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1. 目的


2. 环境规划






























3.  搭建步骤

3.1. 初始化服务器


  1. ## docker拉取一个基础镜像:
  2. root@system:~# docker pull vitotp/centos7.6
  3. ## 基于基础镜像构建一个自己的基础镜像:
  4. root@system:~# vim Dockerfile
  5. root@system:~# cat Dockerfile
  6. FROM vitotp/centos7.6
  7. RUN echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf && yum -y update && yum -y install openssh-server openssh-clients lrzsz sudo && yum -y clean all && echo "root:qwerty"|chpasswd && echo "root ALL=(ALL) ALL" >> /etc/sudoers && mkdir /var/run/sshd
  8. EXPOSE 22
  9. CMD ["systemctl","start","sshd.server"]
  10. root@system:~# docker build -t myos-el7:1.0 .
  11. root@system:~# docker images
  13. myos-el7 1.0 6510f68c38d4 3 weeks ago 771MB
  14. vitotp/centos7.6 latest 0429a3daccd0 4 years ago 433MB
  15. ## 创建ob01容器:
  16. root@system:~# docker run -d -m 15g -p 122:22 -p 1881:2881 -p 1882:2882 -p 1883:2883 -v /mnt/db/oceanbase/ob01:/opt -v /mnt/hub/obadmin01:/home -h OBSERVER01 --name=ob01 --privileged=true 6510f68c38d4 /usr/sbin/init
  17. ## 创建ob02容器:
  18. root@system:~# docker run -d -m 15g -p 222:22 -p 2881:2881 -p 2882:2882 -p 2883:2883 -p 2884:2884 -p 8080:8080 -v /mnt/db/oceanbase/ob02:/opt -v /mnt/hub/obadmin02:/home -h OBSERVER02 --name=ob02 --privileged=true 6510f68c38d4 /usr/sbin/init
  19. ## 创建ob03容器:
  20. root@system:~# docker run -d -m 15g -p 322:22 -p 3881:2881 -p 3882:2882 -p 3883:2883 -v /mnt/db/oceanbase/ob03:/opt -v /mnt/hub/obadmin03:/home -h OBSERVER03 --name=ob03 --privileged=true 6510f68c38d4 /usr/sbin/init


  1. ## 创建桥接网卡:
  2. root@system:~# docker network create --subnet --gateway innet
  3. ## 设置固定IP追加到各个容器:
  4. root@system:~# docker network create --subnet --gateway innet
  5. root@system:~# docker network connect innet --ip "" ob01
  6. root@system:~# docker network connect innet --ip "" ob02
  7. root@system:~# docker network connect innet --ip "" ob03


Docker基础(小白篇)-CSDN博客icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_61894388/article/details/130708198?spm=1001.2014.3001.5501 3)初始化操作系统环境:三个OB容器均执行;

  1. ## 添加一个初始化操作系统脚本:
  2. root@system:~# cd /mnt/db/oceanbase
  3. root@system:oceanbase# cat initos.sh
  4. echo ' _
  5. _ _|_| ___
  6. _|_|_|_|_ \ \___
  7. _|_|_|_|_|_|___ \ __\
  8. /===============\___/ /
  9. ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~/~~ ~~~
  10. \_____o ___/
  11. \ \ __/
  12. \__\________/
  13. docker - centos7.6' > /root/logo.txt
  14. echo '#!/bin/bash
  15. echo -e "\033[1;36m$(cat /root/logo.txt)\033[0m\n登录主机: [\033[1;35m$(hostname -I)\033[0m],时间: [\033[1;33m$(date +%F_%T)\033[0m]"
  16. pg(){
  17. ps -ef | grep "$1" | grep -v grep
  18. }
  19. ns(){
  20. netstat -unlpt | grep "$1"
  21. }
  22. clockdiff
  23. clockdiff
  24. clockdiff
  25. ' > /root/cmd
  26. chmod 775 /root/cmd
  27. echo 'source /root/cmd' >> /root/.bash_profile
  28. source /root/.bash_profile
  29. ## 关闭透明大页:
  30. echo "never" > /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
  31. cat /sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled
  32. ## 修改可用最小内存值,小于该值则清理缓存:
  33. echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
  34. ## 设置资源限制大小:
  35. echo '
  36. root soft nofile 655350
  37. root hard nofile 655350
  38. * soft nofile 655350
  39. * hard nofile 655350
  40. * soft nproc 655360
  41. * hard nproc 655360
  42. * soft stack unlimited
  43. * hard stack unlimited
  44. * soft core unlimited
  45. * hard core unlimited
  46. ' >> /etc/security/limits.conf
  47. ulimit -a
  48. ## 修改操作系统内核参数:
  49. echo 'fs.aio-max-nr=1048576
  50. net.core.somaxconn = 2048
  51. net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 10000
  52. net.core.rmem_default = 16777216
  53. net.core.wmem_default = 16777216
  54. net.core.rmem_max = 16777216
  55. net.core.wmem_max = 16777216
  56. net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 3500 65535
  57. net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter = 1
  58. net.ipv4.conf.default.accept_source_route = 0
  59. net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies = 0
  60. net.ipv4.tcp_rmem = 4096 87380 16777216
  61. net.ipv4.tcp_wmem = 4096 65536 16777216
  62. net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 16384
  63. net.ipv4.tcp_fin_timeout = 15
  64. net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog = 16384
  65. net.ipv4.tcp_tw_reuse = 1
  66. net.ipv4.tcp_tw_recycle = 1
  67. net.ipv4.tcp_slow_start_after_idle=0
  68. vm.swappiness = 0
  69. vm.min_free_kbytes = 2097152
  70. fs.file-max = 6573688
  71. vm.max_map_count = 655360
  72. kernel.core_pattern = /opt/core-%e-%p-%t
  73. ' >> /etc/sysctl.conf
  74. sysctl -p
  75. ## 创建操作系统用户:
  76. useradd -g root -m -d /home/admin -s /bin/bash admin
  77. echo 'Admin123' | passwd --stdin admin
  78. id admin
  79. ## 配置sodu权限:
  80. echo "admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" >> /etc/sudoers
  81. ## 目录规划:
  82. mkdir -p /opt/{data,redolog}
  83. ## 配置服务域名:
  84. echo '
  85. OBSVR01
  86. OBSVR02
  87. OBSVR03
  88. ' >> /etc/hosts
  89. ## 时钟校正:
  90. clockdiff OBSVR01
  91. clockdiff OBSVR02
  92. clockdiff OBSVR03
  93. ## 修改环变量:
  94. echo 'export OB_HOME=/home/admin/oceanbase
  96. export PATH=$PATH:$OB_HOME/bin
  97. ' >> /home/admin/.bash_profile
  98. ## 设置免密登陆:
  99. su - admin -c "ssh-keygen -t rsa -N ''"
  100. ## 各个容器执行初始化:
  101. root@system:oceanbase# docker exec -it ob01 /bin/bash -c "/opt/initos.sh"
  102. root@system:oceanbase# docker exec -it ob02 /bin/bash -c "/opt/initos.sh"
  103. root@system:oceanbase# docker exec -it ob03 /bin/bash -c "/opt/initos.sh"


  1. ## 简化docker命令集:
  2. root@system:~# cd /var/lib/docker/dockercmd
  3. #!/bin/bash
  4. dls(){
  5. docker images
  6. }
  7. dps(){
  8. docker ps -a
  9. }
  10. dexec(){
  11. docker exec -it "$1" /bin/bash -c "sudo -i"
  12. }
  13. drm(){
  14. docker rm -f "$1"
  15. }
  16. drmi(){
  17. docker rmi -f "$1"
  18. }
  19. OBCService(){
  20. OBSVRLIST=(ob01 ob02 ob03)
  21. mode="${1:-stats}"
  22. for svr in ${OBSVRLIST[@]};do echo "正在${mode}容器${svr}..."&&echo -e "[\033[1;32mOK\033[0m]: $(docker ${mode} ${svr})容器${mode}成功.";done
  23. }
  24. complete -W "start stop restart stats" OBCService
  25. root@system:~# source /var/lib/docker/dockercmd
  26. ## 一键重启OceanBase集群:
  27. root@system:~# OBCService restart
  28. 正在restart容器ob01...
  29. [OK]: ob01容器restart成功.
  30. 正在restart容器ob02...
  31. [OK]: ob02容器restart成功.
  32. 正在restart容器ob03...
  33. [OK]: ob03容器restart成功.
  34. ## 进入ob1容器:
  35. root@system:~# dexec ob01
  36. _
  37. _ _|_| ___
  38. _|_|_|_|_ \ \___
  39. _|_|_|_|_|_|___ \ __\
  40. /===============\___/ /
  41. ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~~/~~ ~~~
  42. \_____o ___/
  43. \ \ __/
  44. \__\________/
  45. docker - centos7.6
  46. 登录主机: [ ],时间: [2024-01-20_13:18:54]
  47. .
  48. host= rtt=750(187)ms/0ms delta=0ms/0ms Sat Jan 20 13:18:54 2024
  49. .
  50. host= rtt=750(187)ms/0ms delta=0ms/0ms Sat Jan 20 13:18:54 2024
  51. .
  52. host= rtt=750(187)ms/0ms delta=0ms/0ms Sat Jan 20 13:18:54 2024
  53. [root@OBSERVER01 ~]# vim /etc/security/limits.d/20-nproc.conf
  54. [root@OBSERVER01 ~]# su - admin
  55. Last login: Sat Jan 20 12:25:28 CST 2024 on pts/2
  56. [admin@OBSERVER01 ~]$


(可选)配置时钟源-OceanBase 数据库 -OceanBase文档中心-分布式数据库使用文档icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://www.oceanbase.com/docs/common-oceanbase-database-cn-1000000000220840

3.2. OBD下载安装rpm包



OceanBase 社区版下载 - 开源数据库下载 - OceanBase 数据库下载中心icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://www.oceanbase.com/softwarecenter        服务器如果可以连外网,可以直接下载:

  1. ## 进入ob02容器交互:
  2. root@system:~# docker exec -it ob02 /bin/bash
  3. [root@OBSERVER02 ~]$ cd /opt/obinstall
  4. [root@OBSERVER02 obinstall]$ wget https://obbusiness-private.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/download-center/opensource/observer/4.2.1_CE_BP2/oceanbase-ce-
  5. [root@OBSERVER02 obinstall]$ wget https://obbusiness-private.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/download-center/opensource/observer/4.2.1_CE_BP2/oceanbase-ce-libs-
  6. [root@OBSERVER02 obinstall]$ wget https://obbusiness-private.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/download-center/opensource/obdeploy/2.5.0/ob-deploy-2.5.0-2.el7.x86_64.rpm
  7. [root@OBSERVER02 obinstall]$ wget https://obbusiness-private.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/download-center/opensource/obproxy/v4.2.1_CE/obproxy-ce-
  8. [root@OBSERVER02 obinstall]$ ll
  9. total 285096
  10. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 11936672 Jan 3 18:36 obclient-2.2.3-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
  11. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 65033488 Jan 3 18:36 ob-deploy-2.5.0-2.el7.x86_64.rpm
  12. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 123411192 Jan 2 16:14 obproxy-ce-
  13. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 91384448 Jan 2 16:14 oceanbase-ce-
  14. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 158316 Jan 2 16:14 oceanbase-ce-libs-
  15. [root@OBSERVER02 obinstall]$ chown -R admin:root /opt/obinstall


  1. ## 安装OBD:
  2. [admin@OBSERVER02 obinstall]$ sudo rpm -ivh ob-deploy-2.4.1-2.el7.x86_64.rpm
  3. Preparing... ################################# [100%]
  4. Updating / installing...
  5. 1:ob-deploy-2.4.1-2.el7 ################################# [100%]
  6. Installation of obd finished successfully
  7. Please source /etc/profile.d/obd.sh to enable it
  8. [admin@OBSERVER02 obinstall]$ source /etc/profile.d/obd.sh
  9. [admin@OBSERVER02 obinstall]$ obd --help
  10. Usage: obd <command> [options]
  11. Available commands:
  12. cluster Deploy and manage a cluster.
  13. demo Quickly start
  14. display-trace display trace_id log.
  15. mirror Manage a component repository for OBD.
  16. obdiag Oceanbase Diagnostic Tool
  17. repo Manage local repository for OBD.
  18. test Run test for a running deployment.
  19. update Update OBD.
  20. web Start obd deploy application as web.
  21. Options:
  22. --version show program's version number and exit
  23. -h, --help Show help and exit.
  24. -v, --verbose Activate verbose output.



  1. ## (可选)删除或移走远程yum源包:
  2. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ rm -rf ~/.obd/mirror/remote/OceanBase.repo
  3. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ obd mirror list
  4. Update OceanBase-community-stable-el7 ok
  5. Update OceanBase-development-kit-el7 ok
  6. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  7. | Mirror Repository List |
  8. +----------------------------+--------+---------+----------+------------------+
  9. | SectionName | Type | Enabled | Avaiable | Update Time |
  10. +----------------------------+--------+---------+----------+------------------+
  11. | oceanbase.community.stable | remote | True | True | 2024-01-03 10:31 |
  12. | oceanbase.development-kit | remote | True | True | 2024-01-03 10:31 |
  13. | local | local | - | True | 2024-01-03 10:37 |
  14. +----------------------------+--------+---------+----------+------------------+
  15. Use `obd mirror list <section name>` for more details
  16. Trace ID: 083bc7ec-a9e1-11ee-8b6b-0242ac110003
  17. If you want to view detailed obd logs, please run: obd display-trace 083bc7ec-a9e1-11ee-8b6b-0242ac110003
  18. ## OBD禁用远程仓库:
  19. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ obd mirror disable remote
  20. Disable remote ok
  21. Trace ID: 14b436b2-a9e1-11ee-bd85-0242ac110003
  22. If you want to view detailed obd logs, please run: obd display-trace 14b436b2-a9e1-11ee-bd85-0242ac110003
  23. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ obd mirror list
  24. +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  25. | Mirror Repository List |
  26. +----------------------------+--------+---------+----------+------------------+
  27. | SectionName | Type | Enabled | Avaiable | Update Time |
  28. +----------------------------+--------+---------+----------+------------------+
  29. | oceanbase.community.stable | remote | False | False | 2024-01-03 10:37 |
  30. | oceanbase.development-kit | remote | False | False | 2024-01-03 10:37 |
  31. | local | local | - | True | 2024-01-03 10:39 |
  32. +----------------------------+--------+---------+----------+------------------+
  33. Use `obd mirror list <section name>` for more details
  34. Trace ID: 50f681a2-a9e1-11ee-9248-0242ac110003
  35. If you want to view detailed obd logs, please run: obd display-trace 50f681a2-a9e1-11ee-9248-0242ac110003


  1. [admin@OBSERVER02 obinstall]$ obd mirror clone ./*.rpm
  2. name: obproxy-ce
  3. version:
  4. release:11.el7
  5. arch: x86_64
  6. md5: 0aed4b782120e4248b749f67be3d2cc82cdcb70d
  7. add ./obproxy-ce- to local mirror
  8. name: oceanbase-ce
  9. version:
  10. release:102000042023120514.el7
  11. arch: x86_64
  12. md5: bf178e82c99ca1324a3df9e1a21cbbb8f8c4d46c
  13. add ./oceanbase-ce- to local mirror
  14. name: oceanbase-ce-libs
  15. version:
  16. release:102000042023120514.el7
  17. arch: x86_64
  18. md5: f77ba7e678acf0645889967391c847ca9cf684b6
  19. add ./oceanbase-ce-libs- to local mirror
  20. Trace ID: 03fa748c-a3bd-11ee-acb3-0242ac110003
  21. If you want to view detailed obd logs, please run: obd display-trace 03fa748c-a3bd-11ee-acb3-0242ac110003
  22. ## 查看本地仓库:
  23. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ obd mirror list local
  24. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  25. | local Package List |
  26. +-------------------+---------+------------------------+--------+------------------------------------------+
  27. | name | version | release | arch | md5 |
  28. +-------------------+---------+------------------------+--------+------------------------------------------+
  29. | obproxy-ce | | 11.el7 | x86_64 | 0aed4b782120e4248b749f67be3d2cc82cdcb70d |
  30. | oceanbase-ce | | 102000042023120514.el7 | x86_64 | b2ccb524f200a9ef0fad2cddf59d309ddaa2e3e4 |
  31. | oceanbase-ce-libs | | 102000042023120514.el7 | x86_64 | b4ae00ee729404557fa858d4cdd87250bca1aa63 |
  32. +-------------------+---------+------------------------+--------+------------------------------------------+
  33. Trace ID: ccbaf870-ac77-11ee-8848-0242ac110003
  34. If you want to view detailed obd logs, please run: obd display-trace ccbaf870-ac77-11ee-8848-0242ac110003
  35. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$

3.3. 搭建OceaBase集群


  1. [admin@OBSERVER02 obinstall]$ cat myobc.yaml
  2. user:
  3. username: admin
  4. password: Admin123
  5. oceanbase-ce:
  6. servers:
  7. - name: obsvr01
  8. ip:
  9. - name: obsvr02
  10. ip:
  11. - name: obsvr03
  12. ip:
  13. global:
  14. devname: eth1
  15. mysql_port: 2881
  16. rpc_port: 2882
  17. home_path: /home/admin/oceanbase
  18. data_dir: /opt/data
  19. redo_dir: /opt/redolog
  20. cluster_id: 202401
  21. production_mode: false
  22. memory_limit: 8G
  23. system_memory: 2G
  24. stack_size: 512K
  25. cpu_count: 16
  26. datafile_size: 15G
  27. log_disk_size: 5G
  28. cache_wash_threshold: 1G
  29. __min_full_resource_pool_memory: 2147483648
  30. workers_per_cpu_quota: 10
  31. schema_history_expire_time: 1d
  32. net_thread_count: 4
  33. major_freeze_duty_time: Disable
  34. minor_freeze_times: 10
  35. enable_separate_sys_clog: 0
  36. enable_merge_by_turn: false
  37. syslog_level: WARN
  38. enable_syslog_wf: false
  39. enable_syslog_recycle: true
  40. enable_rich_error_msg: true
  41. max_syslog_file_count: 4
  42. appname: myobc
  43. root_password: 1qazxsw2
  44. proxyro_password:
  45. obsvr01:
  46. zone: zone1
  47. obsvr02:
  48. zone: zone2
  49. obsvr03:
  50. zone: zone3
  51. [admin@OBSERVER02 obinstall]$


  1. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ obd cluster deploy myobc -c /opt/obinstall/myobc.yaml -f
  2. Package oceanbase-ce- is available.
  3. install oceanbase-ce- for local ok
  4. +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  5. | Packages |
  6. +--------------+---------+------------------------+------------------------------------------+
  7. | Repository | Version | Release | Md5 |
  8. +--------------+---------+------------------------+------------------------------------------+
  9. | oceanbase-ce | | 102000042023120514.el7 | b2ccb524f200a9ef0fad2cddf59d309ddaa2e3e4 |
  10. +--------------+---------+------------------------+------------------------------------------+
  11. Repository integrity check ok
  12. Parameter check ok
  13. Initializes observer work home ok
  14. Remote oceanbase-ce- repository install ok
  15. Remote oceanbase-ce- repository lib check !!
  16. Try to get lib-repository
  17. Package oceanbase-ce-libs- is available.
  18. install oceanbase-ce-libs- for local ok
  19. Remote oceanbase-ce-libs- repository install ok
  20. Remote oceanbase-ce- repository lib check ok
  21. myobc deployed
  22. Please execute ` obd cluster start myobc ` to start
  23. Trace ID: 76232158-b74a-11ee-99a2-024280800002
  24. If you want to view detailed obd logs, please run: obd display-trace 76232158-b74a-11ee-99a2-024280800002

-f 参数可以强制覆盖原有的安装目录文件,避免安装过程出现安装目录不为空产生的报错;如果是第一次安装搭建,可以不加-f。 


  1. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ obd cluster start myobc
  2. Get local repositories ok
  3. Search plugins ok
  4. Load cluster param plugin ok
  5. Open ssh connection ok
  6. Check before start observer ok
  7. [WARN] OBD-1012: ( clog and data use the same disk (/opt)
  8. [WARN] OBD-1012: ( clog and data use the same disk (/opt)
  9. [WARN] OBD-1012: ( clog and data use the same disk (/opt)
  10. Start observer ok
  11. observer program health check ok
  12. Connect to observer ok
  13. Initialize oceanbase-ce ok
  14. Wait for observer init ok
  15. +---------------------------------------------+
  16. | observer |
  17. +-----------+---------+------+-------+--------+
  18. | ip | version | port | zone | status |
  19. +-----------+---------+------+-------+--------+
  20. | | | 2881 | zone1 | ACTIVE |
  21. | | | 2881 | zone2 | ACTIVE |
  22. | | | 2881 | zone3 | ACTIVE |
  23. +-----------+---------+------+-------+--------+
  24. obclient -h10.0.0.11 -P2881 -uroot -p'1qazxsw2' -Doceanbase -A
  25. myobc running
  26. Trace ID: ffe97290-aaa5-11ee-86dc-0242ac110003
  27. If you want to view detailed obd logs, please run: obd display-trace ffe97290-aaa5-11ee-86dc-0242ac110003


  1. [admin@OBSERVER02 opt]$ sudo rpm -ivh obclient-2.2.3-1.el7.x86_64.rpm
  2. Preparing... ################################# [100%]
  3. Updating / installing...
  4. 1:obclient-2.2.3-1.el7 ################################# [100%]
  5. [admin@OBSERVER02 opt]$

3.4. 安装运行OBProxy



  1. [admin@OBSERVER02 obinstall]$ sudo rpm -ivh obproxy-ce-
  2. Preparing... ################################# [100%]
  3. Updating / installing...
  4. 1:obproxy-ce- ################################# [100%]
  5. [admin@OBSERVER02 obinstall]$ cd ~/obproxy
  6. [admin@OBSERVER02 obproxy]$ /home/admin/obproxy/bin/obproxy -o 'enable_strict_kernel_release=false,enable_cluster_checkout=false,skip_proxy_sys_private_check=true,enable_metadb_used=false' --listen_port 2883 --prometheus_listen_port 2884 --rs_list ';;' --cluster_name myobc
  7. /home/admin/obproxy/bin/obproxy -o enable_strict_kernel_release=false,enable_cluster_checkout=false,skip_proxy_sys_private_check=true,enable_metadb_used=false --listen_port 2883 --prometheus_listen_port 2884 --rs_list;; --cluster_name myobc
  8. optstr: enable_strict_kernel_release=false,enable_cluster_checkout=false,skip_proxy_sys_private_check=true,enable_metadb_used=false
  9. listen port: 2883
  10. prometheus listen port: 2884
  11. [admin@OBSERVER02 obproxy]$ ps -ef|grep obproxy
  12. admin 855 1 3 18:14 ? 00:00:23 /home/admin/obproxy/bin/obproxy -o enable_strict_kernel_release=false,enable_cluster_checkout=false,skip_proxy_sys_private_check=true,enable_metadb_used=false --listen_port 2883 --prometheus_listen_port 2884 --rs_list;; --cluster_name myobc
  13. [admin@OBSERVER02 obproxy]$ ss -unlpt|grep 2883
  14. tcp LISTEN 0 1024 *:2883 *:* users:(("obproxy",pid=2062,fd=92))


  1. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ obclient -h10.0.0.12 -P2883 -uroot@proxysys -p -c -A
  2. Enter password:
  3. Welcome to the OceanBase. Commands end with ; or \g.
  4. Your OceanBase connection id is 5
  5. Server version: 5.6.25
  6. Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, OceanBase and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  7. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
  8. obclient [(none)]> show processlist;
  9. +------+----------+------+-----------------+------+-------------+-------------------+-------------------+------+------+
  10. | Id | Tenant | User | Host | db | trans_count | svr_session_count | state | tid | pid |
  11. +------+----------+------+-----------------+------+-------------+-------------------+-------------------+------+------+
  12. | 5 | proxysys | root | | NULL | 0 | 0 | MCS_ACTIVE_READER | 2062 | 2062 |
  13. +------+----------+------+-----------------+------+-------------+-------------------+-------------------+------+------+
  14. 1 row in set (0.002 sec)
  15. obclient [(none)]> show proxyconfig like '%sys_password%';
  16. +------------------------+-------+--------------------------------+-------------+---------------+
  17. | name | value | info | need_reboot | visible_level |
  18. +------------------------+-------+--------------------------------+-------------+---------------+
  19. | observer_sys_password1 | | password for observer sys user | false | SYS |
  20. | observer_sys_password | | password for observer sys user | false | SYS |
  21. | obproxy_sys_password | | password for obproxy sys user | false | SYS |
  22. +------------------------+-------+--------------------------------+-------------+---------------+
  23. 3 rows in set (0.002 sec)
  24. obclient [(none)]> alter proxyconfig set observer_sys_password='1QAZXSW2';
  25. Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.017 sec)
  26. obclient [(none)]> alter proxyconfig set obproxy_sys_password='1QAZXSW2';
  27. Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.016 sec)
  28. obclient [(none)]> show proxyconfig like '%sys_password%';
  29. +------------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+-------------+---------------+
  30. | name | value | info | need_reboot | visible_level |
  31. +------------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+-------------+---------------+
  32. | observer_sys_password1 | | password for observer sys user | false | SYS |
  33. | observer_sys_password | 51045cddb1a4447ece609d181d80833cbcd361c6 | password for observer sys user | false | SYS |
  34. | obproxy_sys_password | 51045cddb1a4447ece609d181d80833cbcd361c6 | password for obproxy sys user | false | SYS |
  35. +------------------------+------------------------------------------+--------------------------------+-------------+---------------+
  36. 3 rows in set (0.003 sec)
  37. obclient [(none)]> exit
  38. Bye


  1. ## 进入sys租户修改proxyro用户密码:
  2. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ obclient -h10.0.0.12 -P2881 -uroot@sys -p'1qazxsw2' -c -A oceanbase
  3. Welcome to the OceanBase. Commands end with ; or \g.
  4. Your OceanBase connection id is 3221780363
  5. Server version: OceanBase_CE (r102000042023120514-ccdde7d34de421336c5362483d64bf2b73348bd4) (Built Dec 5 2023 14:34:01)
  6. Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, OceanBase and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  7. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
  8. obclient [oceanbase]> show tenant;
  9. +---------------------+
  10. | Current_tenant_name |
  11. +---------------------+
  12. | sys |
  13. +---------------------+
  14. 1 row in set (0.003 sec)
  15. obclient [oceanbase]> select user,host,password from mysql.user;
  16. +---------+------+-------------------------------------------+
  17. | user | host | password |
  18. +---------+------+-------------------------------------------+
  19. | root | % | *79b36e3d5f430af5b15934d61d71c031b6502834 |
  20. | proxyro | % | |
  21. +---------+------+-------------------------------------------+
  22. 2 rows in set (0.009 sec)
  23. obclient [oceanbase]> grant select on oceanbase.* to proxyro identified by '1QAZXSW2';
  24. Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.097 sec)
  25. obclient [oceanbase]> grant usage on *.* to proxyro;
  26. Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.095 sec)
  27. obclient [oceanbase]> select user,host,password from mysql.user;
  28. +---------+------+-------------------------------------------+
  29. | user | host | password |
  30. +---------+------+-------------------------------------------+
  31. | root | % | *79b36e3d5f430af5b15934d61d71c031b6502834 |
  32. | proxyro | % | *64ac39155222d296839dc451f38bba28b5a33a12 |
  33. +---------+------+-------------------------------------------+
  34. 2 rows in set (0.000 sec)
  35. obclient [oceanbase]> show full processlist;
  36. +------------+---------+--------+-----------------+-----------+---------+------+--------+-----------------------+-----------+------+----------------------+
  37. | Id | User | Tenant | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info | Ip | Port | Proxy_sessid |
  38. +------------+---------+--------+-----------------+-----------+---------+------+--------+-----------------------+-----------+------+----------------------+
  39. | 3221780363 | root | sys | | oceanbase | Query | 0 | ACTIVE | show full processlist | | 2881 | NULL |
  40. | 3221687230 | proxyro | sys | | oceanbase | Sleep | 1 | SLEEP | NULL | | 2881 | 12398691262201528324 |
  41. | 3221661587 | proxyro | sys | | oceanbase | Sleep | 1463 | SLEEP | NULL | | 2881 | 12398691262201528323 |
  42. +------------+---------+--------+-----------------+-----------+---------+------+--------+-----------------------+-----------+------+----------------------+
  43. 3 rows in set (0.011 sec)
  44. obclient [oceanbase]> quit
  45. Bye


  1. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ obclient -h10.0.0.12 -P2883 -uroot@sys#myobc -p'1qazxsw2' -Doceanbase -c -A
  2. Welcome to the OceanBase. Commands end with ; or \g.
  3. Your OceanBase connection id is 10
  4. Server version: OceanBase_CE (r102000042023120514-ccdde7d34de421336c5362483d64bf2b73348bd4) (Built Dec 5 2023 14:34:01)
  5. Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, OceanBase and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  6. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
  7. obclient [oceanbase]> select svr_ip,svr_port,zone,inner_port,with_rootserver,status,stop_time,start_service_time,last_offline_time from __all_server;
  8. +-----------+----------+-------+------------+-----------------+--------+-----------+--------------------+-------------------+
  9. | svr_ip | svr_port | zone | inner_port | with_rootserver | status | stop_time | start_service_time | last_offline_time |
  10. +-----------+----------+-------+------------+-----------------+--------+-----------+--------------------+-------------------+
  11. | | 2882 | zone1 | 2881 | 1 | ACTIVE | 0 | 1704536095795754 | 0 |
  12. | | 2882 | zone2 | 2881 | 0 | ACTIVE | 0 | 1704536100355839 | 0 |
  13. | | 2882 | zone3 | 2881 | 0 | ACTIVE | 0 | 1704536096955836 | 0 |
  14. +-----------+----------+-------+------------+-----------------+--------+-----------+--------------------+-------------------+
  15. 3 rows in set (0.004 sec)
  16. obclient [oceanbase]> quit
  17. Bye



  1. [admin@OBSERVER02 bin]$ cat OBService
  2. #!/bin/bash
  3. OPTMODE="${1:-status}"
  4. OBCLU_NAME=myobc
  5. OB_HOME=/home/admin/oceanbase
  6. ODP_HOME=/home/admin/obproxy
  7. ODP_PID=`ps -ef|grep -w $ODP_HOME|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'`
  8. LAB="\033[36m[$(date +%F_%T)]\033[0m"
  9. if [[ -n "$ODP_PID" ]];then RMD="obproxy服务已开启.";else RMD="obproxy服务已关闭.";fi
  10. if [[ "$OPTMODE" == "start" && -z "$ODP_PID" ]];then
  11. obd cluster start "$OBCLU_NAME"
  12. cd $ODP_HOME && $ODP_HOME/bin/obproxy
  13. LAB="[\033[1;32mOK\033[0m]";RMD="obproxy服务已开启."
  14. elif [[ "$OPTMODE" == "stop" && -n "$ODP_PID" ]];then
  15. obd cluster stop "$OBCLU_NAME"
  16. kill -9 "$ODP_PID"
  17. LAB="[\033[1;32mOK\033[0m]";RMD="obproxy服务已关闭."
  18. elif [[ "$OPTMODE" == "restart" ]];then
  19. obd cluster restart "$OBCLU_NAME"
  20. kill -9 "$ODP_PID"
  21. cd $ODP_HOME && $ODP_HOME/bin/obproxy
  22. LAB="[\033[1;32mOK\033[0m]";RMD="obproxy服务已重启."
  23. elif [[ "$OPTMODE" == "status" ]];then
  24. ps -ef|grep -w $ODP_HOME|grep -v grep
  25. ss -unlpt|grep -w 2883
  26. else
  27. LAB="[\033[1;31mERROR\033[0m]";RMD="参数选项有误,正确执行方法: $0 start/stop/restart/status."
  28. fi
  29. obd cluster list
  30. echo -e "${LAB}: ${RMD}"
  31. [admin@OBSERVER02 bin]$ chmod 775 OBService



 4. ODC开发工具客户端连接


5. 报错处理 

5.1. 安装失败后卸载重装


  1. ## kill掉数据库进程:
  2. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ pidof observer|xargs kill -9
  3. ## kill掉obproxy进程:
  4. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ pidof observer|xargs kill -9
  5. ## 清空数据文件目录和日志文件目录:
  6. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ rm -rf /home/admin/oceanbase /opt/data/* /opt/redolog/*
  7. ## 移除掉rpm包:
  8. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ yum list installed|grep -iE 'oceanbase|obproxy'|awk '{print $1}'|xargs sudo yum remove -y
  9. ## obd重新安装部署集群:
  10. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ obd cluster deploy myobc -c /opt/obinstall/myobc.yaml -f

5.2. 安装用户可使用线程数小于要求



  1. ## 先查看/etc/security/limits.conf配置:
  2. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ tail -15 /etc/security/limits.conf
  3. #@student - maxlogins 4
  4. # End of file
  5. root soft nofile 655350
  6. root hard nofile 655350
  7. * soft nofile 655350
  8. * hard nofile 655350
  9. * soft nproc 655360
  10. * hard nproc 655360
  11. * soft stack unlimited
  12. * hard stack unlimited
  13. * soft core unlimited
  14. * hard core unlimited


  1. ## 查看admin用户ulimit值:
  2. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ ulimit -u
  3. 4096
  4. ## 查看root用户ulimit值:
  5. [root@OBSERVER02 ~]# ulimit -u
  6. 655360



  1. ## 将普通用户soft nproc值改成655360;
  2. [root@OBSERVER02 ~]$ ll /etc/security/limits.d/*-nproc.conf
  3. -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 193 Jan 20 12:49 /etc/security/limits.d/20-nproc.conf
  4. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ cat /etc/security/limits.d/20-nproc.conf
  5. # Default limit for number of user's processes to prevent
  6. # accidental fork bombs.
  7. # See rhbz #432903 for reasoning.
  8. * soft nproc 655360
  9. root soft nproc unlimited
  10. [root@OBSERVER02 ~]$
  11. [root@OBSERVER02 ~]# su - admin
  12. Last login: Sat Jan 20 12:33:47 CST 2024 on pts/0
  13. [admin@OBSERVER02 ~]$ ulimit -a
  14. core file size (blocks, -c) unlimited
  15. data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited
  16. scheduling priority (-e) 0
  17. file size (blocks, -f) unlimited
  18. pending signals (-i) 256628
  19. max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 64
  20. max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
  21. open files (-n) 655350
  22. pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8
  23. POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
  24. real-time priority (-r) 0
  25. stack size (kbytes, -s) unlimited
  26. cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited
  27. max user processes (-u) 655360
  28. virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited
  29. file locks (-x) unlimited

重新登录admin用户执行ulimit -a看到max user processes值变成655360了,同样的,在其他节点修改,后再重新执行启动集群的操作。

5.3. 空间资源不足产生的报错



查看OBD跟踪日志:发现 数据库进程先是被OBD拉起来过,后面不知道啥原因数据库进程自动kill掉,导致OBD跟踪日志显示Failed to connect to oceanbase-ce;



        对日志使用空间上限进行限制,在OBD安装配置文件myobc.yaml里添加全局参数:log_disk_size: 5G,大小自定义,重新执行安装即可。

5.4. OBD拉起OBProxy服务失败




OBD部署obproxy集群失败 - #14,来自 妙妙 - OceanBase - 社区问答- OceanBase社区-分布式数据库【 使用环境 】测试环境 【 OB or 其他组件 】OBD 2.0.1 【 使用版本 】 【问题描述】OBD集群部署异常: 期望按照此架构进行部署 测试机器*3:CPU 8core+ Memory 16GB + Disk …icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://ask.oceanbase.com/t/topic/35603305/143)解决办法:


