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- Reason Only:使用Chain-of-thought进行多步思考,在Prompt前加入问题输入前加入“Let’s think step by step”的提示词,引导多步思考,别直接给答案,但缺点很明显:Reason Only闭门光想不做,不会出去看看了解外面的世界再思考,因此会产生幻觉,朝代更迭了都不知道;

- Act-Only:通过单步行动Action获取观察结果Observation,缺点:没想好就立马做,最后得到的答案可能跟我想要的不一定能保证一致;

- ReAct:融合了思考和行动,即先思考再行动,把行动后的结果返回后再思考下一步该做什么,再行动,不断重复该过程,知道产生最终答案。






  1. """
  2. Agent Prompt的输入变量解释:
  3. - tools: 工具集说明,格式为"{tool.name}: {tool.description}"
  4. - toool_names:工具名称列表
  5. - history: 用户和Agent的对话历史(注意agent chat中间多轮ReAct过程不计入对话历史)
  6. - input: 用户提问
  7. - agent_scratchpad: 中间action和observation的过程,
  8. 会被格式成"\nObservation: {observation}\nThought:{action} ",
  9. 然后传入agent_scratchpad(Agent的思维记录)
  10. """
  11. agent_prompt = """
  12. Answer the following questions as best you can. If it is in order, you can use some tools appropriately. You have access to the following tools:
  13. {tools}
  14. Use the following format:
  15. Question: the input question you must answer1
  16. Thought: you should always think about what to do and what tools to use.
  17. Action: the action to take, should be one of {toool_names}
  18. Action Input: the input to the action
  19. Observation: the result of the action
  20. ... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can be repeated zero or more times)
  21. Thought: I now know the final answer
  22. Final Answer: the final answer to the original input question
  23. Begin!
  24. history: {history}
  25. Question: {input}
  26. Thought: {agent_scratchpad}"""





- 用户提问(Question):”目前市场上玫瑰花的平均价格是多少?如果我在此基础上加价15%卖出,应该如何定价?”

- 工具库(Tools):{’bing web search’: 用必应Search搜索网络开源信息的工具;‘llm-math’: 用大模型和Python做数学运算的工具}


  1. Answer the following questions as best you can. If it is in order, you can use some tools appropriately. You have access to the following tools:
  2. bing-web-search: 用必应Search搜索网络开源信息的工具
  3. llm-math: 用大模型和Python做数学运算的工具
  4. Use the following format:
  5. Question: the input question you must answer1
  6. Thought: you should always think about what to do and what tools to use.
  7. Action: the action to take, should be one of [bing-web-search, llm-math]
  8. Action Input: the input to the action
  9. Observation: the result of the action
  10. ... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can be repeated zero or more times)
  11. Thought: I now know the final answer
  12. Final Answer: the final answer to the original input question
  13. Begin!
  14. history:
  15. Question: 目前市场上玫瑰花的平均价格是多少?如果我在此基础上加价15%卖出,应该如何定价?
  16. Thought:

得到输出后解析,获取Thought、Action和Action Input:

  1. Thought: 我应该使用搜索工具来查找答案,这样我可以快速地找到所需的信息。
  2. Action: bing-web-search
  3. Action Input: 玫瑰花平均价格


  1. Answer the following questions as best you can. If it is in order, you can use some tools appropriately. You have access to the following tools:
  2. bing-web-search: 用必应Search搜索网络开源信息的工具
  3. llm-math: 用大模型和Python做数学运算的工具
  4. Use the following format:
  5. Question: the input question you must answer1
  6. Thought: you should always think about what to do and what tools to use.
  7. Action: the action to take, should be one of [bing-web-search, llm-math]
  8. Action Input: the input to the action
  9. Observation: the result of the action
  10. ... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can be repeated zero or more times)
  11. Thought: I now know the final answer
  12. Final Answer: the final answer to the original input question
  13. Begin!
  14. history:
  15. Question: 目前市场上玫瑰花的平均价格是多少?如果我在此基础上加价15%卖出,应该如何定价?
  16. Thought: 我应该使用搜索工具来查找答案,这样我可以快速地找到所需的信息。
  17. Action: bing-web-search
  18. Action Input: 玫瑰花平均价格
  19. Observation: 根据网络资料显示,美国每束玫瑰花在80.16美元。
  20. Thought:

得到输出后解析,获取Thought、Action和Action Input:

  1. Thought: 我需要数学计算在此基础上加价15%的价格是多少。
  2. Action: llm-math
  3. Action Input: 80.16*1.15


  1. Answer the following questions as best you can. If it is in order, you can use some tools appropriately. You have access to the following tools:
  2. bing-web-search: 用必应Search搜索网络开源信息的工具
  3. llm-math: 用大模型和Python做数学运算的工具
  4. Use the following format:
  5. Question: the input question you must answer1
  6. Thought: you should always think about what to do and what tools to use.
  7. Action: the action to take, should be one of [bing-web-search, llm-math]
  8. Action Input: the input to the action
  9. Observation: the result of the action
  10. ... (this Thought/Action/Action Input/Observation can be repeated zero or more times)
  11. Thought: I now know the final answer
  12. Final Answer: the final answer to the original input question
  13. Begin!
  14. history:
  15. Question: 目前市场上玫瑰花的平均价格是多少?如果我在此基础上加价15%卖出,应该如何定价?
  16. Thought: 我应该使用搜索工具来查找答案,这样我可以快速地找到所需的信息。
  17. Action: bing-web-search
  18. Action Input: 玫瑰花平均价格
  19. Observation: 根据网络资料显示,美国每束玫瑰花在80.16美元。
  20. Thought: 我需要数据计算在此基础上加价15的价格是多少。
  21. Action: llm-math
  22. Action Input: 80.16*1.15
  23. Observation: 92.184
  24. Thought:

得到输出后解析,获取Thought、Action和Action Input:

  1. Thought: 我知道最终答案了。
  2. Final Answer: 如果要加价15%卖,应该定价为92.184美元。

Langchain已实现了ReAct的调用[3],具体的需要你去创建ReAct Agent、AgentExecutor和tools。通过ReAct Agent,我们便能实现前面提到的,连接不同工具,根据用户需求和LLM的思考去调用不同工具提高问答表现。如果自己重写ReAct-based的Agent Chat,特别需要注意一些边界条件,比如选择工具不存在、工具调用失败,工具调用陷入死循环等情况,因为这些会最终影响交互的效果。个人在实践ReAct Agent Chat效果时,有几下心得:

- 选择做过Agent对话能力对齐的LLM,最好ReAct Prompt能适配LLM;

- 清晰描述好工具介绍,减少工具之间的描述模糊,避免用错工具;

- 小心多轮思考-行动-观察后,导致输入上下文过多,而很多LLM对长上下文输入理解能力会变差。

- 如果只有单轮思考-行动-观察,那么一套流程下来,需要经过2次LLM和1次tool调用,会影响回复时间,如果想简化该ReAct的流程,可以直接用意图识别+工具调用的方式,由工具直接输出最终结果,不用反馈至LLM做总结回答,缺点就是没那么完美。


通过前面,我们能发现Action和Action Input是调用的工具名称和该工具的输入,如果我们想对临时性上传文件进行对话,也直接加入tools就行了?实际上,没那么好操作,因为Action Input是LLM基于query解析得到的工具输入,而“对临时性上传文件进行对话”功能需要文件位置或文件内容,为此,其实可以按我下图绘制的,单独把 “对临时性上传文件进行对话”功能抽离出来。




2、后续每轮对话,都把知识库名称传入Agent Chat中,按上图流程走,每轮对话后,都更新下文件对话轮数;

3、当文件对话轮数 > 文件保留轮数 或 用户手动清空上下文,则前端删除该临时知识库,并清空该临时知识库的变量名称。


[1] ReAct: Synergizing Reasoning and Acting in Language Models,官方介绍:https://react-lm.github.io/

[2] LangChain干货(1):AgentExecutor究竟是怎样驱动模型和工具完成任务的?- 黄佳的文章 - 知乎https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/661244337

[3] ReAct,Langchain文档:https://python.langchain.com/docs/modules/agents/agent_types/react/

[4] Agent 工具箱,Langchain文档:https://python.langchain.com/docs/integrations/toolkits/

[5]《LLM+搜索改写》10篇论文一览 - 情迷搜广推的文章 - 知乎:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/672357196

[6] MultiQueryRetriever,Langchain文档:https://python.langchain.com/docs/modules/data_connection/retrievers/MultiQueryRetriever/

[7] HypotheticalDocumentEmbedder,Langchain文档:https://github.com/langchain-ai/langchain/blob/master/cookbook/hypothetical_document_embeddings.ipynb

[8] 大模型应用开发,必看的RAG高阶技巧 - 雨飞的文章 - 知乎:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/68023250

