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Airy beam(艾里光束)matlab 仿真源码_艾里光束传输 matlab

艾里光束传输 matlab
  1. clear all; close all;clc
  2. %Initializing Hologram Matrices
  3. H=1920; V=1080;%%Number of Horizontal and Vertical pixels
  4. x=-H/2:1:(H/2-1);y=-V/2:1:(V/2-1);
  5. x=x*20e-3;%%Scales the hologram in the V direction
  6. y=y*20e-3;%%Scales the hologran in the H direction
  7. [X,Y]=meshgrid(x, y);
  8. A= (X.^3+Y.^3)/3;
  9. nx=100;ny=100;%%Number of horizontal and vertical grooves
  10. gx=nx/H; gy=ny/V;
  11. H=mod(A,2*pi);
  12. %%%%%% Grayscale normalization from [0, 2Pi]to [0 255]
  13. SLM=H/max(H(:))*255;
  14. fig=figure(1);
  15. imagesc(SLM)
  16. colormap gray
  17. axis image
  18. %set(fig,'Position',[1920 0 1920 1080],'MenuBar','none','ToolBar','none','resize','off');%fullscreen SLM
  19. set(gca,'position',[0 0 1 1],'Visible','off')
  20. axis off;

