首先后台采用springboot mybatis作为框架
<view class='container'> <view class="weui-msg"> <view class="weui-msg__icon-area"> <icon type="info" size="93"></icon> </view> <view class="weui-msg__text-area"> <view class="weui-msg__title">未登录</view> </view> <view class="weui-msg__opr-area"> <view class="weui-btn-area"> <button class="weui-btn" type="primary" bindtap="showTopTips" open-type="getUserInfo" bindgetuserinfo="bindGetUserInfo">授权登录</button> </view> </view> <view class="weui-msg__extra-area"> <view class="weui-footer"> <view class="weui-footer__text">Copyright © 2018 wfuhui.com</view> </view> </view> </view> </view>
bindGetUserInfo: function (res) { app.login(function(){ console.log("xxxx") wx.navigateBack({ }) }); } login: function(callback) { var that = this; var token = that.globalData.token; if (token) { wx.request({ url: that.globalData.domain + '/api/checkToken', data: { token: token }, success: function(res) { if (res.data.code != 0) { that.globalData.token = null; that.login(callback); } } }) return; } wx.login({ success: function(res) { wx.request({ url: that.globalData.domain + '/api/wechat/user/login', data: { code: res.code }, success: function(res) { if (res.data.code == 1) { that.globalData.sessionKey = res.data.sessionKey; //暂时,不应该在网络传输 // 去注册 that.registerUser(callback); return; } if (res.data.code != 0) { // 登录错误 wx.hideLoading(); wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '无法登录,请重试', showCancel: false }) return; } that.globalData.token = res.data.token; that.globalData.userInfo = res.data.userInfo; callback(); } }) } }) }, registerUser: function(callback) { var that = this; wx.login({ success: function(res) { var code = res.code; // 微信登录接口返回的 code 参数,下面注册接口需要用到 wx.getUserInfo({ success: function(res) { var iv = res.iv; var encryptedData = res.encryptedData; var rawData = res.rawData; var signature = res.signature; // 下面开始调用注册接口 wx.request({ url: that.globalData.domain + '/api/wechat/user/register', data: { code: code, encryptedData: encryptedData, iv: iv, rawData: rawData, signature: signature, sessionKey: that.globalData.sessionKey }, // 设置请求的 参数 success: (res) => { if (res.data.code == 0) { wx.hideLoading(); that.login(callback); } else { // 登录错误 wx.hideLoading(); wx.showModal({ title: '提示', content: '无法登录,请重试', showCancel: false }) } } }) }, fail: function(res) { console.log(res) } }) } }) },
if (StringUtils.isBlank(code)) { return R.error("empty jscode"); } try { WxMaJscode2SessionResult session = this.wxService.getUserService().getSessionInfo(code); this.logger.info(session.getSessionKey()); this.logger.info(session.getOpenid()); //查询用户信息 UserEntity user = userService.queryByOpenid(session.getOpenid()); if(user == null) { String sessionKey = session.getSessionKey(); return R.error(1, "未注册").put("sessionKey", sessionKey); } //生成token Map<String, Object> map = tokenService.createToken(user.getId()); map.put("userInfo", user); return R.ok(map); } catch (WxErrorException e) { this.logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return R.error(); }
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