1'; else move_left<='0'; end if; if(key7_filt='1')then add<='1'; else add<='0'; end if; if(key8_filt='1')then sub<='1'; else sub<='0'; end if; when others=> NULL; end case; end if; end process; process(clk) begin if(clk'event and clk='1') then case en is when "00"=> if(set_time='0') then--没有设置时间时,将bcddata复制到bcddata_temp,是为了按下5时可以从现在时间开始设置 bcddata_temp<=bcddata; position<=0;--清零,下一次设置时间时仍是秒个位闪烁 if(bcddata=bcddata_alarm_finally and alarm_clear='0') then led<='0';--闹钟时间到,led闪烁 end if; if(alarm_turn_off='1') then led<='1'; end if; end if; if(set_time='1') then if(move_left='1')then if(position=20) then position<=0; else position<=position+4; end if; end if; if(add='1')then if(position=0) then if(bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)=9) then bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)<=x"9"; else bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; elsif(position=4) then if(bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)=5) then bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)<=x"5"; else bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; elsif(position=8) then if(bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)=9) then bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)<=x"9"; else bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; elsif(position=12) then if(bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)=5) then bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)<=x"5"; else bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; elsif(position=16) then if(bcddata_temp(23 downto 20)=0 or bcddata_temp(23 downto 20)=1) then if(bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)=9) then bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)<=x"9"; else bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; else if(bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)=3) then bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)<=x"3"; else bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; end if; else if(bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)=2) then bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)<=x"2"; else bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; end if; end if; if(sub='1')then if(bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)=0) then bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)<=x"0"; else bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_temp(position+3 downto position)-1; end if; end if; end if; when "01"=> if(Stopwatch_save='1') then Stopwatch_save_data<=bcddata_Stopwatch; end if; if(Stopwatch_read='1') then Stopwatch_show_savedata<='1'; else Stopwatch_show_savedata<='0'; end if; when "10"=> if(alarm_select='0') then--只有在没有选定之前才可以更改闹钟数字 if(move_left='1')then if(position=20) then position<=0; else position<=position+4; end if; end if; if(add='1')then if(position=0) then if(bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)=9) then bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)<=x"9"; else bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; elsif(position=4) then if(bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)=5) then bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)<=x"5"; else bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; elsif(position=8) then if(bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)=9) then bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)<=x"9"; else bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; elsif(position=12) then if(bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)=5) then bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)<=x"5"; else bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; elsif(position=16) then if(bcddata_alarm(23 downto 20)=0 or bcddata_alarm(23 downto 20)=1) then if(bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)=9) then bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)<=x"9"; else bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; else if(bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)=3) then bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)<=x"3"; else bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; end if; else if(bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)=2) then bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)<=x"2"; else bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; end if; end if; if(sub='1')then if(bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)=0) then bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)<=x"0"; else bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_alarm(position+3 downto position)-1; end if; end if; end if; if(alarm_select='1') then position<=0; bcddata_alarm_finally<=bcddata_alarm; else bcddata_alarm_finally<="111111111111111111111111";--让bcddata_alarm_finally不可能与bcddata相等,看起来好像没有选定就不能设置闹钟 end if; when "11"=> if(count_down_clock_select='0') then--只有在没有选定之前才可以更改计时器数字 if(move_left='1')then if(position=20) then position<=0; else position<=position+4; end if; end if; if(add='1')then if(position=0) then if(bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)=9) then bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)<=x"9"; else bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; elsif(position=4) then if(bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)=5) then bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)<=x"5"; else bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; elsif(position=8) then if(bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)=9) then bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)<=x"9"; else bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; elsif(position=12) then if(bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)=5) then bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)<=x"5"; else bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; elsif(position=16) then if(bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(23 downto 20)=0 or bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(23 downto 20)=1) then if(bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)=9) then bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)<=x"9"; else bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; else if(bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)=3) then bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)<=x"3"; else bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; end if; else if(bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)=2) then bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)<=x"2"; else bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)+1; end if; end if; end if; if(sub='1')then if(bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)=0) then bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)<=x"0"; else bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)<=bcddata_count_down_clock_temp(position+3 downto position)-1; end if; end if; else position<=0; end if; when others=>NULL; end case; end if; end process; process(clk_1s) begin if (clk_1s'event and clk_1s='1') then if(set_time='0') then if bcddata(3 downto 0)=x"9" then --秒的个位(10进制) bcddata(3 downto 0)<=x"0"; else bcddata(3 downto 0)<=bcddata(3 downto 0)+1; end if; if bcddata(7 downto 0)=x"59" then --秒的十位(6进制) bcddata(7 downto 0)<=x"00"; elsif bcddata(3 downto 0)=x"9" then bcddata(7 downto 4)<=bcddata(7 downto 4)+1; end if; if bcddata(11 downto 0)=x"959" then --分的个位(10进制) bcddata(11 downto 0)<=x"000"; elsif bcddata(7 downto 0)=x"59" then bcddata(11 downto 8)<=bcddata(11 downto 8)+1; end if; if bcddata(15 downto 0)=x"5959" then --分的十位(六进制) bcddata(15 downto 0)<=x"0000"; elsif bcddata(11 downto 0) =x"959" then bcddata(15 downto 12)<=bcddata(15 downto 12)+1; end if; if bcddata(19 downto 0)=x"95959" then --小时的十位(10进制) bcddata(19 downto 0)<=x"00000"; elsif bcddata(15 downto 0) =x"5959" then bcddata(19 downto 16)<=bcddata(19 downto 16)+1; end if; if bcddata(23 downto 0)=x"235959" then --小时的十位 bcddata(23 downto 0)<=x"000000"; elsif bcddata(19 downto 0) =x"95959" then bcddata(23 downto 20)<=bcddata(23 downto 20)+1; end if; else bcddata<=bcddata_temp;--至关重要的一句,确保设置时间的时候每时每刻把数据覆盖给bcddata end if; ------------------------------------ if(count_down_clock_select='1') then --倒计时程序 if(bcddata_count_down_clock=0) then --什么都不做 else if bcddata_count_down_clock(3 downto 0)=x"0" then --秒的个位(10进制) bcddata_count_down_clock(3 downto 0)<=x"9"; else bcddata_count_down_clock(3 downto 0)<=bcddata_count_down_clock(3 downto 0)-1; end if; if bcddata_count_down_clock(7 downto 0)=x"00" then --秒的十位(6进制) bcddata_count_down_clock(7 downto 0)<=x"59"; elsif bcddata_count_down_clock(3 downto 0)=x"0" then bcddata_count_down_clock(7 downto 4)<=bcddata_count_down_clock(7 downto 4)-1; end if; if bcddata_count_down_clock(11 downto 0)=x"000" then --分的个位(10进制) bcddata_count_down_clock(11 downto 0)<=x"959"; elsif bcddata_count_down_clock(7 downto 0)=x"00" then bcddata_count_down_clock(11 downto 8)<=bcddata_count_down_clock(11 downto 8)-1; end if; if bcddata_count_down_clock(15 downto 0)=x"0000" then --分的十位(六进制) bcddata_count_down_clock(15 downto 0)<=x"5959"; elsif bcddata_count_down_clock(11 downto 0) =x"000" then bcddata_count_down_clock(15 downto 12)<=bcddata_count_down_clock(15 downto 12)-1; end if; if bcddata_count_down_clock(19 downto 0)=x"00000" then --小时的十位(10进制) bcddata_count_down_clock(19 downto 0)<=x"95959"; elsif bcddata_count_down_clock(15 downto 0) =x"0000" then bcddata_count_down_clock(19 downto 16)<=bcddata_count_down_clock(19 downto 16)-1; end if; if bcddata_count_down_clock(23 downto 0)=x"000000" then --小时的十位 bcddata_count_down_clock(23 downto 0)<=x"235959"; elsif bcddata_count_down_clock(19 downto 0) =x"00000" then bcddata_count_down_clock(23 downto 20)<=bcddata_count_down_clock(23 downto 20)-1; end if; end if; else bcddata_count_down_clock<=bcddata_count_down_clock_temp; end if; end if; end process; process(clk_10ms) begin if Stopwatch_clear = '1' then --异步清零 bcddata_Stopwatch(23 downto 0)<= x"000000"; else if clk_10ms'event and clk_10ms='1' and Stopwatch_begin='1' then if bcddata_Stopwatch(3 downto 0)=x"9" then --百分秒的个位(十进制) bcddata_Stopwatch(3 downto 0)<=x"0"; else bcddata_Stopwatch(3 downto 0)<=bcddata_Stopwatch(3 downto 0)+1; end if; if bcddata_Stopwatch(7 downto 0)=x"99" then --百分秒的十位(十进制) bcddata_Stopwatch(7 downto 0)<=x"00"; elsif bcddata_Stopwatch(3 downto 0)=x"9" then bcddata_Stopwatch(7 downto 4)<=bcddata_Stopwatch(7 downto 4)+1; end if; if bcddata_Stopwatch(11 downto 0)=x"999" then --秒的个位(十进制) bcddata_Stopwatch(11 downto 0)<=x"000"; elsif bcddata_Stopwatch(7 downto 0)=x"99" then bcddata_Stopwatch(11 downto 8)<=bcddata_Stopwatch(11 downto 8)+1; end if; if bcddata_Stopwatch(15 downto 0)=x"5999" then --秒的十位(六进制) bcddata_Stopwatch(15 downto 0)<=x"0000"; elsif bcddata_Stopwatch(11 downto 0) =x"999" then bcddata_Stopwatch(15 downto 12)<=bcddata_Stopwatch(15 downto 12)+1; end if; if bcddata_Stopwatch(19 downto 0)=x"95999" then --小时的十位(10进制) bcddata_Stopwatch(19 downto 0)<=x"00000"; elsif bcddata_Stopwatch(15 downto 0) =x"5999" then bcddata_Stopwatch(19 downto 16)<=bcddata_Stopwatch(19 downto 16)+1; end if; if bcddata_Stopwatch(23 downto 0)=x"595999" then --小时的十位 bcddata_Stopwatch(23 downto 0)<=x"000000"; elsif bcddata_Stopwatch(19 downto 0) =x"95999" then bcddata_Stopwatch(23 downto 20)<=bcddata_Stopwatch(23 downto 20)+1; end if; end if; -- end clk_10ms end if; --end clear end process; end behav;
设计原理与分析:在顶层文件中,首先对各个模块进行声明,为了概念明确一些,各个模块中的变量名与顶层文件中的变量名是一样的。顶层文件的作用是先对按键检测模块产生的信号进行判断(273行开始的进程),在en为不同值的情况下分别对按键检测到的信号进行判断,不直接用按键检测到的信号去控制四个功能下的各种设置作用是因为四个功能所用的键都是BUT5BUT7。因此在顶层文件中添加一个进程实现en为00,01,10,11情况下信号的变化赋值。接下来对不同en情况下对应的bcddata进行赋值以及相应功能的实现(384行开始的进程)。以设置时间为例,在设置时间时,用到了一个position整形变量,这个变量的范围为020,每按一下按键,position+4,对应要设置的bcddata为bcddata(position+3 downto position).当position超过20时,让position赋值为0。最后的两个进程分别以1HZ与100HZ作为触发信号,在1HZ的进程中进行时间bcddata数值的变化以及计时器的倒计时的bcddata_count_down_clock的数值的变化。
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