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ARCGIS PRO SDK VB2022 要素几何独立操作_arcgispro sdk getfeatureclass()

arcgispro sdk getfeatureclass()



  1. Dim pts As List(Of MapPoint) = New List(Of MapPoint)
  2. Dim pGeometry As ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry
  3. pts.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(1.0, 1.0))
  4. pts.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(3.0, 3.0))
  5. pts.Add(MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(5.0, 1.0))
  6. Dim line1 As ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Polyline = PolylineBuilderEx.CreatePolyline(pts)
  7. pGeometry = line1


  1. Dim pLayer1 As FeatureLayer = Map.FindLayers("TK_LINE").First()
  2. Dim pfeatureClass As FeatureClass
  3. Dim tableCursor As RowCursor
  4. Dim pGeometry As ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry
  5. Await QueuedTask.Run(Sub()
  6. pfeatureClass = pLayer1.GetFeatureClass
  7. tableCursor = pfeatureClass.Search()
  8. While tableCursor.MoveNext
  9. pfeature = CType(tableCursor.Current, Feature)
  10. pGeometry = pfeature.GetShape
  11. End While
  12. End Sub)


  1. Dim pGeometry As ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry
  2. Dim pGeometry1 As ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry
  3. Dim dx As Double
  4. Dim dy As Double
  5. '将pGeometry按X、Y方向各自的偏移量,平移pGeometry,得到pGeometry1
  6. pGeometry1 = GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(pGeometry, dx, dy)


  1. Dim pGeometry As ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry
  2. Dim pGeometry1 As ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry
  3. Dim Lpoint As MapPoint
  4. Dim dx As Double
  5. Dim dy As Double
  6. Dim Scale_x As Double
  7. Dim Scale_y As Double
  8. Dim px As Double
  9. Dim py As Double
  10. Lpoint = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(px, py) 'origin 缩放点
  11. '将pGeometry以缩放点Lpoint为中心按X、Y方向各自缩放比例,得到pGeometry1
  12. pGeometry1 = GeometryEngine.Instance.Scale(pGeometry, Lpoint, Scale_x, Scale_y)


  1. Dim pGeometry As ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry
  2. Dim pGeometry1 As ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry
  3. Dim Lpoint As MapPoint
  4. Dim PRotate As Double '旋转角
  5. Dim px As Double
  6. Dim py As Double
  7. Lpoint = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(px, py) 'origin 缩放点
  8. '将pGeometry以旋转点Lpoint为中心,得到pGeometry1
  9. pGeometry1 = GeometryEngine.Instance.Scale(pGeometry, Lpoint, Scale_x, Scale_y)
  10. Geometry rotatedPolyline = GeometryEngine.Instance.Rotate(textLine, origin, System.Math.PI *PRotate/180)


  1. Dim Layer As FeatureLayer = Map.FindLayers("TK_LINE").First()
  2. Dim dx As Double
  3. Dim dy As Double
  4. '创建编辑器
  5. Dim duplicateFeatures = New EditOperation
  6. duplicateFeatures.Name = "Duplicate Features"
  7. '创建【inspector】实例
  8. Await QueuedTask.Run(Sub()
  9. Dim insp2 = New Inspector
  10. '加载
  11. Dim Oid As Long = 2
  12. insp2.Load(Layer, Oid)
  13. pfeatureClass = Layer.GetFeatureClass
  14. '获取复制对象
  15. Dim geom As ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Geometry = insp2("SHAPE")
  16. '复制要素及全属性复制
  17. Dim rtoken = duplicateFeatures.Create(insp2.MapMember, insp2.ToDictionary(Function(a) a.FieldName, Function(a) a.CurrentValue))
  18. If duplicateFeatures.IsEmpty = False Then
  19. If duplicateFeatures.Execute = True Then
  20. '移动位置
  21. Dim modifyOp = duplicateFeatures.CreateChainedOperation
  22. modifyOp.Modify(Layer, rtoken.ObjectID, GeometryEngine.Instance.Move(geom, dx, dy))
  23. If modifyOp.IsEmpty = False Then
  24. modifyOp.Execute()
  25. End If
  26. End If
  27. End If
  28. End Sub)


  1. Dim roadsLayer = MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers("Roads").FirstOrDefault()
  2. ' 建立平行复制生成器,并设置参数
  3. Dim parOffsetBuilder = New ParallelOffset.Builder()
  4. With parOffsetBuilder
  5. .Selection = MapView.Active.Map.GetSelection() '所选要素
  6. '.Template = roadsLayer.GetTemplate("Freeway") '模板(可以不选)
  7. .Distance = 200 '偏移距离
  8. .Side = ParallelOffset.SideType.Both '偏移方式(左,右,两侧)
  9. .Corner = ParallelOffset.CornerType.Mitered '拐角处理方式(圆角,斜接角,斜面角)
  10. .Iterations = 1 '重复偏移的次数
  11. .AlignConnected = False '是否对齐连接线的方向
  12. .CopyToSeparateFeatures = False '是否复制到独立要素
  13. .RemoveSelfIntersectingLoops = True '是否移除自相交环
  14. End With
  15. '创建编辑器并执行
  16. Dim parallelOp = New EditOperation()
  17. parallelOp.Create(parOffsetBuilder)
  18. If parallelOp.IsEmpty = False Then
  19. Dim Result = parallelOp.Execute()
  20. If Result = False Then
  21. MsgBox("操作失败。")
  22. Exit Sub
  23. End If
  24. End If


  1. Dim FeatureLayer = MapView.Active.Map.FindLayers("TK_Polygon").FirstOrDefault()
  2. Layer = FeatureLayer
  3. pfeatureClass = Layer.GetFeatureClass
  4. Dim POid As List(Of Long)
  5. POid = New List(Of Long)
  6. POid.Add(0)
  7. explodeFeatures.Explode(FeatureLayer, POid, True)
  8. If explodeFeatures.IsEmpty = False Then
  9. Dim result = explodeFeatures.Execute()
  10. If result = False Then
  11. MsgBox("操作失败。")
  12. Exit Sub
  13. End If
  14. End If


Geometry1 = GeometryEngine.Instance.Buffer(Geometry, 5.0)

