类名& operator=(const 类名& 源对象)
class A
A& operator=(const A& another)
return *this;
/** * Created by gopher on 24-7-28 下午6:45 */ #ifndef CDEMO_MYSTRING_H #define CDEMO_MYSTRING_H #include <cstring> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class mystring { private: char * _str; public: mystring(); mystring(char * str); ~mystring(); mystring(const mystring & another); mystring & operator = (const mystring & another); mystring operator + (const mystring & another); mystring & operator += (const mystring & another); bool operator > (const mystring & another); bool operator >= (const mystring & another); bool operator < (const mystring & another); bool operator <= (const mystring & another); bool operator == (const mystring & another); char at(int n); char& operator[](int idx); void dis(); }; #endif //CDEMO_MYSTRING_H
/** * Created by gopher on 24-7-28 下午6:45 */ #include "mystring.h" mystring::mystring(){ _str = new char[1]; _str[0] = '\0'; } mystring::mystring(char * str){ int len = strlen(str); _str = new char[len+1]; strcpy(_str, str); } mystring::~mystring(){ delete[] _str; } mystring::mystring(const mystring & another){ _str = new char[strlen(another._str)+1]; strcpy(_str, another._str); } mystring & mystring::operator = (const mystring & another){ if (this == &another){ return *this; } delete[] this->_str; int len =strlen(another._str); _str = new char [len+1]; strcpy(_str, another._str); return *this; } mystring mystring::operator + (const mystring & another){ int len = strlen(this->_str)+strlen(another._str); mystring ms; delete[] ms._str; ms._str= new char[len+1]; strcpy(ms._str, this->_str); strcat(ms._str, another._str); return ms; } mystring& mystring::operator += (const mystring & another){ int catlen=strlen(this->_str); int srclen=strlen(another._str); int len=catlen+srclen; this->_str= static_cast<char *>( realloc(this->_str, len+1) ); memset(this->_str+catlen,0,srclen+1); strcat(this->_str, another._str); return *this; } bool mystring::operator > (const mystring & another){ return strcmp(this->_str, another._str)>0; } bool mystring::operator >= (const mystring &another){ return strcmp(this->_str, another._str)>=0; } bool mystring::operator < (const mystring &another){ return strcmp(this->_str, another._str)<0; } bool mystring::operator <= (const mystring &another){ return strcmp(this->_str, another._str)<=0; } bool mystring::operator == (const mystring &another){ return strcmp(this->_str, another._str)==0; } char mystring::at(int n){ if (n<0 || n>=strlen(_str)){ throw "out of range"; }else{ return _str[n]; } } char& mystring::operator [] (int idx){ if (idx<0 || idx>=strlen(_str)){ throw "out of range"; }else{ return _str[idx]; } } void mystring::dis(){ cout << _str << endl; }
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