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         选项名应该是单字符或单数字,且以短横 ‘-’ 为前綴;

         多个不需要选项参数的选项,可以合并。(譬如:foo  -a -b -c  ----> foo  -abc)



         若选项参数有多值,要将其并为一个字串传进来。譬如:myprog -u "arnold,joe,jane"。这种情况下,需要自己解决这些参数的分离问题。


         特殊参数 ‘--’ 指明所有参数都结束了,其后任何参数都认为是操作数。



         读写指定文件的程序应该将单个参数 ‘-’ 作为有意义的标准输入或输出来对待。



  1. #include <unistd.h>
  2. int getopt(int argc, char *const argv[], const char *optstring);
  3. extern char *optarg;</span></span>
  4. extern int opterr, optind, optopt;


          argc和argv分别是调用main函数时传递的参数。在argv中,以 ‘-’ 开头的元素就是选项。该参数中除了开头的 ‘-’ 以外的字母就是选项字符。如果重复调用getopt函数,则该函数会持续的返回每个选项中的选项字符。            



          如果字符后面跟了一个冒号’:’ ,则说明这个选项字符需要一个参数,这个参数要么紧跟在选项字符的后面(同一个命令行参数),要么就是下一个命令行参数。通过指针optarg指向这个参数。

          如果字符后面跟了两个冒号’::’ ,则说明该选项字符后面跟可选参数,而且这个可选参数必须紧跟在选项字符的后面(同一个命令行参数,比如-oarg。如果有参数的话,通过指针optarg指向这个参数,否则,optarg置为NULL。

          在GNU的扩展中,如果optstring字符串中包含“W;”(’W’加上一个分号),则 -W foo会被当做长参数 --foo来处理。






  1. int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  2. {
  3. int aflag=0, bflag=0, cflag=0;
  4. int i = 0;
  5. int ch;
  6. printf("begin: optind:%d,opterr:%d\n", optind, opterr);
  7. for(i = 0; i < argc; i++)
  8. {
  9. printf("argc[%d]: %s\t", i,argv[i]);
  10. }
  11. printf("\n--------------------------\n");
  12. while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv,"ab::c:de::")) != -1)
  13. {
  14. switch (ch)
  15. {
  16. case 'a':
  17. {
  18. printf("HAVE option:-a\n");
  19. break;
  20. }
  21. case 'b':
  22. {
  23. printf("HAVE option:-b\n");
  24. printf("The argument of -bis %s\n", optarg);
  25. break;
  26. }
  27. case 'c':
  28. {
  29. printf("HAVE option:-c\n");
  30. printf("The argument of -cis %s\n", optarg);
  31. break;
  32. }
  33. case 'd':
  34. {
  35. printf("HAVE option:-d\n");
  36. break;
  37. }
  38. case 'e':
  39. {
  40. printf("HAVE option:-e\n");
  41. printf("The argument of -eis %s\n", optarg);
  42. break;
  43. }
  44. case ':':
  45. {
  46. printf("option %c missingarguments\n", (char)optopt);
  47. break;
  48. }
  49. case '?':
  50. {
  51. printf("Unknown option:%c\n",(char)optopt);
  52. break;
  53. }
  54. default:
  55. {
  56. printf("the option is%c--->%d, the argu is %s\n", ch, ch, optarg);
  57. break;
  58. }
  59. }
  60. printf("optind: %d\n\n",optind);
  61. }
  62. printf("----------------------------\n");
  63. printf("end:optind=%d,argv[%d]=%s\n",optind,optind,argv[optind]);
  64. for(i = 0; i < argc; i++)
  65. {
  66. printf("argc[%d]: %s\t", i,argv[i]);
  67. }
  68. printf("\n");
  69. }


./1  -a  f1  -b  f2  -c  f3  -d  f4  -e  f5


begin: optind:1,opterr:1

argc[0]: ./1    argc[1]:-a     argc[2]: f1     argc[3]: -b     argc[4]: f2     argc[5]: -c     argc[6]: f3     argc[7]: -d      argc[8]: f4     argc[9]: -e     argc[10]: f5


HAVE option: -a

optind: 2


HAVE option: -b

The argument of -b is (null)

optind: 4


HAVE option: -c

The argument of -c is f3

optind: 7


HAVE option: -d

optind: 8


HAVE option: -e

The argument of -e is (null)

optind: 10



end:optind=7, argv[7]=f1

argc[0]: ./1    argc[1]:-a     argc[2]: -b     argc[3]: -c     argc[4]: f3     argc[5]: -d     argc[6]: -e     argc[7]: f1      argc[8]: f2     argc[9]: f4     argc[10]: f5



          比如上面的程序,如果optstring为” +ab::c:de::”,如果输入:

./1  -a  f1  -b  f2  -c  f3  -d  f4  -e  f5


begin: optind:1,opterr:1

argc[0]: ./1    argc[1]:-a     argc[2]: f1     argc[3]: -b     argc[4]: f2     argc[5]: -c     argc[6]: f3     argc[7]: -d      argc[8]: f4     argc[9]: -e     argc[10]: f5


HAVE option: -a

optind: 2



end: optind=2, argv[2]=f1

argc[0]: ./1    argc[1]:-a     argc[2]: f1     argc[3]: -b     argc[4]: f2     argc[5]: -c     argc[6]: f3     argc[7]: -d      argc[8]: f4     argc[9]: -e     argc[10]: f5


          如果optstring的第一个字符是’-’,则所有的非选项参数都会被当做数字1的选项的参数。         比如上面的程序,如果optstring为” -ab::c:de::”,如果输入:

./1  -a  f1  -b  f2  -c  f3  -d  f4  -e  f5


begin: optind:1,opterr:1

argc[0]: ./1    argc[1]:-a     argc[2]: f1     argc[3]: -b     argc[4]: f2     argc[5]: -c     argc[6]: f3     argc[7]: -d      argc[8]: f4     argc[9]: -e     argc[10]: f5


HAVE option: -a

optind: 2


the option is --->1, the argu is f1

optind: 3


HAVE option: -b

The argument of -b is (null)

optind: 4


the option is --->1, the argu is f2

optind: 5


HAVE option: -c

The argument of -c is f3

optind: 7


HAVE option: -d

optind: 8


the option is --->1, the argu is f4

optind: 9


HAVE option: -e

The argument of -e is (null)

optind: 10


the option is --->1, the argu is f5

optind: 11



end: optind=11,argv[11]=(null)

argc[0]: ./1   argc[1]: -a     argc[2]: f1     argc[3]: -b     argc[4]: f2     argc[5]: -c     argc[6]: f3     argc[7]: -d      argc[8]: f4     argc[9]: -e     argc[10]: f5



          比如上面的程序,如果optstring为” ab::c:de::”如果输入:

./getopt  -a  f1  -b  f2  --  -c  f3  -d  f4  -e  f5


begin: optind:1,opterr:1

argc[0]: ./1    argc[1]:-a     argc[2]: f1     argc[3]: -b     argc[4]: f2     argc[5]: --     argc[6]: -c     argc[7]: f3      argc[8]: -d     argc[9]: f4     argc[10]: -e    argc[11]: f5


HAVE option: -a

optind: 2


HAVE option: -b

The argument of -b is (null)

optind: 4



end: optind=4,argv[4]=f1

argc[0]: ./1    argc[1]:-a     argc[2]: -b     argc[3]: --     argc[4]: f1     argc[5]: f2     argc[6]: -c     argc[7]: f3      argc[8]: -d     argc[9]: f4     argc[10]: -e    argc[11]: f5


          如果命令行参数中,有optstring中没有的字符,则将会打印错误信息,并且将这个字符存储到optopt中,返回 ’?’。如果不想打印错误信息,则可以设置变量opterr为0.


如果输入:./getopt -a  f1  -b  f2  -t  -c  f3


begin: optind:1,opterr:1

argc[0]: ./1    argc[1]:-a     argc[2]: f1     argc[3]: -b     argc[4]: f2     argc[5]: -t     argc[6]: -c     argc[7]: f3


HAVE option: -a

optind: 2


HAVE option: -b

The argument of -b is (null)

optind: 4


./1: invalid option -- t

Unknown option: t

optind: 6


HAVE option: -c

The argument of -c is f3

optind: 8



end: optind=6,argv[6]=f1

argc[0]: ./1   argc[1]: -a     argc[2]: -b     argc[3]: -t     argc[4]: -c     argc[5]: f3     argc[6]: f1     argc[7]: f2


          如果某个选项字符后应该跟参数,但是命令行参数中没有,则根据optstring中的首字符的不同返回不同的值,如果optstring首字符不是’:’ ,则返回 ’?’ ,打印错误信息,并且设置optopt为该选项字符。如果optstring首字符是’:’ (或者首字符是’+’ 、’-’ ,且第二个字符是’:’ ),则返回’:’ ,并且设置optopt为该选项字符,但是不在打印错误信息。


./getopt  -a  f1  -b  f2  -c


begin: optind:1,opterr:1

argc[0]: ./1    argc[1]:-a     argc[2]: f1     argc[3]: -b     argc[4]: f2     argc[5]: -c


HAVE option: -a

optind: 2


HAVE option: -b

The argument of -b is (null)

optind: 4


./1: option requires an argument -- c

Unknown option: c

optind: 6



end: optind=4,argv[4]=f1

argc[0]: ./1    argc[1]:-a     argc[2]: -b     argc[3]: -c     argc[4]: f1     argc[5]: f2



./getopt  -a  f1  -b  f2  -c


begin: optind:1,opterr:1

argc[0]: ./1    argc[1]:-a     argc[2]: f1     argc[3]: -b     argc[4]: f2     argc[5]: -c


HAVE option: -a

optind: 2


HAVE option: -b

The argument of -b is (null)

optind: 4


option c missing arguments

optind: 6



end: optind=4,argv[4]=f1

argc[0]: ./1    argc[1]:-a     argc[2]: -b     argc[3]: -c     argc[4]: f1     argc[5]: f2



三:getopt_long和 getopt_long_only

  1. #include <getopt.h>
  2. int getopt_long(int argc, char * const argv[], const char *optstring, const struct option *longopts, int*longindex);
  3. int getopt_long_only(int argc, char * const argv[], const char *optstring, const struct option *longopts, int *longindex);

          getopt不能处理长选项,也就是’-- ‘开头的选项,处理长选项需要用getopt_long或者getopt_long_only.


          长选项也可以带参数,比如:--arg=param或 --arg param。



           struct option {

               const char*name;

               int         has_arg;

               int        *flag;

               int         val;




          has_arg指明了该长参数是否需要参数,有三种取值,no_argument (or 0)表明不需要参数,required_argument (or 1)表明需要参数,optional_argument(or 2)表明有可选参数。



          如果longindex不是NULL, 则长参数找到时,它指向的整数被置为相应的longopts数组索引。




  1. #include <unistd.h>
  2. #include <stdio.h>
  3. #include <getopt.h>
  4. int main(int argc, char * argv[])
  5. {
  6. int aflag=0, bflag=0,cflag=0;
  7. int i = 0;
  8. int ch;
  9. int optionindex = -1;
  10. struct option long_options[] ={
  11. {"add", required_argument, NULL, 'a' },
  12. {"delete", required_argument, NULL, 'd' },
  13. {"verbose",no_argument, NULL, 'v' },
  14. {"create", required_argument, NULL, 'c'},
  15. {"file", required_argument, NULL, 'f' },
  16. {0, 0, 0, 0 }
  17. };
  18. printf("begin: optind:%d,opterr:%d\n",optind,opterr);
  19. for(i = 0; i <argc; i++)
  20. {
  21. printf("argc[%d]:%s\t", i, argv[i]);
  22. }
  23. printf("\n--------------------------\n");
  24. while ((ch =getopt_long(argc, argv, "a:d:vc:f:",long_options, &optionindex)) != -1)
  25. {
  26. printf("return value is %c\n", ch);
  27. printf("optionindex is %d\n", optionindex);
  28. if(optarg)
  29. {
  30. printf("%c option arguis %s\n", ch, optarg);
  31. }
  32. if(optionindex != -1)
  33. {
  34. printf("long arg nameis %s\n", long_options[optionindex].name);
  35. }
  36. printf("optind:%d\n\n", optind);
  37. }
  38. printf("----------------------------\n");
  39. printf("end:optind=%d,argv[%d]=%s\n",optind,optind,argv[optind]);
  40. for(i = 0; i <argc; i++)
  41. {
  42. printf("argc[%d]:%s\t", i, argv[i]);
  43. }
  44. printf("\n");
  45. }


./1  --add


begin: optind:1,opterr:1

argc[0]: ./ getoptlong                                     argc[1]: --add            


./1: option '--add' requires an argument

return value is ?

optionindex is -1

optind: 2



end: optind=2,argv[2]=(null)

argc[0]: ./1                  argc[1]:--add            



./1  --add=a1 f0  --file  f1  -a  a2  -f  f2

begin: optind:1,opterr:1

argc[0]: ./1                  argc[1]:--add=a1      argc[2]: f0                                      argc[3]: --file              argc[4]:f1      argc[5]: -a         argc[6]: a2                                     argc[7]: -f                    argc[8]:f2                  


return value is a

optionindex is 0

a option argu is a1

long arg name is add

optind: 2


return value is f

optionindex is 4

f option argu is f1

long arg name is file

optind: 5


return value is a

optionindex is 4

a option argu is a2

long arg name is file

optind: 7


return value is f

optionindex is 4

f option argu is f2

long arg name is file

optind: 9



end: optind=8,argv[8]=f0

argc[0]: ./1                  argc[1]:--add=a1      argc[2]: --file              argc[3]: f1                                      argc[4]:-a      argc[5]: a2        argc[6]: -f                    argc[7]: f2                                      argc[8]: f0




          如果输入:./1  --add  a1 --cao  f0  --file  f1 -a  a2  -f  f2

begin: optind:1,opterr:1

argc[0]: ./1                  argc[1]:--add             argc[2]: a1                                     argc[3]: --cao             argc[4]:f0      argc[5]: --file    argc[6]: f1                                      argc[7]: -a                                      argc[8]: a2                        argc[9]: -f          argc[10]: f2                


return value is a

optionindex is 0

a option argu is a1

long arg name is add

optind: 3


./1: unrecognized option '--cao'

return value is ?

optionindex is 0

long arg name is add

optind: 4


return value is f

optionindex is 4

f option argu is f1

long arg name is file

optind: 7


return value is a

optionindex is 4

a option argu is a2

long arg name is file

optind: 9


return value is f

optionindex is 4

f option argu is f2

long arg name is file

optind: 11



end: optind=10,argv[10]=f0

argc[0]: ./1                  argc[1]:--add             argc[2]: a1                                     argc[3]: --cao             argc[4]:--file                              argc[5]:f1                                      argc[6]: -a                                      argc[7]: a2                        argc[8]: -f          argc[9]: f2                   argc[10]:f0                





  1. /* globals */
  2. int http10=1; /* 0 - http/0.9, 1 - http/1.0, 2 - http/1.1 */
  3. #define METHOD_GET 0
  4. #define METHOD_HEAD 1
  5. #define METHOD_OPTIONS 2
  6. #define METHOD_TRACE 3
  7. #define PROGRAM_VERSION "1.5"
  8. int method=METHOD_GET;
  9. int clients=1;
  10. int force=0;
  11. int force_reload=0;
  12. int proxyport=80;
  13. char *proxyhost=NULL;
  14. int benchtime=30;
  15. static const struct option long_options[]=
  16. {
  17. {"force",no_argument,&force,1},
  18. {"reload",no_argument,&force_reload,1},
  19. {"time",required_argument,NULL,'t'},
  20. {"help",no_argument,NULL,'?'},
  21. {"http09",no_argument,NULL,'9'},
  22. {"http10",no_argument,NULL,'1'},
  23. {"http11",no_argument,NULL,'2'},
  24. {"get",no_argument,&method,METHOD_GET},
  25. {"head",no_argument,&method,METHOD_HEAD},
  26. {"options",no_argument,&method,METHOD_OPTIONS},
  27. {"trace",no_argument,&method,METHOD_TRACE},
  28. {"version",no_argument,NULL,'V'},
  29. {"proxy",required_argument,NULL,'p'},
  30. {"clients",required_argument,NULL,'c'},
  31. {NULL,0,NULL,0}
  32. };
  33. static void usage(void)
  34. {
  35. fprintf(stderr,
  36. "webbench [option]... URL\n"
  37. " -f|--force Don't wait for reply from server.\n"
  38. " -r|--reload Send reload request - Pragma: no-cache.\n"
  39. " -t|--time <sec> Run benchmark for <sec> seconds. Default 30.\n"</span>
  40. " -p|--proxy <server:port> Use proxy server for request.\n"
  41. " -c|--clients <n> Run <n> HTTP clients at once. Default one.\n"
  42. " -9|--http09 Use HTTP/0.9 style requests.\n"
  43. " -1|--http10 Use HTTP/1.0 protocol.\n"
  44. " -2|--http11 Use HTTP/1.1 protocol.\n"
  45. " --get Use GET request method.\n"
  46. " --head Use HEAD request method.\n"
  47. " --options Use OPTIONS request method.\n"
  48. " --trace Use TRACE request method.\n"
  49. " -?|-h|--help This information.\n"
  50. " -V|--version Display program version.\n"
  51. );
  52. };
  53. void printval()
  54. {
  55. printf("force is %d\n", force);
  56. printf("force_reload is %d\n", force_reload);
  57. printf("benchtime is %d\n", benchtime);
  58. printf("proxyhost:proxyport is %s:%d\n", proxyhost, proxyport);
  59. printf("clients is %d\n", clients);
  60. printf("http10 is %d\n", http10);
  61. printf("method is %d\n", method);
  62. }
  63. int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  64. {
  65. int opt=0;
  66. int options_index=0;
  67. char *tmp=NULL;
  68. if(argc==1)
  69. {
  70. usage();
  71. return 2;
  72. }
  73. while((opt=getopt_long(argc,argv,"912Vfrt:p:c:?h",long_options, &options_index))!=EOF)
  74. {
  75. printf("opt is %d(%c)\n", opt, opt);
  76. switch(opt)
  77. {
  78. case 0 : break;
  79. case 'f': force=1;break;
  80. case 'r': force_reload=1;break;
  81. case '9': http10=0;break;
  82. case '1': http10=1;break;
  83. case '2': http10=2;break;
  84. case 'V': printf(PROGRAM_VERSION"\n");exit(0);
  85. case 't': benchtime=atoi(optarg);break;
  86. case 'p':
  87. /* proxy server parsing server:port */
  88. tmp=strrchr(optarg,':');
  89. proxyhost=optarg;
  90. if(tmp==NULL)
  91. {
  92. break;
  93. }
  94. if(tmp==optarg)
  95. {
  96. fprintf(stderr,"Error in option --proxy %s: Missing hostname.\n",optarg);
  97. return 2;
  98. }
  99. if(tmp==optarg+strlen(optarg)-1)
  100. {
  101. fprintf(stderr,"Error in option --proxy %s Port number is missing.\n",optarg);
  102. return 2;
  103. }
  104. *tmp='\0';
  105. proxyport=atoi(tmp+1);break;
  106. case ':':
  107. case 'h':
  108. case '?': usage();return 2;break;
  109. case 'c': clients=atoi(optarg);break;
  110. }
  111. }
  112. if(optind==argc)
  113. {
  114. fprintf(stderr,"webbench: Missing URL!\n");
  115. usage();
  116. return 2;
  117. }
  118. printval();
  119. printf("argv[optind] is %s\n", argv[optind]);
  120. }


