欢迎来到雲闪世界。最后,我们到达了高斯溅射过程中最有趣的阶段:渲染!这一步可以说是最关键的,因为它决定了我们模型的真实性。然而,它也可能是最简单的。在本系列的第 1 部分和第 2 部分中,博主文章中找,(完整代码可联系博主)我们演示了如何将原始溅射转换为可渲染的格式,但现在我们实际上必须完成工作并渲染到一组固定的像素上。作者使用 CUDA 开发了一个快速渲染引擎,这可能有点难以理解。因此,我认为首先使用 Python 浏览代码是有益的,使用简单的 for 循环来清晰理解。对于那些渴望深入研究的人,所有必要的代码都可以在我们的 G itHub上找到。
让我们讨论一下如何渲染每个单独的像素。从我们之前的文章中,我们掌握了所有必要的组件:2D 点、相关颜色、协方差、排序的深度顺序、2D 中的逆协方差、每个 splat 的最小和最大 x 和 y 值以及相关的不透明度。有了这些组件,我们可以渲染任何像素。给定特定的像素坐标,我们遍历所有 splat,直到达到饱和度阈值,遵循相对于相机平面的 splat 深度顺序(投影到相机平面,然后按深度排序)。对于每个 splat,我们首先检查像素坐标是否在由最小和最大 x 和 y 值定义的范围内。此检查确定我们是否应该继续渲染或忽略这些坐标的 splat。接下来,我们使用 splat 均值、splat 协方差和像素坐标计算像素坐标处的高斯 splat 强度。
def compute_gaussian_weight( pixel_coord: torch.Tensor, # (1, 2) tensor point_mean: torch.Tensor, inverse_covariance: torch.Tensor, ) -> torch.Tensor: difference = point_mean - pixel_coord power = -0.5 * difference @ inverse_covariance @ difference.T return torch.exp(power).item()
我们将该权重乘以 splat 的不透明度,以获得一个名为 alpha 的参数。在将这个新值添加到像素之前,我们需要检查是否已经超出了饱和度阈值。如果像素已经饱和,我们不希望其他 splat 后面的 splat 影响像素着色并使用计算资源。因此,我们使用一个阈值,一旦超过该阈值,我们就停止渲染。实际上,我们将饱和度阈值设置为 1,然后将其乘以 min(0.99, (1 — alpha)) 以获得一个新值。如果该值小于我们的阈值 (0.0001),我们将停止渲染该像素并认为它已完成。如果不是,我们将按饱和度 * (1 — alpha) 值加权的颜色相加,并将饱和度更新为 new_saturation = old_saturation * (1 — alpha)。最后,我们循环遍历每个像素(或实际上每个 16x16 图块)并进行渲染。完整代码如下所示。
def render_pixel( self, pixel_coords: torch.Tensor, points_in_tile_mean: torch.Tensor, colors: torch.Tensor, opacities: torch.Tensor, inverse_covariance: torch.Tensor, min_weight: float = 0.000001, ) -> torch.Tensor: total_weight = torch.ones(1).to(points_in_tile_mean.device) pixel_color = torch.zeros((1, 1, 3)).to(points_in_tile_mean.device) for point_idx in range(points_in_tile_mean.shape[0]): point = points_in_tile_mean[point_idx, :].view(1, 2) weight = compute_gaussian_weight( pixel_coord=pixel_coords, point_mean=point, inverse_covariance=inverse_covariance[point_idx], ) alpha = weight * torch.sigmoid(opacities[point_idx]) test_weight = total_weight * (1 - alpha) if test_weight < min_weight: return pixel_color pixel_color += total_weight * alpha * colors[point_idx] total_weight = test_weight # in case we never reach saturation return pixel_color
def render_tile( self, x_min: int, y_min: int, points_in_tile_mean: torch.Tensor, colors: torch.Tensor, opacities: torch.Tensor, inverse_covariance: torch.Tensor, tile_size: int = 16, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Points in tile should be arranged in order of depth""" tile = torch.zeros((tile_size, tile_size, 3)) # iterate by tiles for more efficient processing for pixel_x in range(x_min, x_min + tile_size): for pixel_y in range(y_min, y_min + tile_size): tile[pixel_x % tile_size, pixel_y % tile_size] = self.render_pixel( pixel_coords=torch.Tensor([pixel_x, pixel_y]) .view(1, 2) .to(points_in_tile_mean.device), points_in_tile_mean=points_in_tile_mean, colors=colors, opacities=opacities, inverse_covariance=inverse_covariance, ) return tile
最后,我们可以使用所有这些图块来渲染整个图像。请注意我们如何检查以确保 splat 确实会影响当前图块(x_in_tile 和 y_in_tile 代码)。
def render_image(self, image_idx: int, tile_size: int = 16) -> torch.Tensor: """For each tile have to check if the point is in the tile""" preprocessed_scene = self.preprocess(image_idx) height = self.images[image_idx].height width = self.images[image_idx].width image = torch.zeros((width, height, 3)) for x_min in tqdm(range(0, width, tile_size)): x_in_tile = (x_min >= preprocessed_scene.min_x) & ( x_min + tile_size <= preprocessed_scene.max_x ) if x_in_tile.sum() == 0: continue for y_min in range(0, height, tile_size): y_in_tile = (y_min >= preprocessed_scene.min_y) & ( y_min + tile_size <= preprocessed_scene.max_y ) points_in_tile = x_in_tile & y_in_tile if points_in_tile.sum() == 0: continue points_in_tile_mean = preprocessed_scene.points[points_in_tile] colors_in_tile = preprocessed_scene.colors[points_in_tile] opacities_in_tile = preprocessed_scene.sigmoid_opacity[points_in_tile] inverse_covariance_in_tile = preprocessed_scene.inverse_covariance_2d[ points_in_tile ] image[x_min : x_min + tile_size, y_min : y_min + tile_size] = ( self.render_tile( x_min=x_min, y_min=y_min, points_in_tile_mean=points_in_tile_mean, colors=colors_in_tile, opacities=opacities_in_tile, inverse_covariance=inverse_covariance_in_tile, tile_size=tile_size, ) ) return image
现在我们终于拥有了所有必要的组件,可以渲染图像了。我们从 treehill 数据集中获取所有 3D 点,并将它们初始化为高斯点阵。为了避免代价高昂的最近邻搜索,我们将所有比例变量初始化为 .01(请注意,在方差如此之小的情况下,我们需要在一个点上高度集中的点阵才能可见。方差越大,处理速度越慢。)然后,我们要做的就是使用我们试图模拟的图像编号调用 render_image,正如您所见,我们得到了一组与我们的图像相似的稀疏点云!(查看底部的奖励部分,了解使用 pyTorch 的漂亮工具编译 CUDA 代码的等效 CUDA 内核!)
虽然向后传递不是本教程的一部分,但需要注意的是,虽然我们只从这几个点开始,但很快就会有大多数场景的数十万个 splats。这是由于将大 splats(由轴上的较大方差定义)分解为较小的 splats 并移除不透明度极低的 splats 造成的。例如,如果我们真正将比例初始化为三个最近邻居的平均值,我们将覆盖大部分空间。为了获得精细的细节,我们需要将它们分解为能够捕捉精细细节的更小的 splats。他们还需要用很少的高斯分布填充区域。他们将这两种情况称为过度重建和重建不足,并通过各种 splats 的大梯度值来定义这两种情况。然后,他们根据大小拆分或克隆 splats(见下图)并继续优化过程。
虽然本教程未介绍反向传递,但需要注意的是,我们一开始只有几个点,但很快在大多数场景中就会有数十万个 splats。这种增加是由于将大 splats(轴上方差较大)分割成小 splats 并移除不透明度非常低的 splats。例如,如果我们最初将比例设置为三个最近邻居的平均值,则大部分空间将被覆盖。为了实现精细细节,我们需要将这些大 splats 分割成小得多的 splats。此外,需要填充高斯分布很少的区域。这些场景称为过度重建和重建不足,其特点是各种 splats 的梯度值较大。根据其大小,splats 被分割或克隆(见下图),然后优化过程继续。
这就是高斯 Splatting 的简单介绍!现在您应该对高斯场景渲染的前向传递过程有了一个直观的认识。虽然有点令人生畏,而且不完全是神经网络,但只需要一点线性代数,我们就可以在 2D 中渲染 3D 几何体!
如果您对某些令人困惑的话题或者我所犯的错误有任何疑问,请随时发表评论,您也可以随时在 LinkedIn 或 Twitter 上与我联系!
使用 PyTorch 的 CUDA 编译器编写自定义 CUDA 内核!
def load_cuda(cuda_src, cpp_src, funcs, opt=True, verbose=False): return load_inline( name="inline_ext", cpp_sources=[cpp_src], cuda_sources=[cuda_src], functions=funcs, extra_cuda_cflags=["-O1"] if opt else [], verbose=verbose, ) class GaussianScene(nn.Module): # OTHER CODE NOT SHOWN def compile_cuda_ext( self, ) -> torch.jit.ScriptModule: cpp_src = """ torch::Tensor render_image( int image_height, int image_width, int tile_size, torch::Tensor point_means, torch::Tensor point_colors, torch::Tensor inverse_covariance_2d, torch::Tensor min_x, torch::Tensor max_x, torch::Tensor min_y, torch::Tensor max_y, torch::Tensor opacity); """ cuda_src = Path("splat/c/render.cu").read_text() return load_cuda(cuda_src, cpp_src, ["render_image"], opt=True, verbose=True) def render_image_cuda(self, image_idx: int, tile_size: int = 16) -> torch.Tensor: preprocessed_scene = self.preprocess(image_idx) height = self.images[image_idx].height width = self.images[image_idx].width ext = self.compile_cuda_ext() now = time.time() image = ext.render_image( height, width, tile_size, preprocessed_scene.points.contiguous(), preprocessed_scene.colors.contiguous(), preprocessed_scene.inverse_covariance_2d.contiguous(), preprocessed_scene.min_x.contiguous(), preprocessed_scene.max_x.contiguous(), preprocessed_scene.min_y.contiguous(), preprocessed_scene.max_y.contiguous(), preprocessed_scene.sigmoid_opacity.contiguous(), ) torch.cuda.synchronize() print("Operation took seconds: ", time.time() - now) return image
#include <cstdio> #include <cmath> // Include this header for expf function #include <torch/extension.h> __device__ float compute_pixel_strength( int pixel_x, int pixel_y, int point_x, int point_y, float inverse_covariance_a, float inverse_covariance_b, float inverse_covariance_c) { // Compute the distance between the pixel and the point float dx = pixel_x - point_x; float dy = pixel_y - point_y; float power = dx * inverse_covariance_a * dx + 2 * dx * dy * inverse_covariance_b + dy * dy * inverse_covariance_c; return expf(-0.5f * power); } __global__ void render_tile( int image_height, int image_width, int tile_size, int num_points, float *point_means, float *point_colors, float *image, float *inverse_covariance_2d, float *min_x, float *max_x, float *min_y, float *max_y, float *opacity) { // Calculate the pixel's position in the image int pixel_x = blockIdx.x * tile_size + threadIdx.x; int pixel_y = blockIdx.y * tile_size + threadIdx.y; // Ensure the pixel is within the image bounds if (pixel_x >= image_width || pixel_y >= image_height) { return; } float total_weight = 1.0f; float3 color = {0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}; for (int i = 0; i < num_points; i++) { float point_x = point_means[i * 2]; float point_y = point_means[i * 2 + 1]; // checks to make sure we are within the bounding box bool x_check = pixel_x >= min_x[i] && pixel_x <= max_x[i]; bool y_check = pixel_y >= min_y[i] && pixel_y <= max_y[i]; if (!x_check || !y_check) { continue; } float strength = compute_pixel_strength( pixel_x, pixel_y, point_x, point_y, inverse_covariance_2d[i * 4], inverse_covariance_2d[i * 4 + 1], inverse_covariance_2d[i * 4 + 3]); float initial_alpha = opacity[i] * strength; float alpha = min(.99f, initial_alpha); float test_weight = total_weight * (1 - alpha); if (test_weight < 0.001f) { break; } color.x += total_weight * alpha * point_colors[i * 3]; color.y += total_weight * alpha * point_colors[i * 3 + 1]; color.z += total_weight * alpha * point_colors[i * 3 + 2]; total_weight = test_weight; } image[(pixel_y * image_width + pixel_x) * 3] = color.x; image[(pixel_y * image_width + pixel_x) * 3 + 1] = color.y; image[(pixel_y * image_width + pixel_x) * 3 + 2] = color.z; } torch::Tensor render_image( int image_height, int image_width, int tile_size, torch::Tensor point_means, torch::Tensor point_colors, torch::Tensor inverse_covariance_2d, torch::Tensor min_x, torch::Tensor max_x, torch::Tensor min_y, torch::Tensor max_y, torch::Tensor opacity) { // Ensure the input tensors are on the same device torch::TensorArg point_means_t{point_means, "point_means", 1}, point_colors_t{point_colors, "point_colors", 2}, inverse_covariance_2d_t{inverse_covariance_2d, "inverse_covariance_2d", 3}, min_x_t{min_x, "min_x", 4}, max_x_t{max_x, "max_x", 5}, min_y_t{min_y, "min_y", 6}, max_y_t{max_y, "max_y", 7}, opacity_t{opacity, "opacity", 8}; torch::checkAllSameGPU("render_image", {point_means_t, point_colors_t, inverse_covariance_2d_t, min_x_t, max_x_t, min_y_t, max_y_t, opacity_t}); // Create an output tensor for the image torch::Tensor image = torch::zeros({image_height, image_width, 3}, point_means.options()); // Calculate the number of tiles in the image int num_tiles_x = (image_width + tile_size - 1) / tile_size; int num_tiles_y = (image_height + tile_size - 1) / tile_size; // Launch a CUDA kernel to render the image dim3 block(tile_size, tile_size); dim3 grid(num_tiles_x, num_tiles_y); render_tile<<<grid, block>>>( image_height, image_width, tile_size, point_means.size(0), point_means.data_ptr<float>(), point_colors.data_ptr<float>(), image.data_ptr<float>(), inverse_covariance_2d.data_ptr<float>(), min_x.data_ptr<float>(), max_x.data_ptr<float>(), min_y.data_ptr<float>(), max_y.data_ptr<float>(), opacity.data_ptr<float>()); return image; }
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