- 均值分布:0 和 1 出现的频率大致相等
- 相互独立:子序列之间毫无联系,无法互相推导
- Non-deterministic source, physical environment
- Detect ionizing radiation events, leaky capacitors, thermal noise from resistors or audio inputs
- Mouse/keyboard activity, I/O operations, interrupts
- Inconvenient, small number of values
- Deterministic algorithms to calculate numbers in relatively random sequence
- Seed is algorithm input
- Produces continuous stream of random bits
Same as PRNG but produces string of bits of some fixed length
为了保证随机性,一般我们会先通过 TRNG 生成 seed,然后将 seed 作为输入,由 PRNG 生成随机数比特流:
Linear Congruential (LC)Generator
Blum Blum Shub(BBS)Generator
与块加密(Block Cipher)不同,流加密是将原始 Key 作为 seed,通过 PRNG 生成一串看似随机的比特流从而实现加密任意长度原文的功能。
- Encryption sequence should have large period
- Keystream should approximate true random number stream
- Key must withstand brute force attacks
与 Block Cipher 相比:
- 流加密更快,实现更简单
- 块加密可以重复利用 Key
Python 版实现代码,采用 8 x 3-bit 代替 256 x 8-bit
PS:SIZE、K 和 P 需要自己设置(K、P长度可变),有中间步骤可校对
import numpy as np # set parameters SIZE = 8 K = [1, 2, 3, 6] P = [3, 5, 7, 2, 4, 6] print("Plaintext :", P) print("Key :", K) print() def swap(S, i, j): tmp = S[i] S[i] = S[j] S[j] = tmp # 1. S and T initialization S = np.arange(0, SIZE) T = np.arange(0, SIZE) for i in range(0, SIZE): T[i] = K[i % len(K)] print("1. Initialize S and T :") print("S =", S) print("T =", T) print() # 2. Permutation print("2. Permutation S :") j = 0 for i in range(0, SIZE): j = (j + S[i] + T[i]) % SIZE swap(S, i, j) print("Step", i, ": S =", S) print() # 3. Stream Generation print("3. Stream Generation :") i = 0 j = 0 count = 0 k = np.arange(0, len(P)) while count < len(P): i = (i + 1) % SIZE j = (j + S[i]) % SIZE swap(S, i, j) t = (S[i] + S[j]) % SIZE k[i-1] = S[t] print("Step", count, ": i =", i, ", j =", j, ", S =", S, ", t =", t) count = count + 1 print() # 4. Encryption & Decryption print("4. Encryption and Decryption :") print("k stream :", k) C = np.arange(0, len(P)) for i in range(0, len(P)): C[i] = P[i] ^ k[i] print("Ciphertext :", C)
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