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函数式编程简介 (Introduction to Functional Programming)

Functional Programming (FP) is a programming paradigm with some particular techniques.


In programming languages, you’ll find purely functional programming languages as well as programming languages that support functional programming techniques.


Haskell, Clojure and Scala are some of the most popular purely functional programming languages.


Popular programming languages that support functional programming techniques are JavaScript, Python, Ruby and many others.

支持功能编程技术的流行编程语言是JavaScript ,Python,Ruby和许多其他语言。

Functional Programming is not a new concept, actually its roots go back o the 1930’s when lamda calculus was born, and has influenced many programming languages.


FP has been gaining a lot of momentum lately, so it’s the perfect time to learn about it.


In this course I’ll introduce the main concepts of Functional Programming, by using in the code examples JavaScript.


一流的功能 (First class functions)

In a functional programming language, functions are first class citizens.


可以将它们分配给变量 (They can be assigned to variables)

  1. const f = (m) => console.log(m)
  2. f('Test')

Since a function is assignable to a variable, they can be added to objects:


  1. const obj = {
  2. f(m) {
  3. console.log(m)
  4. }
  5. }
  6. obj.f('Test')

as well as to arrays:


  1. const a = [
  2. m => console.log(m)
  3. ]
  4. a[0]('Test')

它们可以用作其他函数的参数 (They can be used as an argument to other functions)

  1. const f = (m) => () => console.log(m)
  2. const f2 = (f3) => f3()
  3. f2(f('Test'))

它们可以通过函数返回 (They can be returned by functions)

  1. const createF = () => {
  2. return (m) => console.log(m)
  3. }
  4. const f = createF()
  5. f('Test')

高阶函数 (Higher Order Functions)

Functions that accept functions as arguments or return functions are called Higher Order Functions.


Examples in the JavaScript standard library include Array.map(), Array.filter() and Array.reduce(), which we’ll see in a bit.

JavaScript标准库中的示例包括Array.map()Array.filter()Array.reduce() ,我们将稍后介绍。

声明式编程 (Declarative programming)

You may have heard the term “declarative programming”.


Let’s put that term in context.


The opposite of declarative is imperative.

声明 的反义 势在必行

声明式与命令式 (Declarative vs Imperative)

An imperative approach is when you tell the machine (in general terms), the steps it needs to take to get a job done.


A declarative approach is when you tell the machine what you need to do, and you let it figure out the details.


You start thinking declarative when you have enough level of abstraction to stop reasoning about low level constructs, and think more at a higher UI level.


One might argue that C programming is more declarative than Assembly programming, and that’s true.


HTML is declarative, so if you’ve been using HTML since 1995, you’ve actually being building declarative UIs since 20+ years.


JavaScript can take both an imperative and a declarative programming approach.


For example a declarative programming approach is to avoid using loops and instead use functional programming constructs like map, reduce and filter, because your programs are more abstract and less focused on telling the machine each step of processing.

例如,声明性编程方法是避免使用循环 ,而应使用诸如mapreducefilter类的功能性编程构造,因为您的程序更加抽象,并且较少关注于告诉机器的每个处理步骤。

不变性 (Immutability)

In functional programming data never changes. Data is immutable.

在功能编程中,数据永不变。 数据是不可变的

A variable can never be changed. To update its value, you create a new variable.

变量永远不能更改。 要更新其值,请创建一个新变量。

Instead of changing an array, to add a new item you create a new array by concatenating the old array, plus the new item.


An object is never updated, but copied before changing it.


const (const)

This is why the ES2015 const is so widely used in modern JavaScript, which embraces functional programming concepts: to enforce immutability on variables.

这就是为什么ES2015 const在现代JavaScript中如此广泛地被使用的原因,它包含了功能性编程概念:对变量实施不变性。

Object.assign() (Object.assign())

ES2015 also gave us Object.assign(), which is key to creating objects:

ES2015还为我们提供了Object.assign() ,这是创建对象的关键:

  1. const redObj = { color: 'red' }
  2. const yellowObj = Object.assign({}, redObj, {color: 'yellow'})

concat() (concat())

To append an item to an array in JavaScript we generally use the push() method on an array, but that method mutates the original array, so it’s not FP-ready.


We instead use the concat() method:


  1. const a = [1, 2]
  2. const b = [1, 2].concat(3)
  3. // b = [1, 2, 3]

or we use the spread operator:


  1. const c = [...a, 3]
  2. // c = [1, 2, 3]

filter() (filter())

The same goes for removing an item from an array: instead of using pop() and splice(), which modify the original array, use array.filter():


  1. const d = a.filter((v, k) => k < 1)
  2. // d = [1]

纯度 (Purity)

A pure function:


  • never changes any of the parameters that get passed to it by reference (in JS, objects and arrays): they should be considered immutable. It can of course change any parameter copied by value

    永远不要更改通过引用传递给它的任何参数(在JS,对象和数组中):应将它们视为不可变的。 当然,它可以更改按值复制的任何参数
  • the return value of a pure function is not influenced by anything else than its input parameters: passing the same parameters always result in the same output

  • during its execution, a pure function does not change anything outside of it


数据转换 (Data Transformations)

Since immutability is such an important concept and a foundation of functional programming, you might ask how can data change.


Simple: data is changed by creating copies.

简单: 通过创建副本即可更改数据

Functions, in particular, change the data by returning new copies of data.


Core functions that do this are map and reduce.


Array.map() (Array.map())

Calling Array.map() on an array will create a new array with the result of a function executed on every item of the original array:


  1. const a = [1, 2, 3]
  2. const b = a.map((v, k) => v * k)
  3. // b = [0, 2, 6]

Array.reduce() (Array.reduce())

Calling Array.reduce() on an array allows us to transform that array on anything else, including a scalar, a function, a boolean, an object.


You pass a function that processes the result, and a starting point:


  1. const a = [1, 2, 3]
  2. const sum = a.reduce((partial, v) => partial + v, 0)
  3. // sum = 6
  1. const o = a.reduce((obj, k) => { obj[k] = k; return obj }, {})
  2. // o = {1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3}

递归 (Recursion)

Recursion is a key topic in functional programming. when a function calls itself, it’s called a recursive function.

递归是函数式编程中的关键主题。 当一个函数调用自身时 ,它称为递归函数

The classic example of recursion is the Fibonacci sequence (N = (N-1 + N-2)) calculation, here in its 2^N totally inefficient (but nice to read) solution:

递归的经典示例是斐波那契数列(N =(N-1 + N-2))计算,此处使用其2 ^ N完全无效(但易于阅读)的解决方案:

var f = (n) => n <= 1 ? 1 : f(n-1) + f(n-2)

组成 (Composition)

Composition is another key topic of Functional Programming, a good reason to put it into the “key topics” list.


Composition is how we generate a higher order function, by combining simpler functions.


用普通JS编写 (Composing in plain JS)

A very common way to compose functions in plain JavaScript is to chain them:


  1. obj.doSomething()
  2. .doSomethingElse()

or, also very widely used, by passing a function execution into a function:



lodash的帮助下进行lodash (Composing with the help of lodash)

More generally, composing is the act of putting together a list of many functions to perform a more complicated operation.


lodash/fp comes with an implementation of compose: we execute a list of functions, starting with an argument, each function inherits the argument from the preceding function return value. Notice how we don’t need to store intermediate values anywhere.

lodash/fp带有compose的实现:我们执行一个函数列表,从一个参数开始, 每个函数都从前面的函数返回值继承该参数 。 注意,我们不需要在任何地方存储中间值。

  1. import { compose } from 'lodash/fp'
  2. const slugify = compose(
  3. encodeURIComponent,
  4. join('-'),
  5. map(toLowerCase),
  6. split(' ')
  7. )
  8. slufigy('Hello World') // hello-world

翻译自: https://flaviocopes.com/javascript-functional-programming/

