- 关于openvpn服务端的部署配置可参考:【Docker安装pritunl】【Centos7使用docke搭建openV】
- openvpn windows 客户端下载地址
yum -y install epel-release
yum -y install openvpn
Error: pritunl-openvpn conflicts with openvpn-2.4.12-1.el7.x86_64
rpm -qa | grep pritunl-openvpn-2.5.8-1.el7.centos.x86_64
rpm -e --nodeps pritunl-openvpn-2.5.8-1.el7.centos.x86_64
- 把客户端的配置文件
目录下- 创建日志目录
- 创建操作脚本
cd /etc/openvpn/
mkdir logs
#/bin/bash :<<! 【脚本说明】 1、此脚本用于操作某一程序; 2、需要配置程序的启动命令; 3、支持服务启动、停止、重启、查看状态、查看日志、更新配置文件; ! # 进程名称 operate=$1 # 配置程序 dir_home=$(cd $(dirname $0);pwd) app="openvpn --daemon --cd $dir_home/client" pid_1=`ps -ef | grep "$app" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}'` conf_file=$(cd $dir_home/client;ls) log_file=$dir_home/logs/openvpn.log # 提示信息 msg='Please input params 【<run|kil|res|sta|log>】' # 定制化shell输出 function custom_print(){ echo -e "\033[5;34m ***** \033[0m" echo -e "\033[32m $@ ! \033[0m" echo -e "\033[5;34m ***** \033[0m" } # 启动命令 function run(){ run_cmd="$app --config $conf_file --log-append $log_file" $run_cmd } # 启动服务 if [[ $operate = "run" || $operate = "start" ]]; then if [[ ! $pid_1 ]]; then run msg='Start success' custom_print $msg else msg='The service is already running' custom_print $msg fi # 停止服务 elif [[ $operate = "kil" || $operate = "stop" ]]; then if [[ $pid_1 ]]; then kill -9 $pid_1 msg='Stopped success' custom_print $msg else # 服务早已停止或未启动 msg='The service is already down' custom_print $msg fi # 重启服务 elif [[ $operate = "res" || $operate = "restart" ]]; then if [[ $pid_1 ]]; then kill -9 $pid_1 fi run msg='Restart success' custom_print $msg # 查看服务运行状态 elif [[ $operate = "sta" || $operate = "status" ]]; then if [[ $pid_1 ]]; then # 黄底蓝字 echo -e "\033[43;34m RUNNING \033[0m" else # 蓝底黑字 echo -e "\033[44;30m STOPPED \033[0m" fi # 查看服务运行日志 elif [[ $operate = "log" ]]; then if [[ -e $log_file ]]; then tail -f $log_file else msg="No logs have been generated so far" custom_print $msg fi else custom_print $msg fi
sh vpn-client-operator.sh run
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