my2sql是使用go语言开发的MySQL binlog解析工具,通过解析MySQL binlog ,可以生成原始SQL、回滚SQL、去除主键的INSERT SQL等,也可以生成DML统计信息。类似工具有binlog2sql、MyFlash、my2fback等,本工具基于my2fback、binlog_rollback工具二次开发而来。
my2sql | binlog2sql | |
1.1G binlog生成回滚SQL | 1分40秒 | 65分钟 |
1.1G binlog生成原始SQL | 1分30秒 | 50分钟 |
1.1G binlog生成表DML统计信息、以及事务统计信息 | 40秒 | 不支持 |
# yum方式安装 yum install -y golang go version go env | grep GOPATH # tar包方式安装 wget https://dl.google.com/go/go1.10.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz mv go1.10.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz /usr/local/ cd /usr/local/ tar -zxvf go1.10.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz vim /etc/profile # 在最后一排添加 export GOROOT=/usr/local/go export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin # 重新编译profile source /etc/profile # 查看版本信息 go version
# 从git上下载zip包并解压
unzip my2sql-master.zip
mv my2sql-master my2sql
cd my2sql/releases/centOS_release_7.x/
mv my2sql /usr/local/bin/my2sql
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/my2sql
MySQL8.0的默认加密方式不是mysql_native_password,所以要在配置文件中加入default_authentication_plugin =mysql_native_password
create database test; use test; create table t1(id int); insert into t1 values (1); insert into t1 values (2); insert into t1 values (3); insert into t1 values (4); insert into t1 values (5); -- 记录一下时间 mysql> select now(); +---------------------+ | now() | +---------------------+ | 2021-04-19 14:48:42 | +---------------------+ 1 row in set (0.02 sec) -- 等几分钟 insert into t1 values (6); insert into t1 values (7); insert into t1 values (8); insert into t1 values (9); insert into t1 values (10); mysql> select now(); +---------------------+ | now() | +---------------------+ | 2021-04-19 14:54:52 | +---------------------+ 1 row in set (0.02 sec)
此时我们使用闪回工具回到2021-04-19 14:52:57这个第一次插完数据的时间
my2sql -user root -password Mysql_123 -host -port 3306 -work-type rollback -start-file binlog.000001 -start-datetime "2021-04-19 14:48:42" -output-dir /root/tmpdir [2021/04/19 20:56:04] [info] stats_process.go:166 start thread to analyze statistics from binlog [2021/04/19 20:56:05] [info] events.go:208 start thread to write redo/rollback sql into file [2021/04/19 20:56:04] [info] events.go:58 start thread 1 to generate redo/rollback sql [2021/04/19 20:56:05] [info] binlogsyncer.go:144 create BinlogSyncer with config {1113306 mysql 3306 root utf8 false false <nil> false Local false 0 0s 0s 0 false false 0} [2021/04/19 20:56:05] [info] binlogsyncer.go:360 begin to sync binlog from position (binlog.000001, 4) [2021/04/19 20:56:06] [info] repl.go:15 start to get binlog from mysql [2021/04/19 20:56:06] [info] binlogsyncer.go:777 rotate to (binlog.000001, 4) [2021/04/19 20:56:06] [info] binlogsyncer.go:777 rotate to (binlog.000002, 4) [2021/04/19 20:56:06] [info] binlogsyncer.go:777 rotate to (binlog.000003, 4) [2021/04/19 20:56:07] [info] events.go:239 finish processing binlog.000003 684 [2021/04/19 20:56:12] [info] repl.go:83 deadline exceeded. [2021/04/19 20:56:12] [info] repl.go:17 finish getting binlog from mysql [2021/04/19 20:56:12] [info] stats_process.go:266 exit thread to analyze statistics from binlog [2021/04/19 20:56:12] [info] events.go:183 exit thread 1 to generate redo/rollback sql [2021/04/19 20:56:12] [info] events.go:257 finish writing rollback sql into tmp files, start to revert content order of tmp files [2021/04/19 20:56:12] [info] rollback_process.go:15 start thread 2 to revert rollback sql files [2021/04/19 20:56:12] [info] rollback_process.go:41 start to revert tmp file /root/tmpdir/.rollback.1.sql into /root/tmpdir/rollback.1.sql [2021/04/19 20:56:12] [info] rollback_process.go:156 finish reverting tmp file /root/tmpdir/.rollback.1.sql into /root/tmpdir/rollback.1.sql [2021/04/19 20:56:12] [info] rollback_process.go:15 start thread 1 to revert rollback sql files [2021/04/19 20:56:12] [info] events.go:270 finish reverting content order of tmp files [2021/04/19 20:56:12] [info] events.go:275 exit thread to write redo/rollback sql into file
cd /root/tmpdir
vim rollback.1.sql
# 内容如下
DELETE FROM `test`.`t1` WHERE `id`=10;
DELETE FROM `test`.`t1` WHERE `id`=9;
DELETE FROM `test`.`t1` WHERE `id`=8;
DELETE FROM `test`.`t1` WHERE `id`=7;
DELETE FROM `test`.`t1` WHERE `id`=6;
此时已经成功生成了回滚sql,然后执行sql就可以回到2021-04-19 14:48:42这个时间点的状态了。
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