- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- import numpy as np
- from pylab import mpl
- import math
- import random
- from sympy import *
- # 通用的基函数
- def LagrangeInterpolationDotN_Li(x, x_data, y_data, k):
- size = len(x_data)
- i = 0
- Ly = y_data[k] # 初值为Yk
- while( i < size):
- if(i != k):
- Ly = Ly * (x-x_data[i])/(x_data[k]-x_data[i])
- i += 1
- return (Ly)
- # 通用的插值函数
- def LagrangeInterpolationDotN_F(x, x_data, y_data):
- size = len(x_data)
- k = 0
- sum = 0 # 初值为0
- while(k < size):
- sum = sum + LagrangeInterpolationDotN_Li(x, x_data, y_data, k)
- k += 1
- return (sum)
- # 第一题需要用到的fx= 1 / (1 + x^2) 这个公式
- def f(x):
- return 1 / (1 + x ** 2)
- #第二题需要用的被积函数e^(2x)
- def f2(x):
- return math.exp(2*x)
- '''
- 1.1 第一题第一问:
- '''
- if __name__=="__main__":
- print('令插值节点为等距节点:-5、-4、-3、-2、-1、0、1、2、3、4、5,在这些节点处对 f (x)进行拉格朗日插值;')
- x_samples_dot11 = [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]#创建x列表存储数据x值
- y_samples_dot11 = [1/(1+i**2) for i in x_samples_dot11] #创建y列表存储数据的y值 这里使用了列表推导式!
- print("X:", x_samples_dot11)
- print("Y:", y_samples_dot11)
- x_data_predict_dot11 = np.arange(-5,5.1,0.1) # 预测点的位置
- y_data_predict_dot11_F = LagrangeInterpolationDotN_F (x_data_predict_dot11, x_samples_dot11, y_samples_dot11)
- y_data_real = [1/(1+i**2) for i in x_data_predict_dot11]
- error = np.abs(y_data_real - y_data_predict_dot11_F)
- max_error = np.max(error)
- print('误差值是:', max_error)
- plt.scatter(x_samples_dot11, y_samples_dot11, label="sample", color="black")
- plt.plot (x_data_predict_dot11, y_data_predict_dot11_F, label="f(x)", color="pink")
- mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
- mpl.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
- plt.title("第一题第一问-拉格朗日插值拟合过程")
- plt.legend(loc="upper left")
- plt.show()
- '''
- 1.2 第一题第二问:
- '''
- if __name__=="__main__":
- print('令插值节点为区间[-5,5]上的 11 次切比雪夫多项式的零点,在这些节点处对 f (x)进行拉格朗日插值;')
- number = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11]
- x_samples_Chebyshev = [0 + 5*math.cos((2*i - 1)*math.pi/(2*11)) for i in number]#创建x列表存储数据x值
- y_samples_Chebyshev = [1/(1+i**2) for i in x_samples_Chebyshev] #创建y列表存储数据的y值 这里使用了列表推导式!
- print("X:", x_samples_Chebyshev)
- print("Y:", y_samples_Chebyshev)
- x_data_predict_Chebyshev = np.arange(-5,5.1,0.1) # 预测点的位置
- y_data_predict_Chebyshev_F = LagrangeInterpolationDotN_F (x_data_predict_Chebyshev, x_samples_Chebyshev, y_samples_Chebyshev)
- y_data_predict_Chebyshev_real = [1/(1+i**2) for i in x_data_predict_Chebyshev]
- print('误差值是:', np.max(np.abs(y_data_predict_Chebyshev_real - y_data_predict_Chebyshev_F)))
- plt.scatter(x_samples_Chebyshev, y_samples_Chebyshev, label="sample", color="black")
- plt.plot (x_data_predict_Chebyshev, y_data_predict_Chebyshev_F, label="f(x)", color="orange")
- mpl.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
- mpl.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
- plt.title("第一题第二问-拉格朗日插值拟合过程")
- plt.legend(loc="upper left")
- plt.show()
- '''
- 1.3 第一题第三问:
- '''
- if __name__=="__main__":
- print('令插值节点为等距节点:-5、-4、-3、-2、-1、0、1、2、3、4、5,在这些节点处对 f (x)进行分段线性插值;')
- x_samples_1_3 = [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]#创建x列表存储数据x值
- y_samples_1_3 = [1/(1+i**2) for i in x_samples_1_3]#创建y列表存储数据的y值
- print("X:", x_samples_1_3)
- print("Y:", y_samples_1_3)
- x_data_predict_1_3 = np.arange(-5,5.1,0.1) # 预测点的位置
- y_data_predict_1_3 = np.interp(x_data_predict_1_3 , x_samples_1_3, y_samples_1_3)
- y_data_predict_1_3_real = [1/(1+i**2) for i in x_data_predict_1_3]
- print('误差值是:', np.max(np.abs( y_data_predict_1_3_real - y_data_predict_1_3)))
- plt.scatter(x_samples_1_3, y_samples_1_3, label="sample", color="black")#画点
- plt.plot (x_samples_1_3, y_samples_1_3, label="sample", color="pink")#画线
- plt.title("第一题第三问-分段线性插值")
- plt.legend(loc="upper left")
- plt.show()
- '''
- 1.4 第一题第四问:
- '''
- print('令插值节点为等距节点:-5、-4、-3、-2、-1、0、1、2、3、4、5,在这些节点处对 f (x)进行三次样条插值:/n插值函数为 S(x) ,其中边界条件为第一类边界条件')
- def cal(begin, end, i):
- by = f(begin)
- ey = f(end)
- I = Ms[i] * ((end - n) ** 3) / 6 + Ms[i + 1] * ((n - begin) ** 3) / 6 + (by - Ms[i] / 6) * (end - n) + (
- ey - Ms[i + 1] / 6) * (n - begin)
- return I
- def ff(x): # f[x0, x1, ..., xk]
- ans = 0
- for i in range(len(x)):
- temp = 1
- for j in range(len(x)):
- if i != j:
- temp *= (x[i] - x[j])
- ans += f(x[i]) / temp
- return ans
- def calM():
- lam = [1] + [1 / 2] * 9
- miu = [1 / 2] * 9 + [1]
- # Y = 1 / (1 + n ** 2)
- # df = diff(Y, n)
- x = np.array(range(11)) - 5
- # ds = [6 * (ff(x[0:2]) - df.subs(n, x[0]))]
- ds = [6 * (ff(x[0:2]) - 1)]
- for i in range(9):
- ds.append(6 * ff(x[i: i + 3]))
- # ds.append(6 * (df.subs(n, x[10]) - ff(x[-2:])))
- ds.append(6 * (1 - ff(x[-2:])))
- Mat = np.eye(11, 11) * 2
- for i in range(11):
- if i == 0:
- Mat[i][1] = lam[i]
- elif i == 10:
- Mat[i][9] = miu[i - 1]
- else:
- Mat[i][i - 1] = miu[i - 1]
- Mat[i][i + 1] = lam[i]
- ds = np.mat(ds)
- Mat = np.mat(Mat)
- Ms = ds * Mat.I
- return Ms.tolist()[0]
- def calnf(x):
- nf = []
- for i in range(len(x) - 1):
- nf.append(cal(x[i], x[i + 1], i))
- return nf
- def calf(f, x):
- y = []
- for i in x:
- y.append(f.subs(n, i))
- return y
- def nfSub(x, nf):
- tempx = np.array(range(11)) - 5
- dx = []
- for i in range(10):
- labelx = []
- for j in range(len(x)):
- if x[j] >= tempx[i] and x[j] < tempx[i + 1]:
- labelx.append(x[j])
- elif i == 9 and x[j] >= tempx[i] and x[j] <= tempx[i + 1]:
- labelx.append(x[j])
- dx = dx + calf(nf[i], labelx)
- return np.array(dx)
- def draw(nf):
- plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
- plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus'] = False
- x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 101)
- y = f(x)
- Ly = nfSub(x, nf)
- plt.plot(x, y, label='原函数')
- plt.plot(x, Ly, label='三次样条插值函数')
- plt.xlabel('x')
- plt.ylabel('y')
- plt.legend()
- plt.savefig('1.png')
- plt.show()
- def lossCal(nf): # 计算误差
- x = np.linspace(-5, 5, 101)
- y = f(x)
- Ly = nfSub(x, nf)
- Ly = np.array(Ly)
- temp = np.max(np.abs(Ly - y)) # 要求的误差
- print('误差值是:',temp)
- return temp
- if __name__=="__main__":
- x = np.array(range(11)) - 5 # 根据题意-5~5
- y = f(x)
- n, m = symbols('n m')
- init_printing(use_unicode=True)
- Ms = calM()
- nf = calnf(x)
- draw(nf)
- lossCal(nf)
- '''
- 1.5 第一题第五问:
- '''
- print('考虑等距节点:-5、-4、-3、-2、-1、0、1、2、3、4、5,求 f (x)在这些节点上的六次最小二乘拟合多项式,权重均为 1,')
- class LeastSqauresCF():
- def __init__(self):
- self.order = 1
- self.Xvalues = None
- self.Yvalues = None
- self.fig = plt.figure()
- self.subfig = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
- #========================================
- # Draw the input points/curve in a figure
- #========================================
- def ReadAnddrawInputPoints(self,Inputx=None,InputY=None, order=1):
- try:
- if Inputx is None or InputY is None:
- return False
- if(len(Inputx)!=len(InputY)):
- return False
- if order <=0:
- return False
- if type(order) !=int:
- self.order = int(order)
- else:
- self.order = order
- self.Xvalues = Inputx
- self.Yvalues = InputY
- self.subfig.plot(Inputx,InputY,color='m',linestyle='',marker='*')
- return True
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- return False
- #========================================
- # Calculate curve fitting factor matrix
- #========================================
- def produceFittingCurveFactors(self):
- try:
- #(1) Generate matrix [X]
- matX=[]
- for i in range(0,len(self.Xvalues)):
- matx1=[]
- for j in range(0,self.order+1):
- dx=1.0
- for l in range(0,j):
- dx = dx * self.Xvalues[i]
- matx1.append(dx)
- matX.append(matx1)
- #(2) Generate matrix [X]T.[X]
- matX_Trans = np.matrix(matX).T
- matX_FinalX = np.dot(np.matrix(matX_Trans),np.matrix(matX))
- #(3) Generate matrix Y' =[X]T.[Y]
- matFinalY = np.dot(matX_Trans,np.matrix(self.Yvalues).T)
- #(4) Solve the function:[A] = [[X]T.[X]]**(-1).[X]T.[Y]
- matAResult=np.linalg.solve(np.array(matX_FinalX),np.array(matFinalY))
- return matAResult
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- return None
- #========================================
- # Output fitting curve function
- #========================================
- def outputFittingCurveFunction(self, inputMatFactors=None):
- if inputMatFactors is None:
- return False
- i = 0
- strFitting="Function(x)="
- for a in inputMatFactors:
- #print(a[0])
- if i==0:
- strFitting +=str(a[0])
- else:
- strFitting +=("+"if a[0]>0 else"") +str(a[0])+(("x**"+str(i)) if i>1 else "x")
- i+=1
- print(strFitting)
- return strFitting
- #========================================
- # draw the curve based on the result function
- #========================================
- def drawFittedCurve(self, xRangeMin=None,xRangeMax=None,matAResult=None,resolution=0.01):
- try:
- if matAResult is None:
- return False
- if xRangeMin is None or xRangeMax is None:
- xRangeMin = self.Xvalues[0]
- xRangeMax = self.Xvalues[-1]
- #print('xRangeMin: ',xRangeMin, 'xRangeMax: ',xRangeMax)
- xxa= np.arange(xRangeMin,xRangeMax,resolution)
- yya=[]
- for i in range(0,len(xxa)):
- yy=0.0
- for j in range(0,self.order+1):
- dy=1.0
- #x[i]**j
- for k in range(0,j):
- dy*=xxa[i]
- #a[j]*(x[i]**j)
- dy*=matAResult[j]
- yy+=dy
- yya.append(yy)
- #print(xxa,yya)
- self.subfig.plot(xxa,yya,color='g',linestyle='-',marker='')
- plt.show()
- return True
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- return False
- def calculateAbsoluteError(self, matAResult):
- try:
- yFitted = []
- for x in self.Xvalues:
- y = 0.0
- for i, a in enumerate(matAResult):
- y += a * (x ** i)
- yFitted.append(y)
- absoluteError = np.abs(np.array(self.Yvalues) - np.array(yFitted))
- meanAbsoluteError = np.mean(absoluteError)
- return meanAbsoluteError
- except Exception as e:
- print(e)
- return None
- if __name__=="__main__":
- LS = LeastSqauresCF()
- sorted_x = [-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
- sorted_y = [1/(1+i**2) for i in x_samples_dot11]
- if LS.ReadAnddrawInputPoints(sorted_x,sorted_y,6):
- MatrixFactor = LS.produceFittingCurveFactors()
- LS.outputFittingCurveFunction(MatrixFactor)
- LS.drawFittedCurve(matAResult=MatrixFactor)
- print("误差值是:",LS.calculateAbsoluteError(MatrixFactor))
- '''
- 2.1 第二题第一问:
- '''
- print('将区间[3,5]等分 40 份,用复合梯形公式计算:')
- def trapezoid(a, b, n): # 复合梯形公式
- h=(b-a)/n
- x=a
- s=f2(x)-f2(b)
- for k in range(1,n+1):
- x=x+h
- s=s+2*f2(x)
- result=(h/2)*s
- return result
- def simpson(a,b,n): # 辛普森公式
- h=(b-a)/n
- x=a
- s=f2(x)-f2(b)
- for k in range(1,n+1):
- x=x+h/2
- s=s+4*f2(x)
- x=x+h/2
- s=s+2*f2(x)
- result=(h/6)*s
- return result
- if __name__=="__main__":
- print('S=',trapezoid(3,5,40))
- '''
- 2.2 第二题第二问:
- '''
- print('将区间[3,5]等分 20 份,用复合辛普森公式计算(每个小区间需加中点):')
- if __name__=="__main__":
- print('S=',simpson(3,5,40))
- '''
- 2.3 第二题第三问:
- '''
- print('T0将区间[3,5]等分为 20 份的复合梯形公式,用龙贝格积分算法加速一次,算出T1:')
- import math
- def romberg_integration(a, b, n, num_iterations,f):
- results = [[0] * (num_iterations+1) for _ in range(num_iterations+1)]
- h = (b - a) / n
- x = [a + i * h for i in range(n+1)]
- sum_value = sum([f(x[i]) for i in range(1, n)])
- results[0][0] = h * (0.5 * (f(a) + f(b)) + sum_value)
- for i in range(1, num_iterations+1):
- h *= 0.5
- sum_value = sum([f(x[j]) for j in range(1, 2**(i-1)+1, 2)])
- results[i][0] = 0.5 * results[i-1][0] + h * sum_value
- for j in range(1, i+1):
- results[i][j] = results[i][j-1] + (results[i][j-1] - results[i-1][j-1]) / ((4**j) - 1)
- return results[num_iterations][num_iterations]
- if __name__=="__main__":
- # 使用龙贝格积分算法加速一次
- T1_h_romberg = romberg_integration(3, 5, 20, 1, f2)
- print("T1(h) (with Romberg acceleration) =", T1_h_romberg)
- '''
- 2.4 第二题第四问:
- '''
- print('将区间[3,5]等分为 10 份的复合梯形公式,用龙贝格积分算法加速两次,算出T2:')
- if __name__=="__main__":
- T2_h_romberg = romberg_integration(3, 5, 10, 2, f2)
- print("T2(h) (with Romberg acceleration) =", T2_h_romberg)
- '''
- 2.5 第二题第五问:
- '''
- print('将区间[3,5]等分为 5 份的复合梯形公式,用龙贝格积分算法加速三次,算出32:')
- if __name__=="__main__":
- T3_h_romberg = romberg_integration(3, 5, 5, 3, f2)
- print("T3(h) (with Romberg acceleration) =", T3_h_romberg)
- '''
- 2.6 第二题第六问:
- '''
- print('将区间[3,5]等分 20 份,用复合的 2 点高斯公式计算:')
- def composite_gauss2(f, a, b, n):
- # 复合的2点高斯公式计算积分 书上有结论~
- integral = 0
- nodes = np.linspace(a, b, n+1)
- for i in range(n):
- x1 = nodes[i]
- x2 = nodes[i+1]
- mid_point = 0.5 * (x1 + x2)
- width = 0.5 * (x2 - x1)
- # 计算节点上的权重和函数值
- weight1 = 1 # A0=A1=1 X0 X1是正负跟号3
- weight2 = 1
- function_value1 = f(0.5 * width * (-1/np.sqrt(3)) + mid_point) # 平移到子区间
- function_value2 = f(0.5 * width * (1/np.sqrt(3)) + mid_point)
- # 计算积分部分并累加
- integral += width * (weight1 * function_value1 + weight2 * function_value2)
- return integral
- # 将区间[3, 5]等分为20份,计算积分
- integral01 = composite_gauss2(f2, 3, 5, 20)
- print("Integral:", integral01)
- '''
- 2.7 第二题第七问:
- '''
- print('将区间[3,5]等分 10 份,用复合的 4 点高斯公式计算:')
- def composite_gauss4(f, a, b, n):
- # 复合的四点高斯公式计算积分
- integral = 0
- nodes = np.linspace(a, b, n+1)
- for i in range(n):
- x1 = nodes[i]
- x2 = nodes[i+1]
- h = x2 - x1
- # 四个节点的位置
- t1 = -np.sqrt((3 + 2*np.sqrt(6/5))/7)
- t2 = -np.sqrt((3 - 2*np.sqrt(6/5))/7)
- t3 = np.sqrt((3 - 2*np.sqrt(6/5))/7)
- t4 = np.sqrt((3 + 2*np.sqrt(6/5))/7)
- # 四个节点的权重
- w1 = (18 - np.sqrt(30))/36
- w2 = (18 + np.sqrt(30))/36
- w3 = (18 + np.sqrt(30))/36
- w4 = (18 - np.sqrt(30))/36
- # 计算积分部分并累加
- integral += 0.5 * h * (w1 * f(0.5 * h * t1 + 0.5 * (x1 + x2)) +
- w2 * f(0.5 * h * t2 + 0.5 * (x1 + x2)) +
- w3 * f(0.5 * h * t3 + 0.5 * (x1 + x2)) +
- w4 * f(0.5 * h * t4 + 0.5 * (x1 + x2)))
- return integral
- # 将区间[3, 5]等分为20份,计算积分
- integral02 = composite_gauss4(f2, 3, 5, 10)
- print("Integral:", integral02)
- '''
- 3 第三题:
- '''
- A = np.array([[3, 1, 1], [1, 3, 1], [1, 1, 3]])
- b = np.array([3, 0, 2])
- x0 = np.zeros_like(b) # 初始猜测解 全0
- max_iterations = 100 # 最大迭代次数
- tolerance = 1e-8 # 允许误差
- # 使用numpy.linalg.solve()函数求解线性方程组
- solution_true = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
- print("正确的解为", solution_true)
- print('雅可比迭代法:')
- def DLU(A):
- D=np.zeros(np.shape(A))
- L=np.zeros(np.shape(A))
- U=np.zeros(np.shape(A))
- for i in range(A.shape[0]):
- D[i,i]=A[i,i]
- for j in range(i):
- L[i,j]=-A[i,j]
- for k in list(range(i+1,A.shape[1])):
- U[i,k]=-A[i,k]
- L=np.mat(L)
- D=np.mat(D)
- U=np.mat(U)
- return D,L,U
- #迭代
- def Jacobi_iterative(A,b,x0,maxN,p): #x0为初始值,maxN为最大迭代次数,p为允许误差
- D,L,U=DLU(A)
- if len(A)==len(b):
- D_inv=np.linalg.inv(D)
- D_inv=np.mat(D_inv)
- B=D_inv * (L+U)
- B=np.mat(B)
- f=D_inv*b
- f=np.mat(f)
- else:
- print('维数不一致')
- sys.exit(0) # 强制退出
- a,b=np.linalg.eig(B) #a为特征值集合,b为特征值向量
- c=np.max(np.abs(a)) #返回谱半径
- if c<1:
- print('迭代收敛')
- else:
- print('迭代不收敛')
- sys.exit(0) # 强制退出
- #以上都是判断迭代能否进行的过程,下面正式迭代
- k=0
- while k<maxN:
- x=B*x0+f
- k=k+1
- eps=np.linalg.norm(x-x0,ord=2)
- if eps<p:
- break
- else:
- x0=x
- return k,x
- A1 = np.mat([[3, 1, 1], [1, 3, 1], [1, 1, 3]])
- b1 = np.mat([[3],[0],[2]])
- x01=np.mat([[0],[0],[0]])
- k,solution_jacobi=Jacobi_iterative(A1,b1,x01,max_iterations,tolerance)
- print("迭代次数:",k)
- residual = A1.dot(solution_jacobi) - b1
- residual_norm = np.linalg.norm(residual, ord=np.inf)
- print("残差:", residual_norm)
- print("Solution:", solution_jacobi)
- print('高斯赛德尔迭代法')
- def Guss_Selbi(a, b, x, g): # a为系数矩阵 b增广的一列 x迭代初始值 g计算精度
- x = x.astype(float) # 设置x的精度,让x计算中能显示多位小数
- m, n = a.shape
- times = 0 # 迭代次数
- if (m < n):
- print("There is a 解空间。") # 保证方程个数大于未知数个数
- else:
- while True:
- for i in range(n):
- s1 = 0
- tempx = x.copy() # 记录上一次的迭代答案
- for j in range(n):
- if i != j:
- s1 += x[j] * a[i][j]
- x[i] = (b[i] - s1) / a[i][i]
- times += 1 # 迭代次数加一
- gap = max(abs(x - tempx)) # 与上一次答案模的差
- if gap < g: # 精度满足要求,结束
- break
- elif times > 10000: # 如果迭代超过10000次,结束
- break
- print("10000次迭代仍不收敛")
- print('迭代次数:',times)
- return x
- solution_gauss = Guss_Selbi(A, b, x0, tolerance)
- print("残差:", np.linalg.norm(solution_true - solution_gauss, ord=np.inf))
- print("Solution:", solution_gauss)
- print('超松弛迭代法:')
- def sor_iteration(A,b,X0,max1, tolerance, w):
- '''A代表线性方程组AX=b的系数矩阵
- b代表线性方程组AX=b右边的部分
- X0代表高斯—赛德尔迭代的初始值
- w代表松弛因子
- max1代表迭代的次数'''
- n=np.shape(A)[0]
- L=-np.tril(A,-1)
- U=-np.triu(A,1)
- D=A+L+U
- B=np.dot(np.linalg.inv(D-w*L),((1-w)*D+w*U))
- f=np.dot(np.linalg.inv(D-w*L),w*b)
- err = np.inf
- for i in range(max1) :
- if err <= tolerance:
- break
- X0=np.dot(B,X0)+f
- err=np.linalg.norm(np.dot(A,X0)-b,ord=2)
- print("迭代次数:", i)
- return X0
- omega = 6 / (3 + math.sqrt(5))
- solution_sor = sor_iteration(A, b, x0, max_iterations, tolerance, omega)
- print("残差:", np.linalg.norm(solution_true - solution_sor, ord=np.inf))
- print("Solution:", solution_sor)
- print('最速梯度下降法:')
- def steepest_descent_linear_system(A, b, initial_x, max_iterations, tolerance):
- x = initial_x
- iteration = 0
- error = np.inf
- while iteration < max_iterations and error > tolerance:
- Ax = np.dot(A, x)
- residual = Ax - b
- gradient = np.dot(A.T, residual)
- alpha = np.dot(residual, residual) / np.dot(np.dot(A, residual), residual)
- x_new = x - alpha * residual
- error = np.linalg.norm(x_new - x)
- x = x_new
- iteration += 1
- print('迭代次数:', iteration)
- return x
- solution_sdls = steepest_descent_linear_system(A, b, x0, max_iterations, tolerance)
- print("残差:", np.linalg.norm(solution_true - solution_sdls, ord=np.inf))
- print("Solution:", solution_sdls)
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