几天前用树莓派采集模拟信号时用到了MCP3008 AD转换器,被驱动问题困扰好几天。后来听说可以通过pip3 install mcp3008安装驱动库,但发现下载的库竟然没有关键的代码文件。于是又去GitHub上搜索,发现了库作者的代码,在此存一下。
- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- '''
- RPi_mcp3008 is a library to listen to the MCP3008 A/D converter chip,
- as described in the datasheet.
- https://www.adafruit.com/datasheets/MCP3008.pdf
- Copyright (C) 2021 Luiz Eduardo Amaral <luizamaral306@gmail.com>
- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- '''
- import spidev
- # Modes Single
- CH0 = 8 # single-ended CH0
- CH1 = 9 # single-ended CH1
- CH2 = 10 # single-ended CH2
- CH3 = 11 # single-ended CH3
- CH4 = 12 # single-ended CH4
- CH5 = 13 # single-ended CH5
- CH6 = 14 # single-ended CH6
- CH7 = 15 # single-ended CH7
- # Modes Diff
- DF0 = 0 # differential CH0 = IN+ CH1 = IN-
- DF1 = 1 # differential CH0 = IN- CH1 = IN+
- DF2 = 2 # differential CH2 = IN+ CH3 = IN-
- DF3 = 3 # differential CH2 = IN- CH3 = IN+
- DF4 = 4 # differential CH4 = IN+ CH5 = IN-
- DF5 = 5 # differential CH4 = IN- CH5 = IN+
- DF6 = 6 # differential CH6 = IN+ CH7 = IN-
- DF7 = 7 # differential CH6 = IN- CH7 = IN+
- RESOLUTION = 1 << 10 # 10 bits resolution
- class MCP3008(spidev.SpiDev):
- '''
- Object that listens the MCP3008 in the SPI port of the RPi.
- Connects the object to the specified SPI device.
- The initialization arguments are MCP3008(bus=0, device=0) where:
- MCP3008(X, Y) will open /dev/spidev-X.Y, same as spidev.SpiDev.open(X, Y).
- '''
- def __init__(self, bus=0, device=0, max_speed_hz=976000):
- self.bus = bus
- self.device = device
- self.open(self.bus, self.device)
- self.modes = False
- self.max_speed_hz = max_speed_hz
- def __del__(self):
- self.close()
- def __enter__(self):
- return self
- def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):
- self.close()
- def __repr__(self):
- return 'MCP3008 object at bus {0}, device {1}'.format(self.bus, self.device)
- def __call__(self, norm=False):
- return self.read(self.modes, norm)
- @classmethod
- def fixed(cls, modes, bus=0, device=0):
- '''
- Initializes the class with fixed modes, which turns the instance callable.
- The modes argument is a list with the modes of operation to be read (e.g.
- [mcp3008.CH0,mcp3008.Df0]).
- When calling the instance the object will execute a reading of and return the
- values (e.g. print instance()).
- When calling the instance, you can pass the optional argument norm to
- normalize
- the data (e.g. print instance(5.2)).
- '''
- instance = cls(bus, device)
- instance.modes = modes
- return instance
- def _read_single(self, mode):
- '''
- Returns the value of a single mode reading
- '''
- if not 0 <= mode <= 15:
- raise IndexError('Outside the channels scope, please use: 0, 1 ..., 7')
- request = [0x1, mode << 4, 0x0] # [start bit, configuration, listen space]
- _, byte1, byte2 = self.xfer2(request)
- value = (byte1%4 << 8) + byte2
- return value
- def read(self, modes, norm=False):
- '''
- Returns the raw value (0 ... 1024) of the reading.
- The modes argument is a list with the modes of operation to be read (e.g.
- [mcp3008.CH0,mcp3008.Df0]).
- norm is a normalization factor, usually Vref.
- '''
- reading = []
- for mode in modes:
- reading.append(self._read_single(mode))
- if norm:
- return [float(norm)*value/RESOLUTION for value in reading]
- else:
- return reading
- def read_all(self, norm=False):
- '''
- Returns a list with the readings of all the modes
- Data Order:
- [DF0, DF1, DF2, DF3, DF4, DF5, DF6, DF7,
- CH0, CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, CH5, CH6, CH7]
- norm is a normalization factor, usually Vref.
- '''
- return self.read(range(16), norm)

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