本文给出了使用python完成的常用路径规划算法,语法简洁,体现了Python的特点(基于Python 3.6)。仅限交流与学习使用!!
##A star algorithm
import math def heuristic_distace(Neighbour_node,target_node): H = abs(Neighbour_node[0] - target_node[0]) + abs(Neighbour_node[1] - target_node[1]) return H def go_around(direction): box_length = 1 diagonal_line = box_length * 1.4 if (direction==0 or direction==2 or direction==6 or direction==8): return diagonal_line elif (direction==1 or direction==3 or direction==4 or direction==5 or direction==7): return diagonal_line def find_coordinate(map,symble): #store coordinate result=[] for index1,value1 in enumerate(map): if symble in value1: row = index1 for index2, value2 in enumerate(map[index1]): if symble==value2: column = index2 result.append([row, column]) return result map =[[".", ".", ".", "#", ".", "#", ".", ".", ".", "."], [".", ".", "#", ".", ".", "#", ".", "#", ".", "#"], ["s", ".", "#", ".", "#", ".", "#", ".", ".", "."], [".", "#", "#", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", "#", "."], [".", ".", ".", ".", "#", "#", ".", ".", "#", "."], [".", "#", ".", ".", ".", ".", "#", ".", ".", "."], [".", "#", ".", ".", ".", "#", "#", ".", "#", "."], [".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", ".", "#", "."], [".", "#", "#", ".", ".", ".", "#", ".", ".", "."], [".", ".", ".", "#", "#", "#", ".", ".", "#", "f"], ["#", "#", ".", ".", "#", "#", "#", ".", "#", "."], [".", "#", "#", ".", ".", ".", "#", ".", ".", "."], [".", ".", ".", ".", "#", "#", ".", ".", "#", "."]] #these datas are store in the form of list in a singal list obstacle = find_coordinate(map,"#") start_node = find_coordinate(map,"s")[0] target_node = find_coordinate(map,"f")[0] current_node = start_node path_vertices = [start_node] #visited_vertices should be stored in the form of a singal list Neighbour_vertices = [] while current_node != target_node: x_coordinate = current_node[0] y_coordinate = current_node[1] F = [] Neighbour_vertices = [[x_coordinate - 1, y_coordinate - 1], [x_coordinate - 1, y_coordinate ], [x_coordinate - 1, y_coordinate + 1], [x_coordinate, y_coordinate - 1], [x_coordinate , y_coordinate ], [x_coordinate, y_coordinate + 1], [x_coordinate + 1, y_coordinate - 1], [x_coordinate + 1, y_coordinate ], [x_coordinate + 1, y_coordinate + 1]] for index, value in enumerate(Neighbour_vertices): if value[0] in range(len(map)): if value[1] in range(len(map)): if value not in obstacle+path_vertices: F.append(heuristic_distace(value, target_node) + go_around(index)) else: F.append(10000) else: F.append(10000) else: F.append(10000) #a very large number print(F) current_node=Neighbour_vertices[F.index(min(total_distance for total_distance in F))] print(current_node) path_vertices.append(current_node) # if current_node not in visited_vertices: # visited_vertices.append(current_node) # else: # print("there is no route between") # break print(path_vertices)
Dijkstra algorithm
import numpy weigh_graph = [[10000, 2, 4, 5], [2,10000, 7, 8], [4, 7, 10000, 4], [5, 8, 4,10000]] # weigh_graph = numpy.array(a + numpy.transpose(a)) source_node = 0 target_node = 3 vertices=set(range(len(weigh_graph))) path=[] for j in vertices: path.append(0 if j==source_node else float("inf")) current_node=source_node visited_node=[] unvisited_node=vertices orders=[source_node] while target_node in unvisited_node: for j in unvisited_node: if path[j] < path[current_node]+weigh_graph[current_node][j]: path[j] =path[j] else: path[j] = path[current_node]+weigh_graph[current_node][j] unvisited_node.discard(current_node) print(unvisited_node) for index,value in enumerate(weigh_graph[current_node]): if index in unvisited_node: if value==min(weigh_graph[current_node][j] for j in unvisited_node): print(min(weigh_graph[current_node][j] for j in unvisited_node)) current_node = index # current_node=list(weigh_graph[current_node]).index(min(weigh_graph[current_node][j] for j in unvisited_node)) #这样找索引会出现索引第一个的情况,但是需要确定所引导的位置并没有被作为顶点 print(current_node) orders.append(current_node) if current_node==target_node: break print(orders) print(path)
Rapid random exploring tree
# -*- coding:utf-8 -*- import random import numpy import scipy.io # locate where the nearest vertices is for the randomly choosen point def min_ocilide_distace(random_vertice,vertice_set): distance_set = [numpy.linalg.norm([j - k for j, k in zip(m, n)]) for m, n in zip(vertice_set, len(vertice_set) * [random_vertice])] result = distance_set.index(numpy.min(distance_set)) # ??这里是否存在先后顺序??? return result def find_path(path,vertice_number,vertice_set): which_number=vertice_number vertice_order=[vertice_number] trajectory_order = [] cishu=0 while which_number!=0: #0represent the start cishu+=1 which_number=path[which_number-1][0] vertice_order.append(which_number) vertice_order=reversed(vertice_order) trajectory_order.append(vertice_set[i] for i in vertice_order) return trajectory_order # load map, free space o ; obstacle space 1 def rrt(start,end,height,width,data1): integrated_space=[] free_space=[] obstacle_space=[] for i in range(0, height): for j in range(0, width): integrated_space.append([i,j]) if data1[i][j] == 0: free_space.append([i,j]) if data1[i][j] == 1: obstacle_space.append([i,j]) random_cishu=0 max_random_cishu=2000 chazhishu=40 initial_vertice=[round(q) for q in start] target_vertive=[round(q) for q in end] vertice_set=[initial_vertice] radius=40 next_vertice=[] vertice_number=0 path=[] distance_set=[] while next_vertice!=target_vertive: #produce random point,vertify it and the find a ner_vertices,at the same time, add to a new_path random_cishu+=1 print(random_cishu) if random_cishu>max_random_cishu: print("soory!sir!path not found, because not enough random point ") break y=random.randint(0, height-1) x=random.randint(0, width-1) random_veritce = [y, x] #note here!! not [x,y]!! near_vertice=vertice_set[min_ocilide_distace(random_veritce,vertice_set)] # find a new vertice # a very important step is mommited here !! F-word # that random_vertice choosen (random or target) should be decided!! if random.random() < 0.4: random_veritce = target_vertive # radius = numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array([j - k for j, k in zip(random_veritce, near_vertice)])) near2next_vector=[i - j for i,j in zip(random_veritce,near_vertice)] #to get norm2 , first transform the list to array,using numpy.array. and the original list remains unchanged standard_vector=[radius*i/numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.array(near2next_vector), ord=2) for i in near2next_vector] if [round(p) for p in [i+j for i, j in zip(next_vertice,standard_vector)]] not in integrated_space: standard_vector=near2next_vector #inner-point collision detection #first step, all the points on the edge are in free space chazhicishu=0 distance=0 while chazhicishu != chazhishu: chazhicishu += 1 inner_point = [round(q) for q in [chazhicishu / chazhishu * j + k for j, k in zip(standard_vector, near_vertice)]] if inner_point in obstacle_space: if chazhicishu == 1: break else: print('sorry, inner point in obstacle!') next_vertice = next_vertice #using the former ninner point as the next_vetice distance = distance #using the former ninner point as the next_vetice vertice_number = vertice_number + 1 path.append([min_ocilide_distace(random_veritce, vertice_set), vertice_number]) vertice_set.append(next_vertice) distance_set.append(distance) break else: next_vertice = inner_point distance = radius * chazhicishu / chazhishu if next_vertice == target_vertive: print('congratulations!sir,path been found') vertice_number = vertice_number + 1 path.append([min_ocilide_distace(random_veritce, vertice_set), vertice_number]) vertice_set.append(next_vertice) distance_set.append(distance) break else: if chazhicishu < chazhishu: continue if chazhicishu == chazhishu: print('good choice of random vertice, go go go!') vertice_number = vertice_number + 1 path.append([min_ocilide_distace(random_veritce, vertice_set), vertice_number]) vertice_set.append(next_vertice) distance_set.append(distance) # print(vertice_set) return find_path(path,vertice_number,vertice_set) def main(): data = scipy.io.loadmat('map.mat') # 读取mat文件,这他么是一个字典数据结构!!! # print(data.keys()) 查看mat文件中的所有键!得到 dict_keys(['__header__', '__version__', '__globals__', 'map']) data1 = data['map'] height = len(data1)#683 width = len(data1[0])#803 start=[70, 80] end=[399, 607] print('the route is :' + str(rrt(start,end,height,width,data1))) if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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