- 图模型结构很像,都是采用embedding向量的形式,得到word的隐向量表达。
- 都采用很多相似的优化方法,比如使用Hierarchical softmax优化训练和预测中的打分速度。
- word2vec是一个无监督算法,而fasttext是一个有监督算法。word2vec的学习目标是skip的word,而fasttext的学习目标是人工标注的分类结果。
word2vec treats each word in corpus like an atomic entity and generates a vector for each word(word2vec中每个Word对应一个词向量,fasttext中每个Word可以产生多个character字符ngrams,每个ngram对应一个词向量,word的词向量是所有ngrams的词向量的和,需要指定ngrams的长度范围). Fasttext (which is essentially an extension of word2vec model), treats each word as composed of character ngrams. So the vector for a word is made of the sum of this character n grams. For example the word vector “apple” is a sum of the vectors of the n-grams “<ap”, “app”, ”appl”, ”apple”, ”apple>”, “ppl”, “pple”, ”pple>”, “ple”, ”ple>”, ”le>” (assuming hyperparameters for smallest ngram[minn] is 3 and largest ngram[maxn] is 6). This difference manifests as follows.
- Generate better word embeddings for rare words ( even if words are rare their character n grams are still shared with other words - hence the embeddings can still be good).
- Out of vocabulary words(即使不在训练集语料中的Word也能得到词向量) - they can construct the vector for a word from its character n grams even if word doesn't appear in training corpus.
- From a practical usage standpoint, the choice of hyperparamters for generating fasttext embeddings becomes key:since the training is at character n-gram level, it takes longer to generate fasttext embeddings compared to word2vec - the choice of hyper parameters controlling the minimum and maximum n-gram sizes has a direct bearing on this time.
- The usage of character embeddings (individual characters as opposed to n-grams) for downstream tasks have recently shown to boost the performance of those tasks compared to using word embeddings like word2vec or Glove.