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检查 flutter sdk是否安装成功 新建控制台输入 flutter
flutter doctor
cmdline-tools component is missing
cmdline工具组件丢失Android license status unknown
Android许可证状态未知// Copyright 2014 The Flutter Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import 'package:process/process.dart';
import '../base/io.dart';
import '../doctor_validator.dart';
// FIX #1 - Remove everything from line 10 to 20 in original source code.
/// Validator for supported Windows host machine operating system version.
class WindowsVersionValidator extends DoctorValidator {
const WindowsVersionValidator({required ProcessManager processManager})
: _processManager = processManager,
super('Windows Version');
final ProcessManager _processManager;
Future<ValidationResult> validate() async {
// FIX #2 - Replace 'systeminfo' by 'ver' command
final ProcessResult result =
await _processManager.run(<String>['ver'], runInShell: true);
if (result.exitCode != 0) {
return const ValidationResult(
statusInfo: 'Exit status from running `systeminfo` was unsuccessful',
final String resultStdout = result.stdout as String;
// FIX #3 - Remove brackets from output
final String resultAdjusted = resultStdout.replaceAll('[','').replaceAll(']','');
// FIX #4 - Split the output at spaces, and get Windows version at position 3.
// Split again at dots and get the major version at position 0.
// Cast the output to int.
final int winver = int.parse(resultAdjusted.split(' ').elementAt(3).split('.').elementAt(0));
// Use the string split method to extract the major version
// and check against the [kUnsupportedVersions] list
final ValidationType windowsVersionStatus;
final String statusInfo;
// FIX #5 - Check if Windows major version is greater than 10.
// Succeeds if true.
if (winver >= 10) {
windowsVersionStatus = ValidationType.installed;
statusInfo = 'Installed version of Windows is version 10 or higher';
} else {
windowsVersionStatus = ValidationType.missing;
statusInfo =
'Unable to confirm if installed Windows version is 10 or greater';
return ValidationResult(
const <ValidationMessage>[],
statusInfo: statusInfo,
flutter doctor --android-licenses
Visual Studio not installed; this is necessary for Windows development.
Visual Studio未安装;这对于Windows开发是必要的flutter create projectname
flutter build apk
||flutter build apk --debug
Timed out after 300seconds waiting foremulator to come online.
The emulator process for AVD Pixel 3a XL API 26 has terminated.
flutter devices
查看在线设备flutter run -d emulator-5554
运行到 emulator-5554 模拟器flutter run -dall
运行到 当前展示的所有端PUB_HOSTED_URL
- https://storage.flutter-io.cn
在android编辑器中端中使用 abd命令出现问题
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